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HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual Accessing Modified Messages Without Relinking
To allow a program to access modified messages without relinking,
create a message pointer file. Message pointer files are useful if you
need either to provide messages in more than one language or frequently
change the text of existing messages. See the description of the
Message utility in the HP OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual.
To signal a user-defined condition value, you use the symbol formed by
the facility prefix and the condition name (for example,
INCOME__BADFIXVAL). Typically, you reference a condition value as a
global symbol; however, you can create an include file (similar to the
modules in the system library SYS$LIBRARY:FORSTSDEF.TLB) to define the
condition values as local symbols. If the message text contains FAO
arguments, you must specify parameters for those arguments when you
signal the condition value.
To signal a user-defined condition value using a global symbol, declare the appropriate condition value in the appropriate section of the program unit, and then invoke the RTL routine LIB$SIGNAL to signal the condition value. The following statements signal the condition value INCOME__NOHOUSE when the value of FIX_HOUSE_NO is less than 1 or greater than the value of TOTAL_HOUSES: Signaling with Local SymbolsTo signal a user-defined condition value using a local symbol, you must first create a file containing PARAMETER statements that equate each condition value with its user-defined condition value. To create such a file, do the following:
In the definition section of your program unit, declare the local symbol definitions by naming your edited listing file in an INCLUDE statement. (You must still link the message object file with your program.) Invoke the RTL routine LIB$SIGNAL to signal the condition code. The following statements signal the condition code INCOME__NOHOUSE when the value of FIX_HOUSE_NO is less than 1 or greater than the value of TOTAL_HOUSES: Specifying FAO ParametersIf the message contains FAO arguments, you must specify the number of FAO arguments as the second argument of LIB$SIGNAL, the first FAO argument as the third argument, the second FAO argument as the fourth argument, and so on. Pass string FAO arguments by descriptor (the default). For example, to signal the condition code INCOME__NONUMBER, where FIX_HOUSE_NO contains the erroneous house number, specify the following:
To signal the condition code NOFILE, where FILE_NAME contains the invalid file specification, specify the following:
Both of the previous examples use global symbols for the condition
values. Alternatively, you could use local symbols, as described in
When you write a condition handler into your program, the process involves one or more of the following actions:
You can write a condition handler to take action when an exception condition is signaled. When the exception condition occurs, the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility sets up the signal argument vector and mechanism argument vector and begins the search for a condition handler. Therefore, your condition-handling routine must declare variables to contain the two argument vectors. Further, the handler must indicate the action to be taken when it returns to the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility. The handler uses its function value to do this. Thus, the calling sequence for your condition handler has the following format:
Handlers can modify the contents of either the signal-args vector or the mechanism-args vector. In order to protect compiler optimization, a condition handler and any routines that it calls can reference only arguments that are explicitly passed to handlers. They cannot reference COMMON or other external storage, and they cannot reference local storage in the routine that established the handler unless the compiler considers the storage to be volatile. Compilers that do not adhere to this rule must ensure that any variables referenced by the handler are always kept in memory, not in a register. As mentioned previously, a condition handler can take one of three actions:
The sections that follow describe how to write condition handlers to
perform these three operations.
To continue execution from the instruction following the signal, with no error messages or traceback, the handler returns with the function value SS$_CONTINUE (bit <0> = 1). If, however, the condition was signaled with a call to LIB$STOP, the SS$_CONTINUE return status causes an error message (Attempt To Continue From Stop), and the image exits. The only way to continue from a call to LIB$STOP is for the condition handler to request a stack unwind. If execution is to continue after a hardware fault (such as a reserved operand fault), the condition handler must correct the cause of the condition before returning the function value SS$_CONTINUE or requesting a stack unwind. Otherwise, the instruction that caused the fault executed again.
On Alpha and I64 systems, LIB$SIM_TRAP is not supported. Table 9-5
lists the run-time library routines that are supported and not
supported on Alpha and I64 systems.
Condition handlers check for specific errors. If the signaled condition is not one of the expected errors, the handler resignals. That is, it returns control to the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility with the function value SS$_RESIGNAL (with bit <0> clear). To alter the severity of the signal, the handler modifies the low-order 3 bits of the condition value and resignals.
For an example of resignaling, see Section 9.8.6.
A condition handler can dismiss the signal by calling the system
service SYS$UNWIND. The stack unwind is initiated when a condition
handler that has called SYS$UNWIND returns to OpenVMS Condition
Handling facility. For an explanation of unwinding, see Section 9.10.1;
for an example of using SYS$UNWIND to return control to the program,
see Section
The operating system passes two arrays to a condition handler. Any condition handler that you write should declare two arguments as variable-length arrays, as in the following: Signal Array
The first dummy argument, the signal array, describes the signaled
condition codes that indicate which error occurred and the state of the
process when the condition code was signaled. For the structure of the
signal array, see Section 9.8.2.
The second dummy argument, the mechanism array, describes the state of the process when the condition code was signaled. Typically, a condition handler references only the call depth and the saved function value. Currently, the mechanism array contains exactly five elements except on Alpha and I64; however, because its length is subject to change, you should declare the dummy argument as a variable-length array. For the structure of the mechanism array, see Section 9.8.3.
Usually you write a condition handler in anticipation of a particular
set of condition values. Because a handler is invoked in response to
any signaled condition code, begin your handler by comparing the
condition code passed to the handler (element 2 of the signal array)
against the condition codes expected by the handler. If the signaled
condition code is not one of the expected codes, resignal the condition
code by equating the function value of the handler to the global symbol
You can use the RTL routine LIB$MATCH_COND to compare the signaled condition code to a list of expected condition values. The first argument passed to LIB$MATCH_COND is the signaled condition code, the second element of the signal array. The rest of the arguments passed to LIB$MATCH_COND are the expected condition values. LIB$MATCH_COND compares the first argument with each of the remaining arguments and returns the number of the argument that matches the first one. For example, if the second argument matches the first argument, LIB$MATCH_COND returns a value of 1. If the first argument does not match any of the other arguments, LIB$MATCH_COND returns 0. The following condition handler determines whether the signaled condition code is one of four HP Fortran I/O errors. If it is not, the condition handler resignals the condition code. Note that, when an HP Fortran I/O error is signaled, the signal array describes operating system's condition code, not the HP Fortran error code. Exiting from the Condition HandlerYou can exit from a condition handler in one of three ways: Returning Control to the ProgramYour handlers should return control either to the program unit that established the handler or to the program unit that invoked the program unit that established the handler. To return control to the program unit that established the handler, invoke SYS$UNWIND and pass the call depth (third element of the VAX mechanism array, or the CHF$IS_MCH_DEPTH field for Alpha and I64) as the first argument with no second argument.
To return control to the caller of the program unit that established the handler, invoke SYS$UNWIND without passing any arguments.
The first argument SYS$UNWIND specifies the number of program units to unwind (remove from the stack). If you specify this argument at all, you should do so as shown in the previous example. MECHARGS(3) (or the CHF$IS_MCH_DEPTH field for Alpha and I64) contains the number of program units that must be unwound to reach the program unit that established the handler that invoked SYS$UNWIND.) The second argument SYS$UNWIND contains the location of the next statement to be executed. Typically, you omit the second argument to indicate that the program should resume execution at the statement following the last statement executed in the program unit that is regaining control. Each time SYS$UNWIND removes a program unit from the stack, it invokes any condition handler established by that program unit and passes the condition handler the SS$_UNWIND condition code. To prevent the condition handler from resignaling the SS$_UNWIND condition code (and so complicating the unwind operation), include SS$_UNWIND as an expected condition code when you invoke LIB$MATCH_COND. When the condition code is SS$_UNWIND, your condition handler might perform necessary cleanup operations or do nothing. In the following example, if the condition code is SS$_UNWIND, no action is performed. If the condition code is another of the expected codes, the handler displays the message and then returns control to the program unit that called the program unit that established the condition handler.
9.12.5 Example of Condition-Handling RoutinesThe following example shows two procedures, A and B, that have declared condition handlers. The notes describe the sequence of events that would occur if a call to a system service failed during the execution of procedure B.