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HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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3.28 Recommended/Suggested Patches for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1

VMS731_F11X-V0100 Alpha Version 7.3-1 F11BXQP ECO Kit for File System Fixes

When on an ODS-5 volume, files with names that do not obey strict ODS-2 naming, such as the use of lower case names or ISO-Latin-1 names, may loop on this name. Certain lookups back track to a previous name because for a non-case sensitive operation, the lookup finds the same file. The image affected is [SYS$LDR]F11BXQP.EXE

This patch is part of OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2

Chapter 4
Problems Corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS

This chapter describes problems resolved by software changes made in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. These software changes will also be included in future ECOs. The problems are described in the sections indicated in the following table:

Problem Type Section Number
Server Problems 4.1
File Access/Printing Problems 4.2
ADMINISTER Command Problems 4.3
Windows 2000 Related Problems 4.4
Transport Problems 4.5
Cluster-Related Problems 4.6
Browser Problems 4.7
Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Problems 4.8

4.1 Server Problems

This section describes the file server problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.1 File Created by a Windows Client Might Not Be Truncated Correctly


If a client (such as Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98) creates a new file in a share, the file server allocates blocks for the file but does not release this space. For example, if on the OpenVMS server you set the default directory to that of the server share and use the OpenVMS DIR/SIZE=ALL command, specifying the name of the new file, and the Advanced Server allocates 33 blocks for the file, the resulting display, and all subsequent directory displays, will show "0/33" as the number of blocks allocated for the file. As a result of this problem, disk space is consumed more quickly.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.2 "Yikes" Error Message Logged in PWRK$LMSRV Log FIle


When interacting with a shared directory that contains a large number of versions of a given file, the file server logs the following message in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

17-SEP-2000 13:48:16.68 20200282:01292B30 ODS2GetNextDirEntry:
expected more data blocks!


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.3 External Authentication to a Windows NT Server Fails with Password Exceeding 12 Characters


When OpenVMS users who have accounts enabled for external authentication attempt to log in to a trusted domain on a Windows NT V4.0 server that has Service Pack 4, if they enter a password that exceeds 12 characters, the authentication fails.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.4 Advanced Server Crashes with ACCVIO at XIOCTL Routine


The Advanced Server might crash with an access violation in the module XIOCTL, routine smbntXioctl. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
PWRK$LMSRV XIOCTL  smbntXioctl . . . 0000000000022BD0 0000000000618BD0
PWRK$LMSRV NTTRANS  smbnttrans . . . 0000000000024A34 000000000061AA34
PWRK$LMSRV SMBWORK  smbwork    . . . 0000000000018BDC 000000000060EBDC
                               . . . 0000000000000104 00000000004B3164


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.5 The File Server Leaks Memory When Handling RegSetValue Calls


When processing requests from client applications such as RegEdt32 that require setting string values, the file server allocates extra memory. In versions prior to Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS, this memory does not get freed. If many of these set string value requests are made, or if large string values are being set, the file server could eventually run out of memory because of this problem.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. The file server now frees this memory.

4.1.6 Server Crashes Randomly, Often When in an LMFREE or LMMALLOC Routine


The server crashes, often in an LMFREE or LMMALLOC routine. It crashes at any time after connecting to the OpenVMS Registry. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
PWRK$LMAPISHR MALDEBUG lmfree  . . . 0000000000022BD0 0000000000618BD0
PWRK$LMSRV SSIGNON_PROC process_acme_message_3
                               . . . 0000000000024A34 000000000061AA34


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.7 PWRK$LMSRV Crashes with Access Violation Processing a GET SECURITY DESCRIPTOR SMB Message for a Named Pipe


The PWRK$LMSRV process might crash with an access violation in module PFS$OPS, routine PFS_getpathid, when processing a GET SECURITY DESCRIPTOR SMB message, and the file in question is a named pipe. A traceback similar to the following will be logged in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000180, PC=00000000003F5224, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
 image          module   routine        line  rel PC           ...
 PWRK$CSSHR_V7  PFS$OPS  PFS_getpathid  20626 0000000000009EE4 ...
 PWRK$LMSRV                                 0 000000000012C95C ...
 PWRK$LMSRV                                 0 000000000012B204 ...


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.8 Shares With Names 12 Characters in Length Might Be Displayed with a Random Character at Position 13


If the name of a share has exactly 12 characters, sometimes the share name is displayed by the client with a random character appended at character position 13.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.9 PWRK$LMSRV or PWRK$LMDMN Crashes with "resume_0: too many thread resumes" Error


An error related to interprocess communications (IPC) is not handled correctly, causing a thread in the server to be resumed (activated) too many times. The error message logged is similar to the following:

resume_0: too many thread resumes for 0024A2E0 (resume_pending=4)
some suspend/resume information may have been lost which may
      cause future error(s)

This condition might cause the PWRK$LMSRV or PWRK$LMDMN1 process to crash.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.10 Advanced Server Hangs and Logs "Server allocating 10 more queue elements" Messages


The Advanced Server hangs because it is attempting to process multiple VFC files at the same time. The PWRK$LMSRV log file records several "Server allocating 10 more queue elements" messages and a message indicating that the data cache is saturated and should be increased in size.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.11 Certain Clients Are Unable to Change a Password on an Advanced Server


When clients such as PATHWORKS for MS-DOS, MS-DOS workstations, or any workstations prior to Windows NT V4 issue the net password command to change a password on the Advanced Server, the attempt fails. This occurs when the Advanced Server is a backup domain controller in the same subnet as the client, and the Advanced Server primary domain controller is in another subnet. When the client issues a net password, a message is broadcast to the network seeking a primary domain controller to perform the password change. The query is ignored by the primary domain controller, and the password change request fails.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.12 Advanced Server Crashes in mbreaddoneast Routine (LIBIPC)


Third-party software can erroneously post a message into an Advanced Server mailbox. This can result in the following type of crash:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8049F044, PS=0000001B

  image    module    routine    . . .  rel PC           abs PC
                                     0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8049F044
PWRK$CSSHR_V7  LIBIPC  mbreaddoneast 000000000000844C 00000000003C6C5C


Although this problem is not due to an Advanced Server bug, the Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS resolves the problem by detecting the erroneous message and then ignoring it. The Advanced Server does not crash. Instead, it logs the following warning message:

9-NOV-1999 11:24:42.58 202003DA:AST_LVL  IPCerr\\mbreaddoneast.5836
Unexpected mailbox message received from PID 0x202003E2, will be ignored

The process ID (PID) can be used to find the process that caused the problem.

4.1.13 NetBIOS Message Hangs Operator Terminal


When the NetBIOS process has a heavy workload, and it sends a message to an operator-enabled terminal, the message might cause the terminal to hang until the operator enters the Ctrl/Y sequence.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.14 Access Denied to Non-Administrators Group Users Attempting to Use Windows NT Management Tools


Users not belonging to the Administrators group might be denied access when using Windows NT management tools, such as the Windows NT Explorer and User Manager for Domains tools.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.15 Partial Synchronization Failure with First Time Startup in New Domain


When the Advanced Server starts up for the first time in a new domain, a partial synchronization of the Local Security Authority (LSA) database is attempted and fails, but then a full synchronization of the database completes successfully. Following is an example of the event messages logged (the events are displayed in reverse order):

I 02/24/99 12:26:17 PM NETLOGON  None          5717   N/A       PHL232
NET5717:   The full synchronization replication of the LSA database
 from the domain controller \\NT216 completed successfully.

W 02/24/99 12:26:15 PM NETLOGON  None          5716   N/A       PHL232
NET5716:   The partial synchronization replication of the LSA database
 from the domain controller \\NT216 failed.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.16 Excessive Event 5719 Messages Logged on all Backup Domain Controllers in a Domain


In a domain with a large number of backup domain controllers (BDCs), the following message might be logged on all the BDCs in the domain. The PDC is unable to handle the number of requests it is receiving from its BDCs.

E 07/09/00 10:55:28 AM NETLOGON None 5719 N/A HYRES2
NET5719: No domain controller for the domain LANDOFOZ is available.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.17 BDC Servers Experience High CPU Utilization and Replication Traffic


The PWRK$LMSRV process on a backup domain controller (BDC) server might consume a high percentage of the CPU time during replication of domain security (SAM) databases. In this case, the replication traffic is excessive, and the server event log includes unexpected entries 5716, 5717, 5718, and 5719, depending on the replication process being performed.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.18 PWRK$LMSRV Crashes in Module UXREDIR, Routine TCON


When the file server is communicating with another file server to complete an action, PWRK$LMSRV crashes in module UXREDIR, routine TCON. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000020, PC=00000000002BD13C, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine    . . .   rel PC          abs PC

PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  tcon         00000000000024CC 00000000002BD13C
PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  redolinks    00000000000045A4 00000000002BF214
PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  newsrv       0000000000004D4C 00000000002BF9BC


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.19 Advanced Server Crashes with ACCVIO in Image PWRK$PCMSHR


The Advanced Server can crash due to an ACCVIO in image PWRK$PCMSHR, module PCM_BUFFER, at routine PCM_read_data. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
                               . . . 0000000000022BD0 0000000000618BD0
                               . . . 0000000000024A34 000000000061AA34
PWRK$LMSRV  READ  comread      . . . 0000000000018BDC 000000000060EBDC


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.20 Advanced Server Crashes with ACCVIO at Routine APIEXCEPT


The Advanced Server might crash due to an ACCVIO at routine APIEXCEPT.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.21 Advanced Server Crashes with ACCVIO in Image PWRK$LMRPCSHR


The Advanced Server might crash due to an ACCVIO in image PWRK$LMRPCSHR. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
PWRK$LMRPCSHR                  . . . 0000000000022BD0 0000000000618BD0
PWRK$LMRPCSHR                  . . . 0000000000024A34 000000000061AA34
PWRK$LMRPCSHR                  . . . 0000000000018BDC 000000000060EBDC
                               . . . 0000000000000104 00000000004B3164


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.22 PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in PTRMAP


When the user account policy includes forced logoff of users who exceed the maximum logon hours specified for their accounts, the Advanced Server might crash due to an ACCVIO in the PTRMAP module at various routines. (You can enable forced logoff of users by using the /FORCE_DISCONNECT qualifier with the ADMINISTER SET ACCOUNT POLICY command.)

A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

image       module   routine      line      rel PC           abs PC
PWRK$LMSRV  PTRMAP   putptr       47806 00000000000005F0 00000000001A...
PWRK$LMSRV  PPS_JOBS PPS_open     53650 00000000000004F4 000000000018...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     open_printer 70538 0000000000000734 000000000011...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     openX_open2  71064 00000000000016D4 000000000011...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     smbopenX     70938 0000000000001190 000000000011...
PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork      64843 0000000000001794 000000000010...

A similar crash, in the same module, can be seen if users have logon hours specified, even if forced logoffs are not enabled.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.23 Windows NT Workstation User Unable to Log In - NET5722 Errors


Occasionally, when a Windows NT workstation boots, an authentication failure occurs. Event logs reveal event NET5722 message, such as in the example that follows. In addition, the workstation user might not be able to log on to the workstation.

E 02/15/99 05:03:03 PM NETLOGON  None        5722   N/A    CAMBDG
NET5722:  The session setup from the computer BSTN1 failed to
 The name of the account referenced on the security database is


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.24 Client Directory Listings Incomplete


When viewed from various clients, such as Microsoft Windows Explorer, directory listings might fail to show all the files in the directory. In some cases, the missing contents are those files that would be at the end of the directory listing. The directory cache might inadvertently stop before the entire cache contents for the directory are processed. This seems to occur most often on heavily accessed directories. For example, the problem might occur when a substantial number of subdirectories and files are added to the same directory. The problem might also occur with directories that are accessed by multiple clients. After the contents of a directory that has been cached are changed (for example, from OpenVMS or another client, or after a ZIP file is unpacked), the directory listing might be incomplete.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. Note that incomplete directory listings can also be caused by XQP problems. To address these problems, the latest XQP related patches must be installed. At a minimum, the following patch levels should be installed:

Alpha Kits Platform
VMS72_F11X-V0200 OpenVMS V7.2
VMS721_F11X-V0100 OpenVMS V7.2-1

If your Advanced Server participates in an OpenVMS Cluster, these patches must be installed on all cluster members, even those that do not run the Advanced Server.

4.1.25 External Authentication Fails with 15-Character Domain User Name


Attempts to log on to an OpenVMS account for which external authentication is enabled are denied if the user enters a user name 15 characters in length. The following error message is displayed, where user-id is the user identification:

 (user-id) does not exist or is invalid


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.26 Cannot Create a Share to an ISO-9660 or High Sierra CD-ROM Device


Attempts to create a share to a device that has an ISO-9660 or High Sierra CD-ROM mounted might fail.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.27 PWRK$LMSRV Crashes During Client Operation Invoking NetLogon


When a client performs an operation that invokes the NetLogon service (such as when a user attempts to log on to the server), and the client sends the wrong pipe name, the server crashes in module OPEN, routine file_exists. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=00000021, PC=002EDF6F, PSL=03C00000
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name              ...   rel PC    abs PC

                                          ...   002EDF6F  002EDF6F
OPEN            file_exists               ...   000000C7  000872FF
OPEN            NT_openX_open2            ...   00000338  00088694
NTCREATE        smbntcreateX              ...   000001C4  0009F1B0
SMBWORK         smbwork                   ...   00000DE8  0007ECA4
                                          ...   002BB885  002BB885
MTS$MAIN        main                      ...   00000029  00029995


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.28 Partial Synchronizations Require Excessive Time to Complete


When the Advanced Server is the primary domain controller (PDC), partial synchronizations that require more than one update message to be sent from the PDC to the BDC might take an inordinate amount of time to complete.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.1.29 External Authentication for User Account in a Trusted Domain Fails


When a user with an account in a trusted domain attempts to log on to an OpenVMS account for which external authentication is enabled, the user's attempted logon might fail. The problem typically occurs when many logons are occurring simultaneously.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.


1 PWRK$LMDMN no longer exists in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS and later versions of the Advanced Server.

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