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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS > Chapter 5 Example Programs

Example Programs Included in HP SSL Kit

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When you install HP SSL for OpenVMS, the example programs are copied into SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL]. The example programs included in the HP SSL kit are shown in Table 5-1 “ HP SSL Example Programs”.

Table 5-1  HP SSL Example Programs

Example Programs (Client and Server) Description
SSL$SIMPLE_CLI.C and SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.C Simple client/server programs. This client verifies the server certificate with the CA certificate. The client certificate is not loaded, and there is no client certificate verification in the SSL server.
SSL$AES.CUses SSL Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit key encryption application program interface calls to encrypt 79 characters of data, writing the encrypted data to file, then decrypting the data and writing the plain text to a file.
SSL$BIO_CLI.C and SSL$BIO_SERV.C Implement the same functionality as SSL$SIMPLE_CLI.C and SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.C by using socket BIOs.
SSL$CLI_VERIFY_CLIENT.C and SSL$SERV_VERIFY_CLIENT.C Based on SSL$BIO_CLI.C and SSL$BIO_SERV.C. These programs perform the client certificate verification in the SSL server. For this purpose, the client certificate is loaded in the client, and the server has its CA certificate.
SSL$CLI_SESS_REUSE.C and SSL$SERV_SESS_REUSE.C Demonstrate SSL session reuse (resumption). This feature was added to the implementation of SSL$BIO_CLI.C and BIO_SERV.C.
SSL$CLI_SESS_RENEGO.C and SSL$SERV_SESS_RENEGO.C Demonstrate SSL renegotiation (rehandshake). This feature was added to the implementation of SSL$BIO_CLI.C and SSL$BIO_SERV.C.
SSL$CLI_SESS_REUSE_ CLI_VER.C and SSL$SERV_SESS_REUSE_ CLI_VER.CDemonstrate SSL session reuse (resumption) as well as the client certificate verification in the server. The session reuse feature was added to the implementation of SSL$CLI_VERIFY_CLIENT.C and SSL$SERV_VERIFY_CLIENT.C.
SSL$CLI_SESS_RENEGO_ CLI_VER.C and SSL$SERV_SESS_RENEGO_ CLI_VER.CDemonstrate SSL renegotiation (rehandshake) as well as the client certificate verification. The renegotiation feature was added to the implementation of SSL$CLI_VERIFY_CLIENT.C and SSL$SERV_VERIFY_CLIENT.C.

Uses SSL crypto library SHA1 or MD5 message disgest EVP application program interface calls to perform a one way hash on the input buffer data input1 and input2. The resulting hashed output in digest is then printed in hex format to the terminal.

SSL$TCP_CLIENT_QIO_SSL.C and SSL$TCP_SERVER_QIO_SSL.CDemonstrate a TCP/IP IPv4 client and server using OpenVMS QIO system services to handle network I/O operations with SSL to secure the data with encryption.