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HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide
7.9.2 Changing Data Analyzer Passwords
You can change the passwords that the Windows Data Analyzer uses for
OpenVMS Data Collector nodes and for Windows Data Collector nodes. The
following sections explain how to perform both actions.
When you select Customize OpenVMS... on the Customize menu of the System Overview window, the Data Analyzer displays a default customization page. On it is a tab marked Security, which, if you select it, displays the OpenVMS Security Customization page (Figure 7-21). To change the default password for the Data Analyzer to use to access OpenVMS Data Collector nodes, enter a password of exactly 8 uppercase alphanumeric characters. The Data Analyzer uses this password to access OpenVMS Data Collector nodes. This password must match the password that is part of the OpenVMS Data Collector security triplet ( Section 1.3.3).
When you are satisfied with your password, click OK.
Exit the Data Analyzer and restart the application for the password to
take effect.
When you select Customize Windows NT... on the Customize menu of the System Overview window, the Data Analyzer displays a Windows Security Customization page (Figure 7-22). Figure 7-22 Windows Security Customization ![]() To change the default password for the Data Analyzer to use to access Windows Data Collector nodes, enter a password of exactly 8 alphanumeric characters. Note that this password is case sensitive; any time you type it, you must use the original capitalization. This password must also match the password for the Windows Data Collector node that you want to access. (See Section 7.9.3 for instructions for changing that password.)
When you are satisfied with your password, click OK.
Exit and restart the Data Analyzer for the password to take effect.
To change the Data Collector password in the Registry, follow these steps:
7.10 Monitoring Processes on a NodeAs the Data Analyzer monitors all the processes on the system, you can configure the tool to notify you when particular processes are created or exit on your system. The Data Analyzer can watch up to eight processes on an individual node. This customization is available at the system, group or node level. (You cannot, however, use this feature to notify you about processes that should not be there.) When you bring up the Customization Page, it contains a tab labeled Watch Process. If you select this tab, the Data Analyzer displays the Watch Process page similar to the one shown in (Figure 7-23). Figure 7-23 Process Watch ![]() An explanation of the watch process feature is displayed on the right side of the page. You can enter up to 8 processes in the box on the left side of the page. After you enter process names, the Data Analyzer monitors these processes on the node you have selected. For a process that is not present on the node at the time you entered it on the Watch Process page, the Data Analyzer displays the following event in the Event pane of the System Overview window (Figure 2-25):
If a process that a NOPROC event signalled reappears on the node, the Data Analyzer displays the following event in the Event pane of the System Overview window (Figure 2-25):
Appendix A
Process State | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CEF | Common Event Flag, waiting for a common event flag | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COLPG | Collided Page Wait, involuntary wait state; likely to indicate a memory shortage, waiting for hard page faults | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COM | Computable; ready to execute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
COMO | Computable Outswapped, COM, but swapped out | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CUR | Current, currently executing in a CPU | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FPG | Free Page Wait, involuntary wait state; most likely indicates a memory shortage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEF | Local Event Flag, waiting for a Local Event Flag | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEFO | Local Event Flag Outswapped; LEF, but outswapped | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HIB | Hibernate, voluntary wait state requested by the process; it is inactive | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HIBO | Hibernate Outswapped, hibernating but swapped out | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Miscellaneous Resource Wait, involuntary wait state, possibly caused by
a shortage of a systemwide resource, such as no page or swap file
capacity or no synchronizations for single-threaded code.
Types of MWAIT states are shown in the following table:
PFW | Page Fault Wait, involuntary wait state; possibly indicates a memory shortage, waiting for hard page faults. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWAST | Resource Wait State, waiting for delivery of an asynchronous system trap (AST) that signals a resource availability; usually an I/O is outstanding or a process quota is exhausted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWBRK | Resource Wait for BROADCAST to finish | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWCAP | Resource Wait for CPU Capability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWCLU | Resource Wait for Cluster Transition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWCSV | Resource Wait for Cluster Server Process | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWIMG | Resource Wait for Image Activation Lock | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWLCK | Resource Wait for Lock ID data base | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWMBX | Resource Wait on MailBox, either waiting for data in mailbox (to read) or waiting to place data (write) into a full mailbox (some other process has not read from it; mailbox is full so this process cannot write). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWMPB | Resource Wait for Modified Page writer Busy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWMPE | Resource Wait for Modified Page list Empty | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWNPG | Resource Wait for Non Paged Pool | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWPAG | Resource Wait for Paged Pool | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWPFF | Resource Wait for Page File Full | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWQUO | Resource Wait for Pooled Quota | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWSCS | Resource Wait for System Communications Services | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RWSWP | Resource Wait for Swap File space | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUSP | Suspended, wait state process placed into suspension; it can be resumed at the request of an external process | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUSPO | Suspended Outswapped, suspended but swapped out |
This appendix contains the following tables of events:
Each table provides the following information:
Event | Description | Explanation | Recommended Action |
CFGDON | Configuration done | The Availabilty Manager has made a connection to the data collection node and will start collecting data according to the customize data collection options selected. | This informational event indicates that the node is recognized. No further investigation is required. |
CHGMAC | Changed MAC address | "The Availabilty Manager has changed the MAC address used to communicate with the node. | This is an informational event to indicate that the MAC address used to with the node has changed. This is usually done when a multicase Hello packet has a different MAC address. OpenVMS nodes may have the MAC address changed for a number of reasons which include starting DECnet. |
DCCOLT | Data collection completed | Specifies the amount of time the specified data collection took to complete. | This event records the amount of time a data collection has taken, and is thrown if the data collection took longer than the collection interval. This event is thrown along with the DCSLOW event to document the actual data collection rates as compared to the data collection intervals under Customize. |
DCSLOW | Data collection taking longer than collection interval | The specified data collection is taking longer to complete than the data collection interval. |
This event usually occurs where the connection between the Data
Analyzer and the Data Collector is slow or is carrying a large amount
of network traffic. Check the associated DCCOLT event for the actual
time the data collection took. Some possible actions are:
DPGERR | Error executing driver program | The Data Collector has detected a program error while executing the data collection program. | This event can occur if you have a bad driver program library, or there is a bug in the driver program. Make sure you have the program library that shipped with the kit; if it is correct, contact your customer support representative with the full text of the event. |
DSKERR | High disk error count | The error count for the disk device exceeds the threshold. | Check error log entries for device errors. A disk device with a high error count could indicate a problem with the disk or with the connection between the disk and the system. |
DSKINV | Disk is invalid | The valid bit in the disk device status field is not set. The disk device is not considered valid by the operating system. | Make sure that the disk device is valid and is known to the operating system. |
DSKMNV | Disk in mount verify state | The disk device is performing a mount verification. |
The system is performing a mount verification for the disk device. This
could be caused by:
DSKOFF | Disk device is off line | The disk device has been placed in the off line state. | Check whether the disk device should be off line. This event is also signalled when the same device name is used for two different physical disks. The volume name in the event is the second node to use the same device name. |
DSKQLN | High disk queue length | The average number of pending I/Os to the disk device exceeds the threshold. | More I/O requests are being queued to the disk device than the device can service. Reasons include a slow disk or too much work being done on the disk. |
DSKRWT | High disk RWAIT count | The RWAIT count on the disk device exceeds the threshold. | RWAIT is an indicator that an I/O operation has stalled, usually during normal connection failure recovery or volume processing of host-based shadowing. A node has probably failed and shadowing is recovering data. |
DSKUNA | Disk device is unavailable | The disk device has been placed in the Unavailable state. | The disk device state has been set to /NOAVAILABLE. See DCL help for the SET DEVICE/AVAILABLE command. |
DSKWRV | Wrong volume mounted | The disk device has been mounted with the wrong volume label. | Set the correct volume name by entering the DCL command SET VOLUME/LABEL on the node. |
ELIBCR | Bad CRC for exportable program library | The CRC calculation for the exportable program library does not match the CRC value in the library. | The exportable program library may be corrupt. Restore the exportable program library from its original source. |
ELIBNP | No privilege to access exportable program library | Unable to access the exportable program library. | Check to make sure that the Data Analyzer has the proper security access to the exportable program library file. |
ELIBUR | Unable to read exportable program library | Unable to read the exportable program library for the combination of hardware architecture and OpenVMS version. | The exportable program library may be corrupt. Restore the exportable program library from its original source. |
FXBRCT | Fix context does not exist on node | The Data Analyzer tried to perform a fix, but the fix context on the node does not exist. The context holds the original request and any response output for the request. | This event could occur if there is network congestion or some problem with the node. Confirm the connection to the node, and reapply the fix if necessary. |
FXCPKT | Received a corrupt fix response packet from node | The Data Analyzer tried to perform a fix, but the fix acknowledgment from the node was corrupt. | This event could occur if there is network congestion or some problem with the node. Confirm the connection to the node, and reapply the fix if necessary. |
FXCRSH | Crash node fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Crash Node fix on the node. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Expect to see a Path Lost event for the node. |
FXDCPR | Decrement process priority fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Decrement Process Priority fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Setting a process priority too low takes CPU time away from the process. |
FXDCWS | Decrement process working set size fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully decreased the working set size of the process on the node by performing an Adjust Working Set fix. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. This fix disables the automatic working set adjustment for the process. |
FXDLPR | Delete process fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Delete Process fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. If the process is in RWAST state, this fix does not work. This fix also does not work on processes created with the no delete option. |
FXEXIT | Exit image fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed an Exit Image fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Forcing a system process to exit its current image can corrupt the kernel. |
FXINPR | Increment process priority fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed an Increment Process Priority fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Setting a process priority too high takes CPU time away from other processes. Set the priority above 15 only for "real-time" processing. |
FXINQU | Increment process quota limits fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully increased the quota limit of the process on the node by placing a new limit value in the limit field of the quota. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. This fix is only for the life of the process. If the problem continues, change the limit for the account in the UAF file. |
FXINWS | Increment process working set size fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully increased the working set size of the process on the node by performing an Adjust Working Set fix. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. This fix disables the automatic working set adjustment for the process. The adjusted working set value cannot exceed WSQUOTA for the process or WSMAX for the system. |
FXKERR | Error executing fix | The Availabilty Manager tried to perform a fix, but the fix failed for the specified reason. | The error messages is from an error status returned from the fix. The event text will also be recorded in the Event Log. |
FXMVDV | Cancel Mount Verify on Disk Volume | The Availabilty Manager has successfully performed a Cancel Mount Verify on Disk Volume fix on the process. | This is an informational message to indicate a successful fix. The disk volume can now be dismounted by a $ DISMOUNT/ABORT command. |
FXMVSM | Cancel Mount Verify on Shadow Set Member | The Availabilty Manager has successfully performed a Cancel Mount Verify on Shadow Set Member fix on the process. | This is an informational message to indicate a successful fix. The shadow set member is ejected from the shadow set automatically, and is the equivalent of $ SET SHADOW/FORCE_REMOVAL command. |
FXNOPR | No-change process priority fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Process Priority fix on the process that resulted in no change to the process priority. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. The Fix Value slider was set to the current priority of the process. |
FXNOQU | No-change process quota limits fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a quota limit fix for the process that resulted in no change to the quota limit. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. The Fix Value slider was set to the current quota of the process. |
FXNOWS | No-change process working set size fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed Adjust Working Set fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. The Fix Value slider was set to the current working set size of the process. |
FXPGWS | Purge working set fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Purge Working Set fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. The purged process might page fault to retrieve memory it needs for current processing. |
FXPRIV | No privilege to attempt fix | The Data Analyzer cannot perform a fix on the node due either to no CMKRNL privilege or to unmatched security triplets. | See Chapter 7 for details about setting up security. |
FXQUOR | Adjust quorum fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed an Adjust Quorum fix on the node. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Use this fix when you find many processes in RWCAP state on a cluster node. |
FXRESM | Resume process fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Resume Process fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. If the process goes back into suspend state, check the AUDIT_SERVER process for problems. |
FXSUSP | Suspend process fix | The Data Analyzer has successfully performed a Suspend Process fix on the process. | This informational message indicates a successful fix. Do not suspend system processes. |
FXTIMO | Fix timeout | The Data Analyzer tried to perform a fix, but no acknowledgment for the fix was received from the node within the timeout period. | This event can occur if there is network congestion, if some problem is causing the node not to respond, or if the fix request failed to reach the node. Confirm the connection to the node, and reapply the fix if necessary. |
FXUERR | Unknown error code for fix | The Data Analyzer tried to perform a fix, but the fix failed for an unexpected reason. | Please contact your HP customer support representative with the text of this event. The event text is also recorded in the event log. |
HIALNR | High alignment fault rate | The node's average alignment fault rate exceeds the threshold. | Alignment faults are executable images accessing data that is not naturally aligned (the address of the data field is not evenly divisible by the size of the data field). Alignment faults must be processed by the system, and slow performance. Use FLT commands of the $ ANALYZE/SYSTEM command to find out the origin of the faults. If possible, obtain newer versions of the applications causing the faults. |
HIBIOR | High buffered I/O rate | The node's average buffered I/O rate exceeds the threshold. | A high buffered I/O rate can cause high system overhead. If this is affecting overall system performance, use the I/O Summary to determine the high buffered I/O processes, and adjust their priorities or suspend them as needed. |
HICMOQ | Many processes in COMO state waiting for CPU | The average number of processes on the node in the COMO queue exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Process Summary to determine which processes are competing for CPU and memory resources. Possible adjustments include changing process priorities and suspending processes. |
HICOMQ | Many processes waiting in COM state waiting for a CPU | The average number of processes on the node in the COM queue exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Mode Summary to determine which processes are competing for CPU resources. Possible adjustments include changing process priorities and suspending processes. |
HIDIOR | High direct I/O rate | The average direct I/O rate on the node exceeds the threshold. | A high direct I/O rate can cause high system overhead. If this is affecting overall system performance, use the I/O Summary to determine the high direct I/O processes, and adjust their priorities or suspend them as needed. |
HIHRDP | High hard page fault rate | The average hard page fault rate on the node exceeds the threshold. | A high hard page fault indicates that the free or modified page list is too small. Check Chapter 7 for possible actions. |
HIMWTQ | Many processes waiting in MWAIT | The average number of processes on the node in the Miscellaneous Resource Wait (MWAIT) queues exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU and Single Process pages to determine which resource is awaited. See Chapter 7 for more information about wait states. |
HINTER | High interrupt mode time | The average percentage of time the node spends in interrupt mode exceeds the threshold. | Consistently high interrupt time prohibits processes from obtaining CPU time. Determine which device or devices are overusing this mode. |
HIPFWQ | Many processes waiting in PFW state | The average number of processes on the node that are waiting to page in more memory exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Process States and Memory Summary to determine which processes are in the PFW state. PFW processes could be constrained by too little physical memory, too restrictive working set quotas, or lack of available page file space. |
HIPINT | High interrupt mode time on Primary CPU | The average percentage of time the node spends in interrupt mode exceeds the threshold. | Consistently high interrupt time on the Primary CPU can slow down IO and servicing various systems in OpenVMS. Enabling Fast Path helps distribute the servicing of interrupts from IO among the CPUs on the node. Also, determine which device or devices are overusing this mode. |
HIPRCT | High process count | The proportion of actual processes to maximum processes is too high. If the number of processes reaches the maximum (MAXPROCESSCNT), no more processes can be created and the system might hang as a result. | Decrease the number of actual processes. Increase SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCNT. |
HIPWIO | High paging write I/O rate | The average paging write I/O rate on the node exceeds the threshold. | Use the Process I/O and Memory Summary pages to determine which processes are writing to the page file excessively, and decide whether their working sets need adjustment. |
HIPWTQ | Many processes waiting in COLPG or FPG | The average number of processes on the node that are waiting for page file space exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Process States and Memory Summary to determine which processes are in the COLPG or FPG state. COLPG processes might be constrained by too little physical memory, too restrictive working set quotas, or lack of available page file space. FPG processes indicate too little physical memory is available. |
HISYSP | High system page fault rate | The node's average page fault rate for pageable system areas exceeds the threshold. | These are page faults from pageable sections in loadable executive images, page pool, and the global page table. The system parameter SYSMWCNT might be set too low. Use AUTOGEN to adjust this parameter. |
HITTLP | High total page fault rate | The average total page fault rate on the node exceeds the threshold. | Use the Memory Summary to find the page faulting processes, and make sure that their working sets are set properly. |
HMPSYN | High multiprocessor (MP) synchronization mode time | The average percentage of time the node handles multiprocessor (MP) synchronization exceeds the threshold. | High synchronization time prevents other devices and processes from obtaining CPU time. Determine which device is overusing this mode. |
HPMPSN | High MP synchronization mode time on Primary CPU | The average percentage of time the node handles multiprocessor (MP) synchronization exceeds the threshold. | High synchronization time prevents other devices and processes from obtaining CPU time. This is especially critical for the Primary CPU, which is the only CPU that performs certain tasks on OpenVMS. Determine which spinlocks are overusing this mode. Executing SYS$EXAMPLES:SPL.COM shows which spinlocks are being used. |
KTHIMD | Kernel thread waiting for inner-mode semaphore | The average percentage of time that the kernel thread waits for the inner-mode semaphore exceeds the threshold. | Use SDA to determine which kernel thread of the process has the semaphore. |
LCKBLK | Lock blocking | The process holds the highest priority lock in the resource's granted lock queue. This lock is blocking all other locks from gaining access to the resource. | Use the Single Process Windows to determine what the process is doing. If the process is in an RW xxx state, try exiting the image or deleting the process. If this fails, crashing the blocking node might be the only other fix option. |
LCKCNT | Lock contention | The resource has a contention situation, with multiple locks competing for the same resource. The competing locks are the currently granted lock and those that are waiting in the conversion queue or in the waiting queue. | Use Lock Contention to investigate a potential lock contention situation. Locks for the same resource might have the NODLCKWT wait flag enabled and be on every member of the cluster. Usually this is not a lock contention situation, and these locks can be filtered out. |
LCKWAT | Lock waiting | The process that has access to the resource is blocking the process that is waiting for it. Once the blocking process releases its access, the next highest lock request acquires the blocking lock. | If the blocking process holds the resource too long, check to see whether the process is working correctly; if not, one of the fixes might solve the problem. |
LOASTQ | Process has used most of ASTLM quota | Either the remaining number of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of ASTs used compared to the allowed quota is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process enters RWAST state. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increase the ASTLM quota for the process in the UAF file. ASTLM is only a count; system resources are not compromised by increasing this count. |
LOBIOQ | Process has used most of BIOLM quota | Either the remaining number of Buffered I/Os (BIO) the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of BIOs used is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process enters RWAST state. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increasing the BIOLM quota for the process in the UAF file. BIOLM is only a count; system resources are not compromised by increasing this count. |
LOBYTQ | Process has used most of BYTLM quota | Either the remaining number of bytes for the buffered I/O byte count (BYTCNT) that the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of bytes used is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process enters RWAST state. If the process requires a higher quota, you can raise the BYTLM quota for the process in the UAF file. BYTLM is the number of bytes in nonpaged pool used for buffered I/O. |
LODIOQ | Process has used most of DIOLM quota | Either the remaining number of Direct I/Os (DIOs) the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of DIOs used is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process enters RWAST state. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increase the DIOLM quota for the process in the UAF file. DIOLM is only a count; system resources are not compromised by increasing this count. |
LOENQU | Process has used most of ENQLM quota | Either the remaining number of lock enqueues (ENQ) the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of ENQs used is above the threshold. | If the limit reaches the quota, the process is not able to make further lock queue requests. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increase the ENQLM quota for the process in the UAF file. |
LOFILQ | Process has used most of FILLM quota | Either the remaining number of files the process can open is below the threshold, or the percentage of files open is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process must first close some files before being allowed to open new ones. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increase the FILLM quota for the process in the UAF file. |
LOMEMY | Free memory is low | For the node, the percentage of free memory compared to total memory is below the threshold. | Use the automatic Purge Working Set fix, or use the Memory and CPU Summary to select processes that that are either not currently executing or not page faulting, and purge their working sets. |
LOPGFQ | Process has used most of PGFLQUOTA quota | Either the remaining number of pages the process can allocate from the system page file is below the threshold, or the percentage of pages allocated is above the threshold. | If the process requires a higher quota, you can raise the PGFLQUOTA quota for the process in the UAF file. This value limits the number of pages in the system page file that the account's processes can use. |
LOPGSP | Low page file space | Either the remaining number of pages in the system page file is below the threshold, or the percentage of page file space remaining is below the threshold. | Either extend the size of this page file or create a new page file to allow new processes to use the new page file. |
LOPRCQ | Process has used most of PRCLM quota | Either the remaining number of subprocesses the current process is allowed to create is below the threshold, or the percentage of created subprocesses is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process is not allowed to create more subprocesses. If the process requires a higher quota, you can increase the PRCLM quota for the process in the UAF file. |
LOSTVC | Lost virtual circuit to node | The virtual circuit between the listed nodes has been lost. | Check to see whether the second node listed has failed or whether the connection between the nodes is broken. The VC name listed in parentheses is the communication link between the nodes. |
LOSWSP | Low swap file space | Either the remaining number of pages in the system page file is below the threshold, or the percentage of page file space remaining is below the threshold. | Either increase the size of this page file, or create a new page file to allow new processes to use the new page file. |
LOTQEQ | Process has used most of TQELM quota | Either the remaining number of Timer Queue Entries (TQEs) the process can request is below the threshold, or the percentage of TQEs used to the allowed quota is above the threshold. | If the amount used reaches the quota, the process enters RWAST state. If the process requires a higher quota, you can raise the TQELM quota for the process in the UAF file. TQELM is only a count; system resources are not compromised by raising it. |
LOVLSP | Low disk volume free space |
The remaining number of blocks on the volume is below the first
threshold, or the percentage of free blocks remaining on the volume is
below the second threshold.
-- Note -- For accurate evaluation of this event in an OpenVMS cluster, Disk Volume data must be collected over the entire cluster. This requirement is necessary because the free space for a disk volume is stored in a lock resource on only one of the nodes in the cluster, so all the nodes must be examined to find the free space. To enable disk volume data collection over all the nodes in the cluster, right-click on the AMDS group name for the cluster in the System Overview pane and click on Customize..., or at the OpenVMS level by clicking on the Customize menu item in the System Overview pane. In the Data Collection tab, check the Collect checkbox for the Disk Volume data collection to enable background data collection. |
You must free up some disk volume space. If your intention is that the volume be filled, such as a disk dedicated to page or swap files, then you can filter that volume from the display. |
LOVOTE | Low cluster votes | The difference between the number of VOTES and the QUORUM in the cluster is below the threshold. | Check to see whether voting members have failed. To avoid the hang that results if VOTES goes below QUORUM, use the Adjust Quorum fix. |
LOWEXT | Low process working set extent | The process page fault rate exceeds the threshold, and the percentage of working set size compared to working set extent exceeds the threshold. | This event indicates that the WSEXTENT value in the UAF file might be too low. The process needs more physical memory but cannot obtain it; therefore, the process page faults excessively. |
LOWSQU | Low process working set quota | The process page fault rate exceeds the threshold, and the percentage of working set size exceeds the threshold. |
This event indicates the process needs more memory but might not be
able to obtain it because one of the following is true:
LRGHSH | Remote lock hash table too large to collect data on | The Data Analyzer cannot investigate the node's resource hash table (RESHASHTBL). It is either too sparse or too dense to investigate efficiently. | This event indicates that the Data Analyzer will take too many collection iterations to analyze lock contention situations efficiently. Make sure that the SYSGEN parameter RESHASHTBL is set properly for the node. |
MINCAP | Capability version below minimum required | The capability version of the OpenVMS Data Collector is below the version required by the Data Analyzer. | Install the current version of the Data Collector on the OpenVMS system. |
NEWMAC | Discovered new MAC address | The Availabilty Manager has discovered a new MAC address for the node. | This is an informational event to indicate that a new MAC has been discovered for the node. This is usually done when a multicase Hello packet has a different MAC address. OpenVMS nodes may have the MAC address changed for a number of reasons which include starting DECnet. |
NOPGFL | No page file | The Data Analyzer cannot find a page file on the node. | Use SYSGEN to create and connect a page file on the node. |
NOPLIB | No program library | The program library for the combination of hardware architecture and OpenVMS version was not found. | Check to see that all the program library files exist in the program library directory. |
NOPRIV | Not allowed to monitor node | The Data Analyzer cannot monitor the node due to unmatched security triplets. | See Chapter 7 for details on setting up security. |
NOPROC | Specific process not found | The Data Analyzer cannot find the process name selected in the Process Name Search dialog box on the Node Summary page. | This event can occur because the listed process no longer exists, or the process name is listed incorrectly in the dialog box. |
NOSWFL | No swap file | The Data Analyzer cannot find a swap file on the node. | If you do not use swap files, you can ignore this event. Otherwise, use SYSGEN to create and connect a swap file for the node. |
OPCERR | Event not sent to OPCOM | Either the Data Analyzer was unable to send the event to OPCOM because of a setup problem, or an error was returned by OPCOM. |
A text message in the status field indicates that the Data Analyzer was
not configured properly, including missing shareable images or
incorrectly defined logical names.
A hexadecimal condition value in the status field indicates the reason that OPCOM was not able to post the event. The $SNDOPR system service returns this value. For a list of condition values and additional information, see the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. |
OVOERR | Event not sent to OpenView | The Data Analyzer was unable to send the event to OpenView. |
The reason is stated in the event description in the Event pane.
Problems can include the following:
PKTCER | Packet checksum error | The data packet sent to the remote node was not received correctly and failed to pass checksum verification. | The data packet was corrupted when it was received at the remote node. The most likely cause is a network hardware failure. |
PKTFER | Packet format error | The data packet sent to the remote node was not in the correct format for the remote node to process. | Please contact your HP customer support representative with the full text of the event, the version of the Availability Manager, the configuration of the node running the Data Analyzer, and the configuration of the nodes being monitored. |
PLIBNP | No privilege to access program library | Unable to access the program library. | Check to see that the Availability Manager has the proper security access to the program library file. |
PLIBUR | Unable to read program library | Unable to read the program library for the combination of hardware architecture and OpenVMS version. | The program library is either corrupt or from a different version of the Availability Manager. Restore the program library from the last installation. |
PRBIOR | High process buffered I/O rate | The average buffered I/O rate of the process exceeds the threshold. | If the buffered I/O rate is affecting overall system performance, lowering the process priority or suspending the process would allow other processes to obtain access to the CPU. |
PRBIOW | Process waiting for buffered I/O | The average percentage of time the process is waiting for a buffered I/O to complete exceeds the threshold. | Use SDA on the node to ensure that the device to which the process is performing buffered I/Os is still available and is not being overused. |
PRCCMO | Process waiting in COMO | The average number of processes on the node in the COMO queue exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Process Summary to determine which processes should be given more CPU time, and adjust process priorities and states accordingly. Use the Memory Summary to determine which processes should have memory reduced or suspended and outswapped to free memory. |
PRCCOM | Process waiting in COM state | The average number of processes on the node in the COM queue exceeds the threshold. | Use the CPU Summary to determine which processes should be given more CPU time, and adjust process priorities and states accordingly. |
PRCCUR | Process has a high CPU rate | The average percentage of time the process is currently executing in the CPU exceeds the threshold. | Make sure that the listed process is not looping or preventing other processes from gaining access to the CPU. Adjust process priority or state as needed. |
PRCFND | Process has recently been found | The Data Analyzer has discovered the process name selected on the Watch Process page (see Figure 7-23). | No action required. |
PRCMUT | Process waiting for a mutex | The average percentage of time the process is waiting for a particular system mutex exceeds the threshold. | Use SDA to help determine which mutex the process is waiting for and to help determine the owner of the mutex. |
PRCMWT | Process waiting in MWAIT | The average percentage of time the process is in a Miscellaneous Resource Wait (MWAIT) state exceeds the threshold. | Various resource wait states are part of the collective wait state called MWAIT. See Appendix A for a list of these states. The CPU Process page and the Single Process page display which state the process is in. Check the Single Process page to determine which resource the process is waiting for and whether the resource is still available for the process. |
PRCPSX | Process waiting in PSXFR | The average percentage of time the process waits during a POSIX fork operation exceeds the threshold. | |
PRCPUL | Most of CPULIM process quota used | The remaining CPU time available for the process is below the threshold. | Make sure the CPU time allowed for the process is sufficient for its processing needs. If not, increase the CPU quota in the UAF file of the node. |
PRCPWT | Process waiting in COLPG, PFW or FPG | The average percentage of time the process is waiting to access the system page file database exceeds the threshold. | Check to make sure the system page file is large enough for all the resource requests being made. |
PRCQUO | Process waiting for a quota | The average percentage of time the process is waiting for a particular quota exceeds the threshold. | Use the Single Process pages to determine which quota is too low. Then adjust the quotas of the account in the UAF file. |
PRCRWA | Process waiting in RWAST | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the RWAST state exceeds the threshold. RWAST indicates the process is waiting for an asynchronous system trap to complete. | Use the Single Process pages to determine if RWAST is due to the process quota being set too low. If not, use SDA to determine if RWAST is due to a problem between the process and a physical device. |
PRCRWC | Process waiting in RWCAP | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the RWCAP state exceeds the threshold. RWCAP indicates that the process is waiting for CPU capability. | When many processes are in this state, the system might be hung because not enough nodes are running in the cluster to maintain the cluster quorum. Use the Adjust Quorum fix to correct the problem. |
PRCRWM | Process waiting in RWMBX | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the RWMBX state exceeds the threshold. RWMBX indicates the process is waiting for a full mailbox to be empty. | Use SDA to help determine which mailbox the process is waiting for. |
PRCRWP | Process waiting in RWPAG, RWNPG, RWMPE, or RWMPB | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the RWPAG, RWNPG, RWMPE, or RWMPB state exceeds the threshold. RWPAG and RWNPG are for paged or nonpaged pool; RWMPE and RWMPB are for the modified page list. | Processes in the RWPAG or RWNPG state can indicate you need to increase the size of paged or nonpaged pool, respectively. Processes in the RWMPB state indicate that the modified page writer cannot handle all the modified pages being generated. See Chapter 7 for suggestions. |
PRCRWS | Process waiting in RWSCS, RWCLU, or RWCSV | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the RWSCS, RWCLU, or RWCSV state exceeds the threshold. RWCSV is for the cluster server; RWCLU is for the cluster transition; RWSCS is for cluster communications. The process is waiting for a cluster event to complete. | Use the Show Cluster utility to help investigate. |
PRCUNK | Process waiting for a system resource | The average percentage of time the process is waiting for an undetermined system resource exceeds the threshold. | The state in which the process is waiting is unknown to the Data Analyzer. |
PRDIOR | High process direct I/O rate | The average direct I/O rate of the process exceeds the threshold. | If the I/O rate is affecting overall system performance, lowering the process priority might allow other processes to obtain access to the CPU. |
PRDIOW | Process waiting for direct I/O | The average percentage of time the process is waiting for a direct I/O to complete exceeds the threshold. | Use SDA on the node to ensure that the device to which the process is performing direct I/Os is still available and is not being overused. |
PRLCKW | Process waiting for a lock | The average percentage of time the process is waiting in the control wait state exceeds the threshold. | The control wait state indicates that a process is waiting for a lock. Although no locks might appear in Lock Contention, the awaited lock might be filtered out of the display. |
PRPGFL | High process page fault rate | The average page fault rate of the process exceeds the threshold. | The process is memory constrained; it needs an increased number of pages to perform well. Make sure that the working set quotas and extents are set correctly. To increase the working set quota temporarily, use the Adjust Working Set fix. |
PRPIOR | High process paging I/O rate | The average page read I/O rate of the process exceeds the threshold. | The process needs an increased number of pages to perform well. Make sure that the working set quotas and extents are set correctly. To increase the working set quota temporarily, use the Adjust Working Set fix. |
PTHLST | Path lost | The connection between the Availabilty Manager and the data collection node has been lost. | Check to see whether the node failed or there are problems with the LAN segment to the node. This event occurs when the server no longer receives data from the node on which data is being collected. |
RESDNS | Resource hash table dense | The percentage of occupied entries in the hash table exceeds the threshold. | A densely populated table can result in a performance degradation. Use the system parameter RESHASHTBL to adjust the total number of entries. |
RESPRS | Resource hash table sparse | The percentage of occupied entries in the hash table is less than the threshold. | A sparsely populated table wastes memory resources. Use the system parameter RESHASHTBL to adjust the total number of entries. |
UEXPLB | Using OpenVMS program export library | The program library for the combination of hardware architecture and OpenVMS version was not found. | Check to see that all the program library files exist in the program library directory. |
UNSUPP | Unsupported node | The Data Analyzer does not support this combination of hardware architecture and OpenVMS version. | Check the product SPD for supported system configurations. |
VLSZCH | Volume size changed | Informational message to indicate that the volume has been resized. | No further investigation is required. |
WINTRN | High window turn rate | This indicates that current open files are fragmented. Reading from fragmented files or extending a file size, or both, can cause a high window turn rate. | Defragment heavily used volumes using BACKUP or a disk fragmentation program. For processes that extend the size of a file, make sure that the file extent value is large. (See the $SET RMS/EXTEND_QUANTITY command documentation for more information.) |
Event | Description | Explanation | Recommended Action |
CFGDON | Configuration done | The Availability Manager has made a connection to the node and will start collecting the data according to the Customize Data Collection options. | An informational event to indicate that the node is recognized. No further investigation is required. |
NODATA | Unable to collect performance data | The Data Analyzer is unable to collect performance data from the node. | The performance data is collected by the PerfServ service on the remote node. Check to see that the service is up and running properly. |
NOPRIV | Not allowed to monitor node | The Data Analyzer cannot monitor the node due to a password mismatch between the Data Collector and the Data Analyzer. | See Chapter 7 for details on setting up security. |
PTHLST | Path lost | The connection between the Data Analyzer and the Data Collector has been lost. | Check if the node crashed or if the LAN segment to the node is having problems. This event occurs when the server no longer receives data from the node on which data is being collected. |
PVRMIS | Packet version mismatch | This version of the Availability Manager is unable to collect performance data from the node because of a data packet version mismatch. | The version of the Data Collector is more recent than the Data Analyzer. To process data from the node, upgrade the Data Analyzer to correspond to the Data Collector. |
This appendix shows the events that can be signaled for each type of OpenVMS data collected. The events are categorized as follows:
Appendix B describes these events in detail and provides recommended actions.
Enabling the data collections described in these tables is described in Chapter 7. The only exceptions are the events listed under "Process name scan" in Table C-1, which are enabled on the Watch Process Customization page (see Figure 7-23). |
Types of Data Collection | Event | Description |
Disk status | DSKERR | High disk error count |
DSKINV | Disk is invalid | |
DSKMNV | Disk in mount verify state | |
DSKMTO | Disk mount verify timeout | |
DSKOFF | Disk device is off line | |
DSKRWT | High disk RWAIT count | |
DSKUNA | Disk device is unavailable | |
DSKWRV | Wrong volume mounted | |
WINTRN | High window turn rate | |
Disk volume | DSKQLN | High disk queue length |
LOVLSP | Low disk volume free space | |
VLSZCH | Volume size changed | |
Node summary | HIALNR | High alignment fault rate |
HIBIOR | High buffered I/O rate | |
HICMOQ | Many processes waiting in COMO | |
HICOMQ | Many processes waiting in COM | |
HIDIOR | High direct I/O rate | |
HIHRDP | High hard page fault rate | |
HIMWTQ | Many processes waiting in MWAIT | |
HINTER | High interrupt mode time | |
HIPFWQ | Many processes waiting in PFW state | |
HIPINT | High interrupt mode time on Primary CPU | |
HIPRCT | High process count | |
HIPWIO | High paging write I/O rate | |
HIPWTQ | Many processes waiting in COLPG or FPG | |
HISYSP | High system page fault rate | |
HITTLP | High total page fault rate | |
HMPSYN | High multiprocessor (MP) synchronization mode time | |
HPMPSN | High interrupt mode time on Primary CPU | |
LOMEMY | Free memory is low | |
Lock contention | LCKCNT | Lock contention |
LRGHSH | Remote lock hash table too large to collect data | |
RESDNS | Resource hash table dense | |
RESPRS | Resource hash table sparse | |
Single lock | LCKBLK | Lock blocking |
LCKWAT | Lock waiting | |
Single process | KTHIMD | Kernel thread waiting for inner-mode semaphore |
LOASTQ | Process has used most of ASTLM quota | |
LOBIOQ | Process has used most of BIOLM quota | |
LOBYTQ | Process has used most of BYTLM quota | |
LODIOQ | Process has used most of DIOLM quota | |
LOENQU | Process has used most of ENQLM quota | |
LOFILQ | Process has used most of FILLM quota | |
LOPGFQ | Process has used most of PGFLQUOTA quota | |
LOPRCQ | Process has used most of PRCLM quota | |
LOTQEQ | Process has used most of TQELM quota | |
LOWEXT | Low process working set extent | |
LOWSQU | Low process working set quota | |
PRBIOR | High process buffered I/O rate | |
PRBIOW | Process waiting for buffered I/O | |
PRCCMO | Process waiting in COMO | |
PRCCOM | Process waiting in COM | |
PRCCUR | Process has a high CPU rate | |
PRCMUT | Process waiting for a mutex | |
PRCPSX | Process waiting in PSXFR wait state | |
PRCPUL | Most of CPULIM process quota used | |
PRCPWT | Process waiting in COLPG, PFW, or FPG | |
PRCQUO | Process waiting for a quota | |
PRCRWA | Process waiting in RWAST | |
PRCRWC | Process waiting in RWCAP | |
PRCRWM | Process waiting in RWMBX | |
PRCRWP | Process waiting in RWPAG, RWNPG, RWMPE, or RWMPB | |
PRCRWS | Process waiting in RWSCS, RWCLU, or RWCSV | |
PRCUNK | Process waiting for a system resource | |
PRDIOR | High process direct I/O rate | |
PRDIOW | Process waiting for direct I/O | |
PRLCKW | Process waiting for a lock | |
PRPGFL | High process page fault rate | |
PRPIOR | High process paging I/O rate | |
Process I/O | LOBIOQ | Process has used most of BIOLM quota |
LOBYTQ | Process has used most of BYTLM quota | |
LODIOQ | Process has used most of DIOLM quota | |
LOFILQ | Process has used most of FILLM quota | |
PRBIOR | High process buffered I/O rate | |
PRDIOR | High process direct I/O rate | |
PRPIOR | High process paging I/O rate | |
Page/swap file | LOPGSP | Low page file space |
LOSWSP | Low swap file space | |
NOPGFL | No page file | |
NOSWFL | No swap file | |
Cluster summary | LOVOTE | Low cluster votes |
Memory | LOWEXT | Low process working set extent |
LOWSQU | Low process working set quota | |
PRPGFL | High process page fault rate | |
PRPIOR | High process paging I/O rate | |
CPU process | PRCCOM | Process waiting in COM or COMO |
PRCCUR | Process has a high CPU rate | |
PRCMWT | Process waiting in MWAIT (See Appendix A for a breakdown of MWAIT state.) | |
PRCPWT | Process waiting in COLPG, PFW, or FPG | |
Process name scan | NOPROC | Specific process not found |
PRCFND | Process has been discovered recently |
Type of Data Collected | Event | Description |
Application-level event | OPCERR | Failed to send event to OPCOM |
OVOERR | Failed to send event to OpenView | |
Data Collection event | DCCOLT | Data collection completed |
DCSLOW | Data collection taking longer than collection interval | |
Node-level event | CFGDON | Configuration done |
CHGMAC | Changed MAC address | |
DPGERR | Error executing driver program | |
MINCAP | Capability version below minimum required | |
NEWMAC | Discovered new MAC address | |
NOPRIV | Not allowed to monitor node | |
PKTCER | Packet checksum error | |
PKTFER | Packet format error | |
PTHLST | Path lost | |
Program library error | ELIBCR | Bad CRC for exportable program library |
ELIBNP | No privilege to access exportable program library | |
ELIBUR | Unable to read exportable program library | |
NOPLIB | No program library | |
PLIBNP | No privilege to access program library | |
PLIBUR | Unable to read program library | |
UEXPLB | Using exportable program library | |
UNSUPP | Unsupported node | |
Events generated by fixes | FXBRCT | Fix context does not exist on node |
FXCPKT | Received a corrupt fix response packet from node | |
FXCRSH | Crash node fix | |
FXDCPR | Decrement process priority fix | |
FXDCWS | Decrement process working set size fix | |
FXDLPR | Delete process fix | |
FXEXIT | Exit image fix | |
FXINPR | Increment process priority fix | |
FXINQU | Increment process quota limits fix | |
FXINWS | Increment process working set size fix | |
FXKERR | Error executing fix | |
FXMVDV | Cancel Mount Verify on Disk Volume | |
FXMVSM | Cancel Mount Verify on Shadow Set Member | |
FXNOPR | No parameter change with fix to priority | |
FXNOQU | No quota change with fix to priority | |
FXNOWS | No working set change with fix to priority | |
FXPGWS | Purge working set fix | |
FXPRIV | No privilege to attempt fix | |
FXQUOR | Adjust quorum fix | |
FXRESM | Resume process fix | |
FXSUSP | Suspend process fix | |
FXTIMO | Fix timeout | |
FXUERR | Unknown error code for fix |
Index | Contents |