[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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HP OpenVMS MACRO Compiler
Porting and User's Guide


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64-bit addressing
ADAWI instruction
    synchronization guarantees
Address loading optimization
    enabling #1
    enabling #2
    passing 64-bit values #1
    passing 64-bit values #2
    specifying 64-bit computing
    macros for 64-bit
    support for 64-bit
.ALIGN directive
Aligning data #1
Aligning data #2
    atomicity considerations
    compiler alignment assumptions
    precedence of alignment controls
Alignment assumptions
    quadword memory references
Alpha assembly language code
    See Alpha instructions, Alpha assembly language object code, and Code
Alpha assembly language object code
    obtaining from compiler
Alpha instructions
    generated for atomicity #1
    generated for atomicity #2
    generated for granularity
    See also Alpha assembly language object code and Code
    using #1
    using #2
Alpha MACRO compiler
    See MACRO compiler
ALPHA symbol
    offsets from
    references from
    references from .JSB_ENTRY routines
$ARGn symbols #1
$ARGn symbols #2
Argument list
    determining when homed
    forcing the homing of #1
    forcing the homing of #2
    FP-based references to #1
    FP-based references to #2
    indicating quadword references
Argument lists
    suppressing homing
Argument pointer (AP)
    See AP
Argument register #1
Argument register #2
    declaring quadword
    maximum number of #1
    maximum number of #2
    symbolic variables
Arithmetic traps #1
Arithmetic traps #2
.ASCID directive
.ASCII data
Assembler directives
Assembly language code
    See Alpha instructions, Alpha assembly language object code, Code, VAX MACRO instructions, and VAX MACRO source code
Assembly language instructions
    Alpha built-ins
ASTs (asynchronous system traps)
    preserving atomicity
    alignment considerations
    byte and word-write operations #1
    byte and word-write operations #2
    byte and word-write operations #3
    interlocked instructions
    preserving #1
    preserving #2
    preserving #3
    read-modify-write operations #1
    read-modify-write operations #2
    read-modify-write operations #3
    See also Synchronization
    when cannot be guaranteed
Atomicity controls
    precedence over granularity
Base address
    See Common-based referencing
BBCCI instruction
    synchronization guarantees
BBSSI instruction
    synchronization guarantees
    restriction on Z and N condition codes
BIGPAGE symbol
    between local routines
    detecting between routines
    from JSB routine to CALL routine
    into a loop
    target of indeterminate
    to label plus offset #1
    to label plus offset #2
Branch prediction #1
Branch prediction #2
Branch prediction #3
    .BRANCH_LIKELY directive
    .BRANCH_UNLIKELY directive
    changing the compiler's
.BRANCH_LIKELY directive #1
.BRANCH_LIKELY directive #2
    how to use
.BRANCH_UNLIKELY directive #1
.BRANCH_UNLIKELY directive #2
    how to use
BRNDIRLOC warning message
BRNTRGLOC warning message
BSBW instruction
    in porting from OpenVMS Alpha to OpenVMS I64
    Alpha assembly language instructions #1
    Alpha assembly language instructions #2
    Alpha instruction
    Alpha PALcode
    Alpha PALcode routines #1
    Alpha PALcode routines #2
    defining PALcode
    Itanium instruction
Byte count
    converting to page count
.BYTE directive
Byte granularity
    preserving #1
    preserving #2
    preserving #3
$BYTES_TO_PAGES macro #1
$BYTES_TO_PAGES macro #2
CALL entry point
    declaring #1
    declaring #2
Call frame
    manually assembling
$CALL64 macro #1
$CALL64 macro #2
    passing 64-bit values
CALLG instruction
    argument count exceeds 255
    in porting from OpenVMS Alpha to OpenVMS I64
CALLS instruction
    in porting from OpenVMS Alpha to OpenVMS I64
.CALL_ENTRY directive #1
.CALL_ENTRY directive #2
.CALL_ENTRY directive #3
.CALL_ENTRY directive #4
    $ARGn symbols
    compiler's temporary register usage
    homing arguments
    QUAD_ARGS parameter
        declaring 64-bit values #1
        declaring 64-bit values #2
.CALL_LINKAGE directive #1
.CALL_LINKAGE directive #2
    in porting from OpenVMS Alpha to OpenVMS I64
CASE instructions
    required changes
    common for VAX, Alpha, and I64 #1
    common for VAX, Alpha, and I64 #2
    instruction scheduling
    interleaved instructions
    moving #1
    moving #2
    optimization #1
    optimization #2
    relocation #1
    relocation #2
    run-time generation
    self-modifying #1
    self-modifying #2
Code scheduling optimization
Coding conventions
Coding practices
    fixing nonportable
Common base address
Common-based referencing
    See also /OPTIMIZE qualifier
Common code #1
Common code #2
    See MACRO compiler
Compiler messages
    files required
Concurrent threads
    preserving atomicity
Condition codes
    interroutine communication
    restriction on Z and N
Condition handlers #1
Condition handlers #2
    establishing within .CALL_ENTRY routine
Conditionalized code
    consistent register declarations
    maintaining common MACRO sources

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