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AAssigning Privileges  

Privileges restrict the use of certain system functions toprocesses created on behalf of authorized users. These restrictionsprotect the integrity of the operating system's code, data, andresources and thus, the integrity of user service. Grant privilegesto individual users only after carefully considering the followingtwo factors:

Privileges fall into the following seven categories accordingto the damage that the user possessing them could cause the system:

A user's privilegesare recorded in the user's UAF record in a 64-bit privilege mask.When a user logs in to the system, the user's privileges are storedin the header of the user's process. In this way, the user's privilegesare passed on to the process created for the user. Users can usethe DCL command SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGES to enable and disable privilegesfor which they are authorized and to further control the privilegesavailable to the images they run. Moreover, any user with the SETPRVprivilege can enable any privilege.

OpenVMS PrivilegesTable 8-2 liststhe privileges by category and gives brief, general definitionsof them. The following sections describe all privileges availableon OpenVMS systems in detail; each section title identifies theprivilege category (Normal, Devour, and so on). For each privilege,the appendix describes the capabilities granted by the privilegeand the users who should receive them.

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ACNT Privilege (Devour)
ALLSPOOL Privilege (Devour)
ALTPRI Privilege (System)
AUDIT Privilege (System)
BUGCHK Privilege (Devour)
BYPASS Privilege (All)
CMEXEC Privilege (All)
CMKRNL Privilege (All)
DIAGNOSE Privilege (Objects)
DOWNGRADE Privilege (All)
EXQUOTA Privilege (Devour)
GROUP Privilege (Group)
GRPNAM Privilege (Devour)
GRPPRV Privilege (Group)
IMPERSONATE Privilege (All) (Formerly DETACH)
IMPORT Privilege (Objects)
LOG_IO Privilege (All)
MOUNT Privilege (Normal)
NETMBX Privilege (Normal)
OPER Privilege (System)
PFNMAP Privilege (All)
PHY_IO Privilege (All)
PRMCEB Privilege (Devour)
PRMGBL Privilege (Devour)
PRMMBX Privilege (Devour)
PSWAPM Privilege (System)
READALL Privilege (Objects)
SECURITY Privilege (System)
SETPRV Privilege (All)
SHARE Privilege (All)
SHMEM Privilege (Devour)
SYSGBL Privilege (Files)
SYSLCK Privilege (System)
SYSNAM Privilege (All)
SYSPRV Privilege (All)
TMPMBX Privilege (Normal)
UPGRADE Privilege (All)
VOLPRO Privilege (Objects)
WORLD Privilege (System)
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go to previous page: Example of a Protected SubsystemExample of a Protected Subsystem
go to next page: ACNT Privilege (Devour)ACNT Privilege (Devour)