NOTE: A5230A is a DE500-BA equivalent made by Adaptec. A5506B is a DE504-BA equivalent made by IntraServer. A9782A and A9784A are combo Qlogic FibreChannel
plus Gigabit Ethernet devices. AB465A is a combo dual Qlogic FibreChannel plus
dual Gigabit Ethernet device. AD193A and AD194A are combo Qlogic FibreChannel plus Gigabit
Ethernet devices. BCM5701 (LOM) is embedded in the rx2600 and rx8620
systems. BCM5703 (LOM) is embedded in the rx8640 systems. BCM5704 (LOM) is embedded in the rx2660 and BL860c systems. Intel 82546 (LOM) is embedded in the rx1620 and
rx2620 systems. 100BaseTX devices can do 10BaseT as well. 1000BaseTX devices can do 10BaseT and 100BaseTX
as well. 1000BaseSX is 1000 Mb/s multimode fiber. |