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HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual

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;P---Proceed from Breakpoint

Continues program execution following a breakpoint.




The Proceed from Breakpoint command continues program execution at the address contained in the PC of the program. Program execution continues until the next breakpoint or until program completion.


If DELTA/XDELTA does not have write access to the target of a JSR instruction, you cannot use the S or ;P command at the JSR instruction. First, you must use the O command; then you can use the S or ;P command.

The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.


I64 example:

G0BF5D60,0;X                    (1)

 1 00000060                     (2)

;P                              (3)

Brk 1 at X0+00000060 on CPU 0   (4)

X0+00000060!       alloc       r53 = ar.pfs, 18, 08, 00  (New IPL = 0) -
                               (New mode = USER)

  1. Set the base register.
  2. Set a breakpoint at address X0+00000060 using ;B.
  3. Program execution is continued using the ;P command.
  4. Program execution halts at breakpoint 1. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message (the breakpoint number and the address) and the instruction.

Alpha example:

 1 00030010      (1)

;P       (2)

Brk 1 at 00030010

00030010!       STQ             R26,#X0008(SP)  (3)

  1. Current breakpoints are displayed using ;B (breakpoint 1 at address 30010).
  2. Program execution is continued using the ;P command.
  3. Program execution halts at breakpoint 1. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message (the breakpoint number and the address) and the instruction.

VAX example:

2  00000699                (1)
;P                         (2)
2 BRK AT 00000699
00000699/BSBB    000006A2  (3)

  1. Current breakpoints are displayed using ;B (breakpoint 2 at address 699).
  2. Program execution is continued using the ;P command.
  3. Program execution halts at breakpoint 2. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message (the breakpoint number and the address) and the instruction.

;Q---Validate Queue (I64 and Alpha Only)

Analyzes absolute and self-relative longword queues and displays the results of the analysis.





The queue header must be at least longword aligned.


A queue type of zero (the default) represents an absolute queue. A queue type of 1 indicates a self-relative queue.


The validate queue function is similar to the one in the OpenVMS System Dump Analyzer Utility. It can analyze both absolute and self-relative longword queues and display the results of the analysis. This function identifies various problems in the queue headers and invalid backward links for queue entries and evaluates the readability of both. For valid queues, it tells you the total number of entries. For invalid queues, it tells you the queue entry number and the address that is invalid and why.


FFFFFFFF8000F00D;Q      !Absolute at GF00D
GF00D,0;Q               !Absolute at GF00D
GF00,1;Q                !Self-relative at GF00

;T---Display Interrupt Stack Frame on XDELTA (I64 Only)

XDELTA only; displays contents of an interrupt stack frame.


addr_exp ;T



The address of the stack frame. This is an optional argument. If not specified, the ;T command without any argument displays the interrupt stack frame with which XDELTA was invoked.


On I64 systems, the XDELTA ;T command displays the contents of an interrupt stack frame.


In the following example, the ;T command displays the machine state at the time of the exception.


* Exception Frame Display: *

Exception taken at IP FFFFFFFF.8063D830, slot 01
from Kernel mode Exception Frame at FFFFFFFF.89DA1CE0
Trap Type   00000080 (External Interrupt)
IVT Offset  00003000 (External Interrupt)
External Interrupt Vector  00000000

* = Value read directly from the register rather than the frame

Control Registers:
CR0   Default Control Register (DCR)         00000000.00007F00
CR1   Interval Timer Match Register (ITM)  * 0000C6F7.31F82D5B
CR2   Interruption Vector Address (IVA)    * FFFFFFFF.801D0000
CR8   Page Table Address (PTA)             * FFFFFFFF.7FFF013D
CR16  Processor Status Register (IPSR)       00001210.0A026010
CR17  Interrupt Status Register (ISR)        00000200.00000000
CR19  Instruction Pointer (IIP)              FFFFFFFF.8063D830
CR20  Faulting Address (IFA)                 FFFFFFFF.88580078
CR21  TLB Insertion Register (ITIR)          00000000.00000334
CR22  Instruction Previous Address (IIPA)    FFFFFFFF.8063D830
CR23  Function State (IFS)                   80000000.00000FA7
CR24  Instruction immediate (IIM)            FFFFFFFF.88580078
CR25  VHPT Hash Address (IHA)                FFFFFFFF.7FFF5860
CR64  Local Interrupt ID (LID)             * 00000000.00000000
CR66  Task Priority Register (TPR)         * 00000000.00010000
CR68  External Interrupt Req Reg 0 (IRR0)  * 00000000.00000000
CR69  External Interrupt Req Reg 1 (IRR1)  * 00000000.00000000
CR70  External Interrupt Req Reg 2 (IRR2)  * 00000000.00000000
CR71  External Interrupt Req Reg 3 (IRR3)  * 00020000.00000000
CR72  Interval Time Vector (ITV)           * 00000000.000000F1
CR73  Performance Monitoring Vector (PMV)  * 00000000.000000FB
CR74  Corrected Machinecheck Vector (CMCV) * 00000000.00010000
CR80  Local Redirection Register 0 (LRR0)  * 00000000.00010000
CR81  Local Redirection Register 1 (LRR1)  * 00000000.00010000

Application Registers:
AR0   Kernel Register (KR0)                * 00000000.20570000
AR1   Kernel Register (KR1)                * 00000000.60000000
AR2   Kernel Register (KR2)                * 00000000.00000000
AR3   Kernel Register (KR3)                * 00000000.00000000
AR4   Kernel Register (KR4)                * 00000000.00000000
AR5   Kernel Register (KR5)                * 0000C6F7.31F82D5B
AR6   Kernel Register (KR6)                * FFFFFFFF.84C3E000
AR7   Kernel Register (KR7)                * FFFFFFFF.89D4B000
AR16  Register Stack Config Reg (RSC)        00000000.00000000
AR17  Backing Store Pointer (BSP)            FFFFF802.A3EAC300
AR18  Backing Store for Mem Store (BSPSTORE) FFFFF802.A3EAC300
AR19  RSE NaT Collection Register (RNAT)     00000000.00000000
AR32  Compare/Exchange Comp Value Reg (CCV)  FFFFFFFF.84132680
AR36  User NaT Collection Register (UNAT)    00000000.00000000
AR40  Floating-point Status Reg (FPSR)       0009804C.0270033F
AR44  Interval Time Counter (ITC)          * 0000C6FB.A91997B5
AR64  Previous Function State (PFS)          00000000.00000FA7
AR65  Loop Count Register (LC)               00000000.00000000
AR66  Epilog Count Register (EC)             00000000.00000000

Processor Status Register (IPSR):
AC = 0   MFL= 1   MFH= 0   IC = 1   I  = 1   DT = 1
DFL= 0   DFH= 0   RT = 1   CPL= 0   IT = 1   MC = 0   RI = 1
Interrupt Status Register (ISR):
Code 00000000     X  = 0   W  = 0   R  = 0   NA = 0   SP = 0
RS = 0   IR = 0   NI = 0   SO = 0   EI = 1   ED = 0

Branch Registers:                  Region Registers:
B0        FFFFFFFF.8063C570        RR0     * 00000000.00000035
B1        00000000.00000000        RR1     * 00000000.00000030
B2        00000000.00000000        RR2     * 00000000.00000030
B3        00000000.00000000        RR3     * 00000000.00000030
B4        00000000.00000000        RR4     * 00000000.00000030
B5        00000000.00000000        RR5     * 00000000.00000030
B6        FFFFFFFF.80001580        RR6     * 00000000.00000030
B7        FFFFFFFF.806F4D30        RR7     * 00000000.00000335

Floating Point Registers:          FPSR      0009804C.0270033F
F6        00000000.0001003E.00000000.0000FCBE
F7        00000000.0001003E.00000000.00000040
F8        00000000.0001003E.00000000.003F2F80
F9        00000000.00010003.80000000.00000000
F10       00000000.0000FFFB.80000000.00000000
F11       00000000.0000FFFB.80000000.00000000

Miscellaneous Registers:
Processor Identifier (CPUID 0,1)             GenuineIntel
                     (CPUID 3)               00000000.1F010504
Interrupt Priority Level (IPL)                        00000003
Stack Align                                           000002D0
NaT Mask                                                  001C
PPrev Mode                                                  00
Previous Stack                                              00
Interrupt Depth                                             00
Preds                                        00000000.FF65CCA3
Nats                                         00000000.00000000
Context                                      00000000.FF61CEA3

General Registers:
R0   00000000.00000000     GP   FFFFFFFF.8442E200     R2  FFFFFFFF.84132688
R3   FFFFFFFF.8442E200     R4   FFFFFFFF.8442E200     R5  00000000.00000001
R6   FFFFFFFF.84C3E000     R7   00000000.00000000     R8  00000000.00000003
R9   00000000.00000009     R10  00000000.00000008     R11 00000000.00000000
SP   FFFFFFFF.89DA0D18     TP   00000000.00000000     R14 00000000.00000001
R15  FFFFFFFF.8401BD90     R16  FFFFFFFF.84017508     R17 FFFFFFFF.84009E98
R18  FFFFFFFF.84C3F274     R19  00000000.00000000     R20 FFFFFFFF.84009E00
R21  FFFFFFFF.84132627     R22  FFFFFFFF.84C3E01C     R23 00000000.0000000F
R24  00000000.00011F90     R25  00000000.00000003     R26 00000000.00000000
R27  FFFFFFFF.84132668     R28  FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8     R29 FFFFFFFF.89DA1FB0
R30  00000000.7FF2E318     R31  00000000.00000000

Interrupted Frame RSE Backing Store , Size = 39 registers

 FFFFF802.A3EAC300:  FFFFFFFF.84C3E080 (R32)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC308:  E0000000.00000000 (R33)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC310:  FFFFFFFF.84132628 (R34)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC318:  FFFFFFFF.88598080 (R35)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC320:  00000000.00000001 (R36)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC328:  FFFFFFFF.806029A0 (R37)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC330:  00000000.FF65C563 (R38)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC338:  00000000.00000000 (R39)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC340:  FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R40)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC348:  FFFFFFFF.806029C0 (R41)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC350:  FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R42)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC358:  FFFFFFFF.88598080 (R43)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC360:  FFFFFFFF.84191000 (R44)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC368:  00000000.00000009 (R45)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC370:  FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8 (R46)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC378:  FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R47)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC380:  00000000.00000000 (R48)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC388:  FFFFFFFF.84132668 (R49)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC390:  00000000.00000008 (R50)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC398:  00000000.00000000 (R51)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3A0:  00000000.7FF2E318 (R52)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3A8:  00000000.00000000 (R53)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3B0:  00000000.00000FB2 (R54)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3B8:  FFFFFFFF.84132627 (R55)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3C0:  00000000.00000003 (R56)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3D0:  FFFFFFFF.801D9BD0 (R58)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3D8:  FFFFFFFF.806029C0 (R59)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3E0:  00000000.00000001 (R60)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC3F0:  FFFFFFFF.8442E200 (R62)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC400:  00000000.00000003 (R63)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC408:  FFFFFFFF.8063C570 (R64)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC410:  00000000.00000008 (R65)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC418:  00000000.00000008 (R66)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC420:  FFFFFFFF.84132668 (R67)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC428:  FFFFFFFF.8416D7C8 (R68)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC430:  00000000.00000008 (R69)
 FFFFF802.A3EAC438:  FFFFFFFF.8416DAA0 (R70)

;W---List Name and Location of a Single Loaded Image (I64 and Alpha Only)

Lists information about an image that contains the address you supplied.



sequence number, offset;W



An address contained within an executive image or a user image.

sequence number

The identifier assigned to an executive image.


The distance from the base address of the image.


The ;W command is used for debugging code that resides in system or user space. You can use this command with XDELTA for debugging an executive image. You can also use this command with DELTA.

To examine the executive image list, you must be running in executive mode or your process must have change-mode-to-executive (CMEXEC) privilege.

This command can be used in two ways. In the first way, if you supply an address that you are trying to locate, the command lists the name of the executive or user image that contains the address, its base and ending addresses, and the offset of the address from the base of the image. For any executive image that has been sliced, it also displays its sequence number. The offset can be used with the link map of the image to locate the actual code or data. This offset is saved in the value Q.

In the second way, if you supply the sequence number of a sliced executive image and an offset, the command computes and displays the address in memory. The address is saved in the value Q.


The first form of the command takes a system space address as a parameter and attempts to locate that address within the loaded executive images. This command works for both sliced and unsliced loadable executive images. The output is very similar to ;L, except the offset is displayed for you, as shown in the following example:


Seq#  Image Name                          Base      End       Image Offset

          Nonpaged read only              80024000  8002C800  00002530

The second form of the command takes a loadable executive image sequence number and an image offset from the map file as parameters. The output, again, is very similiar to ;L, except that the system space address that corresponds to the image offset is displayed, as shown in the following example:


Seq#  Image Name                               Base      End       Address

          Nonpaged read only                   80024000  8002C800  80026530

;X---Load Base Register

Places an address in a base register.





The address to place in the base register.


The number of the base register.


On I64 and Alpha, a parameter for modifying the default offset of 1000016. The valid range is 1 to FFFFFFFF.


On I64 and Alpha, to place an address in a base register, enter:
  • An expression followed by a comma (,), or
  • A number from 0 to 1510, or optionally, a number from 1 to FFFFFFFF, a semicolon (;)
  • The letter X.

On VAX, to place an address in a base register, enter an expression followed by a comma (,), a number from 0 to F16, a semicolon (;), and the letter X.

On all platforms, DELTA/XDELTA places the address in the base register. DELTA/XDELTA confirms that the base register is set by displaying the value deposited in the base register.

For example, the following command places the address 402 in base register 0. DELTA/XDELTA then displays the value in the base register to verify it.

402,0;X [Return]

Whenever DELTA/XDELTA displays an address, it will display a relative address if the address falls within the computer's valid range for an offset from a base register. The relative address consists of the base register identifier (Xn), followed by an offset. The offset gives the address location in relation to the address stored in the base register.

For example, if base register 2 contains 800D046A, the address that would be displayed is X2+C4, the base register identifier followed by the offset.

Relative addresses are computed for both opened and displayed locations and for addresses that are instruction operands.

If you have defined several base registers, the offset will be relative to the closest base register. If an address falls outside the valid range, it is displayed as a hexadecimal value.

On I64, the default offset is 10000016, which can be modified.

On Alpha, the default offset is 1000016, which can be modified.

On VAX, the default offset is 200016 bytes. It cannot be modified.

The following examples illustrate the command on each platform.


I64 example:

G0BF5D60,0,200;X 1


0 80BF5D60  00000200
4 8392A900
5 83009DE0
13 FFFFF802 06C00000
14 830937F0
15 83093700

G0BF5D60,0,200;X                  (1)

  0 80BF5D60  00000200
  4 8392A900
  5 83009DE0
 13 FFFFF802 06C00000
 14 830937F0
 15 83093700                           (2)

  1. Set the base register, with an offset.
  2. The ;X command with no arguments displays the existing base register values. Offset values are also displayed, if their value is other than the default offset.

Alpha example:

30000,0;X      (1)
30070,1,200;X      (2)
;X       (3)
  0 00030000
  1 00030070  00000200

S       (4)
X0+00000004!    BIS             R31,R31,R18

x1+10!  STQ             FP,#X0020(SP)   (5)

  1. The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is virtual address 30000. The base address is stored in base register 0 with ;X, using the default offset. DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in base register 0 just loaded, 30000.
  2. The address of a subroutine, 30070, is stored in base register 1, specifying a new offset of 200 (to override the default value of 100000). Note that this command could also have been expressed as "x0+70,1,200;X". DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in base register 1 just loaded, 30070.
  3. The ;x command is used to display the current base registers. Note that for those not using the default offset, the offset is also displayed.
  4. The S command is used to execute the first instruction in the main routine. DELTA/XDELTA displays the address of the next instruction, 30004, as x0+00000004 and then displays the instruction at that address.
  5. The instruction at offset 10 from base register 1 is displayed in instruction mode using the ! command.

VAX example:

00000664/CLRQ    -(SP)    200,1;X   (1)
00000200                            (2)
X1 490!CMPL    R0,#000009A8         (3)
X1 499!BSBB    X1+04A2              (4)
  1. The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is virtual address 200. The base address is stored in base register 1 with ;X.
  2. DELTA/XDELTA displays the value in base register 1 just loaded, 200.
  3. The instruction at offset 490 is displayed in instruction mode using the ! command. The address reference is X1+490 (the + sign is implied when not specified). DELTA/XDELTA displays the instruction at address X1+490.
  4. The instruction at offset 499 is displayed. This instruction is a branch instruction. DELTA/XDELTA displays the address of the branch in offset notation.

O---Step Instruction over Subroutine

Executes one instruction, steps over a subroutine by executing it, and displays the instruction to which the subroutine returns control.




The Step Instruction over Subroutine command executes one instruction and displays the address of the next instruction. If the instruction executed is a call to a subroutine, the subroutine is executed and the next instruction displayed is the instruction to which the subroutine returns control. Use this command to do single-step instruction execution excluding single-stepping of instructions within subroutines. If you want to do single-step execution of all instructions, including those in subroutines, use the S command.

This command sets a flag to change the display mode to instruction mode. Any subsequent Close Current Location, Open Next (LINEFEED) commands and Open and Display Indirect Location (TAB) commands will display locations as machine instructions. The Open Location and Display Contents (/) command clears the flag, causing the display mode to revert to longword, hexadecimal mode.

On I64, the subroutine call instruction is br.call.

On Alpha, the subroutine call instructions are JSR and BSR.

On VAX, the subroutine call instructions are BSBB, BSBW, JSB, CALLG, and CALLS.

On all platforms, if you set a breakpoint in the subroutine and enter the O command, program execution breaks at the subroutine breakpoint. When you enter a Proceed command (;P), and program execution returns to the instruction to which the subroutine returns control, a message is displayed, as follows:

On I64 and Alpha systems:

Step-over at nnnnnnnn


On VAX systems:



The message informs you that program execution has returned from a subroutine.

If you are using XDELTA in a multiprocessor environment, the CPU ID of the processor where the break was taken is also displayed.

On I64 and Alpha, the CPU ID is displayed as a decimal number with no leading zeros.

On VAX, the CPU ID is displayed as a 2-digit hexadecimal number.

The following examples illustrate the command on each OpenVMS platform.


I64 example:

X0+00000380! mov         r7 = r23S            (1)
X0+00000381! nop.f       000000S
X0+00000382! br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000E30 O (2)
X0+00000390! mov         r29 = r41S           (3)
X0+00000391! mov         r1 = r40S

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