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HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual

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  1. The ;P command lets you proceed from the breakpoint.
  2. Program execution halts at the first breakpoint. DELTA displays the breakpoint message (Brk 1 at 00030164) with the breakpoint number 1 and the virtual address. The virtual address is 30164, which is the base address (30000) plus the offset 164. DELTA then displays the instruction in instruction mode (CMPEQ R0,#X14,R16). The contents of the general register 0 are displayed with the / command. DELTA displays the contents of R0, which is 1. Program execution continues using the ;P command.
  3. The function print_line is executed, and the output (PID, process name, and login time) is displayed.
  4. The O command halts program execution at the instruction where the function returns control (BR R31,#XFFFFE1). (This is the point at which control passes to checking the conditions of the while loop.) Program execution continues with ;P.
  5. Breakpoint 2 is encountered. DELTA displays the breakpoint message, and the instruction. The function is executed with the O command and the function output is displayed. The next instruction where the function returns control is displayed. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  6. Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. DELTA displays the breakpoint message, and the instruction. The function is executed with the O command and the function output is displayed. The next instruction where the function returns control is displayed. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  7. Breakpoint 2 is encountered again. The instruction at offset 84 (in print_line) is displayed using !. This instruction is part of the setup for the call to the printf function.

B.2.3 DELTA Debugging Session Example on Alpha - Part 3

In the third part of the example session, successive address locations are specified when the user presses Linefeed. Another breakpoint is set, and program execution continues. DELTA stops at the break point, and the ;O command is used to halt execution and step over a routine call. Program execution continues through more breakpoints to a final exit.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example B-6 DELTA Debugging Session Example on Alpha - Part 3

[Linefeed] (1)

X1+00000088!    LDL             R18,#X0010(FP)  [Linefeed]

X1+0000008C!    JSR             R26,(R26)  .;B (2)

 1 0003008C
 2 000301AC

;P (3)

Brk 1 at 0003008C    (4)

X1+0000008C!    JSR             R26,(R26)  O
     PID= 00000027           PRCNAM= JOB_CONTROL     LOGINTIM= 16:24:06.83
X1+00000090!    BIS             R31,FP,SP  ;P

Brk 2 at 000301AC

X1+000001AC!    BSR             R26,#XFFFF94  ;P
Brk 1 at 0003008C (5)

X1+0000008C!    JSR             R26,(R26)  O
     PID= 00000028           PRCNAM= NETACP  LOGINTIM= 16:24:22.86
X1+00000090!    BIS             R31,FP,SP  ;P

Brk 2 at 000301AC

X1+000001AC!    BSR             R26,#XFFFF94

 1 0003008C
 2 000301AC





        PID= 00000029        PRCNAM= EVL     LOGINTIM= 16:24:26.67
        PID= 0000002A        PRCNAM= REMACP  LOGINTIM= 16:24:38.21
        PID= 0000002B        PRCNAM= LATACP  LOGINTIM= 16:24:43.18
        PID= 0000004C        PRCNAM= GODDARD LOGINTIM= 07:40:49.34
        PID= 0000002D        PRCNAM= SYMBIONT_0001   LOGINTIM= 16:25:47.54
        PID= 0000002F        PRCNAM= MCCORMICK       LOGINTIM= 16:27:45.27 (6)
Exit 00000001       (7)

8002228C!       ADDL            R15,SP,SP EXIT (8)

  1. Successive address locations are displayed by pressing the Linefeed key two times. These instructions are the remainder of the setup and the call to printf.
  2. A breakpoint at X1+8C (the current address) is set using the ;B command. This breakpoint is in the function print_line. The . symbol represents the current address. Note that breakpoint 1 was cleared earlier and is now reused by DELTA for the new breakpoint.
  3. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  4. Program execution stops at the new breakpoint 1, which is in the print_line function. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction at the new breakpoint. The O command halts program execution at the instruction where the function returns control, stepping over the routine call. Note the O command must be used in this case, as opposed to the ;P command, because the printf function resides in read-only protected memory. Program execution is continued with the ;P command.
  5. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the print_line function. Program execution is continued using a combination of the O and ;P commands.
  6. All current process login times are displayed.
  7. Final exit status is displayed.
  8. The DELTA EXIT command is entered to terminate the debugging session and leave DELTA.

Appendix C
Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX

This appendix provides an example of how you would use DELTA to debug a program executing on OpenVMS VAX. The example program, named LOGINTIM, uses the system service SYS$GETJPI to obtain the login times of each process. To run the example program without error, you need WORLD privilege.


Although this example debugging session demonstrates using the DELTA debugger, you could use most of the commands in the example in an XDELTA debugging session as well.

This appendix consists of two sections:

  • Section C.1 shows the source and machine listing files for the example program
  • Section C.2 shows the example DELTA debugging session and explains the various commands used and information provided.

C.1 Listing Files for Example Program

This section shows the listing files for the example program, LOGINTIM, in two parts:

See Section C.2 for the corresponding sample debugging session using this program.

C.1.1 Source Listing for VAX Debugging Example

The .LIS file for the DELTA debugging example on OpenVMS VAX is shown in Example C-1. Only the offsets and source code are shown.

Example C-1 Program for Getting LOGINTIMs

0000     1 ;++
0000     2 ; This sample program uses the wildcard feature of GETJPI to get the
0000     3 ; LOGINTIM for each active process.  It outputs the PID and LOGINTIM
0000     4 ; for each and exits when there are NOMOREPROCs.
0000     5 ;--
0000     6
0000     7 ;
0000     8 ; Data areas.
0000     9 ;
0000    10 DEVNAM: .ASCID /SYS$OUTPUT/         ;Output device specifier
0012    11
0012    12 CHAN:   .LONG  0                    ;Assigned output channel
0016    13
0016    14 ITMLST:                             ;Item list for GETJPI call
0016    15         .WORD  8                    ; Byte length of output buffer
0018    16         .WORD  JPI$_LOGINTIM        ; Specify LOGINTIM item code
001A    17         .ADDRESS      TIME          ; Address of output buffer
001E    18         .LONG  0                    ; Not interested in return length
0022    19         .LONG  0                    ;Item list terminator
0026    20
0026    21 TIME:   .QUAD  0                    ;Buffer to hold LOGINTIM
002E    22
002E    23 OUTLEN: .LONG  0                    ;FAO buffer length
0032    24 OUTBUF: .LONG  1024                 ;FAO buffer descriptor
0036    25         .ADDRESS BUF
003A    26 BUF:    .BLKB  1024                 ;FAO buffer
043A    27
043A    28 CTRSTR: .ASCID *!/!_PID= !XW!_LOGINTIME= !%T* ;FAO control string
045E    29
045E    30 PIDADR: .LONG  -1                   ;Wildcard PID control longword
0462    31
0462    32 ;++
0462    33 ; Start of program.
0462    34 ;--
0462    35 S:       .WORD   0                  ;Entry mask
0464    36          $ASSIGN_S   DEVNAM,CHAN    ;Assign output channel
0475    37          MOVAB   TIME,R2            ;Load pointer to LOGINTIM
047A    38                                     ;     output buffer
047A    39 LOOP:    $GETJPI_S   ITMLST=ITMLST,-;Get LOGINTIM for a process
047A    40                  PIDADR=PIDADR
0490    41          CMPL    R0,#SS$_NOMOREPROC ;Are we done?
0497    42          BEQL    5$                 ;If EQL yes
0499    43          BSBB    GOT_IT             ;Process data for this process
049B    44          BRB     LOOP               ;Look for another process
049D    45
049D    46 5$:      MOVZBL  #SS$_NORMAL,R0     ;Set successful completion code
04A1    47          RET                        ;Return, no more processes
04A2    48
04A2    49 GOT_IT:  $FAO_S  CTRSTR,-           ;Format the output data
04A2    50                  OUTLEN,-
04A2    51                  OUTBUF,-
04A2    52                  PIDADR,R2
04B9    53          $QIOW_S CHAN=CHAN,-        ;Output to SYS$OUTPUT
04B9    54                  FUNC=#IO$_WRITEVBLK,-
04B9    55                       P1=BUF,-
04B9    56                       P2=OUTLEN
04DC    57           RSB                       ;Done with this process data
04DD    58
04DD    59           .END S

C.1.2 Map File for VAX Debugging Example

The .MAP file is shown in Example C-2. Only the Program Section Synopsis with the PSECT, MODULE, base address, end address, and length are listed.

Example C-2 LOGINTIM Program .Map File

                          ! Program Section Synopsis !

Psect Name      Module Name       Base     End           Length
----------      -----------       ----     ---           ------
. BLANK .                       00000200 000006E2 000004E3 (       1251.)
                .MAIN.          00000200 000006E2 000004E3 (       1251.)

C.2 Example DELTA Debugging Session on VAX

The DELTA debugging session on OpenVMS VAX for the sample program is shown in the four example segments that follow.

C.2.1 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 1

In the first part of the example session, DELTA is enabled and the LOGINTM program is invoked. The example shows version information displayed by DELTA and the use of the ;B and ;P commands.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example C-3 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 1

$ RUN/debugging LOGINTIM (2)
DELTA Version 6.0
00000664/CLRQ    -(SP)    200,1;X (3)
00000200 (4)
X1 490!CMPL    R0,#000009A8   .;B  (5)
X1 499!BSBB    X1+04A2        .;B  (6)

  1. DELTA is enabled as the debugger.
  2. The example program LOGINTIM is invoked with DELTA.
  3. DELTA displays a version number and the first executable instruction. The base address of the program (determined from the map file) is virtual address 200. The base address is placed in base register 1 with ;X. Now references to an address can use the address offset notation. For example, a reference to the first instruction is X1+464 (or base address 200 + offset 464). Also, DELTA displays some address locations as offsets to the base address.
  4. DELTA displays the value in base register 1, just loaded 200.
  5. The instruction at address 690 is displayed in instruction mode using !. Its address location is expressed as the base address plus an offset. In the listing file, the offset is 490. The base address in base register X1 is 200. The address reference, then, is X1+490. (Note that the + sign is implied when not specified.)
    A simple breakpoint is set at that address using the ;B command. The address reference for ;B is the . symbol, representing the current address. X1+490;B would have done the same thing.
  6. The same commands (! command to view the instruction and ;B to set a breakpoint) are repeated for the instruction at offset 499. When DELTA displays the instruction (BSBB GOT_IT), it displays the destination of the branch (GOT_IT) as the address location. DELTA displays the value as an offset to base register 1.

C.2.2 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 2

In the second part of the example session, program execution begins. DELTA halts at the first breakpoint and displays information. User interaction allows DELTA to continue to the next breakpoint.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example C-4 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 2

;P  (1)

1 BRK AT 00000690
X1+0490/CMPL    R0,#000009A8  R0/00000001 ;P (2)
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+499/BSBB    X1+04A2       O  (3)
        PID=  0000      LOGINTIME=  00:00:00.00  (4)
X1+049B/BRB    X1+047A        ;P  (5)
1 BRK AT 00000690
X1+0490/CMPL    R0,#000009A8  R0/00000001 ;P (6)
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       O  (7)
        PID=  0001      LOGINTIME=  00:00:00.00
X1+049B/BRB    X1+047A        ;P
1 BRK AT 00000690
X1+0490/CMPL    R0,#000009A8   (8)
;B  (9)
1  00000690
2  00000699  (10)

  1. Program execution begins with the ;P command.
  2. Program execution halts at the first breakpoint. DELTA displays the breakpoint message (1 BRK AT 00000690) with the breakpoint number 1 and the virtual address. The virtual address is 00000690, which is the base address (200) plus the offset 490. DELTA then displays the instruction in instruction mode (CMPL R0,#000009A8). The contents of general register 0 are displayed with the / command. DELTA displays the contents of R0, which is 1. Program execution continues using the ;P command.
  3. Program execution halts at breakpoint 2. DELTA displays the breakpoint message, then the instruction. Step-instruction execution, excluding instructions in subroutines, is initiated with O.
  4. The subroutine GOT_IT is executed, and the output (PID and login time) is displayed.
  5. The O command halts program execution at the instruction where the subroutine returns control (BRB LOOP). DELTA displays the instruction in instruction mode (BRB X1+047A), where X1+047A is the address of the first instruction in LOOP. Program execution continues with ;P.
  6. Breakpoint 1 is encountered again; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction. The contents of R0 are examined (/ command) and program execution continues (;P).
  7. Breakpoint 2 is encountered again; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction. The subroutine is stepped over again with the O command. The subroutine is executed, and the output is displayed. The instruction where the subroutine returns control is displayed. Program execution continues (;P command).
  8. Breakpoint 1 is encountered; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction.
  9. All breakpoints in the program are listed with the ;B command.
  10. DELTA displays the breakpoints (by breakpoint number) and the address locations.

C.2.3 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 3

In the third part of the example session, the first breakpoint is cleared, then all breakpoints are listed. The program continues until the next breakpoint is encountered, and the user sets a new breakpoint.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example C-5 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 3

0,1;B   (1)
;B  (2)
2  00000699  (3)
;P  (4)
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       O
        PID=  0004      LOGINTIME=  12:50:20.40
X1+049B/BRB    X1+047A        ;P  (5)
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       ;P
        PID=  0005      LOGINTIME=  12:50:25.61  (6)
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       X1 4B9!CLRQ    -(SP)  (7)
[Linefeed]  (8)
X1+04BB/CLRQ    -(SP)  [Linefeed]
X1+04BD/PUSHL    X1+002E  [Linefeed]
X1+04C1/PUSHAL    X1+003A  [Linefeed]
X1+04C5/CLRQ    -(SP)  [Linefeed]
X1+04C7/PUSHL    #00  [Linefeed]
X1+04C9/MOVZWL    #0030;-(SP)  [Linefeed]
X1+04CE/MOVZWL    X1+0012,-(SP)  [Linefeed]
X1+04D3/PUSHL     #00  [Linefeed]
X1+04D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              .;B  (9)
;B (10)
1  000006D5
2  00000699

  1. Breakpoint 1 is cleared using 0,[breakpoint #];B. (Never clear breakpoint 1 in XDELTA.)
  2. All breakpoints are listed again with ;B command.
  3. DELTA displays breakpoint 2 (breakpoint 1 cleared).
  4. Program execution continues using the ;P command.
  5. Breakpoint 2 is encountered; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction. The subroutine is executed with the O command and the subroutine output is displayed. The next instruction where the subroutine returns control is displayed. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  6. Breakpoint 2 is encountered; DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction. Program execution continues to the next breakpoint with the ;P command. The subroutine is executed, and the subroutine output is displayed.
  7. Breakpoint 2 is encountered again; the instruction at offset 4B9 (in the subroutine) is displayed using !. This instruction is part of the setup for the call to the system service $QIOW.
  8. Successive address locations are displayed by pressing the Linefeed key nine times. These instructions are the remainder of the setup and the call to the system service $QIOW.
  9. A breakpoint at X1+04D5 (the current address) is set using the ;B command. This breakpoint is in the subroutine. The . symbol represents the current address.
  10. The current breakpoints in the program are listed. The new breakpoint is assigned breakpoint 1.

C.2.4 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 4

In the final part of the example session, program execution continues and stops at the new breakpoint set in the previous example segment. DELTA executes the subroutine where the breakpoint was encountered and displays the output. The next breakpoint is reached and the use enters the ;O command to step over the subroutine. When there are no more breakpoints, the program completes and final exit status is displayed.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example C-6 DELTA Debugging Session Example on VAX - Part 4

;P  (1)
1 BRK AT 000006D5
X1+04D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P  (2)
        PID=  0006      LOGINTIME=  12:50:29.45
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       ;P  (3)
1 BRK AT 000006D5
X1+04D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P  (4)
        PID=  0007      LOGINTIME=  12:50:37.08
2 BRK AT 00000699
X1+0499/BSBB    X1+04A2       O  (5)
1 BRK AT 000006D5

X1+04D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P  (6)
        PID=  0008      LOGINTIME=  12:50:45.64
STEPOVER BRK AT 0000069B  (7)
X1+049B/BRB    X1+047A                       ;B  (8)
1  000006D5
2  00000699  (9)
0,2;B  (10)
0,1;B  (11)
;B  (12)
;P  (13)
        PID=  0009      LOGINTIME=  12:51:22.51
        PID=  000A      LOGINTIME=  12:51:30.26
        PID=  000B      LOGINTIME=  12:51:36.21
        PID=  000C      LOGINTIME=  12:51:58.86  (14)
EXIT 00000001  (15)
80187E7E/POPR    #03                         EXIT  (16)

  1. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  2. Program execution stops at the new breakpoint 1, which is in the subroutine GOT_IT. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction at the new breakpoint. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  3. The subroutine completes and displays the output, and program execution continues until breakpoint 2. DELTA displays the breakpoint message and the breakpoint 2 instruction. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  4. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the subroutine. Program execution continues with the ;P command. The subroutine is executed, and the output is displayed.
  5. Program execution stops at breakpoint 2. The O command is entered to execute and step over the subroutine.
  6. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the subroutine. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  7. The subroutine completes execution and displays output. DELTA displays a STEPOVER break message to state that the O command has been completed, returning control at address 69B (an instruction in the main routine).
  8. The instruction where the subroutine returns is displayed, and program execution is halted. The ;B command is entered to display all current breakpoints.
  9. The two current breakpoints are listed.
  10. The command 0,2;B clears breakpoint 2.
  11. The command 0,1;B clears breakpoint 1.
  12. The ;B command is entered to display all current breakpoints. Because all breakpoints have been cleared, DELTA does not display any.
  13. Program execution continues with the ;P command. Because there are no longer any breakpoints, the program executes to the end.
  14. All current process login times are displayed.
  15. Final exit status is displayed.
  16. The DELTA EXIT command is entered to terminate the debugging session and leave DELTA.

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