[an error occurred while processing this directive]

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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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if (<hardware processor model 7>) ;
    error UNSPROC abort ;
end if ;

The corresponding module in the PTF contains the following lines:

=prompt This product is not supported on a MicroVAX I processor.
Please read the installation guide that accompanies the software
to determine minimum system requirements for running this product.

If the user attempts to install the product on processor model 7, the following message is displayed and the installation is terminated:

This product is not supported on a MicroVAX I processor.

Please read the installation guide that accompanies the software
to determine minimum system requirements for running this product.

%PCSI-E-S_OPFAIL, operation failed
%PCSIUI-E-ABORT, operation terminated due to  an unrecoverable error
  • The following PDF fragment illustrates how to check for prerequisite software and issue an error message if the requirement is not met:

    if (not <software HP AXPVMS TCPIP >) and
             (not <software HP AXPVMS UCX version minimum V4.0>) ) ;
            error TCPIP_NOT_INSTALLED ;
    end if;

    The corresponding module in the PTF contains the following lines:

    =prompt TCPIP software is not installed on your system.
    This product requires TCPIP networking software.  Please terminate
    this operation, install any version of TCPIP (or UCX version V4.0
    or higher), then install this product.

    On installation of the product containing the previous PDL statements, if neither the TCP/IP nor the UCX product is already installed (or will not be installed at the completion of the current operation), the following messages are displayed:

    TCPIP software has not been installed on your system.
    This product requires TCPIP networking software.  Please terminate
    this operation, install any version of TCPIP (or UCX version V4.0
    or higher), then install this product.
    Terminating is strongly recommended.  Do you want to terminate? [YES]
    %PCSI-E-S_OPCAN, operation cancelled by request
    %PCSIUI-E-ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error

    Because the ABORT option is not used on the ERROR statement, the user was given the opportunity to continue installation of the product. Use of the ABORT option would have caused unconditional termination of the installation as shown in the first example.


    The EXECUTE ABORT statement specifies commands to execute when an error condition causes an installation or reconfiguration operation to terminate.


    EXECUTE ABORT (command,...) [ INTERACTIVE ] [ USES (file,...) ] ;



    Indicates the commands that the utility passes to the command interpreter whenever the operation fails.



    Allows communication between the user and the specified command or commands executing in a subprocess.

    USES (file,...)

    Indicates the files required to execute the commands you specified in the command parameter. Use a separate FILE statement to specify required files that are permanently placed in the user's destination directory tree. Use the USES option to specify required files that are placed in a temporary directory and deleted after use. By default, this statement does not require files.


    The EXECUTE ABORT statement specifies commands to execute when an error condition causes an installation or reconfiguration operation to terminate. For example, the following conditions activate the EXECUTE ABORT statement:
    • An error or fatal error condition returned as the final status from the subprocess in which commands are run from an EXECUTE statement, excluding the EXECUTE TEST statement.
    • The user terminates the operation by pressing Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/C.
    • The user answers YES to the question "Do you want to terminate?" Typically, this question is asked after an error is reported during material placement on the target disk.

    You specify recovery actions to perform by including one or more DCL command lines in the EXECUTE ABORT statement. These commands are passed for execution to the DCL interpreter running in a subprocess. Enclose each action, whether specified as a single DCL command or a command procedure, in double
    quotes (" "). If more than one action is given, use parentheses to enclose the list.

    Enclosing the EXECUTE ABORT statement in a scope group (consisting of SCOPE and END SCOPE statements) has no effect on the way EXECUTE ABORT commands are processed.

    If you want your commands to prompt the user and accept the user's input, specify the EXECUTE ABORT statement with the INTERACTIVE option. The INTERACTIVE option causes all output from DCL to be displayed, unless you prevent it. In contrast, when the INTERACTIVE option is not specified, output generated by DCL commands is displayed only for lines that are interpreted as DCL messages; that is, those beginning with a percent sign (%) in column one.

    If you need files for the EXECUTE ABORT statement, specify them in the USES option. Each file you specify with the USES option must be present in the product material.

    Note that the USES option will not cause the listed files to be placed permanently in your file system. As soon as the installation operation completes, the files listed with the USES option are deleted. For this reason, you must use the FILE statement for this execute operation, and any other operation, in which you want your EXECUTE command procedures placed permanently in your file system.

    The EXECUTE ABORT statement causes the utility to define logical names for use by the subprocess that executes the specified commands. The commands should use these logical names to reference files, as follows:

    • PCSI$SOURCE is a subdirectory in the root format under the user's login directory that points to the location of the files specified by the USES option. This logical name is defined for the subprocess in which product-supplied commands execute. It is not the same PCSI$SOURCE logical name that can be defined by a user, in the user's process, pointing to the location of a product kit.
    • PCSI$DESTINATION is a root directory specification that points to the root directory where product material will be placed. The PCSI$DESTINATION logical is available except when the EXECUTE ABORT statement is called when the EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement fails. The PCSI$DESTINATION logical is not available until the configuration phase.
    • PCSI$SCRATCH is a subdirectory under the user's login directory that can be used by commands for temporary working space. This directory and any files placed in it are automatically deleted at the end of the operation.

    The EXECUTE ABORT statement is a utility directive and does not specify a managed object.

    See Also Section 6.1


                 remove "" uses [SYSUPD]EXEC_INSTALL.COM ;
                 uses [SYSUPD]EXEC_ABORT.COM ;

    In this example, the EXECUTE ABORT statement sets up a command procedure to run whenever the operation fails after the EXECUTE INSTALL command has been executed. It is intended to clean the user environment in case the commands supplied by EXECUTE INSTALL have left the user's system modified. The USES option specifies the file name of the command procedure that is deleted after use.


    The EXECUTE INSTALL...REMOVE statement is a compound statement that performs two distinct actions:
    • The install portion specifies commands to execute when the product is installed or reconfigured.
    • The remove portion specifies commands to execute when the product is removed, but not when the product is upgraded.


    The REMOVE part of the statement is required syntax even if there are no commands you want to execute when the product is removed. To indicate no command, use remove "" .


    EXECUTE INSTALL (command,...) REMOVE (command,...) [ INTERACTIVE ] [ USES (file,...)] ;



    Indicates the commands that the utility passes to the command interpreter in the execution environment.



    Allows communication between the user and the specified command or commands executing in a subprocess.

    USES (file,...)

    Indicates the files required to execute the commands you specified in the command parameter. Use a separate FILE statement to specify required files that are permanently placed in the user's destination directory tree; use the USES option to specify required files that are placed in a temporary directory and deleted after use. By default, this statement does not require files.


    The EXECUTE INSTALL...REMOVE statement is a compound statement consisting of an install portion and a remove portion.

    The install portion specifies commands to execute when the product is installed or reconfigured. These commands are run after all product material has been placed on the target disk (that is, after all DIRECTORY, FILE, and MODULE statements have been processed).

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