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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

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8.1.2 Data Requested by the Cluster Configuration Procedures

The following table describes the questions asked by the cluster configuration command procedures and describes how you might answer them. The table is supplied here so that you can determine answers to the questions before you invoke the procedure.

Because many of the questions are configuration specific, Table 8-3 lists the questions according to configuration type, and not in the order they are asked.

Information Required How to Specify or Obtain
For all configurations
Device name of cluster system disk on which root directories will be created Press Return to accept the default device name which is the translation of the SYS$SYSDEVICE: logical name, or specify a logical name that points to the common system disk.
Computer's root directory name on cluster system disk Press Return to accept the procedure-supplied default, or specify a name in the form SYS x:
  • For both Integrity servers and Alpha systems with direct access to the system disk, the valid range of hexadecimal values is much larger. It includes both the VAX range of 1 through 9 or A through D, and also the range 10 through FFFF. Note that SYSE and SYSF are reserved for system use.
  • For satellites, x must be in the range of 10 through FFFF.
Workstation windowing system System manager specifies. Workstation software must be installed before workstation satellites are added. If it is not, the procedure indicates that fact.
Location and sizes of page and swap files This information is requested only when you add a computer to the cluster. Press Return to accept the default size and location. (The default sizes displayed in brackets by the procedure are minimum values. The default location is the device name of the cluster system disk.)

If your configuration includes satellite nodes, you may realize a performance improvement by locating satellite page and swap files on a satellite's local disk, if such a disk is available. The potential for performance improvement depends on the configuration of your OpenVMS Cluster system disk and network.

To set up page and swap files on a satellite's local disk, the cluster configuration procedure creates a command procedure called SATELLITE_PAGE.COM in the satellite's [SYS n.SYSEXE] directory on the boot server's system disk. The SATELLITE_PAGE.COM procedure performs the following functions:

  • Mounts the satellite's local disk with a volume label that is unique in the cluster in the format node-name_SCSSYSTEMID.

    Reference: Refer to Section 8.6.5 for information about altering the volume label.

  • Installs the page and swap files on the satellite's local disk.

Note: For page and swap disks that are shadowed, you must edit the MOUNT and INIT commands in SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to the appropriate syntax for mounting any specialized "local" disks (that is, host-based shadowing disks (DS xxx), or host-based RAID disks (DP xxxx), or DECram disks (MDA xxxx)) on the newly added node. CLUSTER_CONFIG(_LAN).COM does not create the MOUNT and INIT commands required for SHADOW, RAID, or DECram disks.

Note: To relocate the satellite's page and swap files (for example, from the satellite's local disk to the boot server's system disk, or the reverse) or to change file sizes:

  1. Create new PAGE and SWAP files on a shared device, as shown:
    device:[dir] PAGEFILE.SYS/SIZE=

    Note: If page and swap files will be created for a shadow set, you must edit SATELLITE_PAGE accordingly.

  3. Reboot, and then delete the .TMP files.
  4. Modify the SYS$MANAGER:SYPAGSWPFILES.COM procedure to load the files.
Value for local computer's allocation class (ALLOCLASS or TAPE_ALLOCLASS) parameter. The ALLOCLASS parameter can be used for a node allocation class or, on Alpha computers, a port allocation class. Refer to Section 6.2.1 for complete information about specifying allocation classes.
Physical device name of quorum disk System manager specifies.
For systems running DECnet for OpenVMS
Computer's DECnet node address for Phase IV For the DECnet node address, you obtain this information as follows:
  • If you are adding a computer, the network manager supplies the address.
  • If you are removing a computer, use the SHOW NETWORK command (as shown in Table 8-2).
Computer's DECnet node name Network manager supplies. The name must be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters and cannot include dollar signs ($) or underscores (_).
For systems running DECnet--Plus
Computer's DECnet node address for Phase IV (if you need Phase IV compatibility) For the DECnet node address, you obtain this information as follows:
  • If you are adding a computer, the network manager supplies the address.
  • If you are removing a computer, use the SHOW NETWORK command (as shown in Table 8-2).
Node's DECnet full name Determine the full name with the help of your network manager. Enter a string comprised of:
  • The namespace name, ending with a colon (:). This is optional.
  • The root directory, designated by a period (.).
  • Zero or more hierarchical directories, designated by a character string followed by a period (.).
  • The simple name, a character string that, combined with the directory names, uniquely identifies the node. For example:
SCS node name for this node Enter the OpenVMS Cluster node name, which is a string of 6 or fewer alphanumeric characters.
DECnet synonym Press Return to define a DECnet synonym, which is a short name for the node's full name. Otherwise, enter N.
Synonym name for this node Enter a string of 6 or fewer alphanumeric characters. By default, it is the first 6 characters of the last simple name in the full name. For example:
Synonym: BLACKH

Note: The node synonym does not need to be the same as the OpenVMS Cluster node name.

MOP service client name for this node Enter the name for the node's MOP service client when the node is configured as a boot server. By default, it is the OpenVMS Cluster node name (for example, the SCS node name). This name does not need to be the same as the OpenVMS Cluster node name.
For systems running TCP/IP or the LANCP Utility for satellite booting, or both
Computer's SCS node name (SCSNODE) and SCS system ID (SCSSYSTEMID) These prompts are described in Section 4.2.3. If a system is running TCP/IP, the procedure does not ask for a TCP/IP host name because a cluster node name (SCSNODE) does not have to match a TCP/IP host name. The TCP/IP host name might be longer than six characters, whereas the SCSNODE name must be no more than six characters. Note that if the system is running both DECnet and IP, then the procedure uses the DECnet defaults.
For LAN configurations
Cluster group number and password This information is requested only when the CHANGE option is chosen. See Section 2.5 for information about assigning cluster group numbers and passwords.
Satellite's LAN hardware address Address has the form xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. You must include the hyphens when you specify a hardware address. For getting the hardware address, execute the following command at the satellite's console:

On Integrity servers:

 Shell> lanaddress

On Alpha systems:


These commands display the hardware address of the LAN devices that can be used for satellite booting. Note that you can also use the SHOW CONFIG command at LANCP.

For IP configurations
UDP port number UDP port number is the port number used for cluster communication. UDP port number must be same on all members of the cluster. Also, ensure that there is no other cluster in your environment using the same UDP port number or this port number is used by any other application.
IP multicast address Enter the IP multicast address for cluster, if IP multicasting is enabled. By default, the IP multicast address is selected from the administratively scoped IP multicast address range of 239.242.x.y. The last two octets x and y are generated based on the cluster group number. For example, if the cluster group number is 1985, the multicast is calculated as follows:
X= 1985/256

Y= 1985 - (256 *x)

The system administrator can override the default multicast address with a unique address for their environment.

IP unicast address If the node that is configured uses IP unicast to discover a remote note, you need the IP unicast address of the existing members or any new member in the cluster.
IP address It is the IP address of the local system from where the cluster is configured.
Gateway and Network mask address In the configuration option, select option 4 to add the TCP/IP gateway and network mask address to the cluster over IP database.
IP interface address In the configuration option for the selected address, select option 4 to add to the cluster over IP database. The interface information along with the default route is entered in the TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT as shown in the following example:



IP interface address for satellite booting To select the IP interface to be used for satellite booting.

For Alpha systems:

  • Execute the following command at the satellite's console:
     >>> SHOW DEVICE

    From the output, the LAN interface will be EIA0 on which IP address will be configured and used for cluster configuration.

For Integrity server systems:
  • The IP interface name will either start from 'EI' or 'EW'. If it is the first interface, it will be EIA0 or EWA0. Note the mac address of the interface that you want to use from the Shell prompt.

    To get the interface information on Integrity servers, execute the following command on EFI Shell:


    Assume the interface which is active is EIA0. Configure the satellite with EIA0, if it does not boot with EIA0, try with EWA0 subsequently.

8.1.3 Invoking the Procedure

Once you have made the necessary preparations, you can invoke the cluster configuration procedure to configure your OpenVMS Cluster system. Log in to the system manager account and make sure your default is SYS$MANAGER. Then, invoke the procedure at the DCL command prompt as follows:




Caution: Do not invoke multiple sessions simultaneously. You can run only one cluster configuration session at a time.

Once invoked, both procedures display the following information and menu. (The only difference between CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM at this point is the command procedure name that is displayed.) Depending on the menu option you select, the procedure interactively requests configuration information from you. (Predetermine your answers as described in Table 8-3.)

               Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an IA64 System 
    DECnet Phase IV is installed on this node. 
    IA64 satellites will use TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services for downline loading. 
    TCP/IP is installed and running on this node. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    CALVIN is an IA64 system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an IA64 node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for CALVIN. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 

This chapter contains a number of sample sessions showing how to run the cluster configuration procedures. Although the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure function the same for Integrity server systems and Alpha systems, the questions and format may appear slightly different according to the type of computer system.

8.2 Adding Computers

In most cases, you invoke either CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM or CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM on an active OpenVMS Cluster computer and select the ADD function to enable a computer as an OpenVMS Cluster member. However, in some circumstances, you may need to perform extra steps to add computers. Use the information in Table 8-4 to determine your actions.

Table 8-4 Preparing to Add Computers to an OpenVMS Cluster
IF... THEN...
You are adding your first satellite node to the OpenVMS Cluster. Follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the computer that will be enabled as the cluster boot server.
  2. Invoke the cluster configuration procedure, and execute the CHANGE function described in Section 8.4 to enable the local computer as a boot server.
  3. After the CHANGE function completes, execute the ADD function to add satellites to the cluster.
The cluster uses DECdtm services. You must create a transaction log for the computer when you have configured it into your cluster. For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, see the chapter on DECdtm services in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
You add a CI connected computer that boots from a cluster common system disk. You must create a new default bootstrap command procedure for the computer before booting it into the cluster. For instructions, refer to your computer-specific installation and operations guide.
You are adding computers to a cluster with more than one common system disk. You must use a different device name for each system disk on which computers are added. For this reason, the cluster configuration procedure supplies as a default device name the logical volume name (for example, DISK$MARS_SYS1) of SYS$SYSDEVICE: on the local system.

Using different device names ensures that each computer added has a unique root directory specification, even if the system disks contain roots with the same name---for example, DISK$MARS_SYS1:[SYS10] and DISK$MARS_SYS2:[SYS10].

You add a voting member to the cluster. You must, after the ADD function completes, reconfigure the cluster according to the instructions in Section 8.6.

Caution: If either the local or the new computer fails before the ADD function completes, you must, after normal conditions are restored, perform the REMOVE option to erase any invalid data and then restart the ADD option. Section 8.3 describes the REMOVE option.

8.2.1 Controlling Conversational Bootstrap Operations

When you add a satellite to the cluster using either cluster configuration command procedure, the procedure asks whether you want to allow conversational bootstrap operations for the satellite (default is No).

If you select the default, the NISCS_CONV_BOOT system parameter in the satellite's system parameter file remains set to 0 to disable such operations. The parameter file (IA64VMSSYS.PAR for Integrity servers or ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR for Alpha systems) resides in the satellite's root directory on a boot server's system disk (device:[SYSx.SYSEXE]). You can enable conversational bootstrap operations for a given satellite at any time by setting this parameter to 1.


To enable such operations for an OpenVMS Alpha satellite booted from root 10 on device $1$DGA11, you would proceed as follows:

Step Action
1 Log in as system manager on the boot server.
2 On Integrity servers or Alpha systems, invoke the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) and enter the following commands:

3 Modify the satellite's MODPARAMS.DAT file so that NISCS_CONV_BOOT is set to 1.

8.2.2 Common AUTOGEN Parameter Files

When adding a node or a satellite to an OpenVMS Cluster, the cluster configuration command procedure adds one of the following lines in the MODPARAMS.DAT file:

WHEN the node being added is a... THEN...
Satellite node The following line is added to the MODPARAMS.DAT file:

Nonsatellite node The following line is added to the MODPARAMS.DAT file:

The AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT and AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.DAT files hold AUTOGEN parameter settings that are common to all satellite nodes or nonsatellite nodes in the cluster. Use of these files simplifies system management, because you can maintain common system parameters in either one or both of these files. When adding or changing the common parameters, this eliminates the need to make modifications in the MODPARAMS.DAT files located on every node in the cluster.

Initially, these files contain no parameter settings. You edit the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT and AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.DAT files, as appropriate, to add, modify, or edit system parameters. For example, you might edit the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT file to set the MIN_GBLPAGECNT parameter to 5000. AUTOGEN makes the MIN_GBLPAGECNT parameter and all other parameter settings in the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT file common to all satellite nodes in the cluster.

AUTOGEN uses the parameter settings in the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT or AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.DAT files the first time it is run, and with every subsequent execution.

8.2.3 Examples

Examples 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3 describes the use of CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM on BHAGAT to add, respectively, a boot server running DECnet for OpenVMS, a boot server running DECnet--Plus, and a satellite node.

This section also illustrates the use of CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM to create and configure a two node disaster tolerant (DT) cluster using IPCI, to add a new node to an IPCI cluster, to add a new node to an IPCI cluster with a Shared System Disk, and to add an Integrity server satellite node to an IPCI cluster.

Example 8-1 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM Session to Add a Computer as a Boot Server

               Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an IA64 System 
    DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
    IA64 satellites will use TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services for downline loading. 
    TCP/IP is installed and running on this node. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    BHAGAT is an IA64 system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an IA64 node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for BHAGAT. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 1 
    This ADD function will add a new IA64 node to the cluster. 
  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           every cluster member must be adjusted.  For complete instructions 
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS Cluster 
           Systems" manual. 
  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and 
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed 
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster 
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to 
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
           If this cluster will run IPCI, then TCP/IP installed on the system 
           should be version 5.7 and above or else IPCI configuration will be 
Do you want to continue [Y]?[Return]
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? Y 
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? N 
What is the node's SCS node name? MOON 
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 24.123 
    NOTE: 24.123 equates to an SCSSYSTEMID of 24699 
Will MOON be a boot server [Y]? [Return]
        TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services must be enabled on IA64 boot nodes. 
   Use SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG.COM on MOON to enable BOOTP and TFTP service 
        after MOON has booted into the cluster.   
   This procedure will now ask you for the device name of MOON's system root. 
    The default device name (DISK$BHAGAT_831H1:) is the logical volume name of 
What is the device name for MOON's system root [default DISK$BHAGAT_831H1:]? 
What is the name of MOON's system root [SYS1]? [Return]
    Creating directory tree SYS1 ... 
    System root SYS1 created 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? N 
  CAUTION: If you do not define port allocation classes later in this 
           procedure for shared SCSI buses, all nodes sharing a SCSI bus 
           must have the same non-zero ALLOCLASS value. If multiple 
           nodes connect to a shared SCSI bus without the same allocation 
           class for the bus, system booting will halt due to the error or 
           IO AUTOCONFIGURE after boot will keep the bus offline.  
  WARNING: If BHAGAT is sharing the same SCSI bus with MOON, then BHAGAT's 
           ALLOCLASS parameter or port allocation class for the shared bus 
           must be changed from 0 to the same non-zero value that will be 
           entered for MOON. Use the CHANGE option of 
           parameter before MOON is booted. 
Enter a value for MOON's ALLOCLASS parameter [1]: [Return]
Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? [Return]
Size of pagefile for MOON [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary pagefile will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary pagefile [10000]? [Return]
Size of swap file for MOON [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary swap file will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary swap file [8000]? [Return]
    Each shared SCSI bus must have a positive allocation class value. A shared 
    bus uses a PK adapter. A private bus may use: PK, DR, DV, DQ. 
    When adding a node with SCSI-based cluster communications, the shared 
    SCSI port allocation classes may be established in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. 
    Otherwise, the system's disk allocation class will apply. 
    A private SCSI bus need not have an entry in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. If it has an 
    entry, its entry may assign any legitimate port allocation class value: 
       n   where n = a positive integer, 1 to 32767 inclusive 
       0   no port allocation class and disk allocation class does not apply 
      -1   system's disk allocation class applies (system parameter ALLOCLASS) 
    When modifying port allocation classes, SYS$DEVICES.DAT must be updated 
    for all affected nodes, and then all affected nodes must be rebooted. 
    The following dialog will update SYS$DEVICES.DAT on MOON. 
Enter [RETURN] to continue: 
    There are currently no entries in SYS$DEVICES.DAT for MOON. 
    After the next boot, any SCSI controller on MOON will use 
    MOON's disk allocation class. 
Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: [Return]
Will a disk local only to MOON (and not accessible at this time to BHAGAT) 
be used for paging and swapping (Y/N)? N 
    If you specify a device other than DISK$BHAGAT_831H1: for MOON's 
    page and swap files, this procedure will create PAGEFILE_MOON.SYS 
    and SWAPFILE_MOON.SYS in the <SYSEXE> directory on the device you 
What is the device name for the page and swap files [DISK$BHAGAT_831H1:]? 
    The configuration procedure has completed successfully.  
    MOON has been configured to join the cluster. 
    The first time MOON boots, AUTOGEN.COM will run automatically. 

Example 8-2 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM Session to Add a Computer Running DECnet--Plus

               Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an Alpha System 
    DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
    Alpha satellites will use LANCP, not DECnet, for MOP downline loading. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    BISMIL is an Alpha system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an Alpha node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for BISMIL. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 1 
    This ADD function will add a new Alpha node to the cluster. 
  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           every cluster member must be adjusted.  For complete instructions 
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS Cluster 
           Systems" manual. 
  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and 
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed 
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster 
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to 
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
           If this cluster will run IPCI, then TCP/IP installed on the system 
           should be version 5.7 and above or else IPCI configuration will be 
Do you want to continue [Y]? [Return]
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? Y 
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? N                                            
What is the node's SCS node name? MOON 
    DECnet is running on this node. Even though you are configuring a LAN- 
    based cluster, the DECnet database will provide some information and 
    may be updated. 
What is the node's DECnet fullname? local:.MOON 
Do you want to define a DECnet synonym [Y]? N 
What is the MOP service client name for this node [MOON]? VENUS 
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 24.123 
    NOTE: 24.123 equates to an SCSSYSTEMID of 24699 
Will MOON run DECnet [Y]? [Return]
        This procedure will not update any network databases 
        with information about MOON.  You must do that 
Will MOON be a boot server [Y]? [Return]
   This procedure will now ask you for the device name of MOON's system root. 
    The default device name (DISK$ALPHA732:) is the logical volume name of 
What is the device name for MOON's system root [default DISK$ALPHA732:]? 
What is the name of MOON's system root [SYS1]? [Return]
    Creating directory tree SYS1 ... 
    System root SYS1 created 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? N 
  CAUTION: If you do not define port allocation classes later in this 
           procedure for shared SCSI buses, all nodes sharing a SCSI bus 
           must have the same non-zero ALLOCLASS value. If multiple 
           nodes connect to a shared SCSI bus without the same allocation 
           class for the bus, system booting will halt due to the error or 
           IO AUTOCONFIGURE after boot will keep the bus offline. 
  WARNING: If BISMIL is sharing the same SCSI bus with MOON, then BISMIL's 
           ALLOCLASS parameter or port allocation class for the shared bus 
           must be changed from 0 to the same non-zero value that will be 
           entered for MOON. Use the CHANGE option of 
           parameter before MOON is booted. 
Enter a value for MOON's ALLOCLASS parameter [1]: [Return]
Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? [Return]
Size of pagefile for MOON [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary pagefile will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary pagefile [10000]? [Return]
Size of swap file for MOON [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary swap file will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary swap file [8000]? [Return]
    Each shared SCSI bus must have a positive allocation class value. A shared 
    bus uses a PK adapter. A private bus may use: PK, DR, DV, DQ. 
    When adding a node with SCSI-based cluster communications, the shared 
    SCSI port allocation classes may be established in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. 
    Otherwise, the system's disk allocation class will apply. 
    A private SCSI bus need not have an entry in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. If it has an 
    entry, its entry may assign any legitimate port allocation class value: 
       n   where n = a positive integer, 1 to 32767 inclusive 
       0   no port allocation class and disk allocation class does not apply 
      -1   system's disk allocation class applies (system parameter ALLOCLASS) 
    When modifying port allocation classes, SYS$DEVICES.DAT must be updated 
    for all affected nodes, and then all affected nodes must be rebooted. 
    The following dialog will update SYS$DEVICES.DAT on MOON. 
Enter [RETURN] to continue: [Return]
    There are currently no entries in SYS$DEVICES.DAT for MOON. 
    After the next boot, any SCSI controller on MOON will use 
    MOON's disk allocation class. 
Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: 
Will a local (non-HSx) disk on MOON and not on a hierarchical storage 
controller be used for paging and swapping (Y/N)? N 
    If you specify a device other than DISK$ALPHA732: for MOON's 
    page and swap files, this procedure will create PAGEFILE_MOON.SYS 
    and SWAPFILE_MOON.SYS in the <SYSEXE> directory on the device you 
What is the device name for the page and swap files [DISK$ALPHA732:]? 
    The configuration procedure has completed successfully. 
    MOON has been configured to join the cluster. 
    Before booting MOON, you must create a new default 
    bootstrap command procedure for MOON. For instructions, 
    see your processor-specific installation and operations guide. 
    The first time MOON boots, NET$CONFIGURE.COM and 
    AUTOGEN.COM will run automatically. 
    The following parameters have been set for MOON: 
                  VOTES = 1 
                  QDSKVOTES = 1 
    After MOON has booted into the cluster, you must increment 
    the value for EXPECTED_VOTES in every cluster member's 
    MODPARAMS.DAT. You must then reconfigure the cluster, using the 
    procedure described in the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 

Example 8-3 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM Session to Add a Satellite with Local Page and Swap Files

$ @CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM                                 
              Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an IA64 System 
    DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
    IA64 satellites will use TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services for downline loading. 
    TCP/IP is installed and running on this node. 
        Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with 
        the execution of this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes 
        and explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
    BHAGAT is an IA64 system and currently a member of a cluster 
    so the following functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an IA64 node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for BHAGAT. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 1 
    This ADD function will add a new IA64 node to the cluster. 
  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           every cluster member must be adjusted.  For complete instructions 
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS Cluster 
           Systems" manual. 
  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and 
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed 
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster 
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to 
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
           If this cluster will run IPCI, then TCP/IP installed on the system 
           should be version 5.7 and above or else IPCI configuration will be 
Do you want to continue [Y]? [Return]
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? N 
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? [Return]
What is the node's SCS node name? GOMTHI 
    DECnet is running on this node. Even though you are configuring a LAN- 
    based cluster, the DECnet database will provide some information and 
    may be updated. 
What is the node's DECnet fullname? local:.GOMTHI 
Do you want to define a DECnet synonym [Y]? N 
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 25.171 
    NOTE: 25.171 equates to an SCSSYSTEMID of 25771 
    The DECnet databases on BHAGAT will not be updated with 
    information on GOMTHI. You must see to it that network 
    databases on this and all other cluster members are updated. 
    For help, refer to the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
Does GOMTHI need to be registered in the DECnet namespace [N]?[Return]
What is the Cluster Alias fullname? [Return]
Will GOMTHI run DECnet [Y]? [Return]
   This procedure will now ask you for the device name of GOMTHI's system root. 
    The default device name (DISK$BHAGAT_SYS:) is the logical volume name of 
What is the device name for GOMTHI's system root [default DISK$BHAGAT_SYS:]? 
What is the name of GOMTHI's system root [SYS10]? [Return]
What is GOMTHI's LAN adapter hardware address? 00-30-6E-4C-BB-1A 
What is GOMTHI's TCP/IP address? 
Would you like GOMTHI added as a TCP/IP host shortcut for [Y]? [Return]
What is GOMTHI's TCP/IP gateway or gateways (leave blank if none)? 
What is GOMTHI's TCP/IP network mask []? 
  NOTE:  Make sure to set the VMS_FLAGS console variable 
         to 0,200000 on node GOMTHI so it will use 
         the memory-disk method to boot as a satellite. 
         The command to update this variable from the 
         console EFI shell of GOMTHI is: 
           set vms_flags "0,200000" 
Allow conversational bootstraps on GOMTHI [N]? [Return]
    The following workstation windowing options are available: 
       1. No workstation software 
       2. DECwindows Workstation Software 
Enter choice [1]: [Return]
    Creating directory tree SYS10 ... 
    System root SYS10 created 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? N 
Will GOMTHI be a disk server [N]? Y 
Enter a value for GOMTHI's ALLOCLASS parameter [0]: [Return]
    Updating BOOTP database with satellite information for GOMTHI... 
Size of pagefile for GOMTHI [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary pagefile will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary pagefile [10000]? [Return]
Size of swap file for GOMTHI [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]? [Return]
    A temporary swap file will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The 
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate. 
Size of temporary swap file [8000]? [Return]
   NOTE:  IA64 satellite node GOMTHI requires DOSD if capturing the 
          system state in a dumpfile is desired after a system crash. 
Will a local disk on GOMTHI be used for paging and swapping (Y/N)? Y 
    This procedure will now wait until GOMTHI is a member of 
    the cluster.  Once GOMTHI joins the cluster, this procedure 
    will ask you which local disk it can use for paging and swapping. 
    Please boot GOMTHI now. Make sure the default boot device is 
    set to the appropriate clustered-disk access path: LAN device for 
    satellite nodes; or shared-bus (CI/DSSI/SCSI/FC) disk device.  See 
    the hardware user manual or the console help command for instructions 
    to do this. 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to boot... 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to boot... 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to boot... 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to boot... 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to boot... 
    Node GOMTHI is now a cluster member. This procedure will pause 
    for up to 4 minutes, while attempting to detect local disks on 
    GOMTHI, to use for paging and swapping. 
    The local disks on GOMTHI are: 
Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free  Trans Mnt 
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks Count Cnt 
GOMTHI$DQA0:            Online               0 
GOMTHI$DKA0:            Online               0 
GOMTHI$DKA100:          Online               0 
GOMTHI$DKB200:          Online               0 
    If the paging and swapping disk you plan to use is not displayed, 
    it may not yet be configured.  Please wait a few moments and hit 
    a carriage return for an updated display. 
Which disk can be used for paging and swapping? GOMTHI$DKA100: 
May this procedure INITIALIZE GOMTHI$DKA100 [Y]? N 
    In order to ensure that this disk has a unique volume name this 
    procedure wishes to change its name from [GOMTHI_831H1] to 
    [GOMTHI_25771].  If the satellite being added may also be booted 
    standalone and refers to this disk by name you may retain the old volume 
    name if there are no other disks with the same name in this cluster. 
May the volume name of this disk be changed to GOMTHI_25771 [Y]? N 
%DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]CLU2020042F.TMP1;* 
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found 
    Mounting GOMTHI$DKA100... 
What is the file specification for the pagefile on 
What is the file specification for the swapfile on 
    SATELLITE_PAGE.COM and INSTALL_PAGE.COM will now be created for local 
    page/swap disk/file installation. 
             ****** ! SHADOWED PAGE or SWAP DISK WARNING !  ****** 
             ****  Edit these procedures to include any       **** 
             ****  local configuration commands necessary for **** 
             ****  shadowed disk mounting, prior to reboot.   **** 
    AUTOGEN will now reconfigure and reboot GOMTHI automatically. 
    These operations will complete in a few minutes, and a 
    completion message will be displayed at your terminal. 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to reboot... 
    Waiting for GOMTHI to reboot... 
    The configuration procedure has completed successfully. 

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