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HP OpenVMS Systems

Secure Web Server (based on Apache™)
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HP Secure Web Server Documentation

SSL User Guide

SSL Setup Information

Introduction to SSL

An SSL Primer

Using mod_ssl Directives

Understanding Certificates

  • Using the Certificate Tool

    Using Certificates


    SSL Resource Guide

  • Chapter 6:

    Using the Certificate Tool

    HP Secure Web Server provides a simple interface for viewing and creating SSL certificates. The OpenSSL Certificate Tool enables you to perform the most important certification functions with ease. Using it, you can view certificates and certificate requests, create certificate requests, sign your own certificate, create your own certificate authority, and sign client certificate requests. Additional hash functions are included.

    Note: Some OpenSSL commands are beyond the scope of the Certificate Tool. For these, you'll need to use command-line OpenSSL.


    Start the tool

    Menu options:

    1. How to view a certificate

    2. How to view a certificate request

    3. How to create a certificate request

    4. How to create a self-signed certificate

    5. How to create a certificate authority

    6. How to sign a certificate request

    7. How to hash certificate authorities

    8. How to hash certificate revocations

    Start the tool

    Run the Certificate Tool with the following command:



    View a certificate file

    The contents of a certificate associate a public key with the real identity of an individual, server, or other entity, known as the subject. Information about the subject includes identifying information (the distinguished name ), and the public key. It also includes the identification and signature of the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate, and the period of time during which the certificate is valid. It may have additional information (or extensions) as well as administrative information for the Certificate Authority's use, such as a serial number.

    Do the following:

    1. Accept the default file specification (or type a new file specification to an alternate location) to the certificate directory to find files with a CRT extension:

    The default directory specification of OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT] is where certificates you sign are saved. Server certificates installed on your system can be found in APACHE$COMMON:[CONF.SSL_CRT] or APACHE$SPECIFIC:[CONF.SSL_CRT].

    2. Select a certificate file by entering its number:

    3. View the certificate details:

    -Version SSL 3.0 protocol
    -Serial number Certificates issued by a CA have a serial number that is unique to the certificates issued by that CA.
    -Signature Algorithm
    -Validity (inception and expiration dates)
    -Public key information


    View a certificate request file

    A certificate request file is an unsigned certificate. It can be a server certificate request or a client certificate request.

    Do the following:

     1. Type the file specification to the certificate request directory to find files with a .CSR extension:

    2. Select a certificate request file:

    3. View the certificate request details:


    -Public key information

    -Signature Algorithm
    -Validity (inception and expiration dates)


    Create a certificate request

    You can think of creating a certificate request (generating a *.CSR file) as representing an application form for a certificate. There are two categories of request:

    • Server certificate request

    This means preparing a certificate file to be signed by a trusted (root) CA in order to authenticate your server. You are the subject of the certificate and the CA you send it to will be the certificate issuer. For example, if you wanted to get a Thawte Server ID, you would create a certificate request and email the contents of this generated file to Thawte. The file you generate is a *.CSR file.

    Thawte free test certificates  

    • Client certificate request

    This means preparing client certificate files that you sign and distribute to clients in order to authenticate them. The client is the subject of the certificate and you are the certificate issuer.

    Do the following:

    1. Enter the required information for the certificate:

    -Encrypt Private Key? Using an encrypted private key forces the pass-phrase dialog to appear at startup time, requiring manual input.

    Usage note: Do not use this option if using the mod_ssl directive SSLPassPhraseDialog with the default builtin option.

    -Encryption Bits? 1024 bits is the largest recommended size.

    Explanation: Encryption strength is often described in terms of the size of the keys used to perform the encryption: in general, longer keys provide stronger encryption. Key length is measured in bits. Private key sizes larger than 1024 bits are incompatible with some versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    -Certificate Key File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, [OPENSSL_ROOT:[KEY]SERVER.KEY])
    -Certificate Request File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, [OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT]SERVER.CSR])

    -Country Name? The remaining questions determine your server's Distinguished Name

    -State or Province Name?
    -City Name?
    -Organization Name?
    -Organization Unit Name?

    -Common Name? Common name usage is different for client certificates than it is for server certificates. The common name on a client certificate is generally the proper name of the individual requesting a certificate. In the case of server certificates, the common name must be the same as your server's DNS host name (or virtual host name, if name-based virtual hosting is used).


    Explanation: Browsers compare the common name in the server certificate with the host name of the server they are connecting to. These must match.


    -Email Address?
    -Display the Certificate?

    Important: All fields must be completed to create a valid certificate request.

    The certificate request is generated after responding to the last question.

    2. View the details of the certificate request (if you chose to display the certificate):


    -Public key information

    -Signature Algorithm

    To see the encoded contents, exit the configuration utility and view the CSR file.


    What you see is exacly what is required by the certificate authority. You may be required to send the file itself or just the contents of the file to your CA (according to the CA's instructions).

    For example:


    If sending the contents, copy and paste everything and send to the CA using secure email or the appropriate enrollment form. What the CA returns to you will be a digitally signed certificate.

    For example:

    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    The CA-signed certificate contains the following:

    -Your organization's common name (www.<yourserver>)
    -Additional identifying information (IP and physical address)
    -Your public key more.gif (97
    -Expiration date of the public key
    -Name of the CA that issued the ID
    -A unique serial number. Every certificate issued by a CA has a serial number that is unique to the certificates issued by that CA.
    -CA's digital signature more.gif (97

    Installing certificates
    A signed certificate needs to be installed, along with the key you generated when creating the request, by saving or copying the respective files to their correct directories and restarting the server. For the certificate file, this is either APACHE$COMMON:[CONF.SSL_CRT] or APACHE$SPECIFIC:[CONF.SSL_CRT] . For the key file, this is either APACHE$COMMON:[CONF.SSL_KEY] or APACHE$SPECIFIC:[CONF.SSL_KEY].

    For example:



    See also

    Installing a server certificate


    Create a self-signed certificate

    Creating a self-signed certificate is an essential first step after installing CSWS with SSL. The server will not start without the presence of a properly signed and installed certificate. This procedure is performed for you automatically by the CSWS installation process when you run APACHE$CONFIG.COM and choose to enable mod_ssl . Therefore, this command is only required if the certificate file requires changing or replacing because it has expired.

    Do the following:

    1. Enter the required information for the self-signed certificate:

    -Encrypt Private Key? Using an encrypted private key forces the Pass Phrase dialog to appear at startup time.

    -Encryption Bits? 1024 bits is the largest recommended size.

    Explanation: Encryption strength is often described in terms of the size of the keys used to perform the encryption: in general, longer keys provide stronger encryption. Key length is measured in bits. Private key sizes larger than 1024 bits are incompatible with some versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    -Certificate Key File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, [OPENSSL_ROOT:[KEY]SERVER.KEY])
    -Certificate File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, [OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT]SERVER.CRT])

    -Country Name? The remaining questions determine your server's Distinguished Name

    -State or Province Name?
    -City Name?
    -Organization Name?
    -Organization Unit Name?

    -Common Name? This must be the same as your server's DNS host name (or virtual host name, if name-based virtual hosting is used).


    Explanation: Browsers compare the common name in the server certificate with the host name of the server they are connecting to. These must match.


    -Email Address?
    -Display the Certificate?

    Important: All fields must be completed to create a valid self-signed certificate.

    The inception time of a certificate is based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Check with your system administrator that your computer's UTC is set correctly if you want to use the self-signed certificate right away. WWW  Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System

    The self-signed certificate is generated after responding to the last question.

    2. View the details of the self-signed certificate (if you chose to display the certificate):

    -Version SSL 3.0 protocol
    -Serial number Certificates issued by a CA have a serial number that is unique to the certificates issued by that CA.
    -Signature Algorithm
    -Validity (inception and expiration dates)

    -Public key information


    Create a certificate authority

    Creating a certificate authority (CA) means you can issue certificates using your own private key. The corresponding CA public key is itself contained within a certificate, called a CA Certificate. You must distribute this certificate to clients for them to access your server. A browser must contain this CA Certificate in its "trusted root library" in order to "trust" certificates signed by the CA's private key.

    Do the following:

    1. Enter the required information to create a certificate authority:

    -PEM Pass Phrase?
    -Confirm PEM Pass Phrase?

    -Encryption Bits? 1024 bits is the largest recommended size.

    Explanation: Encryption strength is often described in terms of the size of the keys used to perform the encryption: in general, longer keys provide stronger encryption. Key length is measured in bits. Private key sizes larger than 1024 bits are incompatible with some versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    -Default Days? The default number of days until expiration for certificates issued by the CA.

    Usage note: A large number, such as 1825 (5 years), is usually appropriate so that certificates signed with this key do not expire too soon.

    -Certificate Key File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[KEY]SERVER_CA.KEY)
    -Certificate File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT]SERVER_CA.CRT)

    -Country Name? The remaining questions determine your server's Distinguished Name

    Usage note: A certificate authority may define a policy specifying which distinguished names are optional and which are required. It may also place requirements upon the field contents, as may users of certificates. As an example, a Netscape browser requires that the common name for a certificate representing a server has a name that matches a wildcard pattern for the domain name of that server, such as *.xyz.com. Source: mod_ssl Documentation

    -State or Province Name?

    -City Name?
    -Organization Name?
    -Organization Unit Name?

    -Common Name? This can be any text string that you wish to use to identify the authority. It may be generic, such as "CA Authority", or more specific, such as "<NodeName>CA".

    -Email Address?

    -Display the Certificate?

    Important: All fields must be completed to create a valid CA certificate.

    The certificate request is generated after responding to the last question.

    2. View the details of the certificate authority (if you chose to display the certificate):

    -Version SSL 3.0 protocol
    -Serial number Certificates issued by a CA have a serial number that is unique to the certificates issued by that CA.
    -Signature Algorithm
    -Issuer Your distinguished name
    -Validity (inception and expiration dates)
    -Public key information


    Sign a certificate request

    Signing someone else's certificate request is the function of a certificate authority. When you send a signed certificate back, it can be used to start the server with the pass phrase they have. Embedded in the certificate is your public key. It must match the public key you distribute to clients using this server.

    1. Enter the required information to sign a certificate by specifying the following:

    -Certificate File specification Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT]SERVER.CA.CRT)
    -Certificate Key File specification Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[KEY]SERVER_CA.KEY)
    -Certificate Request File? Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[CSR]SERVER.CSR)
    -Signed Request File specification Use OpenVMS syntax (usually, OPENSSL_ROOT:[CRT]SIGNED.CRT)
    -Default Days The default number of days until the signed certificate expires.
    -PEM Pass Phrase This is a verification field only. You must use the same pass phrase you used to create the certificate authority (Option 5).

    Important: The inception time of a certificate is based on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Check with your system administrator that your computer's UTC is set correctly. www.gif
        (927 bytes)  Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System

    The certificate is signed after responding to the last question.

    2. View the details of the signed certificate (if you chose to display the certificate):

    -Version SSL 3.0 protocol
    -Serial number Certificates issued by a CA have a serial number that is unique to the certificates issued by that CA.
    -Signature Algorithm
    -Issuer Your distinguished name
    -Validity (inception and expiration dates)

    -Public key information


    Hash certificate authorities

    This command is required to PEM-encode third-party certificate files and files you create using Option 5 (which by default are named SERVER_CA.CRT). The mod_ssl directives related to CA certificate management (SSLCACertificatePath and SSLCACertificateFile) require hashed files in order to work.

    1. Enter the path in which you have installed your CA files.

    By default, this is: APACHE$ROOT:[CONF.SSL_CRT]*.CRT

    2. Press Return to hash the certificate files at the specified location.

    This example would hash the *.CRT files found in the system-specific configuration. To hash files for a common configuration, you would use APACHE$COMMON instead.

    You can verify the existence of the hashed file in the directory you selected. For example:




    Total of 3 files.


    Hash certificate revocations

    This command is required to PEM-encode third-party certificates revocation lists (CRLs) and ones you create using the OpenSSL command line. The mod_ssl directives related to managing client revocation lists (SSLCARevocationPath and SSLCARevocationFile) require hashed CRL files in order to work.

    1. Install a trusted root CA's CRL file or create your own using the $ OPENSSL CA command.

    2. Enter the path in which you have installed your CRL files.

    By default, the location is: APACHE$ROOT:[CONF.SSL_CRL]*.CRL

    3. Press the Return key to hash the CRL files at the specified location.

    This example would hash the *.CRL files found in the system-specific configuration. If you wanted to hash files for a common configuration, you would use APACHE$COMMON instead.

    You can verify the existence of the hashed file in the directory you selected. For example:




    Total of 3 files.