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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Pay per use (PPU) User's Guide for versions 8.x > Appendix A Special Considerations

PPU Security

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The PPU software transmits the following information to the utility meter:

  • System identification:

    • Serial number

    • Product number

    • System identifier

    • System Unique ID

    • OS Information

  • System configuration:

    • Number and type of partitions

    • Cores in partitions

  • System state:

    • Core state

    • Core usage

    • HPVM guest usage, if any

    • Partition state

The default system identifier for your PPU partition is its hostname. You can use the ppuconfig -s command/option if you want to specify a different system identifier for your PPU partition.

NOTE: All data that is transferred from the PPU software to the utility meter is obscured.