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HP OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
Chapter 6
Example 6-1 Using the CONVERT Routines in a Fortran Program |
* This program calls the routines that perform the * functions of the Convert Utility. It creates an * indexed output file named CUSTDATA.DAT from the * specifications in an FDL file named INDEXED.FDL. * The program then loads CUSTDATA.DAT with records * from the sequential file SEQ.DAT. No exception * file is created. This program also returns the * "BRIEF" CONVERT statistics. * Program declarations IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (A - Z) * Set up parameter list: number of options, CREATE, * NOSHARE, FAST_LOAD, MERGE, APPEND, SORT, WORK_FILES, * KEY=0, NOPAD, PAD CHARACTER, NOTRUNCATE, * NOEXIT, NOFIXED_CONTROL, FILL_BUCKETS, NOREAD_CHECK, * NOWRITE_CHECK, FDL, and NOEXCEPTION. * INTEGER*4 OPTIONS(19) 1 /18,1,0,1,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0/ * Set up statistics list. Pass an array with the * number of statistics that you want. There are four * --- number of files, number of records, exception * records, and good records, in that order. INTEGER*4 STATSBLK(5) /4,0,0,0,0/ * Declare the file names. CHARACTER IN_FILE*7 /'SEQ.DAT'/, 1 OUT_FILE*12 /'CUSTDATA.DAT'/, 1 FDL_FILE*11 /'INDEXED.FDL'/ * Call the routines in their required order. STATUS = CONV$PASS_FILES (IN_FILE, OUT_FILE, FDL_FILE) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$STOP (%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = CONV$PASS_OPTIONS (OPTIONS) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$STOP (%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = CONV$CONVERT (STATSBLK) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$STOP (%VAL(STATUS)) * Display the statistics information. WRITE (6,1000) (STATSBLK(I),I=2,5) 1000 FORMAT (1X,'Number of files processed: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Number of records: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Number of exception records: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Number of valid records: ',I5) END |
Example 6-2 shows how to use the advanced features of the CONVERT routines in a C program.
Example 6-2 Using the CONVERT Routines in a C Program |
/* ** This module calls the routines that perform the functions ** of the Convert utility. It creates an indexed output file ** named CUSTDATA.DAT from the specifications in an FDL file ** named INDEXED.FDL, and loads CUSTDATA.DAT with records from ** the sequential file SEQ.DAT. No exception file is created. ** This module also returns the CONVERT and SORT statistics ** for each key that is loaded by utilizing the new callback ** feature that is available through the CONV$CONVERT call. */ #include <stdio> #include <descrip> #include <lib$routines> #include <conv$routines> #include <convdef> #include <starlet> /* ** Allocate a statistics block structure using the template provided by ** <convdef.h>. This structure will be passed to the CONV$CONVERT routine ** to receive both the basic and extended statistics from CONVERT. The ** fields returned to the structure from CONVERT are listed in table 5-1. ** ** The number of statistics to be returned is passed as the first element ** in the array. The value CONV$K_MAX_STATISTICS will return the set of ** basic statistics, while the value CONV$K_EXT_STATISTICS will return all ** statistics. */ struct conv$statistics stats; /* ** Main program (CONVSTAT) starts here */ int CONVSTAT (void) { $DESCRIPTOR (input_file, "SEQ.DAT"); $DESCRIPTOR (output_file, "CUSTDATA.DAT"); $DESCRIPTOR (fdl_file, "INDEXED.FDL"); void callback(); int stat; /* ** Allocate an options block structure using the template provided by ** <convdef.h>. This structure will be passed to the CONV$PASS_OPTIO NS ** routine to indicate what options are to be used for the file convert. ** The fields passed to the structure are listed in table 5-2. */ struct conv$options param_list; param_list.conv$l_options_count = CONV$K_MAX_OPTIONS; param_list.conv$l_create = 1; param_list.conv$l_share = 0; param_list.conv$l_fast = 1; param_list.conv$l_merge = 0; param_list.conv$l_append = 0; param_list.conv$l_sort = 1; param_list.conv$l_work_files = 2; param_list.conv$l_key = 0; param_list.conv$l_pad = 0; param_list.conv$l_pad_character = 0; param_list.conv$l_truncate = 0; param_list.conv$l_exit = 0; param_list.conv$l_fixed_control = 0; param_list.conv$l_fill_buckets = 0; param_list.conv$l_read_check = 0; param_list.conv$l_write_check = 0; param_list.conv$l_fdl = 1; param_list.conv$l_exception = 0; param_list.conv$l_prologue = 0; param_list.conv$l_ignore_prologue = 1; param_list.conv$l_secondary = 1; /* ** Init the number of statistics to be returned */ stats.conv$l_statistics_count = CONV$K_EXT_STATISTICS; LIB$INIT_TIMER(); /* Start a timer */ /* ** First call to pass all the file names */ stat = CONV$PASS_FILES ( &input_file, &output_file, &fdl_file); if (!(stat & 1)) return stat; /* ** Second call to pass particular options chosen as indicated in array. */ stat = CONV$PASS_OPTIONS ( ¶m_list ); if (!(stat & 1)) return stat; /* ** Final call to perform actual convert, passing statistics block and ** callback routine address. */ stat = CONV$CONVERT ( &stats, 0, &callback ); if (stat & 1) { /* ** Successful Convert! Print out counters from statistics. */ printf ("Number of files processed : %d\n", stats.conv$l_file_count); printf ("Number of records : %d\n", stats.conv$l_record_count); printf ("Number of exception records : %d\n", stats.conv$l_except_count); printf ("Number of valid records : %d\n", stats.conv$l_valid_count); LIB$SHOW_TIMER(); } return stat; /* success or failure */ } void callback () { int status, SYS$ASCTIM(); int cvtflg = 1; static char date[15]; $DESCRIPTOR(out_date, date); printf ("Statistics for Key : %d\n", stats.conv$l_key_number); printf (" Records Sorted : %d\n", stats.conv$l_rec_out); printf (" Sort Nodes : %d\n", stats.conv$l_nodes); printf (" Work file allocation : %d\n", stats.conv$l_wrk_alq); printf (" Initial Sort Runs : %d\n", stats.conv$l_ini_runs); printf (" Merge Order : %d\n", stats.conv$l_mrg_order); printf (" Merge Passes : %d\n", stats.conv$l_mrg_passes); printf (" Sort Direct IO : %d\n", stats.conv$l_sort_dio_count); printf (" Sort Buffered IO : %d\n", stats.conv$l_sort_bio_count); status = SYS$ASCTIM (0, &out_date, &stats.conv$q_sort_elapsed_time, cvtflg); if (!(status & 1)) LIB$STOP (status); printf (" Sort Elapsed Time : %s\n", date); status = SYS$ASCTIM (0, &out_date, &stats.conv$q_sort_cpu_time, cvtflg); if (!(status & 1)) LIB$STOP (status); printf (" Sort Cpu Time : %s\n", date); printf (" Sort Page Faults : %d\n\n", stats.conv$l_sort_pf_count); printf (" Load Direct IO : %d\n", stats.conv$l_load_dio_count); printf (" Load Buffered IO : %d\n", stats.conv$l_load_bio_count); status = SYS$ASCTIM (0, &out_date, &stats.conv$q_load_elapsed_time, cvtflg); if (!(status & 1)) LIB$STOP (status); printf (" Load Elapsed Time : %s\n", date); status = SYS$ASCTIM (0, &out_date, &stats.conv$q_load_cpu_time, cvtflg); if (!(status & 1)) LIB$STOP (status); printf (" Load Cpu Time : %s\n", date); printf (" Load Page Faults : %d\n\n", stats.conv$l_load_pf_count); return; } |
Example 6-3 shows how to use the CONV$RECLAIM routine in a Fortran program.
Example 6-3 Using the CONV$RECLAIM Routine in a Fortran Program |
* This program calls the routine that performs the * function of the Convert/Reclaim utility. It * reclaims empty buckets from an indexed file named * PROL3.DAT. It also returns all the CONVERT/RECLAIM * statistics. * Program declarations IMPLICIT INTEGER*4 (A - Z) * Set up a statistics block. There are four -- data * buckets scanned, data buckets reclaimed, index * buckets reclaimed, total buckets reclaimed. INTEGER*4 OUTSTATS(5) /4,0,0,0,0/ * Declare the input file. CHARACTER IN_FILE*9 /'PROL3.DAT'/ * Call the routine. STATUS = CONV$RECLAIM (IN_FILE, OUTSTATS) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$STOP (%VAL(STATUS)) * Display the statistics. WRITE (6,1000) (OUTSTATS(I),I=2,5) 1000 FORMAT (1X,'Number of data buckets scanned: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Number of data buckets reclaimed: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Number of index buckets reclaimed: ',I5/, 1 1X,'Total buckets reclaimed: ',I5) END |
Example 6-4 shows how to use the CONV$RECLAIM routine in a C program.
Example 6-4 Using the CONV$RECLAIM Routine in a C Program |
/* ** This module calls the routine that performs the ** function of the CONVERT/RECLAIM utility. It reclaims ** empty buckets from an indexed file named PROL3.DAT. ** ** This module also returns and prints all of the ** CONVERT/RECLAIM statistics. */ #include <stdio> #include <descrip> CONVREC () { $DESCRIPTOR (filename, "PROL3.DAT");/* Provide your file name */ struct { int statistics_count, /* must precede actual statistics */ scanned_buckets, data_buckets_reclaimed, index_buckets_reclaimed, total_buckets_reclaimed; } stats = 4 /* 4 statistic arguments */; int stat; /* ** Perform actual operation. */ stat = CONV$RECLAIM ( &filename, &stats ); if (stat & 1) { /* ** Successful RECLAIM. Now format and print the counts. */ printf ("Data buckets scanned : %d\n", stats.scanned_buckets); printf ("Data buckets reclaimed : %d\n", stats.data_buckets_reclaimed); printf ("Index buckets reclaimed : %d\n", stats.index_buckets_reclaimed); printf ("Total buckets reclaimed : %d\n", stats.total_buckets_reclaimed); } return stat /* succes or failure */; } |
This section describes the individual CONVERT routines.
The CONV$CONVERT routine uses the Convert utility to perform the actual conversion begun with CONV$PASS_FILES and CONV$PASS_OPTIONS. Optionally, the routine can return statistics about the conversion.Note that the CONV$CONVERT routine may return appropriate File Definition Language (FDL) error messages to the calling program, where applicable.
CONV$CONVERT [status_block_address] [,flags] [,callback_routine]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. Most utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that this routine can return are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: vector_longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
The conversion statistics. The status_block_address argument is the address of a variable-length array of longwords that receives statistics about the conversion.You can request conversion statistics using zero-based, symbolic offsets (CONV$K_) into the variable-length array of longwords that contains the statistics. The array is defined as a structure (CONV$STATISTICS) of named longwords (CONV$L_) to support access by high-level progamming languages.
Table 6-1 lists the array elements by number and by symbol. The first element specifies the number of statistics to return by array order. For example, if you assign the symbol CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT the value 2, the routine returns the statistics from the first two statistics elements:
- Number of files converted
- Number of records converted
Table 6-1 Conversion Statistics Array Array
ElementField Name Description 0 CONV$L_STATISTICS_COUNT Number of statistics specified 1 CONV$L_FILE_COUNT Number of files 2 CONV$L_RECORD_COUNT Number of records 3 CONV$L_EXCEPT_COUNT Number of exception record 4 CONV$L_VALID_COUNT Number of valid records 5 CONV$L_KEY_NUMBER Most recent key processed 6 CONV$L_REC_OUT Number of records sorted 7 CONV$L_NODES Nodes in sort tree 8 CONV$L_WRK_ALQ Work file allocation 9 CONV$L_INI_RUNS Initial dispersion runs 10 CONV$L_MRG_ORDER Maximum merge order 11 CONV$L_MRG_PASSES Number of merge passes 12 CONV$L_SORT_DIO_COUNT Sort direct IO 13 CONV$L_SORT_BIO_COUNT Sort buffered IO 14 CONV$Q_SORT_ELAPSED_TIME Sort elapsed time 15 CONV$Q_SORT_CPU_TIME Sort CPU time 16 CONV$L_SORT_PF_COUNT Number of page faults for sort 17 CONV$L_LOAD_DIO_COUNT Load direct IO 18 CONV$L_LOAD_BIO_COUNT Load buffered IO 19 CONV$Q_LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME Load elapsed time 20 CONV$Q_LOAD_CPU_TIME Load CPU time 21 CONV$L_LOAD_PF_COUNT Number of page faults for load flags
OpenVMS usage: mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Flags (or masks) that control how the CONV$PASS_FILES fdl_filespec argument is interpreted and how errors are signaled. The flags argument is the address of a longword containing control flags (or a mask). If you omit the flags argument or specify it as zero, no flags are set. The flags and their meanings are described in the following table:
Flag Function CONV$V_FDL_STRING Interprets the fdl_filespec argument supplied in the call to CONV$PASS_FILES as an FDL specification in string form. By default, this argument is interpreted as the file name of an FDL file. CONV$V_SIGNAL Signals any error. By default, the status code is returned to the calling image. By default, an error status is returned rather than signaled.
OpenVMS usage: procedure type: procedure value access: read only mechanism: by reference
Name of a user-supplied routine to process the statistics information. The callback_routine argument is the address of the procedure value of a user-supplied routine to call at the completion of each key load.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. CONV$_BADBLK Invalid option block. CONV$_BADLOGIC Internal logic error detected. CONV$_BADSORT Error trying to sort input file. CONV$_CLOSEIN Error closing file specification as input. CONV$_CLOSEOUT Error closing file specification as output. CONV$_CONFQUAL Conflicting qualifiers. CONV$_CREA_ERR Error creating output file. CONV$_CREATEDSTM File specification has been created in stream format. CONV$_DELPRI Cannot delete primary key. CONV$_DUP Duplicate key encountered. CONV$_EXTN_ERR Unable to extend output file. CONV$_FATALEXC Fatal exception encountered. CONV$_FILLIM Exceeded open file limit. CONV$_IDX_LIM Exceeded maximum index level. CONV$_ILL_KEY Illegal key or value out of range. CONV$_ILL_VALUE Illegal parameter value. CONV$_INP_FILES Too many input files. CONV$_INSVIRMEM Insufficient virtual memory. CONV$_KEY Invalid record key. CONV$_LOADIDX Error loading secondary index n. CONV$_NARG Wrong number of arguments. CONV$_NOKEY No such key. CONV$_NOTIDX File is not an indexed file. CONV$_NOTSEQ Output file is not a sequential file. CONV$_NOWILD No wildcard permitted. CONV$_OPENEXC Error opening exception file specification. CONV$_OPENIN Error opening file specification as input. CONV$_OPENOUT Error opening file specification as output. CONV$_ORDER Routine called out of order. CONV$_PAD Packet Assembly/Disassembly (PAD) option ignored; output record format not fixed. CONV$_PLV Unsupported prolog version. CONV$_PROERR Error reading prolog. CONV$_PROL_WRT Prolog write error. CONV$_READERR Error reading file specification. CONV$_REX Record already exists. CONV$_RMS Record caused RMS severe error. CONV$_RSK Record shorter than primary key. CONV$_RSZ Record does not fit in block/bucket. CONV$_RTL Record longer than maximum record length. CONV$_RTS Record too short for fixed record format file. CONV$_SEQ Record not in order. CONV$_UDF_BKS Cannot convert UDF records into spanned file. CONV$_UDF_BLK Cannot fit UDF records into single block bucket. CONV$_VALERR Specified value is out of legal range. CONV$_VFC Record too short to fill fixed part of VFC record. CONV$_WRITEERR Error writing file specification.
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