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HP OpenVMS Systems

Content starts here COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide

COM, Registry, and Events for
HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide

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Appendix D
Appendix D Upgrading to COM Version 1.4 for OpenVMS from COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS
     D.1     Upgrading from Earlier Versions of COM for OpenVMS
         D.1.1         Rebuild Existing COM for OpenVMS Applications
         D.1.2         Configuring the Windows Systems
         D.1.3         Configuring the OpenVMS System
     D.2     Previously Configured Applications on Windows
         D.2.1         You Must Repopulate the OpenVMS Registry for COM Version 1.4 for OpenVMS
         D.2.2         Changing Application Security Settings in the OpenVMS Registry
             D.2.2.1             COM Application Registry Keys
Appendix E
Appendix E Running COM for OpenVMS in an Unauthenticated Mode
     E.1     Installing COM for OpenVMS to Run in Unauthenticated Mode
     E.2     Configuring COM for OpenVMS to Run in Unauthenticated Mode
         E.2.1         Define the DCOM$UNAUTHENTICATED Logical Systemwide
         E.2.2         Populate the OpenVMS Registry
         E.2.3         Create the DCOM$GUEST Account
         E.2.4         Create the DCOM$RPCSS Account
     E.3     Configuring Windows to Interoperate with Unauthenticated COM
         E.3.1         Setting the Windows Systemwide Authentication Level
         E.3.2         Setting Windows Application Security Properties
         E.3.3         Setting the Windows Application Security Identity
     E.4     Expected Failures from CLIENTAUTH Sample Program
     E.5     Converting from Unauthenticated Mode to Authenticated Mode
Appendix F
Appendix F Lists of Differences, APIs, and Interfaces
     F.1     Differences between COM for OpenVMS and Microsoft COM
         F.1.1         Service Control Manager (SCM)
         F.1.2         Server Application Stack Size
         F.1.3         Use of the "char" Datatype
         F.1.4         MIDL Compiler Version
             F.1.4.1             The OpenVMS MIDL Compiler
         F.1.5         Using DCOM$CNFG to Change Application Configuration Permission
     F.2     APIs
     F.3     Interfaces
Appendix G
Appendix G List of Files Installed by COM for OpenVMS
     G.1     Files Installed by COM for OpenVMS
Appendix H
Appendix H Glossary
Appendix I
Appendix I Acronyms
4-1 Sample COM for OpenVMS Installation
5-1 Sample: Setting Up HostMapDomains
6-1 Sample" Simple" Application Registration on OpenVMS
6-2 Contents of SSERVER.REG_NT
6-3 Contents of SSERVER.REG_VMS
6-4 Registering a Component Using the DCOM$REGSVR32 Utility
6-5 Unregistering a Component Using the DCOM$REGSVR32 Utility
8-1 Sample NTA$LOGON Session
8-2 Acquiring Windows Credentials for the First Time
8-3 Replacing Windows Credentials
8-4 Saving a Password to a File
12-1 Using AUTHORIZE to Grant Rights to a User
13-1 Setting Priority Values
13-2 Changing Priority Values
15-1 Sample OpenVMS Event Log
3-1 OpenVMS Infrastructure and COM for OpenVMS
4-1 Interrelationships Among Processes and Layers
6-1 DCOM$SETUP OpenVMS COM Tools Menu
6-2 DCOM$CNFG Main Menu
6-3 Applications List Submenu
6-4 Application Properties Submenu
6-5 Application Location Submenu
6-6 Application Security Submenu
6-7 Registry Value Permissions Submenu
6-8 Edit Registry Value Permissions Submenu
6-9 Add Registry Value Permissions Submenu
6-10 Registry Key Permissions Submenu
6-11 Edit Registry Key Permissions Submenu
6-12 Special Access Registry Key Permissions Submenu
6-13 Add Registry Key Permissions Submenu
6-14 Application Identity Submenu
6-15 System-wide Default Properties Submenu
6-16 Default Authentication Level Submenu
6-17 Default Impersonation Level Submenu
6-18 System-wide Default Security Submenu
12-1 Key, Subkey, and Value Relationships
1-1 Summary of Security Differences
4-1 Process Name to Server Name Mapping
6-1 DCOM$REGSVR32 Command Line Options
7-1 DCOM$TOOL Utility Command Line Parameters
8-1 NTA$LOGON Utility Command Line Parameters
8-2 MSV1_0 ACME Agent Logical Names
9-1 ATL Implementation Differences
9-2 Files Generated by ATL COM AppWizard for mycomapp
14-1 OpenVMS Registry Server Management Utility Commands
15-1 Troubleshooting OpenVMS Events Failures
B-1 RPC Errors

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