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ALTPRI Privilege (System)  

The ALTPRI privilege allows the user's process to:

The base priority is increased by executing the Set Priority($SETPRI) system service or the DCL command SET PROCESS/PRIORITY.As a rule, this system service lets a process set its own base priorityor the base priority of another process. However, one process canset the priority of a second process only if one of the followingconditions applies:

With ALTPRI, a process can create a detached process witha priority higher than its own. It creates such a process by usingan optional argument to the Create Process ($CREPRC) system serviceor to the DCL command RUN/PRIORITY.

ALTPRI also lets you adjust the scheduling priority of a job($SNDJBC) to a value even greater than that established with thesystem parameter MAXQUEPRI.

Do not grant this privilege widely; if unqualified users havethe unrestricted ability to set base priorities, fair and orderlyscheduling of processes for execution can easily be disrupted.

go to previous page: ALLSPOOL Privilege (Devour)ALLSPOOL Privilege (Devour)
go to next page: AUDIT Privilege (System)AUDIT Privilege (System)