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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
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This appendix describes the entry points to utilities in the
OpenVMS Run-Time Library that can be called as external routines
by an HP Pascal program. These utilities allow you to access
HP Pascal extensions that are not directly provided by the language.
B.1 PAS$FAB( f )
The PAS$FAB function returns a pointer to the RMS file access block (FAB) of file f. After this function has been called, the FAB can be used to get information about the file and to access RMS facilities not explicitly available in the HP Pascal language.
The component type of file f can be any type; the file must be open.
PAS$FAB is an external function that must be explicitly declared by a declaration such as the following:
TYPE Unsafe_File = [UNSAFE] FILE OF CHAR; Ptr_to_FAB = ^FAB$TYPE; FUNCTION PAS$FAB (VAR F : Unsafe_File) : Ptr_to_FAB; EXTERN; |
This declaration allows a file of any type to be used as an actual parameter to PAS$FAB. The type FAB$TYPE is defined in the HP Pascal environment file STARLET.PEN, which your program or module can inherit.
You should take care that your use of the RMS FAB does not interfere with the normal operations of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library (RTL). Future changes to the RTL may change the way in which the FAB is used, which may in turn require you to change your program.
The PAS$RAB function returns a pointer to the RMS record access block (RAB) of file f. After this function has been called, the RAB can be used to get information about the file and to access RMS facilities not explicitly available in the HP Pascal language.
The component type of file f can be any type; the file must be open.
PAS$RAB is an external function that must be explicitly declared by a declaration such as the following:
TYPE Unsafe_File = [UNSAFE] FILE OF CHAR; Ptr_to_RAB = ^RAB$TYPE; FUNCTION PAS$RAB (VAR F : Unsafe_File) : Ptr_to_RAB; EXTERN; |
This declaration allows a file of any type to be used as an actual parameter to PAS$RAB. The type RAB$TYPE is defined in the HP Pascal environment file STARLET.PEN, which your program or module can inherit.
You should take care that your use of the RMS RAB does not interfere with the normal operations of the OpenVMS Run-Time Library. Future changes to the RTL may change the way in which the RAB is used, which may in turn require you to change your program.
The PAS$MARK2 function returns a pointer to a heap-allocated object of the size specified by s. If this pointer value is then passed to the PAS$RELEASE2 function, all objects allocated with NEW or PAS$MARK2 since the object was allocated are deallocated. PAS$MARK2 and PAS$RELEASE2 are provided only for compatibility with some other implementations of HP Pascal. Their use is not recommended in a modular programming environment. The PAS$MARK2 and PAS$RELEASE2 routines do not work with 64-bit pointers on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha.
While a mark is in effect, any DISPOSE operation will not actually delete the storage, but merely mark the storage for deletion. To free the memory, you must use PAS$RELEASE2.
PAS$MARK2 is an external function that must be explicitly declared. Because the parameter to PAS$MARK2 is the size of the object (unlike the parameter to the predeclared procedure NEW), the best method for using this function is to declare a separate function name for each object you wish to mark. The following example shows how PAS$MARK2 could be declared and used as a function named Mark_Integer to allocate and mark an integer variable:
TYPE Ptr_to_Integer = ^Integer; VAR Marked_Integer: Ptr_to_Integer; [EXTERNAL(PAS$MARK2)] FUNCTION Mark_Integer (%IMMED S : Integer := SIZE(Integer)) : Ptr_to_Integer; EXTERN; . . . Marked_Integer := Mark_Integer; |
The parameter to PAS$MARK2 can be 0, in which case the function value
is only a pointer to a marker, and cannot be used to store data.
The PAS$RELEASE2 function deallocates all storage allocated by NEW or PAS$MARK2 since the call to PAS$MARK2 allocates the parameter p.
PAS$MARK2 and PAS$RELEASE2 are provided only for compatibility with some other implementations of HP Pascal. Their use is not recommended in a modular programming environment. PAS$RELEASE2 disables AST delivery during its execution, so it should not be used in a real-time environment. The PAS$MARK2 and PAS$RELEASE2 routines do not work with 64-bit pointers on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha.
PAS$RELEASE2 is an external function that must be explicitly declared. An example of its declaration and use is as follows:
TYPE Ptr_to_Integer = ^Integer; VAR Marked_Integer : Ptr_to_Integer; [EXTERNAL(PAS$RELEASE2)] PROCEDURE Release (P :[UNSAFE] Ptr_to_Integer); EXTERN; . . . Release (Marked_Integer); |
In this example, Marked_Integer is assumed to contain the pointer value returned by a previous call to PAS$MARK2.
This appendix summarizes the error messages that can be generated by an
HP Pascal program at compile time and at run time.
C.1 Compiler Diagnostics
The HP Pascal compiler reports compile-time diagnostics in the source listing (if one is being generated) and summarizes them on the terminal (in interactive mode) or in the batch log file (in batch mode). Compile-time diagnostics are preceded by the following:
I- %PASCAL- W- E- F- |
Table C-1 shows the severity level indicated by each letter.
Letter | Meaning |
I | An informational message that flags extensions to the Pascal standard, identifies unused or possibly uninitialized variables, or provides additional information about a more severe error. |
W | A warning that flags an error or construct that may cause unexpected results, but that does not prevent the program from linking and executing. |
E | An error that prevents generation of machine code; instead, the compiler produces an empty object module indicating that E-level messages were detected in the source program. |
F | A fatal error. |
If the source program contains either E- or F-level messages, the errors must be corrected before the program can be linked and executed.
All diagnostic messages contain a brief explanation of the event that caused the error. This section lists compile-time diagnostic messages in alphabetical order, including their severity codes and explanatory message text. Where the message text is not self-explanatory, additional explanation follows. Portions of the message text enclosed in quotation marks are items that the compiler substitutes with the name of a data object when it generates the message.
64BITBASTYP, 64-bit pointer base types cannot contain file variables
ERROR: File types may not be allocated in 64-bit P2
address space, because their implementation currently assumes 32-bit
pointers in internal data structures.
64BITNOTALL, 64-bit pointers are not allowed in this context
ERROR: File types may not be allocated in 64-bit P2
address space, because their implementation currently assumes 32-bit
pointers in internal data structures.
ABSALIGNCON, Absolute address / alignment conflict
Error: The address specified by the AT attribute does
not have the number of low-order bits implied by the specified
alignment attribute.
ACCMETHCON, Specified ACCESS_METHOD conflicts with file's record
Warning: You cannot specify ACCESS_METHOD:=DIRECT for
a file that has indexed organization or sequential organization and
variable-length records. You cannot specify ACCESS_METHOD:=KEYED for a
file with sequential or relative organization.
ACTHASNOFRML, Actual parameter has no corresponding formal parameter
Error: The number of actual parameters specified in a
routine call exceeds the number of formal parameters in the routine's
declaration, and the last formal parameter does not have the LIST
ACTMULTPL, Actual parameter specified more than once
Error: Each formal parameter (except one with the LIST
attribute) can have only one corresponding actual parameter.
ACTPASCNVTMP, Conversion: actual passed is resulting temporary
ACTPASRDTMP, Formal requires read access: actual parameter is resulting
ACTPASSIZTMP, Size mismatch: actual passed is resulting temporary
ACTPASWRTMP, Formal requires write access: actual parameter is
resulting temporary
Warning: A temporary variable is created if an actual
parameter does not have the size, type, and accessibility properties
required by the corresponding foreign formal parameter.
ACTPRMORD, Actual parameter must be ordinal
Error: The actual parameter that specifies the
starting index of an array for the PACK or UNPACK procedure must have
an ordinal type.
ADDIWRDALIGN, ADD_INTERLOCKED requires variable with at least word
ADDIWRDSIZE, ADD_INTERLOCKED requires 16-bit variable
Error: These restrictions are imposed by the
instruction sequence that is used on the target architecture.
ADDRESSVAR, "parameter name" is a VAR parameter, ADDRESS is
Warning: You should not use the ADDRESS function on a
nonvolatile variable or component or on a formal VAR parameter.
ADISCABSENT, Formal discriminant "discriminant name" has no
corresponding actual discriminant
Error: An actual discriminant must be specified for
every formal discriminant in a schema type definition.
ADISCHASNOFRML, Actual discriminant has no corresponding formal
Error: The number of actual discriminants specified is
greater than the number of formal discriminants defined in the schema
type definition.
AGGNOTALL, Aggregate variable access of this type not allowed, must be indexed
ALIATRTYPCON, Alignment attribute / type conflict
ALIGNAUTO, Alignment greater than n conflicts with automatic
Error: The value n has the value 4 on
OpenVMS I64; 3 on OpenVMS Alpha, and 2 on OpenVMS VAX.
OpenVMS I64 systems align the stack on an octaword boundary.
OpenVMS Alpha systems align the stack on a quadword boundary.
OpenVMS VAX systems align the stack on a longword boundary. You
cannot specify a greater alignment for automatically allocated
ALIDOWN, Alignment down-graded from default of ALIGNED(n)
Info: The value of n is based on the size of
the object that is being downgraded.
ALIGNFNCRES, Alignment greater than n not allowed on function
Error: The value n has the value 4 on
OpenVMS I64 systems; 3 on OpenVMS Alpha systems; and 2 on
OpenVMS VAX systems. The use of an attribute on a routine conflicts
with the requirements of the object's type.
ALIGNINT, ALIGNED expression must be integer value in range 0..n,
defaulting to m
Error: The value n has the value of the largest
argument to the ALIGNED attribute allowed on the platform.
ALIGNVALPRM, Alignment greater than n not allowed on value
Error: The value n has the value 4 on
OpenVMS I64 systems; 3 on OpenVMS Alpha systems; and 2 on
OpenVMS VAX systems. The use of an attribute on a parameter conflicts
with the requirements of the object's type.
ALLPRMSAM, All parameters to 'MIN' or 'MAX' must have the same type
APARMACTDEF, Anonymous parameter "parameter number" has
neither actual nor default
Error: If the declaration of a routine failed to
specify a name for a formal parameter, a call to the routine will
result in this error message. The routine declaration will also cause
an error to be reported.
ARITHOPNDREQ, Arithmetic operand(s) required
ARRCNTPCK, Array cannot be PACKED
Error: At least one parameter to the PACK or UNPACK
procedure must be unpacked.
ARRHAVSIZ, "routine name" requires that ARRAY component have
compile-time known size
Error: You cannot use the PACK and UNPACK procedures
to pack or unpack one multidimensional conformant array into another.
The component type of the dimension being copied must have a
compile-time known size; that is, it must have some type other than a
conformant schema.
Error: At least one parameter to the PACK or UNPACK
procedure must be of type PACKED.
ARRNOTSTR, Array type is not a string type
Error: You cannot write a value to a text file (using
WRITE or WRITELN) or to a VARYING string (using WRITEV) if there is no
textual representation for the type. Similarly, you cannot read a value
from a text file (using READ or READLN) or from a VARYING string (using
READV) if there is no textual representation for the type. The only
legal array, therefore, is PACKED ARRAY [1..n] OF CHAR.
ASYREQASY, ASYNCHRONOUS "calling routine" requires that "called routine" also be ASYNCHRONOUS
ASYREQVOL, ASYNCHRONOUS "routine name" requires that
"variable name" be VOLATILE
Warning: A variable referred to in a nested
asynchronous routine must have the VOLATILE attribute.
ATINTUNS, AT address must be an integer value
ATREXTERN, "attribute name" attribute allowed only on
external routines
Error: The LIST and CLASS_S attributes can be
specified only with the declarations of external routines.
ATTRCONCMDLNE, Attribute contradicts command line qualifier
Error: The double-precision attribute specified
contradicts the /FLOAT, /G_FLOATING, or /NOG_FLOATING qualifier
specified on the compile command line.
ATTRCONFLICT, Attribute conflict: "attribute name"
Information: This message can appear as additional
information on other error messages.
ATTRONTYP, Descriptor class attribute not allowed on this type
Error: The use of the descriptor class attribute on
the variable, parameter, or routine conflicts with the requirements of
the object's type.
AUTOGTRMAXINT, Allocation of "variable name" causes automatic
storage to exceed MAXINT bits
Error: The HP Pascal implementation restricts
automatic storage to a size of 2,147,483,647 bits.
AUTOMAX, Unable to quadword align automatic variables, using long alignment
BADANAORG, Analysis data file "file name" is not on a random access device
BADENVORG, Environment file "file name" is not on a random access device
BADSETCMP, < and > not permitted in set comparisons
Error: You must supply BIN, OCT, or HEX as a variable
modifier when reading the variable on a nondecimal basis.
BLKNOTFND, "routine" block "routine name" declared FORWARD in "block name" is missing
BLKTOODEEP, Routine blocks nested too deeply
Error: You cannot nest more than 31 routine blocks.
BNDACTDIFF, Actual's array bounds differ from those of other parameters
in same section
Error: All actual parameters passed to a formal
parameter section whose type is a conformant schema must have identical
bounds and be structurally compatible.
BNDCNFRUN, Bounds of conformant ARRAY "array name" not known
until run-time
Error: You cannot use the UPPER and LOWER functions on
a dynamic array parameter in a compile-time constant expression.
BNDSUBORD, Bound expressions in a subrange type must be ordinal
Error: The expressions that designate the upper and
lower limits of a subrange must be of an ordinal type.
BOOLOPREQ, BOOLEAN operand(s) required
Error: The operation being performed requires operands
of type BOOLEAN. Such operations include the AND, OR, and NOT operators
BOOSETREQ, BOOLEAN or SET operand(s) required
BYTEALIGN, Type larger than 32 bits can be positioned only on a byte
Error: See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for information on the
types that are allocated more than 32 bits.
CALLFUNC, Function "function name" called as procedure, function value discarded
CARCONMNGLS, CARRIAGE_CONTROL parameter is meaningless given file's type
Warning: The carriage-control parameter is usually
meaningful only for files of type TEXT and VARYING OF CHAR.
CASLABEXPR, Case label and case selector expressions are not compatible
Error: All case labels in a CASE statement must be
compatible with the expression specified as the case selector.
CASORDRELPTR, Compile-time cast allowed only between ordinal, real, and
pointer types
CASSELORD, Case selector expression must be an ordinal type
CASSRCSIZ, Source type of a cast must have a size known at compile-time
CASTARSIZ, Target type of a cast must have a size known at compile-time
Error: A variable being cast by the type cast operator
cannot be a conformant array or a conformant VARYING parameter. An
expression being cast cannot be a conformant array parameter, a
conformant VARYING parameter, or a VARYING OF CHAR expression. The
target type of the cast cannot be VARYING OF CHAR.
CDDABORT, %DICTIONARY processing of CDD record definition aborted
Error: The HP Pascal compiler is unable to process
the CDD record description. See the accompanying CDD messages for more
CDDBADDIR, %DICTIONARY directive not allowed in deepest %INCLUDE,
Error: A program cannot use the %DICTIONARY directive
in the fifth nested %INCLUDE level. The compiler ignores all
%DICTIONARY directives in the fifth nested %INCLUDE level.
CDDBADPTR, invalid pointer was specified in CDD record description
Warning: The CDD pointer data type refers to a CDD
path name that cannot be extracted, and is replaced by ^INTEGER.
CDDBIT, Ignoring bit field in CDD record description
Information: The HP Pascal compiler cannot
translate a CDD bit data type that is not aligned on a byte boundary
and whose size is greater than 32 bits.
CDDBLNKZERO, Ignoring blank when zero attribute specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD BLANK WHEN ZERO clause.
CDDCOLMAJOR, CDD description specifies a column-major array
Error: The HP Pascal compiler supports only
row-major arrays. Change the CDD description to specify a row-major
CDDDEPITEM, Ignoring depends item attribute specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD DEPENDING ON ITEM attribute.
CDDDFLOAT, D_floating CDD datatype was specified when compiling with
Warning: The CDD record description contains a
D_floating data type while compiling with G_floating enabled. It is
replaced with [BYTE(8)] RECORD END.
CDDFLDVAR, CDD record description contains field(s) after CDD variant
Error: The CDD record description contains fields
after the CDD variant clause. Because HP Pascal translates a CDD
variant clause into a Pascal variant clause, and a Pascal variant
clause must be the last field in a record type definition, the fields
following the CDD variant clause are illegal.
CDDGFLOAT, G_floating CDD datatype was specified when compiling with
Warning: The CDD record description contains a
G_floating data type while compiling with D_floating enabled. It is
replaced with [BYTE(8)] RECORD END.
CDDILLARR, Aligned array elements can not be represented, replacing
with [BIT(n)] RECORD END
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support CDD record descriptions that specify an array whose array
elements are aligned on a boundary greater than the size needed to
represent the data type. It is replaced with [BIT(n)] RECORD END, where
n is the appropriate length in bits.
CDDINITVAL, Ignoring specified initial value specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD INITIAL VALUE clause.
CDDMINOCC, Ignoring minimum occurs attribute specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD MINIMUM OCCURS attribute.
CDDONLYTYP, %DICTIONARY may only appear in a TYPE definition part
Error: The %DICTIONARY directive is allowed only in
the TYPE section of a program.
CDDRGHTJUST, Ignoring right justified attribute specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD JUSTIFIED RIGHT clause.
CDDSCALE, Ignoring scaled attribute specified in CDD record description
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD scaled data types.
CDDSRCTYPE, Ignoring source type attribute specified in CDD record
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support the CDD source type attribute.
CDDTAGDEEP, CDD description nested variants too deep
Error: A CDD record description may not include more
than 15 levels of CDD variants. The compiler ignores variants beyond
the fifteenth level.
CDDTAGVAR, Ignoring tag variable and any tag values specified in CDD
record description
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not fully
support the CDD VARIANTS OF field description statement. The specified
tag variable and any tag values are ignored.
CDDTOODEEP, CDD description nested too deep
Error: Attributes for the CDD record description
exceed the implementation's limit for record complexity. Modify the CDD
description to reduce the level of nesting in the record description.
CDDTRUNCREF, Reference string which exceeds 255 characters has been
Information: The HP Pascal compiler does not
support reference strings greater than 255 characters.
CDDUNSTYP, Unsupported CDD datatype "standard data type name"
Information: The CDD record description for an item
has attempted to use a data type that is not supported by
HP Pascal. The HP Pascal compiler makes the data type
accessible by declaring it as [BYTE(n)] RECORD END where n is the
appropriate length in bytes. Change the data type to one that is
supported by HP Pascal or manipulate the contents of the field by
passing it to external routines as variables or by using the
HP Pascal type casting capabilities to perform an assignment.
CLSCNFVAL, CLASS_S is only valid with conformant strings
Error: When the CLASS_S attribute is used in the
declaration of an internal routine, it can be used only on a conformant
PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR. The conformant variable must also be passed by
value semantics.
CLSNOTALLW, "descriptor class name" not allowed on a
parameter of this type
Error: Descriptor class attributes are not allowed on
formal parameters defined with either an immediate or a reference
passing mechanism.
CMTBEFEOF, Comment not terminated before end of input
CNFCANTCNF, Component of PACKED conformant parameter cannot be conformant
CNFREQNCA, Conformants of this parameter type require CLASS_NCA
Error: The conformant parameter cannot be described
with the default CLASS_A descriptor. Add the CLASS_NCA attribute to the
parameter declaration.
CNSTRNOTALL, Nonstandard constructors are not allowed on nonstatic types
Error: You can write constructors for nonstatic types
using the standard style of constructor.
CNSTRONZERO, Record constructors only allow OTHERWISE ZERO
CNTBEARRCMP, Not allowed on an array component
CNTBEARRIDX, Not allowed on an array index
CNTBECAST, Not allowed on a cast
CNTBECNFCMP, Not allowed on a conformant array component
CNTBECNFIDX, Not allowed on a conformant array index
CNTBECNFVRY, Not allowed on a conformant varying component
CNTBECOMP, Not allowed on a compilation unit
CNTBECONST, Not allowed on a CONST definition part
CNTBEDEFDECL, Not allowed on any definition or declaration part
CNTBEDESPARM, Not allowed on a %DESCR foreign mechanism parameter
CNTBEEXESEC, Not allowed on an executable section
CNTBEFILCMP, Not allowed on a file component
CNTBEFORMAL, Not allowed on a formal discriminant
CNTBEFUNC, Not allowed on a function result
CNTBEIMMPARM, Not allowed on a parameter passed by an immediate passing
CNTBELABEL, Not allowed on a LABEL declaration part
CNTBEPCKCNF, Not allowed on a PACKED conformant array component
CNTBEPTRBAS, Not allowed on a pointer base
CNTBERECFLD, Not allowed on a record field
CNTBEREFPARM, Not allowed on a parameter passed by a reference passing
CNTBERTNDECL, Not allowed on a routine declaration
CNTBERTNPARM, Not allowed on a routine parameter
CNTBESCHEMA, Not allowed on a nonstatic type
CNTBESETRNG, Not allowed on a set range
CNTBESTDPARM, Not allowed on a %STDESCR foreign mechanism parameter
CNTBETAGFLD, Not allowed on a variant tag field
CNTBETAGTYP, Not allowed on a variant tag type
CNTBETYPDEF, Not allowed on a type definition
CNTBETYPE, Not allowed on a TYPE definition part
CNTBEVALPARM, Not allowed on a value parameter
CNTBEVALUE, Not allowed on a VALUE initialization part
CNTBEVALVAR, Not allowed on a VALUE variable
CNTBEVAR, Not allowed on a VAR declaration part
CNTBEVARBLE, Not allowed on a variable
CNTBEVARPARM, Not allowed on a VAR parameter
CNTBEVRYCMP, Not allowed on a varying component
Information: These messages can appear as additional
information on other error messages.
COMCONFLICT, COMMON "block name" conflicts with another
COMMON or PSECT of same name
Error: You can allocate only one variable in a
particular common block, and the name of the common block cannot be the
same as the names of other common blocks or program sections used by
your program.
COMNOTALN, Component is not optimally aligned
Information: The component indicated is not well
aligned and accesses to it will be inefficient.
COMNOTSIZ, Component is not optimally sized
Information: The component indicated is not well sized
and accesses to it will be inefficient.
COMNOTALNSIZE, Component is not optimally aligned and sized
Information: The component indicated is not naturally
aligned and sized, accesses to it will be inefficient.
COMNOTPOS, Fixed size field positioned after a run-time sized field is
not optimal
Information: Much better code can be generated for
indicated component if it preceedes all of the run-time sized fields.
CONTXTIGN, Text following constant definition ignored
Warning: When defining constants with the /CONSTANT
DCL qualifier, any text appearing after a valid constant definition is
CPPFILERR, Unable to open included file
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