Chapter 1:SSL Setup Information
an SSL connection
This document, the SSL User Guide, contains information
for working with the Secure Sockets Layer protocol in HP Secure Web
The setup information in this chapter is intended to supplement the general Installation
and Configuration Guide for
CSWS. Release notes that are SSL-specific are
contained in the Release
Notes for CSWS.
SSL files
HP Secure Web Server
includes two modules for its Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) functionality. These are OpenSSL
and mod_ssl.
Mod_ssl integrates OpenSSL with a set of source patches for Apache
called the Extended API (EAPI).
HP Secure Web Server implements OpenSSL using RSA Security's Crypto-C (BSAFE) library.
These components are included and automatically installed in CSWS.
After installing CSWS
After installing
Secure Web Server,
additional steps are performed automatically for you by running the
configuration utility.
creating a self-signed server certificate, good for 30 days, and installing it.
will not run without a server certificate that is valid for your
system. You may want to view the
contents of this
file using the OpenSSL
Certificate Tool
starting the server. 
Following expiration of your self-signed certificate in 30 days, your SSL-enabled server will not run. If you wish to
continue running in SSL mode, you must replace it. 
Configuration options
During the configuration procedure, you have the option to enable or
disable SSL (see Disabling SSL) and to add
optional command-line arguments to the server.
To enable SSL, choose the default response of "Yes":
Do you want to enable the security features
provided by MOD_SSL? If so, the server will support the HTTPS (HTTP
over the Secure Socket Layer) protocol.
Enable MOD_SSL? [YES]
The optional command-line arguments enable you to make settings in
the main configuration file (HTTPD.CONF) that can be turned on and
off for individual systems.
Choose "Yes" in response to the following question if you
want to enter new command-line arguments:
You can specify optional command-line
arguments for the server below. (For example, specify
"-D<name>" to define a name for the <IfDefine>
directives or specify "-d<path>" to specify the
ServerRoot directory.) Note that the optional arguments are case-sensitive.
There are currently no optional command-line arguments.
Change this value? [NO] Yes
Then enter the command-line argument(s) when prompted, as shown in the
following example:
Setting a command-line argument:
New command-line arguments: -DSample
Removing the argument by leaving the optional argument blank (a null string):
Current arguments: "-DSample"
Change this value [NO] Yes
New command-line arguments:
[carriage return]
Verifying an SSL Connection
server now has a self-signed server
certificate, meaning that clients can establish secure (encrypted)
connections with your server.
For purposes of a production environment, your server certificate
should normally be signed by a third-party commercial certificate authority.
To verify that your SSL-aware server is working:
Start your server in the normal way:
Connect to it from a client browser by appending
"s" to "http" in the URL:
http s://<my_server>
In Netscape Navigator
should see the New Site Certificate
wizard, and in Internet Explorer you should see the Security
Alert dialog. As a client, you can choose between not
proceeding or proceeding with or without permanently installing the
server certificate as a "trusted root certificate authority."
Disabling SSL
You can disable SSL on CSWS
by running the configuration utility. Customizations you have made to
your mod_ssl directives and certificates you have generated with the
OpenSSL Certificate Tool are preserved.
Run the configuration utility:
Choose "No" in response to the question:
Do you want to enable the security features
provided by MOD_SSL?
If so, the server will support the HTTPS
(HTTP over the Secure Socket
Layer) protocol.
Enable MOD_SSL? [YES] No
Restart the server (confirming first that the APACHE$WWW
processes have stopped):