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HP Availability Manager User's Guide

Previous Contents Index Lock Block Log File

Example 3-1 contains an excerpt of a lock block log file. You can find a lock block log file in either of the following locations:

System File Name Location
Windows AvailManLock.log Installation directory
OpenVMS Log prefaced by AMDS$AM_LOG Directory to which AMDS$AM_LOG logical points

Numbers preceding lines or items of data in Example 3-1 correspond to numbered lines in Table 3-7, Table 3-8, and Section Table 3-10 contains lines or items of data in a lock block log file that are not described in the other tables in this section.

Table 3-10 Additional Data in the Lock Block Log File
Reference Number Data from Example Description
16 Reason for logging In the example, the reason for logging is "the number of locks has changed." Other reasons include the "initial discovery of resource contention" or "lock data collection has been turned on."
17 GGMODE/CGMODE Lock has been Granted/Lock is Converting
18 Resource Name Dump OpenVMS style of Resource Name dump
19 Rdb global database name resource Decoded Resource Name
20 Parent Resource Name Dump OpenVMS style of Parent Resource Name dump
21 Rdb global database name resource Decoded Parent Resource Name
22 Lock data is being collected The handle preceding a line of lock data has been turned.
23 Master copy info. Remote Node Remote node that contains the master copy of the lock. If "Local Copy", only one node is interested in the lock.
24 Master copy info. Remote Lock ID Lock ID of remote node that contains the master copy of the lock.

Example 3-1 Lock Block Log File

Time:  11-Nov-2003 14:54:13.656

16)Reason for logging:    Number of locks has changed

2) Master Lock Node:      ALTOS

1) Resource Name:         I.....
6)     Status:            VALID
7)     RSB Address:       FFFFFFFE.889F1580
18)    Resource Name Dump (includes initial count byte):
          0000:   000200 00004906  .I.....

8)     Value Block Dump:
          0000: 00000000 00000000  ........
          0008: 00000000 00000000  ........

19) Rdb Remote monitor resource
          #:                 2

3) Parent Resource Name:  Ý...D....VDEROOT     . 7....
7)     RSB Address:       FFFFFFFE.8847DB80
20)    Resource Name Dump (includes initial count byte):
          0000: 00004400 0000DD1C  .....D..
          0008: 4F4F5245 44560200  ..VDEROO
          0010: A0002020 20202054  T     ..
          0018:       00 00000237  7....

8)     Value Block Dump:
          0000: 00000000 00000000  ........
          0008: 00000000 00000000  ........

21)    Rdb global database name resource
          Disk volume name:  VDEROOT
          FID for file:      (14240,2,0)

22) Lock data is being collected

5)     Granted lock count:       1
5)     Conversion lock count:    0
5)     Waiting lock count:       4
5)     Stalled lock count:       0

       10)      9)               11)           12)      13) Master copy info:   15)
      Lock     Node   Process  Process         Lock    Gr/Cv Remote Remote   Flags
      State           PID      Name            ID       Mode Node   Lock ID
                                                              23)    24)
      Granted  ALTOS  28E00441 RDMS_MONITOR70  04014B37 EX    (Local copy)      NQUE SYNC SYS
      Waiting  ALTOS  2880023F RDMS_MONITOR70  4C0065B5 PR   TSAVO  32005001      SYNC SYS  NDLW
      Waiting  ALTOS  00000000 (EPID=28A0023D) 4C0144C4 PR   ETOSHA 74005E36      SYNC SYS  NDLW
      Waiting  ALTOS  28C00448 RDMS_MONITOR70  1D0144A3 PR   CHOBE  77005906      SYNC SYS  NDLW
      Waiting  ALTOS  28E026C3 VDE$KEPT126A3   01014B2D PR    (Local copy)             SYS  NDLW


3.3 OpenVMS Single Process

When you double-click a PID on the lower part of an OpenVMS CPU Process (Figure 3-8), Memory (Figure 3-10), or I/O (Figure 3-12) page, the Availability Manager displays the first of several OpenVMS Single Process pages. On these pages, you can click tabs to display specific data about one process. The following sections describe these pages.

Note About ENQ Values on Single Process Pages

In versions of Availability Manager prior to Version 2.0, whenever an ENQ value in the Single Process page was higher than 32,767, the Availability Manager assigned it a large default value (4,294,967,295, for example) and displayed that large value. This problem has been corrected so that any value up to 32 bits is displayed correctly.

3.3.1 Single Process Information

To display the Single Process Information page (Figure 3-23), click the Process Information tab. The data on this page is displayed at the default intervals shown for Single Process Data on the Data Collection Customization page.

Figure 3-23 Single Process Information Page

Table 3-11 describes the data in Figure 3-23.

Table 3-11 Single Process Information
Data Description
Process name Name of the process.
Username User name of the user who owns the process.
Account Account string that the system manager assigns to the user.
UIC User identification code (UIC). A pair of numbers or character strings that designate the group and user.
PID Process identifier. A 32-bit value that uniquely identifies a process.
Owner ID Process identifier of the process that created the process displayed on the page. If the PID is 0, then the process is a parent process.
PC Program counter.

On OpenVMS Alpha systems, this value is displayed as 0 because the data is not readily available to the Data Collector node.

PS Processor status longword (PSL). This value is displayed on VAX systems only.
Priority Computable and base priority of the process. Priority is an integer between 0 and 31. Processes with higher priority are given more CPU time.
State One of the process states listed in Appendix A.
CPU Time CPU time used by the process.

3.3.2 Single Process Working Set

To display the Single Process Working Set page (Figure 3-24), click the Working Set tab.

Figure 3-24 Single Process Working Set Page

Table 3-12 describes the data in Figure 3-24.

Table 3-12 Single Process Working Set
Data Description
WS Global Pages Shared data or code between processes, listed in pages (measured in pagelets).
WS Private Pages Amount of accessible memory, listed in pages (measured in pagelets).
WS Total Pages Sum of global and private pages (measured in pagelets).
WS Size Working set size. The number of pages (measured in pagelets) of memory the process is allowed to use. This value is periodically adjusted by the operating system based on analysis of page faults relative to CPU time used. Increases in large units indicates that a process is taking many page faults, and its memory allocation is increasing.
WS Default Working set default. The initial limit of the number of physical pages (measured in pagelets) of memory the process can use. This parameter is listed in the user authorization file (UAF); discrepancies between the UAF value and the displayed value are due to page/longword boundary rounding or other adjustments made by the operating system.
WS Quota Working set quota. The maximum amount of physical pages (measured in pagelets) of memory the process can lock into its working set. This parameter is listed in the UAF; discrepancies between the UAF value and the displayed value are due to page/longword boundary rounding or other adjustments made by the operating system.
WS Extent Working set extent. The maximum number of physical pages (measured in pagelets) of memory the system will allocate for the process. The system provides memory to a process beyond its quota only when it has an excess of free pages and can be recalled if necessary. This parameter is listed in the UAF; any discrepancies between the UAF value and the displayed value are due to page/longword boundary rounding or other adjustments made by the operating system.
Images Activated Number of times an image is activated.
Mutexes Held Number of mutual exclusions (mutexes) held. Persistent values other than zero (0) require analysis. A mutex is similar to a lock but is restricted to one CPU. When a process holds a mutex, its priority is temporarily increased to 16.

3.3.3 Single Process Execution Rates

To display the Single Process Execution Rates page (Figure 3-25), click the Execution Rates tab.

Figure 3-25 Single Process Execution Rates Page

Table 3-13 describes the data in Figure 3-25.

Table 3-13 Single Process Execution Rates
Data Description
CPU Percent of CPU time used by this process. The ratio of CPU time to elapsed time.
Direct I/O Rate at which I/O transfers take place from the pages or pagelets containing the process buffer that the system locks in physical memory to the system devices.
Buffered I/O Rate at which I/O transfers take place for the process buffer from an intermediate buffer from the system buffer pool.
Paging I/O Rate of read attempts necessary to satisfy page faults. This is also known as page read I/O or the hard fault rate.
Page Faults Page faults per second for the process.

3.3.4 Single Process Quotas

To display the Single Process Quotas page (Figure 3-26), click the Process Quotas tab.

Figure 3-26 Single Process Quotas Page

Table 3-14 describes the data displayed in Figure 3-26. When you display the SWAPPER process, however, no values are listed in this section. The SWAPPER process does not have quotas defined in the same way as other system and user processes do.

Table 3-14 Single Process Quotas
Data Description
Direct I/O The current number of direct I/Os used compared with the limit possible.
Buffered I/O The current number of buffered I/Os used compared with the possible limit.
ASTs Asynchronous system traps. The current number of ASTs used compared with the possible limit.
CPU Time Amount of time used compared with the possible limit (in ms). "No Limit" is displayed if the limit is 0.

3.3.5 Single Process Wait States

To display the Single Process Wait States page (Figure 3-27), click the Wait States tab.

Figure 3-27 Single Process Wait States Page

Table 3-15 describes the data in Figure 3-27. In the graph, "Current" refers to the percentage of elapsed time each process spends in one of the computed wait states. If a process spends all its time waiting in one state, the total gradually reaches 100%.

How Wait States are Calculated

The wait state specifies why a process cannot execute, based on calculations made on collected data. Each value is calculated over an entire data collection period of approximately 2 minutes. The graph shows, over this period of time, the percentage of time a process spends in each wait state. Each value is an exponential average that approximates a moving average. A more detailed explanation follows.

When monitoring of a single process starts, all wait state values are zero. When the system periodically checks the process, the system first subtracts 10% from each value. It then adds a value of 10 to the wait state the process is currently in, if any.

For example, at the start, if a process is found to be in the Control wait state, the graph immediately registers 10 for Control. If the process is still in the Control wait state the next time it is checked, the graph shows Control at 19. This value is 90% of the original 10 (or 9), plus 10 (the value currently being added).

The next time the process is checked, if it is found to be in the Buffered I/O wait state, Buffered I/O is set to 10 and Control is set to 17 (approximately 90% of the previous value of 19).

The following time the process is checked, if it is not in a wait state at all, Buffered I/O is set to 9 (90% of 10), and Control is set to 15 (90% of 17).

Appendix A contains descriptions of process wait states.

Table 3-15 Single Process Wait States
Data Description
Compute Average percentage of time that the process is waiting for CPU time. Possible states are COM, COMO, or RWCAP.
Memory Average percentage of time that the process is waiting for a page fault that requires data to be read from disk; this is common during image activation. Possible states are PFW, COLPG, FPG, RWPAG, RWNPG, RWMPE, or RWMPB.
Direct I/O Average percentage of time that the process waits for data to be read from or written to a disk or tape. The possible state is DIO.
Buffered I/O Average percentage of time that the process waits for data to be read from or written to a slower device such as a terminal, line printer, mailbox, or network traffic. The possible state is BIO.
Control Average percentage of time that the process is waiting for another process to release control of some resource. Possible states are CEF, MWAIT, LEF, LEFO, RWAST, RWMBX, RWSCS, RWCLU, RWCSV, RWUNK, or LEF waiting for an ENQ.
Quotas Average percentage of time that the process is waiting because the process has exceeded some quota. Possible states are QUOTA or RWAST_QUOTA.
Explicit Average percentage of time that the process is waiting because the process asked to wait, such as a hibernate system service. Possible states are HIB, HIBO, SUSP, SUSPO, or LEF waiting for a TQE.

3.3.6 Single Process Job Quotas

To display the Single Process Job Quotas page (Figure 3-28), click the Job Quotas tab.

Figure 3-28 Single Process Job Quotas Page

Table 3-16 describes the data in Figure 3-28.

Table 3-16 Single Process Job Quotas
Data Description
File Count Current number of open files compared with the possible limit.
Page File Count Current number of disk blocks in the page file that the process can use compared with the possible limit.
Enqueue Count Current number of resources (lock blocks) queued compared with the possible limit.
TQE Count Current number of timer queue entry (TQE) requests compared with the possible limit.
Process Count Current number of subprocesses created compared with the possible limit.
Byte Count Current number of bytes used for buffered I/O transfers compared with the possible limit.

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