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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
Management Guide

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Chapter 4
4 Using DECwindows
     4.1     Setting the Display
         4.1.1         The Display Name Format
         4.1.2         TCP/IP Host Name Translation
     4.2     Understanding the Login Process
         4.2.1         The New Desktop Login Sequence
         4.2.2         The Traditional DECwindows Desktop Login Sequence
     4.3     Customizing the Login Environment
         4.3.1         Improving Application Startup Performance
         4.3.2         Customizing the Login Screen (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)
                Customizing the Logo and Login Screen Colors
                Changing Positions of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes
                Disabling a Node Name Display in the Start Session Dialog Box
         4.3.3         Displaying Custom Messages Prior to Login (New Desktop Only)
         4.3.4         Disabling the Suggested Password List (New Desktop Only)
         4.3.5         Enabling Support for UNIX-Style Filenames (New Desktop Only)
                Enabling in the File Selection Dialog Box
                Enabling in the File Manager
     4.4     Customizing the Startup Environment
         4.4.1         Using the DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP File
         4.4.2         Switching Between Desktops
         4.4.3         Enabling Support for IPv6
         4.4.4         Changing the Default Logo (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)
         4.4.5         Displaying Logos on Systems with Personal-Use Licenses (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)
         4.4.6         Displaying Console Messages
         4.4.7         Creating Dedicated Accounts (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)
                Modifying the Session Manager Command Procedure
                Modifying the Session Manager Executable File
                Modifying the Session Manager Profile File
         4.4.8         Creating a Custom Bookreader Directory
     4.5     Modifying Session Manager Behavior (Traditional DECwindows Desktop Only)
     4.6     Modifying System Resource Files
     4.7     Specifying Client Access Control
         4.7.1         Setting Security Options
         4.7.2         Refreshing Security Options During a Session
         4.7.3         Enabling and Disabling Access Control at Login
         4.7.4         Enabling Trusted Users to Unlock Paused Desktop Sessions
     4.8     Customizing Print Formats
         4.8.1         Defining Print Formats
         4.8.2         Logical Names and Print Formats
Appendix A
Appendix A Tuning the DECwindows System
     A.1     Establishing UAF Parameters for DECwindows Applications
     A.2     Establishing System Parameters for DECwindows Applications and the Display Server
     A.3     Establishing Server Parameters for Non-VGA Devices
Appendix B
Appendix B DECwindows Motif Keymap Names
3-1 Sample Setup for Transport Connections
3-2 Sample Setup for Dutch Keyboards and 100-dpi Monitors
4-1 Using a Private Session Manager Command File
4-2 Modifying the Session Manager Executable File
1-1 DECwindows System Architecture: Basic
1-2 DECwindows System Architecture: Font Server
1-3 DECwindows System Architecture: Proxy Server
2-1 DECwindows Startup Command Procedure Flow
2-1 Startup Parameter Values
2-2 System Logicals
3-1 DECwindows Display Server Customization Parameters
3-2 Loadable Display Server Extensions
3-3 Built-in Display Server Extensions
3-4 LBXPROXY Process Characteristic Logicals
3-5 Global Symbols Controlling the Proxy Manager
4-1 Supported DECwindows Motif Transport Names
4-2 Supported IPv6 Host Name and Address Formats
4-3 Supported IPv4 Host Name and Address Formats
4-4 Moving the Logo and Changing Login Screen Colors
4-5 Changing Position of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes
4-6 Client Areas That Can Be Modified
4-7 Session Manager Logicals
4-8 Logical Names for the Print Dialog Box
A-1 Recommended Settings for UAF Limits
A-2 Recommended Settings for System Parameters on Alpha Systems
A-3 Recommended Settings for System Parameters on I64 Systems
A-4 Minimum Server Quotas for Non-VGA Devices
B-1 DECwindows Motif Keymap

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