[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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HP BASIC returns run-time messages if an error occurs while a program is executing. The error is diagnosed and for programs without line numbers, HP BASIC indicates the program line that generated the error. Warning messages indicate that an error has occurred, but program execution continues.
In some cases, HP BASIC performs the specified operation, but the results are not as expected. Fatal (severe) error messages indicate that the program has aborted. You can recover from most fatal errors by including error-handling routines in your program and by specifying OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE. Certain errors, however, are not recoverable even when error-handlers are used. In the descriptions of these errors, they are designated as not able to be trapped. You do not need error-handling routines to trap errors that generate warning messages.
Section B.1 lists HP BASIC run-time errors, alphabetized by
mnemonic code. Section B.2 is a cross-reference numerical listing of
run-time errors generated by HP BASIC. Section B.3 lists
messages that HP BASIC does not generate, but which can be
displayed with the ERT$ function. See the HP BASIC for OpenVMS Reference Manual for
information about RMSSTATUS and VMSSTATUS.
B.1 HP BASIC Run-Time Errors by Mnemonic
The HP BASIC error message format is as follows:
%BAS-<l>-<mnemonic>, <message> -BAS-I-FROLINMOD, from Line x in module y |
Is a letter indicating the severity of the error. The severity indicator can be one of the following:
- I---Indicating information
- W---Indicating a warning
- E---Indicating an error
- F---Indicating a severe error
Is a 3- to 9-character string that identifies the error.<X>
Is the line number where the error occurred.<Y>
Is the name of the module where the error occurred.
Warning error messages indicate that an error has occurred, but program execution continues. In some cases, HP BASIC reprompts for more information or correct data; in other cases, HP BASIC performs the specified operation, but the results are not as expected. Fatal error messages indicate that the program has aborted.
ARGDONMAT, Arguments don't match (ERR=88)
Explanation: The proper array descriptor was not
specified for a matrix operation.
User Action: Use HP BASIC to create the array.
ARGTOOLAR, Argument too large in EXP (ERR=49)
Explanation: The program contains:
ARRMUSSAM, Arrays must be same dimension (ERR=238)
Explanation: The program attempts to perform matrix
addition or subtraction on input arrays with a different dimensions.
User Action: Use arrays that have identical dimensions.
ARRMUSSQU, Arrays must be square (ERR=239)
Explanation: The program attempts matrix inversion
(MAT INV) on an array that is not inversible.
User Action: Use only square arrays when performing a
matrix inversion.
ARRTOOSMA, Array too small (ERR=197)
Explanation: The array you referenced with a graphics
statement is too small. Check the description of the graphics statement
to get the minimum size requirement for the array.
User Action: Increase the size of the array.
BADDIRDEV, Bad directory for device (ERR=1)
Explanation: The device directory does not exist or is
User Action: Supply a valid directory.
BADRECIDE, Bad record identifier (ERR=143)
Explanation: The program attempted a record access
that specified:
Explanation: The value in the RECORDSIZE clause in the
OPEN statement either 1) is zero or greater than 65,535 or 2) does not
match the record size of an existing file.
User Action: Change the value in the RECORDSIZE clause.
CANCHAARR, Cannot change array dimensions (ERR=240)
Explanation: The program attempts to redimension an
array to a different number of dimensions.
User Action: Change the arrays dimensions in the DIM
or MAT statement.
CANFINFIL, Cannot find file or account (ERR=5)
Explanation: The specified file or directory is not
present on the device.
User Action: Supply a valid file specification.
CANINVMAT, Cannot invert matrix (ERR=56)
Explanation: The program attempts to invert a
single-dimension matrix.
User Action: Supply a matrix of the proper form for
CANOPEFIL, Cannot open file (ERR=162)
Explanation: The program attempts to open a file that
cannot be opened.
User Action: Use VMSSTATUS to determine the RMS
failure that caused the error.
CLIPONOFF, Clipping must be set to ON or OFF (ERR=259)
Explanation: Valid strings for the SET CLIP statement
are "ON" and "OFF."
User Action: Change the string to either
"ON" or "OFF."
COLNOTCON, Color indices are not contiguous (ERR=261)
Explanation: The color indices on the device you are
using are not contiguous.
User Action: Unlike most devices, all color indices
between zero and the number returned by the ASK MAX COLOR statement are
not available on this device.
COONOTNDC, Coordinates are not within NDC space (ERR=273)
Explanation: The boundaries of NDC space are 0,1,0,1;
coordinates must be within this range.
User Action: Supply coordinates with values from 0 to
1. Make sure that the minimum value of x is less than the maximum value
of x and that the minimum value of y is less than the maximum value of
CORFILSTR, Corrupted file structure (ERR=29)
Explanation: RMS has detected an invalid file
structure on disk.
User Action: See your system manager.
DATFORERR, Data format error (ERR=50)
Explanation: The program specifies a data type in a
statement that does not agree with the value supplied or invalid data
was used in string arithmetic.
User Action: Change the statement or supply data of
the correct type.
DATOVERF, data overflow (ERR=289)
Explanation: The keystroke retrieved by the INKEY$
function caused the type-ahead buffer to overflow or the terminal
attempted to send a valid ANSI escape sequence that did not correspond
to a keystroke.
User Action: Specify the DCL command SET
TERMINAL/HOSTSYNC before using the INKEY$ function. This command will
prevent the type-ahead buffer from overflowing.
DATTYPERR, Data type error (ERR=101)
Explanation: The program attempts to access a
parameter passed BY DESC (by descriptor), and the descriptor contains
an incorrect data type. This error cannot be trapped with a
HP BASIC error handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE
User Action: Check the program code that created the
passed parameter and make sure it creates a parameter of correct data
DEADLOCK, Detected deadlock while waiting for GET or FIND (ERR=193)
Explanation: The record your program is trying to
access is currently locked on another channel or by another process.
Simultaneously, your program has locked a record that the other user
cannot access. The deadlock cannot be resolved.
User Action: Possible solutions include:
DECERR, DECIMAL error or overflow (ERR=181)
Explanation: The result of a DECIMAL expression is
greater than or requires more precision than can be contained in the
User Action: Reduce the magnitude of the expression or
increase the allowed digits in the DECIMAL variable.
User Action: Check program logic or trap the error in
an error handler.
DEVHUNWRI, Device hung or write locked (ERR=14)
Explanation: The program attempted an operation to a
hardware device that is not functioning properly or is protected
against writing.
User Action: Check the device on which the operation
is performed.
DEVINMET, Device is an input metafile (ERR=270)
Explanation: The operation cannot be performed on an
input metafile (device type 3).
User Action: Specify the device ID for a device other
than an input metafile.
DEVNOTOPE, Device is not open (ERR=268)
Explanation: The device has not been identified in an
OPEN...FOR GRAPHICS statement.
User Action: Specify the device ID number in an
OPEN...FOR GRAPHICS statement.
DEVOPEINC, Device and operation are incompatible (ERR=272)
Explanation: The operation you requested cannot be
performed on the specified device. For example, output cannot be
dislayed on a device that is for input only.
User Action: Specify the device ID for a device with
the appropriate compatibility. Device types are listed in
Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics.
DEVOUTMET, Device is an output metafile (ERR=269)
Explanation: The specified device is an output
metafile (device type 2).
User Action: Specify the device ID for a device other
than an output metafile.
DEVTYPNOT, Device type is not supported (ERR=267)
Explanation: The specified device type is not
supported by Compaq GKS for OpenVMS.
User Action: Specify an alternative device type.
Standard supported device types are listed in Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics and in the
Compaq GKS for OpenVMS documentation. Verify with your system manager
that support for the specified device has been installed. Also, verify
that the Compaq GKS for OpenVMS startup command procedure has properly
DIFUSELON, Differing use of LONG/WORD or SINGLE/DOUBLE qualifiers
Explanation: The main and subprograms were compiled
with different LONG/WORD modes. This error cannot be trapped with a
HP BASIC error handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE
User Action: Recompile one of the programs with the
same qualifier as the other.
DIMOUTRAN, Dimension number out of range (ERR=195)
Explanation: The upper or lower bound of the specified
dimension cannot be returned because the array has fewer dimensions
than the one requested.
User Action: Change the dimensions specified with the
LBOUND or UBOUND function.
DIRERR, Directive error (ERR=253)
Explanation: A system service call resulted in an
User Action: See the VMS I/O User's Reference Volume or the
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
DIVBY_ZER, Division by 0 (ERR=61)
Explanation: The program attempts to divide a value by
User Action: Check program logic and change the
attempted division or trap the error in an error handler.
DUPKEYDET, Duplicate key detected (ERR=134)
Explanation: In a PUT operation to an indexed file, a
duplicate key was specified, and DUPLICATES was not specified when the
file was created.
User Action: Change the duplicate key, or recreate the
file specifying DUPLICATES for that key.
ECHTYPNOT, Prompt/echo type not supported (ERR=256)
Explanation: The specified prompt or echo type is
invalid. HP BASIC supports only the default prompt and echo types.
User Action: Do not change the prompt or echo type. If
you do so, you should continue to use direct calls to Compaq GKS
routines rather than use HP BASIC input statements.
ENDFILDEV, End of file on device (ERR=11)
Explanation: The program attempted to read data beyond
the end of the file.
User Action: None. The program can trap this error in
an error handler.
ENTPOINOT, Entered points not within a transformation (ERR=285)
Explanation: Input points are not within the viewport
of a defined transformation.
User Action: Issue a warning to the user to input
points within the defined area. Alternatively, you can change at least
one transformation to include the viewport area not defined. At the
start of program execution, transformation 1 includes all of NDC space.
Optionally, you can define one transformation to cover the default
ERRFILCOR, Error on OPEN - file corrupted (ERR=178)
Explanation: The program attempted to open an invalid
structure on disk.
User Action: See your system manager.
Explanation: An error handler attempts to execute an
without first executing a RESUME statement. This error cannot be
trapped with a HP BASIC error handler unless the program contains
User Action: Change the program logic so that the
error handler executes a RESUME statement before executing an END, END
FATSYSIO_, Fatal system I/O failure (ERR=12)
Explanation: An I/O error has occurred in: 1) the
system or 2) Record Management Services. The last operation will not be
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for RMS errors or
retry the operation. Use VMSSTATUS to return the VMS condition code
that caused the error.
FIEOVEBUF, FIELD overflows buffer (ERR=63)
Explanation: A FIELD statement attempts to access more
data than exists in the specified buffer.
User Action: Change the FIELD statement to match the
buffer's size, or increase the buffer's size.
Explanation: The operating system's file handler
reported an error to RMS.
User Action: See the VMS I/O User's Reference Volume or the
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
FILATTNOT, File attributes not matched (ERR=160)
Explanation: The following attributes in the OPEN
statement do not match the corresponding attributes of the target file:
FILEXPDAT, File expiration date not yet reached (ERR=174)
Explanation: The program attempted to delete a file
before the file's expiration date was reached.
User Action: Change the file's expiration date.
FILIS_LOC, File is locked (ERR=138)
Explanation: The program does not allow shared access,
and attempts to access a file that has been locked by another user or
by the system.
User Action: Change the OPEN statement to allow shared
access or wait until the file is released by other users.
FLOPOIERR, Floating point error or overflow (ERR=48)
Explanation: A program operation resulted in a
floating-point number with absolute value outside the allowable range
for that data type.
User Action: Check program logic or trap the error in
an error handler.
FNEWITFUN, FNEND without function call (ERR=73)
Explanation: The program executes an END DEF or FNEND
statement before executing a function call. This error cannot be
trapped with a HP BASIC error handler unless the program contains
User Action: Check program logic to make sure that END
DEF or FNEND statements are executed only in multiline DEFs or remove
the END DEF or FNEND statement.
GKSNOTINS, DEC GKS FOR VMS is not installed (ERR=226)
Explanation: Graphics statements are not operational
when Compaq GKS is not installed.
User Action: See your system manager.
ILLALLCLA, Illegal ALLOW clause (ERR=168)
Explanation: The value specified for the ALLOW clause
(sharing) on the OPEN statement is illegal for the type of file
User Action: Change the ALLOW clause argument.
ILLARGLOG, Illegal argument in LOG (ERR=53)
Explanation: The program contains a negative or zero
argument to the LOG or LOG10 function.
User Action: Supply an argument in the valid range.
ILLARESTY, Illegal area style (ERR=262)
Explanation: Area style must be one of the following:
ILLBYTCOU, Illegal byte count for I/O (ERR=31)
Explanation: A PRINT or INPUT list invoked a function
that closed an I/O channel.
User Action: Change the function so that it does not
close the I/O channel.
ILLCNTCLA, Illegal count clause (ERR=290)
Explanation: In a graphics statement, you specified a
COUNT clause with a numeric value that exceeds the size of the array.
User Action: Specify a numeric value that is less than
or equal to the size of the array.
ILLCOLIND, Illegal color index (ERR=280)
Explanation: The index you specified is not supported
by the device.
User Action: Specify a valid color index. The valid
range of indices for the device is from 0 to the value retrieved by the
ASK MAX COLOR statement.
ILLCOLMIX, Illegal color mix (ERR=291)
Explanation: The color mix value specified on the SET
COLOR MIX statement is outside the range of 0 to 1.
User Action: Specify a value from 0 to 1.
ILLDEVID, Illegal device identification number (ERR=266)
Explanation: The device identification number is
beyond the valid range of 0 through 255.
User Action: Specify a device identification number
between 0 and 255.
ILLDEVNAM, Illegal device name in OPEN (ERR=292)
Explanation: An explicit or implicit OPEN...FOR
GRAPHICS statement contains an illegal device name for the device type
being used. Possible causes include:
ILLECHARE, Illegal echo area (ERR=283)
Explanation: The specified echo area boundaries are
User Action: Specify echo area boundaries within the
device viewport.
ILLEXIDEF, Illegal exit from DEF* (ERR=245)
Explanation: A multiline DEF* contains a branch to an
END, END SUB, END DEF, SUBEND, or FUNCTIONEND statement. This error
cannot be trapped with a HP BASIC error handler unless the
program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE.
User Action: Change the program logic so that the
program executes the multiline function's END DEF or FNEND statement
before executing the END, END SUB, END DEF, SUBEND, or FUNCTIONEND
ILLFIEVAR, Illegal FIELD variable (ERR=122)
Explanation: A FIELDed variable is referenced after a
non-BASIC subprogram closed the file associated with that variable.
This error cannot be trapped with a HP BASIC error handler unless
the program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE.
User Action: Check program logic; do not reference the
variable after the file has been closed.
ILLFILNAM, Illegal file name (ERR=2)
Explanation: A file name is: 1) too long, 2)
incorrectly formatted, or 3) contains embedded blanks or invalid
User Action: Supply a valid file specification.
ILLILLACC, Illegal or illogical access (ERR=136)
Explanation: The requested access is impossible
ILLINIVAL, Illegal initial value (ERR=284)
Explanation: The current initial value specified on
the SET INITIAL VALUE or LOCATE VALUE statement is beyond the range of
possible values.
User Action: Specify an initial value within the
default range (0 through 1) or within the alternative range you
optionally specified, or change the range limits.
ILLIO_CHA, Illegal I/O channel (ERR=46)
Explanation: The program specified an I/O channel
outside the legal range.
User Action: Specify I/O channels in the range 1 to
99, inclusive or one returned from LIB$GET_LUN.
ILLKEYATT, Illegal key attributes (ERR=137)
Explanation: The program specified CHANGES for the
primary key.
User Action: Remove the CHANGES specification from the
primary key. You can specify CHANGES only for alternate keys.
ILLLINSIZ, Illegal line size (ERR=275)
Explanation: The specified line size is less than or
equal to zero.
User Action: Specify a line size value greater than
ILLLINSTY, Illegal line style number (ERR=274)
Explanation: The specified line style number is less
than or equal to zero.
User Action: Specify a valid line style value greater
than zero.
ILLNETOPE, Illegal network operation (ERR=190)
Explanation: The program tries to mix GET and PUT
operations, or PRINT and INPUT operations, on a remote terminal-format
User Action: Change the file organization when opening
the file to be sequential variable.
ILLNUM, Illegal number (ERR=52)
Explanation: A value supplied to a numeric variable is
incorrect, for example, "ABC" and "1..2" are
illegal numbers.
User Action: Supply numeric values of the correct form.
ILLOPE, Illegal operation (ERR=141)
Explanation: The program attempts to:
ILLPICOPE, Illegal picture operation (ERR=258)
Explanation: The program attempts to change a
transformation within a picture definition. The following statements
are invalid within pictures and within routines that are called by
ILLPOISTY, Illegal point style number (ERR=276)
Explanation: The specified point style is less than or
equal to zero.
User Action: Specify a valid point style greater than
or equal to zero.
ILLRECACC, Illogical record accessing (ERR=152)
Explanation: The program attempts to perform an
operation that is invalid for the specified file type, for example, a
random access on a sequential file.
User Action: Supply a valid operation for that file
type or change the file type.
ILLRECFIL, Illegal record on file (ERR=142)
Explanation: A record contains an invalid byte count
User Action: Use the DCL command DUMP to check the
file for possible bad data.
ILLRECLOC, illegal record locking (ERR=187)
Explanation: The program contains an ALLOW clause on a
GET statement and the file was not opened with the UNLOCK EXPLICIT
clause. This error cannot be trapped with a HP BASIC error
handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE.
User Action: Either remove the ALLOW clause from the
GET statement or use the UNLOCK EXPLICIT clause in the OPEN statement.
ILLRESSUB, Illegal RESUME to subroutine (ERR=247)
Explanation: While in an error handler activated by an
ON ERROR GO BACK, the error handler attempts to RESUME without a line
number. This error cannot be trapped with a HP BASIC error
handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE.
User Action: None; you cannot specify the RESUME
statement without a line number in any program module except in the
program module containing the error handler.
ILLSTYIND, Illegal area style index (ERR=279)
Explanation: The specified area style index is less
than or equal to zero.
User Action: Specify a valid area style index greater
than zero.
ILLSWIUSA, Illegal switch usage (ERR=67)
Explanation: The program attempts an illegal SYS call.
User Action: See the appropriate RSTS/E SYS call
ILLSYSUSA, Illegal SYS usage( ) (ERR=18)
Explanation: The program attempted an illegal SYS call.
User Action: See the appropriate RSTS/E SYS call
ILLTEXHEI, Illegal text height (ERR=278)
Explanation: The text height is less than or equal to
User Action: Specify a text height greater than zero.
ILLTEXJUS, Illegal text justification (ERR=263)
Explanation: The specified text justification factor
is invalid.
User Action: See Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics for valid
justification values. Specify valid values.
ILLTEXPAT, Illegal text path (ERR=265)
Explanation: The specified text path is invalid.
User Action: Specify a valid text path. Valid text
path values are as follows:
ILLTEXPRE, Illegal text precision (ERR=264)
Explanation: The specified precision string is invalid.
User Action: Valid precision values are:
"STROKE" for software fonts, "STRING" and
"CHAR" for hardware fonts. Specify a valid string for the
precision value.
ILLTEXRAT, Illegal text width-to-height ratio (ERR=276)
Explanation: The specified width-to-height ratio is
less than or equal to zero.
User Action: Specify a width-to-height ratio greater
than zero.
ILLTFFOPE, Illegal terminal-format file operation (ERR=191)
Explanation: The program specifies a GETRFA function
on a terminal-format file.
User Action: Change the file organization when opening
the file to be sequential variable.
ILLTRANUM, Illegal transformation number (ERR=257)
Explanation: The specified tranformation number is
less than 1 or greater than 255.
User Action: Specify a transformation number from 1 to
ILLUSADEV, Illegal usage for device (ERR=133)
Explanation: The requested operation cannot be
performed because:
ILLWAIVAL, Illegal wait value (ERR=192)
Explanation: The specified integer expression on the
WAIT clause is less than zero or greater than 255.
User Action: Specify an integer expression whose value
is 0 through 255.
IMASQUROO, Imaginary square roots (ERR=54)
Explanation: An argument to the SQR function is
User Action: Supply arguments to the SQR function that
are greater than or equal to zero.
IMPERRHAN, improper error handling (ERR=186)
Explanation: After an error has occurred, a program's
error handler calls another program unit, and the called program unit
executes an ON ERROR GO BACK statement before clearing the error with a
RESUME statement. This error cannot be trapped with a HP BASIC
error handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE.
User Action: Change the program logic so that the
called program clears the error condition before executing the ON ERROR
GO BACK statement.
INDNOTFUL, Index not fully optimized (ERR=170)
Explanation: A record was successfully written to an
INDEXED file; however, the alternate key path was not optimized. This
slows record access.
User Action: Delete the record and rewrite it.
INTERR, Integer error (ERR=51)
Explanation: The program contains an integer whose
absolute value is greater than 127 in BYTE mode, 32,767 in WORD mode,
2,147,483,647 in LONG mode, or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 in QUAD mode.
User Action: Use an integer in the valid range for
specified data type.
INVCHASTR, Invalid character in string (ERR=287)
Explanation: The program attempts to output a string
that contains an invalid character.
User Action: Remove the invalid character from the
INVFILOPT, Invalid file options (ERR=139)
Explanation: The program has specified invalid file
options in the OPEN statement.
User Action: Change the invalid file options.
INVKEYREF, Invalid key of reference (ERR=144)
Explanation: The program attempts to perform a GET,
FIND, or RESTORE on an INDEXED file using an invalid KEY, for example,
an alternate KEY that does not exist for the file that was opened.
User Action: Use a valid KEY in the GET, FIND, or
RESTORE statement.
INVRFAFIE, Invalid RFA field (ERR=173)
Explanation: During a FIND or GET by RFA, an invalid
record's file address was specified.
User Action: Supply a correct RFA field.
IO_CHAALR, I/O channel already open (ERR=7)
Explanation: The program attempted to open a channel
in a def or function while I/O was pending on that channel.
User Action: Change the function so that it does not
open the channel.
IO_CHANOT, I/O channel not open (ERR=9)
Explanation: The program attempted to perform an I/O
operation before opening the channel.
User Action: Open the channel before attempting an I/O
operation to it.
KEYFIEBEY, Key field beyond end of record (ERR=151)
Explanation: The position given for the key field
exceeds the maximum size of the record.
User Action: Specify a key field within the record.
KEYLARTHA, Key larger than record (ERR=159)
Explanation: The key specification exceeds the maximum
record size.
User Action: Reduce the size of the key specification.
KEYNOTCHA, Key not changeable (ERR=130)
Explanation: An UPDATE statement attempted to change a
key field that did not have CHANGES specified in the OPEN statement.
User Action: Remove the changed key field in the
UPDATE statement or specify CHANGES for that key field in the OPEN
statement. Note that the primary key cannot be changed and that you
cannot specify CHANGES when you open an existing file if the OPEN
statement that created the file did not specify CHANGES.
KEYSIZTOO, Key size too large (ERR=145)
Explanation: The key length on a GET or FIND is either
zero or larger than the key length defined for the target record.
User Action: Change the key specification in the GET
or FIND statement.
KEYWAIEXH, Keyboard wait exhausted (ERR=15)
Explanation: No input was received during the
execution of an INPUT, LINPUT, or INPUT LINE statement that was
preceded by a WAIT statement or INKEY$ timeout value.
User Action: None; you must supply input within the
specified time.
LINTOOLON, Line too long (ERR=47)
Explanation: The program attempted to input more data
than the input buffer can hold. The default input buffer size for
terminal input is 132.
User Action: Either decrease the amount of data
entered at one time, or increase the size of the input buffer. You can
explicitly OPEN the input device and specify the input buffer size with
the RECORDSIZE or MAP clause.
MATDIMERR, Matrix dimension error (ERR=124)
Explanation: The program attempts to:
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