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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture > Chapter 2 Installation and Initialization

Post-Installation Tasks

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Once you have installed CDSA, you should perform the tasks described in the following sections.

Defining CDSA Symbols

To define symbols for CDSA developers, add the following command to the SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM file on the system where CDSA development work is being done:

NOTE: The file SYS$MANAGER:CDSA$SYMBOLS.COM does not exist for CDSA Version 1.0, so it is not present on an OpenVMS Version 7.3-1 system unless a CDSA Version 2.0 or higher kit has subsequently been installed.

If this command is not defined at the system level in SYLOGIN.COM, individual CDSA developers should add it to their personal LOGIN.COM file so that they can use the symbols.

Backing up the CDSA Database

HP recommends that you back up the CDSA database and registry files on a regular basis and when any major changes to the data are planned. For example:

_$ disk:[directory...]CDSA_DB_BACKUP.BCK/SAV
_$ disk:[directory...]CDSA_REGISTRY_BACKUP.BCK/SAV