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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Release Notes


Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 New Features and Changes
Chapter 2 Installation, Configuration, and Startup Notes
Chapter 3 Problems and Restrictions
Chapter 4 Corrections
Chapter 5 Documentation Update


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 New Features and Changes
     1.1     Scalable Kernel
         1.1.1         Enabling the Scalable Kernel
         1.1.2         Restrictions on Using the Scalable Kernel
     1.2     Secure Shell (SSH)
     1.3     Secure POP
     1.4     failsafe IP
     1.5     IPv6 Enhancements
         1.5.1         IPv6 DNS Domain Name and Address Registration
         1.5.2         IPv6 API Updates
     1.6     BIND Version 9.2.1
     1.7     Performance Enhancements to the INET Driver
     1.8     Performance Enhancements to the NFS Server
     1.9     Performance Enhancements to the TELNET Server
     1.10     Support for More Than 10,000 BG Devices
     1.11     Support for Fast BG Device Creation and Deletion
     1.12     Updated TCP/IP Kernel
     1.13     tcpdump Support
Chapter 2
2 Installation, Configuration, and Startup Notes
     2.1     Installing Over V5.3 Early Adopter's Kits (EAKs)
     2.2     Installation Changes
     2.3     Configuring IPv6
         2.3.1         Information for Users of the IPv6 Early Adopter's Kit
         2.3.2         Warning Message in TCPIP$CONFIG.COM
     2.4     Startup Problems and Restrictions
     2.5     Upgrading from TCP/IP Services Version 4.x
         2.5.1         Upgrading LPD
         2.5.2         Saving Mail Messages When You Upgrade
         2.5.3         Preserving SNMP Startup and Shutdown Behavior
         2.5.4         Customizing SNMP Startup and Shutdown
         2.5.5         SNMP Messages When You Install TCP/IP Services
         2.5.6         SNMP Subagent Startup Messages
     2.6     Troubleshooting SMTP and LPD Shutdown Problems
Chapter 3
3 Problems and Restrictions
     3.1     Advanced Programming Environment Restrictions and Guidelines
     3.2     failSAFE IP Restrictions
     3.3     BIND/DNS Restrictions
     3.4     tcpdump Restrictions
     3.5     SSH Restrictions
         3.5.1         General SSH Restrictions
         3.5.2         SSH File Copy Restrictions
         3.5.3         SSH_ADD Utility Restrictions
     3.6     LPD Restrictions
     3.7     IMAP Dependencies
     3.8     NSLOOKUP Over a TELNET Connection Fails Under OpenVMS V7.3-1
     3.9     FTP Restrictions
     3.10     Determining the TCP/IP Device Name from a Channel Assignment
     3.11     RCP Full Transparent Copy Operations
         3.11.1         Using RCP to Transfer STREAM_LF Files
         3.11.2         RCP File Size Limitations
     3.12     NFS Problems and Restrictions
         3.12.1         NFS Server Problems and Restrictions
         3.12.2         NFS Client Problems and Restrictions
     3.13     IPv6 Restrictions
         3.13.1         Mobile IPv6 Restrictions
         3.13.2         6to4 Configuration is Not Supported
         3.13.3         IPv6 Requires the BIND Resolver
     3.14     TCP/IP Management Command Restrictions
     3.15     NTP Problems and Restrictions
     3.16     SNMP Problems
         3.16.1         Incomplete Restart
         3.16.2         SNMP IVP Error
         3.16.3         Using Existing MIB Subagent Modules
         3.16.4         Upgrading SNMP
         3.16.5         Communication Controller Data Not Fully Updated
         3.16.6         SNMP MIB Browser Usage
         3.16.7         Duplicate Subagent Identifiers
         3.16.8         eSNMP Programming and Subagent Development
Chapter 4
4 Corrections
     4.1     Management Command Interface Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.2     BIND Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.3     FTP Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.4     NFS Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.5     TELNET Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.6     SMTP Problems Fixed in This Release
     4.7     SNMP Problems Fixed in This Release
Chapter 5
5 Documentation Update
     5.1     Updated Documentation
         5.1.1         SNMP Programming and Reference Update
         5.1.2         Sockets API and System Services Programming Update
     5.2     Help Files Update
1 TCP/IP Services Documentation
1-1 TCP/IP for OpenVMS Version 5.4 New Features

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