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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Installs an application in ACMS$DIRECTORY or removes an application database file from ACMS$DIRECTORY.


ACMS/INSTALL file-spec

Command Qualifier Default

Privileges Required

Application Authorization Utility (AAU) authorization.



The file specification of an application database file to be moved to or removed from ACMS$DIRECTORY. The application database file must have a file type of .ADB.

If the file is to be moved into ACMS$DIRECTORY, the file specification can be any valid RMS file specification or logical name. If it is a logical name that is a search list, only the first translation in the search list is used. When you omit the device and directory, ACMS looks for the application database file in your default directory. The default file type is .ADB.

If the file is to be removed from ACMS$DIRECTORY, specify the /REMOVE qualifier and the file name of the application. Do not specify a node, device, directory, or file type, or you receive an error.



The /REMOVE qualifier indicates that you want to delete the specified application from ACMS$DIRECTORY. The default is /NOREMOVE.


You can install or delete only one application database file at a time. ACMS displays a message telling you when an application database file is successfully installed.

You do not need to install applications every time you start your ACMS system. This differs from the way you use OpenVMS INSTALL and some other ACMS operator commands.

The ACMS/INSTALL command does not support search lists.



Application Database File APPL$:EMPLAPP.ADB Installed -

This command searches for the file EMPLAPP.ADB on the disk and directory identified by the logical name APPL$, checks the application database file against the application authorization in the ACMSAAF.DAT file, and installs the application database file in ACMS$DIRECTORY. ACMS displays a message when it has successfully installed the application database file.


Application Database File EMPLAPP Removed from ACMS$DIRECTORY

Because it includes the /REMOVE qualifier, this command deletes the application database file EMPLAPP from ACMS$DIRECTORY. Only the application file name is specified. ACMS displays a message when it has successfully deleted the application database file.


Application Database File APPL$:EMPLAPP.ADB Installed -

Because this command does not include a device or directory with the file specification, the ACMS/INSTALL command searches your default directory. ACMS displays a message when it has successfully located and installed the application database file.


Modifies the attributes of an active application.


ACMS/MODIFY APPLICATION [ application-name[,...]]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/APPLICATION_ATTRIBUTES=(attribute[,...]) None
/SERVER_ATTRIBUTES=(attribute[,...]) None
/TASK_ATTRIBUTES=(attribute[,...]) None

Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege



The name of the active application that you want to modify. If you do not supply an application name, all applications are modified with the attributes you specify. You can specify more than one application name by separating each name with a comma (,).



Modifies an attribute of the active application. The attribute argument specifies the attribute you want to modify. Specify more than one attribute by separating the attributes with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses.

You can specify one or more of the following attributes:

    Enables or disables application level auditing within the specified application.
    Specifies the maximum number of tasks that can execute simultaneously within the specified application. You can specify an integer from 0 through 65535.
    Specifies the maximum number of server processes that can be active simultaneously within the specified application. You can specify an integer from 0 through 65535.
    Specifies the server process monitoring interval. The server process monitoring interval is the interval at which ACMS checks servers to see if new processes are needed, or extra processes need to be deleted. You can specify 0 through 65535 seconds.


This qualifier determines whether or not ACMS displays each application selected for modification and prompts you for confirmation before making the modifications. The default is /CONFIRM.


This qualifier determines whether or not ACMS displays information level status messages generated by the modify request. The default is /NOLOG.


Modifies an attribute of a server in the specified application. The attribute argument specifies the attribute you want to modify. Specify more than one attribute by separating the attributes with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses.

The /SERVER_ATTRIBUTES qualifier is a repeating qualifier. This means that you can specify the /SERVER_ATTRIBUTES qualifier more than once on the same command.

You can specify one or more of the following attributes:

  • NAME=(server-name[,...])
    Identifies the server to be modified in the specified application. If you specify the /SERVER_ATTRIBUTES qualifier but do not specify the NAME attribute, ACMS modifies all servers in the selected application. Specify more than one server name by separating the server names with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses.
    Enables or disables server-level auditing within the specified application.
    Adjusts the creation delay time, the creation interval time, or both. Creation delay time is the amount of time ACMS waits for busy servers to become free before creating a new server to handle a demand. Once ACMS creates a new server, creation interval is the amount of time ACMS waits before creating another new server. You can specify 0 through 65535 seconds.
    Adjusts the deletion delay time, the deletion interval time, or both. Deletion delay time is the amount of time ACMS allows a server to be free before deleting a server. Deletion interval is the amount of time ACMS waits after deleting one free server before deleting another. You can specify 0 through 65535 seconds.
    PROCESS_DUMPS dynamically enables server process dumping for servers within the specified application. NOPROCESS_DUMPS disables server process dumping.
    Specifies the maximum number of server processes allowed for the specified server. You can specify an integer from 0 through 65535.
    Specifies the minimum number of server processes required for the specified server. You can specify an integer from 0 through 65535.


Modifies the attributes of the specified task. The attribute argument specifies the attribute you want to modify. Specify more than one attribute by separating the attributes with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses.

The /TASK_ATTRIBUTES qualifier is a repeating qualifier. This means you can specify the /TASK_ATTRIBUTES qualifier more than once on the same command.

You can specify one or more of the following attributes:

  • NAME=(task-name[,...])
    Specifies the name of a task within the specified application whose attributes you want to modify. If you do not specify the NAME attribute, all tasks are modified within the selected application with whatever attributes you specify.
    Enables or disables task-level auditing within the specified application.
    Enables specific tasks within the specified application.
    Disables specific tasks within the specified application.
    Specifies a transaction timeout value for a task or tasks in the specified application.
    Specifies that there be no transaction timeout value for a task or tasks in the specified application.


When you specify the ACMS/MODIFY APPLICATION command, parameters are only modified within the current active application. If the application is stopped and restarted, the parameters are reset to the values specified in the application definition. If you want a modification to be permanent, you must modify the application definition.



Apply Modifications to Application TEST (Y/[N]):

This command disables audit trail logging for the application and allows a maximum of 3 tasks to execute within the TEST application at any given time. ACMS displays the confirmation prompt before executing this command.


Apply Modifications to Application DATADAT (Y/[N]):


This command modifies the application DATADAT, setting the maximum processes allowed for servers SERVER_1880 and SERVER_1776 to 5 and the minimum processes required to 1. This command also modifies the attributes of server SERVER_ODCE, setting the maximum processes allowed to 10 and the minimum processes required to 3. Because /CONFIRM is the default, ACMS prompts you before executing this command.


_$ (DELAY=10,INTERVAL=30)) -


This command modifies application POST_REQ, causing ACMS to wait 10 seconds for an instance of SERVER_10 to become free before creating a new server process. Once a new server is created, ACMS must wait 30 seconds before creating another new server.



This command modifies the application NEWAPPL, disabling the tasks DTSK and FTSK and enabling the task NEWTSK.


Replaces a server image with a new version of that image. All subsequent tasks use the new image.


ACMS/REPLACE SERVER [ server-name[,...]]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/APPLICATION=application-name See text

Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege



The name of the server you want to replace. The server name is defined in the application definition. If you do not specify a server name, ACMS replaces all servers.



Causes ACMS to replace server images only in the application you specify. Specify the application file name only; do not include node, device, or directory.

When you specify an application name with the /APPLICATION qualifier, ACMS searches for the server name in the application you specify. If you specify the /APPLICATION qualifier but do not specify a server name, ACMS searches for all servers in the application. If you do not specify the /APPLICATION qualifier, ACMS searches for the server name in all applications on the node.


The /CONFIRM qualifier causes ACMS to display each server selected for replacement and prompt you to indicate whether or not you want to replace the server. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes ACMS not to prompt you for confirmation. The default is /CONFIRM.


Controls whether or not ACMS displays a message after replacing a server. The /NOLOG qualifier is the default.


When the application controller receives the ACMS/REPLACE SERVER command, it runs down all free server processes for the specified server and requests all active servers to run down when they are free. A server retaining context does not run down until the context has been released. New server processes are created to meet the minimum and maximum server process requirements of the application. If a server image is active or still executing, ACMS replaces it with the new version once it stops executing or is aborted.

If a server image does not stop because of an infinite loop, use the command ACMS/SHOW SERVER to determine the server process ID. To stop the server process, use one of the following:

  • Use the DCL command STOP/ID to cancel the server process. However, STOP/ID may have adverse effects on the application. For example, if ACMS is using Rdb, STOP/ID cancels the server process without the database recovery associated with normal rundown.
  • Use the OpenVMS FORCEX system service. This allows normal recovery of data. However, you must write a small program to use FORCEX.
  • Use the ACMS/CANCEL TASK command to cancel the task that the server is running.
  • Use the ACMS/STOP APPLICATION/CANCEL command. However, this command stops all occurrences of all servers in the application.

You cannot replace a DCL server because the image executed is supplied by Compaq It is not customer modifiable.

See Chapter 9 for more information about this command.

If you use the ACMS/REPLACE SERVER command to replace a server when an application is not fully started, then EXC logs the following error message in SWL:

%ACMSI-E-BADSTATE, Internal Error: invalid state 00000006




This command replaces the server image for the server MYSERV with a new version of that image in all applications.



This command replaces the server image for the server MYSERV in the application TESTALL with a new version of that image.


Causes ACMS to retranslate the application specification for an application and redirect all subsequent task selections to the application pointed to by the application specification.



Command Qualifiers Defaults

Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege



The application specification for an application. It can be a logical name or a search list of application database files. If the application specification is a search list, the first available application in the search list is used.

The search list can contain an application that resides on a remote node. If the file resides on a remote node, you must specify the remote node name in the search list. The following is an example of a search list defined as the logical name PAYROLL:


You cannot specify access control strings in an application specification. See Chapter 6 for more information on application specifications.



The /CONFIRM qualifier causes ACMS to prompt you for confirmation before reprocessing the application specification. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier causes ACMS not to prompt you for confirmation before performing the reprocess. The default is /CONFIRM.


Controls whether or not ACMS displays a message after translating the application specification. The /NOLOG qualifier is the default.


The ACMS/REPROCESS APPLICATION_SPEC command can be used to failover to applications. If a search list is used for an application specification, automatic failover occurs in the event of a system failure. Use the ACMS/REPROCESS APPLICATION_SPEC command to failover to the original application when it becomes available.

The ACMS/REPROCESS APPLICATION_SPEC command is not supported if, on a single submitter node, you have two application specification logical names that point to two differently ordered search lists containing the same application names.



This example causes ACMS to retranslate the search list for the logical name PAYROLL. ACMS uses the first available application in the search list.


Resets the ACMS Audit Trail Logger, causing the ACMS audit trail log file to be closed and a new log file to be opened.



Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege


If the Audit Trail Logger process has stopped, the ACMS/RESET AUDIT command restarts the process.

Starting ACMS creates a new version of the audit trail log file.

The logical name ACMS$AUDIT_LOG points to the ACMS audit trail log file. ACMS$AUDIT_LOG is defined during system startup with auditing enabled and when audit trail logging is enabled with the ACMS/SET SYSTEM /AUDIT command.

If the logical name ACMS$AUDIT_LOG is already defined when you execute the ACMS/RESET AUDIT command, ACMS creates a new version of the file using its equivalence name string. If the logical ACMS$AUDIT_LOG is not defined, ACMS creates the file SYS$ERRORLOG:ACMSAUDIT.LOG. For more information about the Audit Trail Logger and the audit trail log file, see Chapter 12.



This command creates a new version of the Audit Trail Logger.


Causes ACMS to read the DDU database file and authorize any new controlled terminals as well as release any terminals that are no longer authorized.



Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege


The TSC must be started before you can use the ACMS/RESET TERMINALS command. The ACMS/RESET TERMINALS command only affects terminals controlled by the TSC. No current terminal user is affected.

If you assign the AUTOLOGIN or CONTROLLED sign-in characteristics to a terminal, ACMS reads the new characteristic only when you:

  • Issue the ACMS/RESET TERMINALS command
  • Issue an ACMS/START TERMINALS command or an ACMS/START SYSTEM command that starts the TSC

If a terminal that was previously assigned the NOT CONTROLLED characteristic is assigned the CONTROLLED characteristic, ACMS checks to see if that terminal is currently using the ACMS menu interface. If it is, ACMS designates the terminal as controlled so it is not released when the user signs out. If the terminal is not using the ACMS menu interface, the TSC allocates that terminal.

Conversely, if a terminal that was previously assigned the CONTROLLED characteristic is now assigned the NOT CONTROLLED characteristic, ACMS checks to see if that terminal is currently using the ACMS menu interface. If it is, ACMS designates the terminal as not controlled and releases the terminal when the user signs out. If the terminal is not using the ACMS menu interface, the TSC deallocates that terminal. Once deallocated, the terminal can be used to sign in normally.

For more information about sign-in characteristics for terminals, see Chapter 2.



This command makes available to ACMS any terminals recently assigned the CONTROLLED characteristic. Terminals defined with the CONTROLLED characteristic sign directly in to ACMS when users type an OpenVMS login sequence.

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