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HP Fortran for OpenVMS
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Use of the USEROPEN keyword has some restrictions. The Run-Time Library constructs the following RMS control structures before calling the USEROPEN procedure:
FAB | File Access Block |
RAB | Record Access Block |
NAM | Name Block |
XAB | Extended Attributes Blocks |
ESA | Expanded String Area |
RSA | Resultant String Area |
A USEROPEN procedure should not alter the allocation of these structures, although it can modify the contents of many of the fields. Your procedure can also add additional XAB control blocks by linking them anywhere into the XAB chain. You must exercise caution when changing fields that have been set as a result of HP Fortran keywords, because the Run-Time Library may not be aware of the changes. For example, do not attempt to change the record size in your USEROPEN procedure; instead, use the HP Fortran keyword RECL. Always use an OPEN statement keyword if one is available.
Although the FAB, RAB, and NAM blocks remain defined during the time that the unit is opened, the XAB blocks are present only until the file has been successfully opened. The locations of the ESA and RSA strings are changed after the file is opened, so your USEROPEN procedure should not store the addresses of the RMS control structures. Instead, have your program call FOR$RAB to obtain the address of the RAB once the file is opened and then access the other structures through the RAB.
Future releases of the Run-Time Library may alter the use of some RMS fields. Therefore, you may have to alter your USEROPEN procedures accordingly. |
Table 11-1 shows which FAB and RAB fields are either initialized before your USEROPEN procedure is called or examined upon return from your USEROPEN procedure. All fields are initialized in response to OPEN statement keywords or default to zero. Fields labeled with a hyphen (-) are initialized to zero. Fields labeled with an asterisk (*) are returned by RMS.
Field Name | Description | HP Fortran OPEN Keyword and Value |
FAB$B_ACMODES | File access modes | Contains FAB$V_CHAN_MODE and FAB$V_LNM_MODE. |
FAB$L_ALQ | Allocation quantity | n if INITIALSIZE=n |
FAB$B_BKS | Bucket size | (BLOCKSIZE + 511)/512 |
FAB$W_BLS | Block size | n if BLOCKSIZE=n |
FAB$V_CHAN_MODE | Channel access mode protection (2-bit subfield in FAB$B_ACMODES) | 0=usermode |
FAB$L_CTX | Context | -- |
FAB$W_DEQ | Default file extension quantity | n if EXTENDSIZE=n |
FAB$L_DEV | Device characteristics | * |
Default file specification string
address |
Set to FOR nnn.DAT or FORREAD.DAT, FORACCEPT.DAT, FORTYPE.DAT, or FORPRINT.DAT or to default file specification string |
FAB$B_DNS | Default file specification string size | Set to length of default file specification string |
FAB$B_FAC | File access |
Set to 0 if READONLY (RMS default), else set to FAB$M_GET + FAB$M_PUT + FAB$M_UPD + FAB$M_TRN + FAB$M_DEL |
FAB$L_FNA | File specification string address | FILE=filename if FILE present, else set to FOR nnn, FOR$READ, FOR$ACCEPT, FOR$TYPE, FOR$PRINT, SYS$INPUT, or SYS$OUTPUT |
FAB$B_FNS | File specification string size | Set to length of file specification string |
FAB$L_FOP | File processing options | |
FAB$V_ASY | Asynchronous operation | -- (not used) |
FAB$V_CBT | Contiguous best try | 1 if INITIALSIZE=n |
FAB$V_CIF | Create if nonexistent | 1 if READONLY not specified and STATUS='UNKNOWN' or STATUS omitted |
FAB$V_CTG | Contiguous allocation | -- |
FAB$V_DFW | Deferred write | 1 |
FAB$V_DLT | Delete on close service | Set at Fortran close, depending upon DISP keyword in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in CLOSE |
FAB$V_KFO | Known file open | -- |
FAB$V_MXV | Maximize version number | -- |
FAB$V_NAM | Name block inputs | -- |
FAB$V_NEF | Not positioned at end of file | 1 unless ACCESS= 'APPEND' |
FAB$V_NFS | Not file structured | -- |
FAB$V_OFP | Output file parse | -- |
FAB$V_POS | Current position (after closed file) | -- |
FAB$V_PPF | Process permanent file | -- |
FAB$V_RCK | Read check | -- |
FAB$V_RWC | Rewind on close service | -- |
FAB$V_RWO | Rewind on open service | -- |
FAB$V_SCF | Submit command (when closed) | Set at Fortran close, depending upon DISP keyword in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in CLOSE |
FAB$V_SPL | Spool to printer | Set at Fortran close, depending upon DISP keyword in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in CLOSE |
FAB$V_SQO | Sequential only | 1 if a network file and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' or 'APPEND', else 0 |
FAB$V_SUP | Supersede | -- |
FAB$V_SYNCSTS | Immediate asynchronous completion | * (not used) |
FAB$V_TEF | Truncate at end-of-file | -- |
FAB$V_TMD | Temporary, marked for delete | 1 if STATUS= 'SCRATCH', else 0 |
Temporary (file with no directory
entry) |
-- |
FAB$V_UFO | User file open or create file only | -- |
FAB$V_WCK | Write check | -- |
FAB$B_FSZ | Fixed control area size | -- |
FAB$W_IFI | Internal file identifier | * |
FAB$W_GBC | Global buffer count | -- |
FAB$B_JOURNAL | Journal flags status | -- |
FAB$V_LNM_MODE | Logical name translation access mode (subfield in FAB$B_ACMODES) | -- |
FAB$L_MRN | Maximum record number | n if MAXREC=n |
FAB$W_MRS | Maximum record size | n if RECORDTYPE='FIXED' or ORGANIZATION='RELATIVE' or ='INDEXED', else 0 |
FAB$L_NAM | Name block address | Set to address of name block; both the expanded and resultant string areas are set up, but the related filename string is not |
FAB$B_ORG | File organization |
FAB$B_RAT | Record attributes | |
FAB$V_FTN | Fortran carriage control | 1 if CARRIAGECONTROL='FORTRAN' or not specified |
FAB$V_BLK | Do not cross block boundaries | -- (1 if NOSPANBLOCKS) |
FAB$B_RFM | Record format |
FAB$B_RTV | Retrieval window size | -- |
FAB$L_SDC | Spooling device characteristics | * |
FAB$B_SHR | File sharing | |
FAB$V_SHRPUT | Allow other PUTs | 1 if SHARED |
FAB$V_SHRGET | Allow other GETs | 1 if SHARED |
FAB$V_SHRDEL | Allow other DELETEs | 1 if SHARED |
FAB$V_SHRUPD | Allow other UPDATEs | 1 if SHARED |
FAB$V_NIL | Allow no other operations | -- |
FAB$V_UPI | User-provided interlock | -- |
FAB$V_MSE | Multistream allowed | -- |
FAB$L_STS | Completion status code | * |
FAB$L_STV | Status value | * |
FAB$L_XAB | Extended attribute block address | The XAB chain always has a File Header Characteristics (FHC) extended attribute block in order to get longest record length (XAB$W_LRL). If the KEY=keyword is specified, key index definition blocks will also be present. HP may add additional XABs in the future. Your USEROPEN procedure may insert XABs anywhere in the chain. |
RAB$L_BKT | Bucket code | -- |
RAB$L_CTX | Context | -- |
RAB$L_FAB | FAB address | Set to address of FAB |
RAB$W_ISI | Internal stream ID | * |
RAB$L_KBF | Key buffer address | Set to address of longword containing logical record number if ACCESS='DIRECT' |
RAB$B_KRF | Key of reference | 0 |
RAB$B_KSZ | Key size | -- |
RAB$B_MBC | Multiblock count | If BLOCKSIZE=n, use (n + 511)/512 |
RAB$B_MBF | Multibuffer count | n if BUFFERCOUNT=n |
RAB$L_PBF | Prompt buffer address | -- |
RAB$B_PSZ | Prompt buffer size | -- |
RAB$B_RAC | Record access mode | |
RAB$C_RFA | -- | |
RAB$L_RBF | Record buffer address | Set later |
RAB$L_RFA | Record file address | Set later |
RAB$L_RHB | Record header buffer | -- |
RAB$L_ROP | Record processing options | |
RAB$V_ASY | Asynchronous | -- |
RAB$V_BIO | Block I/O | -- |
RAB$V_CCO | Cancel CTRL/O | -- |
RAB$V_CVT | Convert to uppercase | -- |
RAB$V_EOF | End-of-file | 1 if ACCESS='APPEND' |
RAB$V_ETO | Extended terminal (XABTRM) operation | -- |
RAB$V_FDL | Fast delete | -- |
Key greater than or equal to | -- |
Key greater than | -- |
RAB$V_LIM | Limit | -- |
RAB$V_LOA | Load buckets according to fill size | -- |
RAB$V_LOC | Locate mode | 1 |
RAB$V_NLK | No lock | -- |
RAB$V_NXR | Nonexistent record | -- |
RAB$V_PMT | Prompt | -- |
RAB$V_PTA | Purge type-ahead | -- |
RAB$V_RAH | Read-ahead | 1 |
RAB$V_REA | Lock record for read | -- |
RAB$V_RLK | Lock record for write | -- |
RAB$V_RNE | Read no echo | -- |
RAB$V_RNF | Read no filter | -- |
RAB$V_RRL | Read regardless of lock | -- |
RAB$V_SYNCSTS | Immediate asynchronous completion | * (not used) |
RAB$V_TMO | Timeout | -- |
RAB$V_TPT | Truncate on PUT | 1 |
RAB$V_UIF | Update if | 1 if ACCESS='DIRECT' |
RAB$V_ULK | Manual unlocking | -- |
RAB$V_WAT | Wait for locked record | -- |
RAB$V_WBH | Write-behind | 1 |
RAB$W_RSZ | Record size | Set later |
RAB$L_STS | Completion status code | * |
RAB$L_STV | Status value | * |
RAB$B_TMO | Timeout period | -- |
RAB$L_UBF | User record area address | Set later |
RAB$W_USZ | User record area size | Set later |
RAB$L_XAB | Extended attribute block address | The XAB chain allows you to set or obtain additional information about an I/O operation. |
RMS does not allow multiple instances of the same type XAB. To be
compatible with future releases of the Run-Time Library, your procedure
should scan the XAB chain for XABs of the type to be inserted. If one
is found, it should be used instead.
11.5 Example of Block Mode I/O
The following example shows a complete application that calls the RMS block I/O services SYS$WRITE and SYS$READ directly from HP Fortran. A complete program called BIO.F90 writes out an array of REAL*8 values to a file using SYS$WRITE, closes the file, and then reads the data back in using SYS$READ operations with a different I/O transfer size. This program consists of five routines:
BIO | Main control program |
BIOCREATE | USEROPEN routine to create the file |
BIOREAD | USEROPEN routine to open the file for READ access |
OUTPUT | Function that actually outputs the array |
INPUT | Function that actually reads the array and checks it |
The following main program specifies the USEROPEN specifier in its OPEN statements.
! File: BIO.F90 ! ! Program to demonstrate the use of RMS Block I/O operations ! from HP Fortran PROGRAM BIO ! Declare the Useropen routines as external EXTERNAL BIOCREATE, BIOREAD ! Declare status variable, functions, and unit number LOGICAL (KIND=4) STATUS, OUTPUT, INPUT INTEGER (KIND=4) IUN/1/ ! Open the file (1) OPEN(UNIT=IUN, FILE='BIODEMO.DAT', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & STATUS='NEW', RECL=128, BLOCKSIZE=512, ORGANIZATION='SEQUENTIAL', & IOSTAT=IOS, ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', RECORDTYPE='FIXED', & USEROPEN=BIOCREATE, INITIALSIZE=100) IF (IOS .NE. 0) STOP 'Create failed' (2) ! Now perform the output STATUS = OUTPUT(%VAL(FOR$RAB(IUN))) (3) IF (.NOT. STATUS) STOP 'Output failed' (2) ! Close the file for output CLOSE (UNIT=IUN) ! Confirm output complete TYPE *, 'Output complete, file closed' ! Now open the file for input (2) OPEN(UNIT=IUN, FILE='BIODEMO.DAT', FORM='UNFORMATTED', & STATUS='OLD', IOSTAT=IOS, USEROPEN=BIOREAD, DISP='DELETE') IF (IOS .NE. 0) STOP 'Open for read failed' (2) ! Now read the file back STATUS = INPUT(%VAL(FOR$RAB(IUN))) (3) IF (.NOT. STATUS) STOP 'Input failed' (2) ! Success, output that all is well STOP 'Correct completion of Block I/O demo' END PROGRAM BIO |
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