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HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Server Installation and Configuration Guide

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1.8.12 Step 12: Check DECnet Status

If you plan to use the DECnet transport, it is not necessary to have DECnet or DECnet-Plus running during the installation; however, DECnet or DECnet-Plus must be running on the system before you can configure the server.

To see whether DECnet is running on the system where you are planning to install the server software, enter the appropriate command depending on whether you have installed DECnet (Phase IV), or DECnet-Plus, as described in the following sections. Checking DECnet (Phase IV) Status

To check DECnet status, enter the following command:

  • If DECnet is running, the SHOW EXECUTOR display resembles the following:

    Node Volatile Summary as of  1-SEP-2000 12:16:36
    Executor node = 9.000 (BRUTUS)
    State           = on
    Identification  = DECnet-OSI for OpenVMS
  • If DECnet is not running, enter the following command to start it:

    $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET Checking DECnet-Plus Status

To check DECnet-Plus status, enter the following command:

  • If DECnet-Plus is running, the system displays the following:

  • If DECnet-Plus is not running, enter the following command to start it:


For more information, refer to the DECnet product documentation.

1.8.13 Step 13: Check TCP/IP Status

If you are planning to use the TCP/IP transport, make sure that TCP/IP is running and that the PWIP driver has been loaded. The procedure depends on which TCP/IP product you use. For specific information, refer to the documentation for the TCP/IP product installed.

For example, if TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5 is installed, you can start the PWIP driver manually by entering the following command:


Alternatively, you can configure TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS to automatically start the PWIP driver when TCP/IP is started, using the configuration procedure TCPIP$CONFIG.COM.

After the installation is complete, you can use the Configuration Manager to configure the Advanced Server for OpenVMS to use TCP/IP. You can do this during the configuration procedure (PWRK$CONFIG) or after configuring the server. In the former case, PWRK$CONFIG gives you the option of invoking the Configuration Manager. In the latter case, you can invoke the Configuration Manager at the DCL prompt by entering the ADMINISTER/CONFIG command.

1.8.14 Step 14: Check for Existing OpenVMS Server Images and Files

Make sure that:

  1. No Advanced Server (PATHWORKS Advanced Server and Advanced Server for OpenVMS) images, or PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) images, are running on the local system. No PATHWORKS OpenVMS servers or earlier versions of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS should be running anywhere in the cluster.
  2. No files from a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) kit are on the system disk. If such files are present, use SYS$UPDATE:PWVN$DEINSTAL.COM (included with the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) kit) to remove those files.
  3. No files from any PATHWORKS Advanced Server or Advanced Server for OpenVMS kit are in the SYS$SPECIFIC directory tree.

The POLYCENTER Software installation utility will detect if any of these conditions exist, and if the above-mentioned images or files are found, it will notify you.

1.8.15 Step 15: Check OpenVMS Cluster Configuration

You can run the Advanced Server on multiple OpenVMS Alpha Cluster members. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. If you plan to use the TCP/IP transport, ensure that all cluster members on which the Advanced Server will run are in the same TCP/IP subnet.
  2. If a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), or earlier version of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS is running on any cluster member, stop that server. For more information about earlier versions of the Advanced Server in clusters, see Section, Upgrading OpenVMS Clusters.
    Note that to provide external authentication, HP recommends that you set up external authentication software on all the nodes in the cluster. To set up external authentication support on nodes that do not run HP OpenVMS file servers, see Section 5.7, Setting Up External Authentication.
  3. On each system on which you want to install the Advanced Server, complete the tasks described in this chapter.
    In a cluster configuration that uses multiple system disks, the OpenVMS Registry Server must be configured to use a common registry database. See Section 1.8.5, Step 5: Start the OpenVMS Registry Server, for more information.
    On each cluster member that you want to use as a file and print server, you will run the Advanced Server configuration command procedure (PWRK$CONFIG.COM), as explained in Chapter 3, Configuring the Advanced Server. This ensures that each node has its appropriate parameters set and enough resources to run the server.
  4. All cluster members that will run the Advanced Server must share a common:
    • System user Authorization File (SYSUAF.DAT)
    • Rightlist file (RIGHTSLIST.DAT)
    • OpenVMS Registry datbase location (SYS$REGISTRY:)
    • Advanced Server data directory location (PWRK$COMMONROOT:)

When installing the Advanced Server on an OpenVMS Cluster member, if both the following two conditions apply, you must shut down the server and reboot the systems running the server:

  1. Advanced Servers are installed on two or more system disks in the cluster
  2. The Advanced Server is already running on one or more cluster members that are booted from a system disk other than the one on which the installation is occuring

1.9 Next Step

To install the Advanced Server, proceed to Chapter 2, Installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software.

Chapter 2
Installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software

This chapter describes how to install the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software using the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility. You must follow the procedure outlined here regardless of whether you are upgrading from a previous version of the server or installing the server for the first time.

For information about how to install the product directly from the OpenVMS Alpha CD-ROM menu, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual.

For information about the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Before you begin the installation procedure, make sure that you have completed the preinstallation tasks listed in Chapter 1, Before You Install Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software.

This chapter consists of the following sections:

2.1 The Installation Procedure

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs the following:

  • Determines whether the installation is being done on a VAX system or an Alpha system. If it is a VAX system, the installation terminates. The Advanced Server runs on Alpha systems only.
  • Creates Advanced Server accounts on the system, if necessary.
  • Copies the Advanced Server files in the installation kit to the target disk.
  • Creates DECnet objects, if you are running DECnet or DECnet-Plus.
  • Installs the OpenVMS DCL command definition file, which includes ADMINISTER commands and facilitates management of the Advanced Server.
  • Installs the Advanced Server logical name definition file.
  • Deletes obsolete files.
  • Verifies that the software has been installed successfully. See Section 5.2, Verifying the Advanced Server Installation, for information on how to run the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility so that the procedure automatically runs the Installation Verification Procedure after installing the software.
  • Detects whether a reboot is necessary, and requests one only if and when necessary. You are given the option of delaying a required reboot; for example, if you want to configure or change more settings before rebooting.

2.1.1 Before You Start the Installation Procedure

Before you start the installation procedure, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the product identifier?
    The product identifier tells the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility which product to install. The product identifier for the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software kit is ADVANCEDSERVER.
  2. What is the name of the device on which you want to mount the media?
    The device name depends on the type of media and computer you have. For example, if you want to mount a CD-ROM on the CD-ROM drive of your AlphaStation 400, the device name might be DKA400.
  3. Do you want to install the:
    • Complete Advanced Server software?
    • The License Server only?
    • The external authentication images only?
    • Both the License Server and the external authentication images only?

    You can install these components on any Alpha system running OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 or higher. If you install the complete Advanced Server software or the License Server software, and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) was previously installed, the server data files are automatically upgraded during server configuration, as described in Chapter 3, Configuring the Advanced Server.
    If you choose not to install the complete Advanced Server software, you can choose one of the other options. If you choose to install the complete Advanced Server, you will not be given the other options.
    If the system is designated to run the standalone License Server, you can install the License Server software instead of the complete Advanced Server software. HP recommends that you run the standalone License Server on a designated License Server system. You can decide later (during configuration) whether to run the License Server. The License Server and the external authentication images are installed with the complete Advanced Server installation.
    If you have installed the Advanced Server and enabled external authentication in an OpenVMS Cluster that includes Alpha systems running OpenVMS 7.3-2 or later, and if these systems boot from a system disk that will not have the Advanced Server installed, you can install the standalone external authentication software on that system disk. For more information on setting up external authentication, see Section 5.7, Setting Up External Authentication.
  4. What is the User Identification Code (UIC) group number?
    The Advanced Server installation procedure creates the OpenVMS user accounts PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST, if they do not already exist. The default selection displayed in the installation dialog is determined as follows:
    Condition Default Displayed
    You are installing the file server for the first time The first available unused UIC group number, starting with 360
    An account named PCFS$ACCOUNT already exists The same group number as that associated with the existing account PCFS$ACCOUNT
    The file server accounts already exist The same group number as the existing accounts

2.1.2 Installing the Server

When you have completed the recommended preinstallation tasks outlined in Chapter 1, Before You Install Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software, and have read the release notes, you are ready to use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to install the Advanced Server for OpenVMS. (For additional details for using the utility to install, manage, and remove software products on your system, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.)

During a product upgrade, existing configuration files are preserved in case you want to use them when you configure this version of the software.

To install the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software, proceed as follows:

  1. Load the installation kit media onto an available drive.
  2. Log in to the SYSTEM account, or an account with equivalent privileges.
  3. Check to make sure that other users are not logged in to the system.
  4. If a previous version of the software is installed on the system, shut it down. In a cluster, shut down the software on all cluster members. For a noncluster server, enter:


    For a cluster server, enter:

  5. If you have DECnet configured on your system and you want to create a log of the installation procedure, enter the following command and then log in to the system account again:

    $ SET HOST 0/LOG=file-name

    where file-name is the name of the file to which you want the log written.
  6. Start the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility by entering the PRODUCT INSTALL command with the source directory path appropriate for your system. For example:


    where directory-path specifies the disk and directory name for the source drive that holds the Advanced Server for OpenVMS kit. For example, /SOURCE=DAD$100:[ASOVMS073B].
    If you do not specify the source qualifier, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If not defined, the utility searches the current default directory.
    The utility installs your software at the location defined by the PCSI$DESTINATION logical. If that logical is not defined, then it installs the software in SYS$COMMON:[VMS$COMMON] and directories under it.


    HP recommends that you do not redefine the PCSI$DESTINATION logical and do not use the /DESTINATION qualifier when installing the Advanced Server for OpenVMS with PCSI. If the destination is anything other than the default, the installation will probably fail and the installed kit will not work correctly.

    Note that by default, the installation procedure displays a minimum of text. To get supplementary information for each of the prompts, specify the /HELP qualifier with the PRODUCT INSTALL command, such as in the following example:

    _$ /HELP
  7. The interactive installation procedure begins, and you are prompted for information.
    A sample installation script is included section by section, beginning with Example 2-1, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 1, with each section accompanied by additional explanatory information.
    The actual installation script that is displayed on your system might include additional questions and information, depending on your current configuration.


To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes any files that were created, then exits.

Example 2-1 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 1


The following product has been selected:
    CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVER V7.3B         Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] Y [Return]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.


    © Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

     Advanced Server is sold by Hewlett-Packard Development Company

    Advanced Server requires PAK PWLMXXXCA07.03 for each client.
        This installation procedure requires that all the following
        conditions are satisfied:
        1.  This procedure is running on an Alpha processor.
        2.  The system is running OpenVMS 7.3-2 or later.
        3.  All required privileges are currently enabled.
        4.  No PATHWORKS or Advanced Server images are running
            on this node or anywhere in the cluster.
        5.  No files from a PATHWORKS (NetWare) kit are present
            on this system disk.
        6.  No files from any Pathworks or Advanced Server kit
            are in SYS$SPECIFIC on this system disk.

        This procedure checks if the conditions are satisfied.
        If they are satisfied, the procedure continues.
        If not, the procedure stops.

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

In Example 2-1, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 1, the installer specifies the source for the installation. The "Configuration phase starting ..." message refers to the configuration of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database, not to the configuration of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS itself.

The first part of the installation script identifies the product being installed and lists the conditions that the procedure checks before continuing the installation. If you know that one or more of these conditions have not been met, enter NO to stop the procedure, and then do what is required to satisfy the conditions.

If you know these conditions have been met, press Return to continue with the installation procedure. If you continue, and the procedure finds that any one of these conditions was not met, then you will see a message such as the one documented in Section 2.2.1, Installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software on a VAX System, or Section 2.2.2, Installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS on a System Running Another Advanced Server Image. Satisfy the required conditions that were not met, and then restart the procedure.

When you continue the procedure (answering YES to the "Do you want to continue?" prompt), you are prompted to select one of the following choices for the installation.

Example 2-2 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 2

        Select one of the numbered options:
        1  Install the complete Advanced Server         [default]
        2  Install only the License Server
        3  Install only the external authentication images
        4  Install both the License Server and the
           external authentication images
Option: [1] [Return]

This part of the script gives you the option of installing the complete Advanced Server for OpenVMS product, or installing only the standalone License Server, only the standalone external authentication images, or installing both the standalone License Server and the standalone external authentication images.

In Example 2-2, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 2, the complete installation was selected, and the procedure continues.

Example 2-3 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 3

A PWRK$STREAMSOS_V*.EXE execlet from a previous kit is currently
loaded into memory on this node.
You must reboot this node before starting the product on this node.

Select an option:
1. Delay reboot as long as possible on all nodes. [default]
2. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on any node using this system
   disk until after reboot.
3. Prevent PWRK$CONFIG configuration on all nodes until after reboot.
4. Prevent startup on any node using this system disk until after
   after reboot.
5. Prevent startup on all nodes until after reboot.

Option: [1] [Return]

In Example 2-3, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 3, the installation procedure checks for circumstances requiring a system reboot. A reboot might be needed if:

  • A previous version of a server driver (PCF or PCI) or of an execlet (PWRK$STREAMSOS_V*.EXE) execlet, was detected in memory. The previous version could be from either an Advanced Server for OpenVMS or PATHWORKS for OpenVMS product. (Reboot is required before starting the Advanced Server.)
  • System parameters were changed (in MODPARAMS.DAT), or server parameters were changed in a way that affected system parameters. (Reboot is required before configuring the Advanced Server, as noted in Chapter 1, Before You Install Advanced Server for OpenVMS Software.)

If a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS or Advanced Server for OpenVMS product has been installed and started previously, certain images remain on the system even after the product has been stopped or removed. As a result, before the Advanced Server for OpenVMS can be started, you need to reboot the system to remove the old image.

To help minimize downtime, the installation procedure requests a reboot only if and when necessary. You are not forced to reboot after installation.

In Example 2-3, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 3, software from a
previous product installation was detected (in this case, a
PWRK$STREAMSOS_V*.EXE file; for example, either
PWRK$STREAMSOS_V6.EXE from PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, or PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7.EXE from Advanced Server for OpenVMS). A reboot is necessary unless you do not plan to run the Advanced Server for OpenVMS on this system.

You have the option of delaying a required reboot so that you can complete installation or configuration processes that would be expedient to finish before rebooting. For example, when installing the server on an OpenVMS Cluster, you might want to delay a reboot until you complete the server installation and configuration on all nodes of the cluster. Note that it is possible to avoid the reboot by delaying it indefinitely.

You also have the option of preventing the installed server from being:

  • Configured on any node using this system disk (the disk on which you are installing the server) until after reboot
  • Configured on all cluster nodes until after reboot
  • Started on any node using this system disk until after reboot
  • Started on all cluster nodes until after the reboot

These options enable you to prevent unnecessary reboots such as on a cluster, when installing the server on a common disk. When you install the server on one node, you can use these options so that you can complete the installation and configuration on the other cluster nodes before starting the server. You will only have to reboot the system once.

Example 2-4 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 4

              User Accounts and User Identification Codes (UICs)

    The Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS installation creates two
    OpenVMS accounts:  a default account, PWRK$DEFAULT, and a guest
    account, PWRK$GUEST.  The default UIC group number for both
    these new accounts depends on the following:

    o If you are installing the server for the first time, the
      default is the first unused UIC group number, starting
      with 360.

    o If a PCFS$ACCOUNT already exists, the default is
      the UIC group number associated with PCFS$ACCOUNT.

    o If a PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST account already exists,
      the default is the UIC group number associated with
      PWRK$DEFAULT or PWRK$GUEST, in preference to PCFS$ACCOUNT.
      However, the default UIC group number will not be used to
      change the UIC of any existing accounts.

    For more information about UIC group numbers, see the
    OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

Enter default UIC group number for
Group: [360] [Return]
Creating OpenVMS accounts for PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST
PWRK$DEFAULT account already exists
PWRK$GUEST account already exists

In Example 2-4, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 4, the script prompts for a default UIC group number. It does so only if you are installing the complete Advanced Server for OpenVMS product. If you do not want to associate the newly created OpenVMS accounts PWRK$DEFAULT and PWRK$GUEST with the default user identification code (UIC) group number, specify another three-digit UIC group number.

Example 2-5 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 5

* This product does not have any configuration options.

In Example 2-5, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 5, the script indicates that configuration choices were already made during the procedure.

The procedure continues as follows in Example 2-6, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 6.

Example 2-6 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 6

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:

Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...70%...90%
    To automatically start Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS at
    system startup, you should add the following line to the


    Note: Add this line after the lines that start all the network
    transports, such as TCP/IP.

    Before starting Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS on this node,
    be sure to configure the product (@SYS$UPDATE:PWRK$CONFIG) on
    each node in the cluster where the product will run.


The following product has been installed:
    CPQ AXPVMS ADVANCEDSERVER V7.3B         Layered Product

As shown in Example 2-6, Sample Installation Procedure---Part 6, during the executive phase of the installation, the script informs you as each portion completes (a percentage indicating how much has completed). It then explains how to have the server start automatically at system startup and reminds you to run the configuration procedure before starting the server. (Note that with the installation of the external authentication images only, start up and configuration are not options.)

Example 2-7 Sample Installation Procedure---Part 7

%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for CPQ AXPVMS

 © Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

        Starting Installation Verification Procedure
        for Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS

%PWRK-I-NORMAL, IVP completed successfully
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully

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