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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
On VAX systems, displays full information about device drivers loaded into the system, the devices connected to them, and their I/O databases. All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual. On Alpha and I64 systems, use the SYSMAN command IO SHOW DEVICE. FormatSHOW/DEVICE =device-driver ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. DescriptionThe SHOW/DEVICE command specifies that the following information be displayed about the specified device driver: Example
On VAX systems, displays the starting and ending address of the specified device driver loaded into the system. FormatSHOW/DRIVER =device-driver ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. DescriptionIf you omit the driver name, SHOW/DRIVER displays the starting and ending address of all device drivers loaded into the system. All addresses are in hexadecimal and are virtual. Example
Displays the name of the current site-independent startup command procedure. FormatSHOW/STARTUP ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. Example
On VAX systems, displays the nexus number of a device on the TURBOchannel. FormatSHOW/TURBOCHANNEL ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. Example
On VAX systems, displays the addresses in UNIBUS I/O space that can be addressed. FormatSHOW/UNIBUS ParametersNone. Qualifier
DescriptionThe SHOW/UNIBUS command reads all device registers. For some controllers, the result might be reading a character out of a buffer or some other undesired action. Therefore, use the SHOW/UNIBUS command only when you debug a UNIBUS configuration. On a system with more than one UNIBUS adapter, the command shows only the address of the first UNIBUS adapter. Example
Modifies the Ctrl/C, Ctrl/O, Ctrl/Y, and Ctrl/Z echo strings on a systemwide basis. FormatTERMINAL/ECHO ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. DescriptionBefore entering the TERMINAL command, edit the file SYSGTTSTR.MSG in SYS$EXAMPLES. The file contains detailed instructions for the editing procedure. USE
Initializes the SYSGEN work area with system parameter values and the name of the site-independent startup command procedure, overwriting existing values. The initial values of the SYSGEN work area when the utility is invoked are the active values. FormatUSE file-spec Parameters
#1 |
This command uses the existing parameter file SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL.PAR.
#2 |
The first command initializes the SYSGEN work area with default parameter values. The second command sets the STARTUP_P1 system parameter to "minimum."
Writes the system parameter values and the name of the site-independent startup command procedure from the SYSGEN work area to a parameter file, the current system parameter file on disk, or the active system in memory.
WRITE file-spec
The file specification of a new parameter file to be created. The default file type is .PAR.In place of a file specification, you can specify one of the following keywords:
Specifies that source information is to be written to the current system parameter file on disk.On VAX systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PAR.
On Alpha systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR.
On I64 systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.PAR.
Use of the WRITE CURRENT command requires the SYSPRV privilege.
Specifies that source information is to be written to the active system in memory. (Only the dynamic parameter values are written to the active system.)Use of the WRITE ACTIVE command requires the CMKRNL privilege.
On VAX systems, the implementation of security auditing within SYSGEN has altered the reporting of modifications to the system parameter file VAXVMSSYS.PAR. System managers can receive notification of a change to the file by setting up an access control list (ACL) on the file to signal such an event, as in the following example:
$ SET SECURITY/ACL=(ALARM=SECURITY,ACCESS=WRITE+FAILURE+SUCCESS)- _$ SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PARFor more information about setting ACLs, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual and the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
On Alpha and I64 systems, both the WRITE ACTIVE and WRITE CURRENT commands send a message to OPCOM and log the event.
#1 |
This command creates a new parameter specification file, SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL.PAR.
#2 |
On VAX systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, VAXVMSSYS.PAR.
On Alpha systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR.
On I64 systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, IA64VMSSYS.PAR.
21.1 SYSMAN Description
The System Management utility (SYSMAN) centralizes the management of
nodes and cluster environments. Rather than logging in to individual
nodes and repeating a set of management tasks, SYSMAN enables you to
define your management environment to be a particular node, a group of
nodes, or a cluster environment. With a management environment defined,
you can perform system management tasks from your local node. SYSMAN
executes these tasks on all nodes in the target environment.
Managing a system with SYSMAN is similar to the traditional management of an individual system because SYSMAN uses many of the same software tools. It can process most DCL commands, such as MOUNT, DEFINE, INITIALIZE, SET, and SHOW. It can also execute many OpenVMS system management utilities and command procedures, such as AUTHORIZE, AUTOGEN, and INSTALL.
SYSMAN also contains system management tools that let you perform the following tasks:
Instead of having to type lengthy command lines, SYSMAN enables you to define keys to execute SYSMAN commands. For example, you can define a key to execute a SET ENVIRONMENT command as follows:
Once the key is defined, you can press keypad 0, and SYSMAN executes
the SET ENVIRONMENT command. Note that key definitions are lost each
time that you exit from SYSMAN, unless you define them in the SYSMAN
initialization file. (See Section 21.1.2 for more information about
executing commands from an initialization file.)
21.1.2 Executing Commands from an Initialization File
You can create an initialization file that SYSMAN will use each time you invoke the utility. In the SYSMAN initialization file, you can perform tasks such as defining keys and setting the SYSMAN environment.
The default file specification for the SYSMAN initialization file is SYS$LOGIN:SYSMANINI.INI. If you want your SYSMAN initialization file to have a different file specification, you must define the logical name SYSMANINI to point to the location of the file.
The following example is a sample initialization file in which several keys are defined:
The System Management utility (SYSMAN) centralizes system management, enabling you to manage nodes or clusters from one location.
To invoke SYSMAN, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMANSYSMAN displays the following prompt at which you can enter SYSMAN commands using the standard rules of DCL syntax:
SYSMAN>To exit from SYSMAN and return to the DCL command level, enter the EXIT command at the SYSMAN> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.
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