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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release Notes

HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release Notes

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Chapter 3
General User Release Notes

This chapter provides information for all users of the OpenVMS operating system. It includes information about the commonly used commands and utilities.

For information about new features included in this version of the software, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 New Features and Documentation Overview.

3.1 Problem With Images Translated Using AEST


Some of the images translated using AEST V3.0 may not function correctly on OpenVMS Version 8.4. In a future release, HP will be releasing a separate TIE ECO kit.

3.2 SYS$GETTIM_PREC System Service Declaration


The SYS$GETTIM_PREC system service declaration is not present in the FORTRAN library FORSYSDEF.TLB. Unlike other languages, FORSYSDEF.TLB ships with the FORTRAN compiler and is built against the lowest operating system supported. In a future release, HP will be providing OpenVMS Version 8.4 based FORSYSDEF library which contains the SYS$GETTIM_PREC system service declaration along with the usual library built against the lowest operating system.

3.3 Problem With F$GETSYI("RAD_CPUS")


On a cell-based Integrity server system containing 64 CPUs, with both cell local memory (CLM) and interleaved memory (ILM) configured, the output of F$GETSYI("RAD_CPUS") does not include the 64th CPU as a member of the base RAD.

This problem will be fixed in a future release.

3.4 HP Code Signing Service for OpenVMS


On OpenVMS Version 8.4 and later, PCSI and VMSINSTAL based kits are signed using the HP Code Signing Service (HPCSS). The signature appears as a separate file. For example, DXDA053.A will have the signature file as DXDA053.A_HPC . The HPBINARYCHECKER provided along with operating system on Version 8.4 and later is used to validate these kits. For more information, see HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 New Features and Documentation Overview.

3.5 SHOW FORWARD/USER Truncates the Display of User Name


Wild card search using SHOW FORWARD/USER truncates the display of user name to 31 characters. For example:

MAIL> set forward/user=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 
01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 system 
MAIL> sho forward/user=12345678901234567890123456* 
Username                        Forwarding address 
1234567890123456789012345678901 SYSTEM 

This problem will be fixed in a future release.

3.6 Symbolic Links Implementation Changes


Symbolic links (symlinks) was first introduced with OpenVMS Version 8.3. The internal implementation of symlinks has been improved in OpenVMS Version 8.4.

3.6.1 Logical Names


The new symlinks implementation allows the use of logical names as the first element of a target pathname. For example:

RELNOTES.PS;1            209 
Total of 1 file, 209 blocks. 

3.6.2 Audit Alarms Fixed


With the previous implementation of symlinks, commands such as $DIR attempted to list a directory, which resulted in audit alarms if the user did not have permissions on the target of a given file. To determine if the file is a symlink, the DIRECTORY command must read the file header (that is, perform a file access operation). This access triggered the audit alarm if the user issuing the DIRECTORY command did not have read permissions on the target file. This problem has been corrected with the new symlink design on OpenVMS Version 8.4, where a directory entry indicating a symlink is flagged as such, with DIR$V_SPECIAL set to 1 (overlaid with DIR$V_NEXTREC).


  • Compatibility with symlinks created by OpenVMS Version 8.3
    Symlinks created by OpenVMS Version 8.4 will work on OpenVMS Version 8.3. However, symlinks created by OpenVMS Version 8.3 will not work on OpenVMS Version 8.4.
    To convert symlinks created by OpenVMS Version 8.3 to the format required on OpenVMS Version 8.4, run the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE (VERIFY) utility with the /REPAIR qualifier.

3.7 SHOW SYSTEM/STATE=MUTEX Does not Display the Processes


The $ SHOW SYSTEM/STATE=MUTEX command does not display the processes in MUTEX state.

However, you can display the processes in MUTEX state by entering the following command:


3.8 HP Secure Web Browser V1.1-12 Installation Warnings


SeaMonkey Version 1.0 is built based on the Mozilla Version 1.8b1 code base. When you install HP Secure Web Browser (SWB) Version 1.1-12 on an OpenVMS server that already has SWB Version 1.7-13 installed, you will see the following warning message:

%PCSI-W-VERLOW, you have selected a lower version of an 
installed product 
-PCSI-W-VERINS, the installation of product HP I64VMS CSWB V1.1-12 
-PCSI-W-VERREM, will remove current product HP I64VMS CSWB V1.7-13 
         Do you want to continue? [YES] 

This is because PCSI always considers a higher number for a new version and in this case the latest SWB version number is lower than its predecessor. You can ignore this warning.

3.9 Ctrl/P at the Console Does not Always Work

Permanent Restriction

On certain Integrity server configurations, pressing Ctrl/P at the console does not cause OpenVMS to display the Interrupt Priority C (IPC) menu. If you plan to use Ctrl/P, test it to ensure that it works.

If necessary, you can restore the Ctrl/P functionality by performing the following steps:

  1. Invoke SDA to analyze the running system:

  2. Use the CLUE CONFIG command to display the adapters on the system:

  3. Locate the "Console Serial Line Driver" adapter (SRA:) in the display:

    System Adapter Configuration: 
    TR Adapter     ADP               Hose Bus    BusArrayEntry    Node GSIN  iVec  SCB  Port Slot Device Name/HW-Id 
    -- ----------- ----------------- ---- ----------------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ---- ----------------------- 
     5 ACPI_IA64_I FFFFFFFF.8832E0C0   0  00 IA64_BUS 
     6 PCI         FFFFFFFF.88342A80   9  00 PCI 
                                                 FFFFFFFF.88342E58  0   0018  00DF 15F0  SRA: 0 Console Serial Line Driver 
                                                 FFFFFFFF.88342F68  8   0018  00DF 15F0  EWA: 1 A6865A (Fast Ethernet) 
  4. Identify the controller that shares the same Global System Interrupt Number (GSIN) as SRA:. In this example, it is EWA:.
  5. Exit from SDA and enter the following command (substituting EWA with the correct controller):


When you complete these steps, Ctrl/P should now function correctly. HP recommends that you edit SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM to include the SET DEVICE command to ensure correct behavior when the system reboots. Ctrl/P might stop working again if you add or remove the I/O adapters. If this happens, redo the steps listed above.

Also, note that if XDELTA or the System Code Debugger has been loaded when the system was booted, Ctrl/P is not affected. Entering Ctrl/P will cause the XDELTA prompt to be displayed. For example:

 Console Brk at 807CF3D2 on CPU 0 
 807CF3D2!            cmp4.lt     p0, p6 = 3F, r4  (New IPL = 3) 

3.10 Serial Port Enumeration


On OpenVMS systems, enumeration is the process by which devices are assigned a letter and number following the OpenVMS generic device-type nomenclature. In the case of serial ports, enumeration is expressed as TTA0, TTB0, and so on, for generic serial port devices, and as OPA0 for a serial port device that has been selected as the system's primary console at the EFI Boot Manager or the EFI Shell> prompt.

OpenVMS Version 8.2 consistently enumerated system serial ports according to the rules and precedents established by OpenVMS Alpha systems. With OpenVMS Version 8.3, those rules were violated and users experienced inconsistent port naming, particularly on systems migrating from Version 8.2 to Version 8.3.

OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 returns to the consistent serial-port naming conventions established for HP Integrity in OpenVMS Version 8.2, with the goal of not changing serial port names more than necessary, and for consistency with the policy on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The names of the serial ports can change because at least one serial port can serve more than one function.

The serial port selected as primary console is always OPA0. If the graphics console is selected as primary, the keyboard and graphics head constitute OPA0, and the serial ports will be named TTA0, TTB0, and so on.

Unless the serial port of the Integrated Lights Out (iLO) Management Processer (MP) is selected as the primary console, it is not connected as a serial port and is not exposed by the operating system. It is not suitable for general-purpose use because it cannot support the data rates a general-purpose serial port needs to support. This is an optional component in most systems. Check the options list shipped with your system and your system documentation at the HP documentation website:


There are two possible serial ports that can be selected as the primary console, the iLO and the Baseboard Management Console (BMC). Whichever is selected as primary console will be expressed as OPA0 by OpenVMS; the other will be either TTA0 or TTB0 if the system has an additional serial port. The following list describes these abbreviations and their definitions.

Abbreviation Definition
MP Serial port of the iLO MP. This component is optional on some systems.
BMC Serial port of the BMC. This component is not available on all systems.
AP Auxiliary Port. This auxiliary 16550-compatible serial port is not available on all systems.
VGA Graphics Console. This is an optional component of the iLO MP. If your system was not shipped with the VGA option, you can install a graphics option in one of the PCI slots to obtain this functionality.
NA Not Available.
NC Not Configured as a Serial Port by OpenVMS.
NS Not Supported.

The following table displays the sources for backpanel drawings:

Platform Backpanel Drawing
rx1600, rx1620 http://docs.hp.com/en/AB430-96004/ch03s03.html#i1021437
rx2600, rx2620 http://docs.hp.com/en/AD117-9003A-ed2/AD117-9003A-ed2.pdf
rx4640 http://docs.hp.com/en/A9950-96009/A9950-96009.pdf
rx3600, rx6600 http://docs.hp.com/en/5991-8053-ed9/5991-8053-ed9.pdf
rx2660 http://docs.hp.com/en/5991-8053-ed9/5991-8053-ed9.pdf
rx8620 http://docs.hp.com/en/A7026-96037-en/A7026-96037-en.pdf
bl860c http://docs.hp.com/en/5991-8053-ed9/5991-8053-ed9.pdf
bl870c http://docs.hp.com/en/5991-8053-ed9/index.html

The following table provides serial-port naming for the HP Integrity platforms listed. The device selected as primary console is always named OPA0.

    OpenVMS Serial Port Name
Platform Primary Console Port MP BMC AP VGA
MP (optional)
VGA (optional)
MP (optional)
VGA (optional)
rx4640 MP
VGA (optional)
MP (optional)
VGA (optional)
rx2660 MP
VGA (optional)
rx8620 MP
BL860c MP
BL870c MP

3.11 Old Firmware Cannot Translate Messages Written to the System Event Log


On installation, OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 begins writing new messages to the system event log. To see the SEL, select it (on most systems) from the main MP menu (SL: Show Event Logs).

Older firmware translates the messages as "IPMI Type-E0 Event," instead of the correct OS_OPENVMS_BUGCHECK and OS_OPENVMS_SHUTDOWN.

The following is an example of an OS_OPENVMS_BUGCHECK message (alert level *5 - critical) on a system running older firmware:

291        0  *5  0xB4801C9700E01B50 000000000019000C IPMI Type-E0 Event 
                                                      30 Jul 2007 14:03:41 

The following is an example of an OS_OPENVMS_SHUTDOWN message (alert level 2 - informational) on a system running older firmware:

296        0   2  0x54801C9900E01BD0 00000000001A000C IPMI Type-E0 Event 
                                                      30 Jul 2007 14:22:06   

The new firmware uses the phrase "OS_OPENVMS_BUGCHECK" or "OS_OPENVMS_SHUTDOWN" in place of "IPMI Type-E0 Event".

A third message, OS_BOOT_COMPLETE, has a different alert level on a system running new firmware. It has been changed by OpenVMS to informational, or level 2:

301   OS   0   2  0x548016E100E01B80 0000000000000001 OS_BOOT_COMPLETE 
                                                      23 Aug 2007 14:25:44 

The New firmware displays the following message when you select "T - View Mode Configuration Text":

MP:SL (+,-,CR,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >t . 
Log Entry 301: 23 Aug 2007 14:25:44 
Alert Level 2: Informational 
OS Boot Complete 
Logged by: O/S Kernel (Generic)  0 
Data: Major change in system state - Boot Complete 0x548016E100E01B80 0000000000000001 

3.12 TZ Function in C RTL


The TZ logical name or DCL symbol is used by the C Run-Time Library (C RTL) to define the time zone to be used in certain C program time-related functions. (For more information about TZ, its use, and specific functions, see the C Run-Time Library documentation.)

The TZ logical name or DCL symbol has been used by the C Run-Time Library since Version 7.3 of OpenVMS. However, with Version 8.3, there has been a change.

Prior to Version 8.3, defining TZ to something other than a valid time zone caused the time zone to default to the local time (that is, the current time zone of your system). With OpenVMS Version 8.3, defining TZ to an invalid time zone causes the C RTL functions to resort to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time.

If you define the logical name or DCL symbol TZ to a non-standard definition, it might cause undesirable side-effects in some C programs.

3.13 InfoServer Utility and FDDI


Using the InfoServer utility on OpenVMS to boot a client over an FDDI network adapter is not supported.

3.14 New Qualifier for DCL Command SET PASSWORD


The DCL command SET PASSWORD now accepts the /PROMPT qualifier with two permitted values: /PROMPT=FIXED and /PROMPT=VARIABLE. If you use the SET PASSWORD command in a DCL command procedure, do not specify the /PROMPT=VARIABLE qualifier. If you do, it works as expected, but any failing status is only displayed and not returned to DCL.

3.15 OpenVMS Freeware


The OpenVMS Freeware collection provides OpenVMS customers with easy access to various public domain, open source, freeware packages, and to HP-developed software and tools.

In earlier versions of OpenVMS, the freeware collection was available on CD. Starting with OpenVMS Version 8.4, the freeware collection is available online on the OpenVMS Freeware website at:




Included in the OpenVMS Version 8.3 media kit are the OpenVMS Freeware Version 8.0 CDs. The Freeware CDs contain free software tools and utilities for creating applications and for using and managing OpenVMS systems.

To mount the Freeware CDs, insert one of the CD volumes into the CD drive and enter the following command to mount and display the contents of the Freeware volume.


In this command, the ddcu: specification represents the device name of the CD or DVD device on your OpenVMS system. This device name is specific to each OpenVMS system.


Duplicate copies of this file are available on each volume of the Freeware 8.0 distribution, and you can view its contents by using the TYPE command or your preferred text editor.

For information about the Freeware, see the FREEWARE_README.TXT files.

After mounting the appropriate device, you can access the kit directories directly using standard DCL commands, such as DIRECTORY and COPY . Omnibus text files containing submission abstracts and other materials are available in the [FREEWARE] directory on each disk.

The [FREEWARE]FREEWARE.COM Freeware menu system interface has been removed from the Freeware 8.0 distribution.

3.16 DCL Commands

The following release notes pertain to DCL commands.

3.16.1 SHUTDOWN.COM on OpenVMS Graphics Console (Integrity servers only)

Permanent Restriction

On an OpenVMS Integrity server system with a graphics console, use of SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM to stop the system might not work as expected. The system will not stop after the "SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE" message and wait for a key to be typed at the console keyboard. However, it will continue to reset as though a reboot had been requested. If the first option in the list of boot options is a valid boot device, OpenVMS system will reboot.

3.16.2 MOUNT Command Restriction


In a mixed-version OpenVMS cluster, an attempt to mount a volume with /CLUSTER and /CACHE=[NO]DATA from an OpenVMS Version 8.4 system will fail on the earlier versions of OpenVMS (%MOUNT-W-RMTMNTFAIL) with the error condition as MOUNT-F-BADPARAM.

For more information about enabling or disabling XFC while mounting a volume, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 New Features and Documentation Overview.

3.16.3 SHOW LICENSE/CHARGE_TABLE Does not Determine the Socket Count on OpenVMS Guests


The SHOW LICENSE/CHARGE_TABLE or SHOW LICENSE/UNIT_REQUIREMENTS command displays processor socket count as zero for an OpenVMS guest on Integrity VM, as shown in the example. This is due to the lack of an appropriate interface to determine the socket count of the Host system from the OpenVMS guest. For example:

OpenVMS I64/LMF Charge Information for node PERFVM 
This is an _HP_ VMM(1.42GHz/6.0MB), with 8 cores active 
This platform supports up to 0 processor socket(s) 
Type: PPL, Units Required: 8 (I64 Per Processor) 
Type: PCL, Units Required: 8 (I64 Per Core) 

This restriction will be fixed in a future release.

3.16.4 DIAGNOSE Command No Longer Supported


The DIAGNOSE command is not supported on OpenVMS Version 8.2.

3.17 DECmigrate Not on Open Source Tools CD


The OpenVMS Migration Software for VAX to Alpha (DECmigrate) is not included on the Open Source Tools CD shipped with the OpenVMS Version 8.2 distribution media. The software kit was included on the media for OpenVMS Version 7.3-2. The software will continue to be available on the following website for earlier versions of OpenVMS:


3.18 HP Secure Web Browser

The following notes pertain to the HP Secure Web Browser.

3.18.1 Increased Memory Required


If you have an OpenVMS workstation and you are using the HP SWB, based on Mozilla, the minimum memory requirement is 256 MB; however, 512 MB is recommended for more robust performance.

3.18.2 Installation Error on ODS-2 Disk Volume (Integrity servers Only)


Installing the HP SWB Version 1.4 for OpenVMS Integrity servers on an ODS-2 disk volume fails with a PCSI error, as follows:

%PCSI-E-OPENIN, error opening 
-RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed 
-SYSTEM-W-BADFILEVER, bad file version number 
%PCSI-E-OPFAILED, operation failed 

You can continue with the installation by answering "NO" to the "Do you want to terminate?" prompt. The installation will continue successfully.

As an alternative, you can install the HP Secure Web Browser on an ODS-5 disk volume.

3.19 Documentation Corrections

The following sections describe corrections and additions to various manuals in the OpenVMS documentation set.

3.19.1 HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual Update

V8.4 HP C++ Examples

In Section 2.6.2, the following should be appended to point 7:

On Integrity servers, you can use either the CXXLINK command or invoke the OpenVMS Linker to combine your object modules into one executable image. On OpenVMS Alpha, you must use the CXXLINK utility to link the object modules into one executable image. On Integrity server systems, the only benefit of using CXXLINK is that CXXLINK reports non-mangled names of undefined multiply-defined. The CXXLINK intercepts the Linker diagnostics and converts the mangled names reported by the Linker to their original names, using the information in the demangler database.

3.19.2 HP PCSI Utility Online help and Manual: $PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME Syntax Error Correction


The HP PCSI utility online help defines the incorrect syntax of the $PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME command as:

$PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME old-volume-label device-name 

The correct syntax is:

$PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME old-logvolnam device-name 

3.19.3 HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture

V8.4 The Signing Process

In Section 5.2.3, the following paragraph should be removed from the step 3:

Because the generated certificates are self-signed, they also need to be signed with the private key of the root of the integrity certificate chain being used for CDSA. This root is the private key originally generated by OpenVMS. This certificate signing is accomplished by sending email to OpenVMSSecurity@hp.com. The response will provide details on how to proceed with having your certificates signed by the OpenVMS integrity root.

3.19.4 iCAP Release Notes: GiCAP Functionality not Available


While running SYS$MANAGER:ICAP$CONFIG.COM, if you respond "Y" to the "Enter (Y)es to configure this system with GiCAP support (N):" prompt, the following message is displayed:

               HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 
Global Instant Capacity on Demand (GiCAP) configuration utility 
    *** GiCAP functionality is not currently available *** 
  ***GiCAP will be enabled at a later date via an ECO kit *** 

Also, note that in the release notes for Instant Capacity (iCAP), Chapter 2 specifies GiCAP support for OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1. This support is not available currently, but will be available in a future update kit.

3.19.5 POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide: PRODUCT Command Update


In the PRODUCT command section under parameters, the producer description should be as follows:

Indicates the legal owner of the software product. This parameter must be either a double quoted or an unquoted string.

3.19.6 OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual Update


At the end of Section 6.9, the following should be added:

NAML$V_SEARCH_SYMLINK is a new 2 bit field in NAML$L_INPUT_FLAGS in the extended NAM block. It accepts four possible values to control the behavior of the $SEARCH service.

Values Meaning
NAML$C_SEARCH_SYMLINK_NONE Do not match symlinks.
NAML$C_SEARCH_SYMLINK_ALL Match all symlinks.
NAML$C_SEARCH_SYMLINK_NOELLIPS Match all symlinks except with ellipsis.

3.19.7 HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials Update


The following corrections pertain to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials. Getting Information About Devices on the System

In Section 8.3, the examples should be replaced with the following examples:

The following command requests a full listing of the status of the DAD42: RRD40 device. The device is located on node IRIS in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.

Disk DAD42: (IRIS), device type RRD40, is online, mounted, software write-locked, 
file-oriented device, shareable, error logging is enabled. 
 Error count                   0   Operations completed              146 
 Owner process                ""   Owner UIC                    [SYSTEM] 
 Owner process ID       00000000   Dev Prot  S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL 
 Reference count               1   Default buffer size               512 
 Total blocks            1218000   Sectors per track                   4 
 Total cylinders           50750   Tracks per cylinder                 6 
 Allocation class             11 
 Volume label     "CDBIN06JUL21"   Relative volume number              0 
 Cluster size                  3   Transaction count                   1 
 Free blocks               15153   Maximum files allowed          152083 
 Extend quantity               5   Mount count                         1 
 Mount status             System   Cache name       "_$11$DUA21:XQPCACHE" 
 Extent cache size            64   Maximum blocks in extent cache   1515 
 File ID cache size           64   Blocks currently in extent cache    0 
 Quota cache size              0   Maximum buffers in FCP cache     1330 
Volume status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water marking, 
 write-through XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 

The following command requests a full informational display about each DG device. This display shows only the first two devices: the mounted $1$DGA5001: device and the unmounted $1$DGA5004: device.

Disk $1$DGA5001: (CEAGLE), device type HSV110, is online, mounted, 
file-oriented device, shareable, device has multiple I/O paths, 
served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled. 
 Error count                    0    Operations completed              5773 
 Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                     [SYSTEM] 
 Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot           S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W 
 Reference count                1    Default buffer size                512 
 Current preferred CPU Id       0    Fastpath                             1 
 WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0001-42DC-0001-F000-0111-0000 
 Total blocks            20971520    Sectors per track                  128 
 Total cylinders             1280    Tracks per cylinder                128 
 Host name               "CEAGLE"    Host type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes 
 Alternate host name      "CLETA"    Alt. type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes 
 Allocation class               1 
 Volume label              "5001"    Relative volume number               0 
 Cluster size                  21    Transaction count                    1 
 Free blocks             19598208    Maximum files allowed           476625 
 Extend quantity               5     Mount count                          9 
 Mount status              System    Cache name      "_$1$DGA3105:XQPCACHE" 
 Extent cache size             64    Maximum blocks in extent cache 1959820 
 File ID cache size            64    Blocks in extent cache               0 
 Quota cache size               0    Maximum buffers in FCP cache      3444 
 Volume owner UIC        [SYSTEM]    Vol Prot   S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD 
Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water marking, 
 write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 
Volume is also mounted on VMSROC, PAVER, VMSROL, CLETA, VMSJO, VMSMO, NOME, 
I/O paths to device             5 
Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-22AC (CEAGLE), primary path. 
  Error count                   0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-22A9 (CEAGLE). 
  Error count                   0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGB0.5000-1FE1-0015-22A8 (CEAGLE). 
  Error count                   0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGB0.5000-1FE1-0015-22AD (CEAGLE), current path. 
  Error count                   0      Operations completed           5773 
  Error count                   0      Operations completed              0 
Disk $1$DGA5004: (CEAGLE), device type HSV110, is online, 
file-oriented device, shareable, device has multiple I/O paths, 
served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled. 
 Error count                    0      Operations completed              0  
 Owner                    process      Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM] 
 Owner process ID        00000000      Dev Prot        S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W 
 Reference count                0      Default buffer size             512 
 Current preferred CPU Id       0      Fastpath                          1 
 WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0001-42DC-0001-F000-0120-0000 
 Host name                 CEAGLE    Host type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes 
 Alternate host name        CLETA    Alt. type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes 
 Allocation class               1 
I/O paths to device 5 
Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-22AC (CEAGLE), primary path. 
Error count                     0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-22A9 (CEAGLE). 
Error count                     0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGB0.5000-1FE1-0015-22A8 (CEAGLE), current path. 
Error count                     0      Operations completed              0 
Path PGB0.5000-1FE1-0015-22AD (CEAGLE). 
Error count                     0      Operations completed              0 
Error count                     0      Operations completed              0 Initializing a New Volume with ODS-5 Format

In Section 9.3.3, the SHOW/DEVICE DKA200:/FULL command displays the messages similar to the following:

Disk $10$DKA200:, device type RZ74, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 155 
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. Converting from ODS-2 to ODS-5

In Section, the SHOW DEVICE DKA200:/FULL command in instruction 2 should display the message similar to the following:

Disk $10$DKA200:, device type RZ47, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 232 
Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 

In Section, the SHOW DEVICE DKA300:/FULL command in instruction 5 displays the message similar to the following:

Disk $10$DKA300:, device type RX74, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 155 
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. New Extended File Specifications Characteristics

In Section, the SHOW DEVICE command in the "Be Aware of Volume Structure" notes displays the message similar to the following:

Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type DZ25 Disk, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 155 
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 

Disk AABOUT$DSA200:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 232 
Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. ODS-2 and ODS-5 Used Together

In Section, the SHOW DEVICE command example in the "Error Messages Can Vary Depending on Parse Style" notes should display the message similar to the following:

Examples of TRADITIONAL and EXTENDED styles on an ODS-5 volume:

Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 155 
Volume Status: ODS-5, [1] subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z.z.z.z 
%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special 
characters \.Z\ [3] 
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z.z.z.z 
$ [5] 
1. The volume is ODS-5. 
2. The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL. 
3. DCL returns an error on some ODS-5 file names such as this one. 
4. The parse style is set to EXTENDED. 
5. DCL creates the file. 

Examples of TRADITIONAL and EXTENDED styles on an ODS-2 volume:

Disk AABOUT$DKA200:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 232 
Volume Status: ODS-2, [1] subject to mount verification, file high-water 
 marking, write-back caching XQP enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z.z.z.z 
%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special 
characters \.Z\ [3] 
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z.z.z.z 
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening 
-RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed [5] 
-SYSTEM-W-BADFILEVER, bad file version number 
1. The volume is ODS-2. 
2. The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL. 
3. DCL returns an error message. 
4. The parse style is set to EXTENDED. 
5. DCL allows the file name, but XQP returns an error. 

Examples of different error messages for the same syntax error:

Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated, deallocate 
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable. 
 Error count     0 Operations completed 155 
Volume Status: ODS-5, [1] subject to mount verification, file high-water 
marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled. 
$ CREATE a^<b.c 
%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special 
\^\ [3] 
$ CREATE a^<b.c 
%CREATE-E-OPENOUT, error opening a^<b.c as output 
-RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error [5] 
1. The volume is ODS-5. 
2. The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL. 
3. DCL returns an error message for a syntax error. 
4. The parse style is set to EXTENDED. 
5. RMS returns a different error message for the same syntax error. Performing Image Backups to Disk

In Section 11.15.3, the following note should be appended at the end of the section:


BACKUP does not preserve the GUID signature during the image restore operation of the system disk on Integrity server systems. During restore, BACKUP calls SETBOOT to create a new GUID signature. Hence, during image restore operation, BACKUP does not restore the original GUID signature, rather it creates a new GUID signature. As a result, Integrity servers system do not boot automatically from a disk created through an image restore operation.

To boot an Integrity servers system from a disk created through an image restore operation, follow one of the methods described below to update the GUID signature of the disk:

  • Use the following procedure to add or validate the boot options:

  • Use the following command to update the boot block:

    $ SET BOOTBLOCK /INTEGRITY <destination_disk>:[VMS$COMMON.SYS$LDR]SYS$EFI.SYS Automatically Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time (OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and Later and OpenVMS I64)

In Section 6.5.1, replace the final paragraph with the following text:

To enable or disable the automatic changing from standard time to daylight saving time, you must modify AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV. The modification will not take effect until you reboot the system. See the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems for information about modifying system parameters.


From OpenVMS Version 8.4 onwards, AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is dynamic. Hence, no reboot is required. Using Interrupt Priority Level C: IPC Commands Restriction


In Section 9.15, it incorrectly states that you can use IPC commands on all Alpha and Integrity servers. This is not correct. The documentation has been changed to include the following statement:

    For OpenVMS Versions 8.2 and 8.2--1, you cannot use IPC commands 
    on Integrity servers or on ES47 or GS1280 Alpha systems if you booted 
    from a Graphic console. 

3.19.8 HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems Update


The following corrections pertain to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. Mounting a Volume With Caching Disabled

The following paragraphs should be appended to Section 4.4.

To disable XFC, enter the following command:


This command disables only data cache (XFC) while metadata cache (XQP) is enabled.

This example mounts a database volume labeled ORACLE_VOL1 with the data cache (XFC) disabled:

$ MOUNT DUA100: ORACLE_VOL1 /CACHE = NODATA /SYSTEM System-Wide Statistics

In Section, the following changes should be made to the foot note:

[7] Reads bypassing cache --- The total number of read I/Os since system startup that were seen by the cache but were not cached. For example, because they were too big, or they were for volumes mounted /NOCACHE or /CACHE=NODATA, or they specified one of the following QIO modifiers: IO$M_DATACHECK, IO$M_INHRETRY, or IO$M_NOVCACHE.

[17] Write bypassing cache --- The total number of write I/Os since system startup that were seen by the cache but were not cached. For example, because they were too big, or they were for volumes mounted /NOCACHE or/CACHE=NODATA, or they specified one of the following QIO modifiers: IO$M_DATACHECK, IO$M_ERASE, IO$M_INHRETRY, or IO$M_NOVCACHE. Disabling Caching for a Volume

In Chapter 4, a new section "Disabling Caching for a Volume" must be added before Section 4.5.4, "Disabling Caching for a File".

The following text should be added to the "Disabling Caching for a Volume":

From OpenVMS Version 8.4 onwards, XFC can be dynamically enabled or disabled or cleared for a volume using the DCL "SET VOLUME" command. In the earlier versions, XFC caching attributes of the volume were specified when the volume was mounted. Once the volume is mounted there is no way to dynamically modify the XFC caching attributes. Therefore, to modify the XFC caching attributes, the volume had to be dismounted and mounted again with the appropriate XFC caching attributes.

With this feature, after the volume is mounted, you can modify the XFC caching attributes dynamically without dismounting and mounting the volume again.

Use... To...
SET VOLUME V1/CACHE=DATA Enable XFC caching for the volume V1.
SET VOLUME V1/CACHE=NODATA Disable XFC caching for the volume V1.
SET VOLUME V1/CACHE=CLEAR_DATA Clear the contents of the volume V1 from cache.
SET VOLUME V1/CACHE=(DATA,CLEAR_DATA) Enable XFC caching for the volume V1 and Clear the contents of volume V1 from the cache.
SET VOLUME V1/CACHE=(NODATA,CLEAR_DATA) Disable XFC caching for the volume V1 and Clear the contents of volume V1 from the cache.
SHOW MEM/CACHE=(VOL=V1) Display the current XFC caching status of the volume V1.



    This example clears the contents of the volume $DKA100 already present in the XFC cache. The caching attributes of the volume $DKA100 is not altered.


    This example enables XFC caching for the volume $DKA100. The contents of volume $DKA100 already present in the XFC cache is not affected.


    This example enables XFC caching for the volume $DKA100 and clears contents of the volume $DKA100 already present in the XFC cache. Understanding File System Data Caches

In Section 4.2, add the following bullet after the following paragraph:

XFC improves I/O performance and contains the following features that are not available with VIOC:

  • Dynamically enabling or disabling caching for mounted volumes

3.19.9 Documentation Error: LCKMGR_CPUID System Parameter


The OpenVMS Performance Management manual contains several references to the system parameter LCKMGR_CPUID as LOCKMGR_CPU. This latter reference is incorrect and will be corrected the next time the manual is updated.

3.19.10 MMG_CTLFLAGS: Documentation Error


There is an error in the description of Bit 1 of the MMG_CTLFLAGS system parameter in the OpenVMS Performance Management manual. That description should be corrected to read as follows:

"Reclamation enabled by out swapping processes that have been idle for longer than LONGWAIT seconds. This occurs when the size of the free list drops below the value of FREEGOAL."

3.19.11 HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

The following corrections pertain to the HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual: Saving System Dumps


The following changes should be made to the paragraph in Section 31.2, "Writing a Privileged Routine (User-Written System Service)":

"As a protected image, your program does not have the entire operating system programming environment at its disposal. Unless a module has the prefix SYS$ or EXE$, you must avoid calling it from an inner mode. In particular, do not call LIB$GET_VM or LIB$RET_VM from an inner mode. You can call OpenVMS RMS routines from executive mode but not from kernel mode."

LIB$GET_VM should be LIB$FREE_VM. You cannot call these LIBRTL routines directly, and you cannot call any routines that might now or in the future call these routines indirectly. This includes other routines within LIBRTL and the user-mode C library, among other libraries.

3.19.12 HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview: Librarian Utility Corrections

The following release notes provide corrected information about the OpenVMS Integrity servers Librarian utility. /REMOVE Qualifier Correction

In Section of the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview, the description of the enhanced library /REMOVE qualifier is incorrect. The correct information is as follows:

The /REMOVE qualifier has been enhanced for the Integrity servers Librarian utility. The format now allows you to specify the module instance of the symbol to be removed. The enhanced /REMOVE qualifier requests that the LIBRARY command delete one or more entries from the global symbol table of an object library. Accessing ELF Object Libraries Correction

Section of the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview contains incorrect information. The following text replaces information in that section:

Accessing ELF Object Libraries

ELF object modules are inherently random access modules, whereas OpenVMS Alpha objects, text modules, and so on, are sequential. To allow random access, a new library routine was created to map the ELF object modules into process P2 space so that applications can make random access queries. To recover virtual address space from this mapping, another library routine was created to remove this mapping. These new routines (LBR$MAP_MODULE and LBR$UNMAP_MODULE) work only with ELF object libraries. These entry points are 64-bit interfaces because they refer to P2 space.

Because of the random-access nature of ELF object files, the following operations are not allowed on the ELF object libraries:


Because inserting modules into the library is a sequential operation, LBR$PUT_RECORD is allowed on ELF object libraries. Because the ELF object modules are not segmented into records, you need to provide the module's on-disk size when calling LBR$PUT_MODULE or upon the first call to LBR$PUT_RECORD when writing a module into the library.

The C code fragment in the following example illustrates how to use LBR$PUT_RECORD to insert an object module:

   bufdesc->dsc$a_pointer = &p0_buffer ; 
   bytes_to_transfer = module_size ; 
   while ( bytes_to_transfer )  { 
      transfer = MIN ( bytes_to_transfer , 
                       ELBR$C_MAXRECSIZ ) ; 
      bufdesc->dsc$w_length = transfer ; 
      status = lbr$put_record (  library_index , 
                               & bufdesc , 
                               & txtrfa , 
                                 module_size ) ; 
      if ( (status & 1) == 0 ) 
         break ; 
      bytes_to_transfer      -= transfer ; 
      bufdesc->dsc$a_pointer += transfer ; 
      } ; 
   if ( (status & 1) == 1 ) 
      status = lbr$put_end ( library_index ) ; 

To avoid making several calls to LBR$PUT_RECORD, a new library routine, LBR$PUT_MODULE, has been created.

3.19.13 HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual Corrections

The following sections provide additions and corrections to Version 8.2 of the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: LIB$FILE_SCAN Routine


In the Arguments section, the following text should be added to the fab argument:

A FAB is passed to LIB$FILE_SCAN in the existing interface. If the FAB points to a NAML, the NAML$V_SEARCH_SYMLINK field controls the searching of symlinks. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: LIB$FIND_FILE Routine


In the Arguments section, the following text should be added to the flags argument:

The following flag values in the flags argument control the searching of symlinks:

Value Meaning
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT Use process default.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_NONE Do not match symlinks.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_ALL Match all symlinks.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_NOELLIPS Match all symlinks except with ellipsis.

Specifying no value is equivalent to LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT. The values of these symbols are not the same as the NAML$C_SEARCH_SYMLINK_xxx symbols.

LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES must be set in the flags argument for these flag values to work. (If it is not set, they are ignored and LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT is assumed.) LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES causes LIB$FIND_FILE to use a NAML, which is required to pass the symlink options to RMS. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: LIB$RENAME_FILE Library Routine


In the Arguments section, the following text should be added to the flags argument:

The following flag values in the flags argument control the searching of symlinks:

Value Meaning
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT Use process default.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_NONE Do not match symlinks.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_ALL Match all symlinks.
LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_NOELLIPS Match all symlinks except with ellipsis.

Specifying no value is equivalent to LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT. The values of these symbols are not the same as the NAML$C_SEARCH_SYMLINK_xxx symbols.

LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES must be set in the flags argument for these flag values to work. (If it is not set, they are ignored and LIB$M_FIL_SYMLINK_DEFAULT is assumed.) LIB$M_FIL_LONG_NAMES causes LIB$FIND_FILE to use a NAML, which is required to pass the symlink options to RMS. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: LIB$SET_SYMBOL Routine


The LIB$SET_SYMBOL value-string is incorrectly documented in Version 8.2 of the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual. The correct value-string is as follows:

Trailing blanks are not removed from the value string before use. The maximum length of value-string is 4096 characters. Integer values are not allowed; LIB$SET_SYMBOL is intended to set string CLI symbols, not integer CLI symbols. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: Rounding Rule for LIB$CVT_DX_DX


In the description of the LIB$CVT_DX_DX routine in the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual, the following paragraph under "Guidelines for Using LIB$CVT_DX_DX" should contain specific information about the rounding rule that is used:

Results are always rounded instead of truncated, except for the case described below. Note that loss of precision or range may be inherent in the destination data type or in the NBDS destination size. No errors are reported if there is a loss of precision or range as a result of destination data type.

This paragraph should be modified as follows:

Results are always rounded instead of truncated, except when the source and destination are both NBDS and no scaling is requested. That case is described more fully in a later rule. LIB$CVT_DX_DX uses the VAX_ROUNDING rule. The loss of precision or range may be inherent in the destination data type or in the NBDS destination size. No errors are reported if there is a loss of precision or range as a result of destination data type. For information about the VAX_ROUNDING rule, see the description of CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT. HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual: Platform Restrictions


The HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual incorrectly identifies the following routines as being available on both Alpha and Integrity servers. These routines are available only on Alpha:


The HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual should specify that the LIB$GET_UIB_INFO routine is available only on Integrity servers.

The routines relating to invocation contexts and invocation handles that are Integrity servers only include the following:


For additional information about these routines, refer to the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard.

3.20 Network Update Restrictions from Version 8.2 to Version 8.2--1


OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 supports network update of the operating system from Version 8.2 to Version 8.2--1. Network update is supported only over the core I/O LAN cards on systems supported by OpenVMS Version 8.2. Refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual for more information.

In addition, there is also a hardware configuration restriction for network booting. Unlike Alpha consoles, where the speed and duplex setting for the network adapter can be selected at the console, the Integrity servers console and network boot drivers perform autonegotiation only. The network switch nearest to the Integrity servers boot client must be set to autonegotiate for a successful network boot. Failure to set the switch to autonegotiate may not complete the network boot process.

3.21 Synchronous Data Links not Supported

OpenVMS does not support any synchronous data link hardware on Integrity servers.

3.22 Duplex-Mode Mismatch Errors


A duplex-mode mismatch condition occurs when a LAN device is operating in full-duplex mode and the other end of the cable, typically a switch port, is operating in half-duplex mode. The reverse is also true. A common network configuration error that results in a duplex mode mismatch condition occurs when the switch port is set to autonegotiate the speed and duplex settings, and the LAN device is set to a fixed setting of full duplex. In this configuration, autonegotiation by the switch results in the selection of half-duplex mode and the LAN device is set to full-duplex mode, and a duplex-mode mismatch occurs.

The consequence of a duplex-mode mismatch is typically a performance degradation. In addition, the IEEE 802.3 specification that describes the autonegotiation process suggests that a duplex-mode mismatch can result in data corruption. For most LAN devices, the only consequence of a duplex mode mismatch is the performance degradation. For some LAN devices, packet data is corrupted with good CRC, resulting in packet corruption undetected by the LAN subsystem. These devices include all Broadcom-based NICs and embedded LOM chips. On Alpha systems, these include the DEGPA, DEGXA, BCM5703 LOM on the AlphaServer DS25, and any implementations using the dual-port BCM5704 chip. On Integrity systems, these include the A6847A, A6725A, A9782A, A9784A, AB465A, and BCM5701 LOM on the rx2600; BCM5703 LOM on other systems; and the A6794A.

In prior versions of OpenVMS, the LAN drivers attempt to detect the duplex-mode mismatch condition. Once an hour while the condition exists, they issue a console message and error log message warning of the condition.

In OpenVMS Version 8.3, the frequency of the messages is increased from once per hour to once every 36 seconds for any Broadcom-based LAN devices. The frequency remains at once per hour for non-Broadcom-based LAN devices. In addition, to increase the visibility of these messages, the console messages are sent to OPCOM and to the LANACP log file (SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG).

The purpose of this note is to underscore the importance of avoiding duplex-mode mismatches, particularly when this condition results in undetected data corruption for Broadcom-based devices.

Note that the LAN drivers detect a duplex mode mismatch condition by monitoring device errors. The detection is not perfect, so the LAN drivers refer to the condition as a "potential duplex-mode mismatch." Upon noticing these messages, a system or network manager should inspect the LAN counters and LAN device settings to ensure a duplex-mode mismatch condition does not exist.

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