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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 OTS$ Overview
Chapter 1 Run-Time Library General Purpose (OTS$) Facility
Part 2 OTS$ Reference Section


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 OTS$ Overview
Chapter 1
1 Run-Time Library General Purpose (OTS$) Facility
     1.1     Overview
     1.2     Linking OTS$ Routines on Alpha and I64 Systems
         1.2.1         64-Bit Addressing Support (Alpha and I64 Only)
Part 2
Part 2 OTS$ Reference Section
    Command 1     OTS$CALL_PROC (Alpha and I64 Only)
    Command 2     OTS$CNVOUT
    Command 3     OTS$CVT_L_TB
    Command 4     OTS$CVT_L_TI
    Command 5     OTS$CVT_L_TL
    Command 6     OTS$CVT_L_TO
    Command 7     OTS$CVT_L_TU
    Command 8     OTS$CVT_L_TZ
    Command 9     OTS$CVT_T_x
    Command 10     OTS$CVT_TB_L
    Command 11     OTS$CVT_TI_L
    Command 12     OTS$CVT_TL_L
    Command 13     OTS$CVT_TO_L
    Command 14     OTS$CVT_TU_L
    Command 15     OTS$CVT_TZ_L
    Command 16     OTS$DIVCx
    Command 17     OTS$DIV_PK_LONG
    Command 18     OTS$DIV_PK_SHORT
    Command 19     OTS$JUMP_TO_BPV (I64 Only)
    Command 20     OTS$MOVE3
    Command 21     OTS$MOVE5
    Command 22     OTS$MULCx
    Command 23     OTS$POWCxCx
    Command 24     OTS$POWCxJ
    Command 25     OTS$POWDD
    Command 26     OTS$POWDJ
    Command 27     OTS$POWDR
    Command 28     OTS$POWGG
    Command 29     OTS$POWGJ
    Command 30     OTS$POWHH_R3 (VAX Only)
    Command 31     OTS$POWHJ_R3 (VAX Only)
    Command 32     OTS$POWII
    Command 33     OTS$POWJJ
    Command 34     OTS$POWLULU
    Command 35     OTS$POWRD
    Command 36     OTS$POWRJ
    Command 37     OTS$POWRR
    Command 38     OTS$POWSJ
    Command 39     OTS$POWSS
    Command 40     OTS$POWTJ
    Command 41     OTS$POWTT
    Command 42     OTS$POWxLU
    Command 43     OTS$SCOPY_DXDX
    Command 44     OTS$SCOPY_R_DX
    Command 45     OTS$SFREE1_DD
    Command 46     OTS$SFREEN_DD
    Command 47     OTS$SGET1_DD
1-1 OTS$ Conversion Routines
1-2 OTS$ Division Routines
1-3 OTS$ Move Data Routines
1-4 OTS$ Multiplication Routine
1-5 OTS$ Exponentiation Routines
1-6 OTS$ Copy Source String Routines
1-7 OTS$ Return String Area Routines
1-8 OTS$ Convenience Routines
1-9 OTS$ and Equivalent Math$ Entry Points

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