The following sections discuss the fundamental parts of Secure
Delivery, including CDSA architecture, the certificate, the manifest,
and validation routines.
CDSA Architecture |
Secure Delivery is built on the Common Data Security Architecture
(CDSA), which is a multilayered security infrastructure that provides
an integrated and dynamic set of security services to applications.
CDSA provides a secure execution environment using two mechanisms,
bilateral authentication and secure linkage.
CDSA checks the integrity of CDSA modules as they are dynamically
loaded into the CDSA environment. A bilateral authentication procedure
is designed for two entities to establish trust in the identity
and integrity of each other. When loading a service provider module
CDSA requires that the attaching party participate in this authentication
protocol. If authentication fails, the module is denied the ability
to be used by CDSA. Both parties in the bilateral authentication
procedure must have signed credentials that bind them to the trust hierarchy
used by CDSA.
Bilateral authentication can also be performed between applications
and the CDSA. The only difference is that the application takes
on the role of the initiator and verifies CDSA before loading and
using it. Secure Delivery is an application that performs bilateral
For a CDSA application or CDSA itself, Secure Linkage checks
that the address called is actually in the code module of the shareable
image. For the called component, the return address must be verified
as being within the calling module.
For the purpose of Secure Delivery, Secure Linkage is not
of interest.
The Certificate |
CDSA provides tools to generate X509 certificates. These
tools are invoked along with additional features but the format
of the certificates remains the same. For information about generating
CDSA certificates, see “Writing Signed Applications”.
The Manifest |
CDSA also provides a tool to create a digital signature using
the X509 certificates. The digital signature takes the form of a
separate file called a manifest. The manifest contains the encrypted
digest of the target file and the X509 certificates of the signers.
This data is sufficient to guarantee the identity of the signer
of a file and the authenticity of the file's contents.
The manifest is the key part of the mechanism that is used
for bilateral authentication. It is the signed credential that
each component must have to carry out the bilateral authentication.
When software kits are built, a manifest should be generated
for each kit. This is the signing process. When Secure Delivery
is started, the accompanying manifest is used to accomplish the
bilateral authentication. This is the validation process.