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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

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5.5.3 Combining Existing Procedures

To build startup procedures for an OpenVMS Cluster system in which existing computers are to be combined, you should compare both the computer-specific SYSTARTUP_VMS and the common startup command procedures on each computer and make any adjustments required. For example, you can compare the procedures from each computer and include commands that define the same logical names in your common SYSTARTUP_VMS command procedure.

After you have chosen which commands to make common, you can build the common procedures on one of the OpenVMS Cluster computers.

5.5.4 Using Multiple Startup Procedures

To define a multiple-environment cluster, you set up computer-specific versions of one or more system files. For example, if you want to give users larger working set quotas on URANUS, you would create a computer-specific version of SYSUAF.DAT and place that file in system's root directory. That directory can be located in URANUS's root on a common system disk or on an individual system disk that you have set up on URANUS.

Follow these steps to build SYSTARTUP and SYLOGIN command files for a multiple-environment OpenVMS Cluster:

Step Action
1 Include in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM elements that you want to remain unique to a computer, such as commands to define computer-specific logical names and symbols.
2 Place these files in the SYS$SPECIFIC root on each computer.

Example: Consider a three-member cluster consisting of computers JUPITR, SATURN, and PLUTO. The timesharing environments on JUPITR and SATURN are the same. However, PLUTO runs applications for a specific user group. In this cluster, you would create a common SYSTARTUP_VMS command procedure for JUPITR and SATURN that defines identical environments on these computers. But the command procedure for PLUTO would be different; it would include commands to define PLUTO's special application environment.

5.6 Providing OpenVMS Cluster System Security

The OpenVMS security subsystem ensures that all authorization information and object security profiles are consistent across all nodes in the cluster. The OpenVMS operating system does not support multiple security domains because the operating system cannot enforce a level of separation needed to support different security domains on separate cluster members.

5.6.1 Security Checks

In an OpenVMS Cluster system, individual nodes use a common set of authorizations to mediate access control that, in effect, ensures that a security check results in the same answer from any node in the cluster. The following list outlines how the OpenVMS operating system provides a basic level of protection:

  • Authorized users can have processes executing on any OpenVMS Cluster member.
  • A process, acting on behalf of an authorized individual, requests access to a cluster object.
  • A coordinating node determines the outcome by comparing its copy of the common authorization database with the security profile for the object being accessed.

The OpenVMS operating system provides the same strategy for the protection of files and queues, and further incorporates all other cluster-visible objects, such as devices, volumes, and lock resource domains.

Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.3, the operating system provides clusterwide intrusion detection, which extends protection against attacks of all types throughout the cluster. The intrusion data and information from each system is integrated to protect the cluster as a whole. Prior to Version 7.3, each system was protected individually.

The SECURITY_POLICY system parameter controls whether a local or a clusterwide intrusion database is maintained for each system. The default setting is for a clusterwide database, which contains all unauthorized attempts and the state of any intrusion events for all cluster members that are using this setting. Cluster members using the clusterwide intrusion database are made aware if a cluster member is under attack or has any intrusion events recorded. Events recorded on one system can cause another system in the cluster to take restrictive action. (For example, the person attempting to log in is monitored more closely and limited to a certain number of login retries within a limited period of time. Once a person exceeds either the retry or time limitation, he or she cannot log in.)

Actions of the cluster manager in setting up an OpenVMS Cluster system can affect the security operations of the system. You can facilitate OpenVMS Cluster security management using the suggestions discussed in the following sections.

The easiest way to ensure a single security domain is to maintain a single copy of each of the following files on one or more disks that are accessible from anywhere in the OpenVMS Cluster system. When a cluster is configured with multiple system disks, you can use system logical names (as shown in Section 5.8) to ensure that only a single copy of each file exists.

The OpenVMS security domain is controlled by the data in the following files:


Note: Using shared files is not the only way of achieving a single security domain. You may need to use multiple copies of one or more of these files on different nodes in a cluster. For example, on Alpha nodes you may choose to deploy system-specific user authorization files (SYSUAFs) to allow for different memory management working-set quotas among different nodes. Such configurations are fully supported as long as the security information available to each node in the cluster is identical.

5.6.2 Files Relevant to OpenVMS Cluster Security

Table 5-3 describes the security-relevant portions of the files that must be common across all cluster members to ensure that a single security domain exists.


  • Some of these files are created only on request and may not exist in all configurations.
  • A file can be absent on one node only if it is absent on all nodes.
  • As soon as a required file is created on one node, it must be created or commonly referenced on all remaining cluster nodes.

The following table describes designations for the files in Table 5-3.

Table Keyword Meaning
Required The file contains some data that must be kept common across all cluster members to ensure that a single security environment exists.
Recommended The file contains data that should be kept common at the discretion of the site security administrator or system manager. Nonetheless, HP recommends that you synchronize the recommended files.

Table 5-3 Security Files
File Name Contains
CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT The cluster authorization file, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT, contains the cluster group number in a disorderly form and the cluster password. The CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT file is accessible only to users with the SYSPRV privilege.
For cluster over IP configurations, which are using IP unicast, the remote node IP address should be present in the existing cluster members file in the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file. Remote nodes in a different IP multicast domain can use the IP unicast messaging technique to join the Cluster.
Information related to security auditing. Among the information contained is the list of enabled security auditing events and the destination of the system security audit journal file. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies should be updated after any SET AUDIT command.

OpenVMS Cluster system managers should ensure that the name assigned to the security audit journal file resolves to the following location:


Rule: If you need to relocate the audit journal file somewhere other than the system disk (or if you have multiple system disks), you should redirect the audit journal uniformly across all nodes in the cluster. Use the command SET AUDIT/JOURNAL=SECURITY/DESTINATION= file-name, specifying a file name that resolves to the same file throughout the cluster.

Changes are automatically made in the audit server database, SYS$MANAGER:VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT. This database also identifies which events are enabled and how to monitor the audit system's use of resources, and restores audit system settings each time the system is rebooted.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in partitioned auditing domains.

Reference: For more information, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

The DECnet object database. Among the information contained in this file is the list of known DECnet server accounts and passwords. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies must be updated after every use of the NCP commands SET OBJECT or DEFINE OBJECT.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unexplained network login failures and unauthorized network access. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

Reference: Refer to the DECnet--Plus documentation for equivalent NCL command information.

The network proxy database. It is maintained by the OpenVMS Authorize utility. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies must be updated after any UAF proxy command.

Note: The NET$PROXY.DAT and NETPROXY.DAT files are equivalent; NET$PROXY.DAT is for DECnet--Plus implementations and NETPROXY.DAT is for DECnet for OpenVMS implementations.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unexplained network login failures and unauthorized network access. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

Reference: Appendix B discusses how to consolidate several NETPROXY.DAT and RIGHTSLIST.DAT files.

TCPIP$PROXY.DAT This database provides OpenVMS identities for remote NFS clients and UNIX-style identifiers for local NFS client users; provides proxy accounts for remote processes. For more information about this file, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.
The master queue manager database. This file contains the security information for all shared batch and print queues.

Rule: If two or more nodes are to participate in a shared queuing system, a single copy of this file must be maintained on a shared disk. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

The rights identifier database. It is maintained by the OpenVMS Authorize utility and by various rights identifier system services. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies must be updated after any change to any identifier or holder records.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unauthorized system access and unauthorized access to protected objects. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

Reference: Appendix B discusses how to consolidate several NETPROXY.DAT and RIGHTSLIST.DAT files.

The system Autologin facility database. It is maintained by the OpenVMS SYSMAN utility. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies must be updated after any SYSMAN ALF command.

Note: This file may not exist in all configurations.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unexplained login failures and unauthorized system access. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

The system user authorization file. It is maintained by the OpenVMS Authorize utility and is modifiable via the $SETUAI system service. When more than one copy of this file exists, you must ensure that the SYSUAF and associated $SETUAI item codes are synchronized for each user record. The following table shows the fields in SYSUAF and their associated $SETUAI item codes.
Internal Field Name $SETUAI Item Code
UAF$L_UIC Not applicable
  Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of the SYSUAF files properly may result in unexplained login failures and unauthorized system access. For instructions on maintaining a single copy, refer to Section 5.8.1.

Reference: Appendix B discusses creation and management of the various elements of an OpenVMS Cluster common SYSUAF.DAT authorization database.

The system alternate user authorization file. This file serves as a backup to SYSUAF.DAT and is enabled via the SYSUAFALT system parameter. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies must be updated after any change to any authorization records in this file.

Note: This file may not exist in all configurations.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unexplained login failures and unauthorized system access.

The system password history database. It is maintained by the system password change facility. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies should be updated after any password change.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in a violation of the system password policy.

The system mail database. This file is maintained by the OpenVMS Mail utility and contains mail profiles for all system users. Among the information contained in this file is the list of all mail forwarding addresses in use on the system. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies should be updated after any changes to mail forwarding.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in unauthorized disclosure of information.

The system password dictionary. The system password dictionary is a list of English language words and phrases that are not legal for use as account passwords. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies should be updated after any site-specific additions.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in a violation of the system password policy.

Any site-specific password filters. It is created and installed by the site-security administrator or system manager. When more than one copy of this file exists, all copies should be identical.

Caution: Failure to synchronize multiple copies of this file properly may result in a violation of the system password policy.

Note: System managers can create this file as an image to enforce their local password policy. This is an architecture-specific image file that cannot be shared among different architecture types.

5.7 Network Security

Network security must promote interoperability and uniform security approaches throughout networks. The following list shows three major areas of network security:

  • User authentication
    On Cluster systems connected using IP, ensure that the cluster communications over insecure WAN links are encrypted and authenticated.
  • OpenVMS Cluster membership management
    On Cluster systems connected using IP, isolate IP subnets that are used for cluster communication from the public internet using a secure gateway as shown in Figure 5-6.

    Figure 5-6 Virtual Private Network for Protecting Cluster Traffic

  • Using a security audit log file

OpenVMS Cluster system managers must also ensure consistency in the use of DECnet software for intracluster communication.

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