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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Sets the processing characteristics of a started task queue. The processing characteristics are used by the Queued Task Initiator (QTI).


ACMS/SET QUEUE queue-name[,...]

Command Qualifier Default

Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege



The name of the queue for which you want to set processing characteristics.



Specifies the number of concurrent outstanding tasks that the QTI processes for the specified queue. Here, n indicates a value from 1 through 255. Normally, a relatively low number (1 through 5) is sufficient to achieve maximum throughput of the queue.

The /TASK_THREADS qualifier is a positional qualifier. If you position the /TASK_THREADS qualifier between the ACMS/SET QUEUE command and the queue names, all queue names are affected. To have the /TASK_THREADS qualifier apply to an individual queue name in a list of queue names, place the qualifier directly after the queue name. See the examples section for examples of using this qualifier. The default is /TASK_THREADS=1.






This command sets to one the maximum number of concurrent outstanding tasks for queue NEWQ.



This command limits the number of concurrent outstanding tasks to five for queues QUE1 and QUE2.




This command limits the number of concurrent outstanding tasks to five for queues QUE1, QUE3, and QUE4 and to three for queue QUE2.


Depending on the qualifiers used, enables or disables audit trail logging, or enables or disables ACMS operator terminals.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/[NO]AUDIT Current setting
/[NO]OPERATOR Current setting
/PROCESS Current setting
/TERMINAL=device-name Current setting

Privileges Required

OpenVMS OPER privilege



The /AUDIT qualifier starts the Audit Trail Logger and enables systemwide auditing. The /NOAUDIT qualifier stops systemwide auditing. If you do not specify this qualifier, systemwide auditing is not affected.


Enables or disables the terminals identified by the /PROCESS qualifier or /TERMINAL qualifier as ACMS operator terminals. When you specify the /OPERATOR or /NOOPERATOR qualifier, you must also specify either the /PROCESS or the /TERMINAL qualifier. If you do not specify this qualifier, ACMS terminals are not affected.


If you specify the /OPERATOR qualifier, the /PROCESS qualifier enables your terminal as an ACMS operator terminal for as long as your current process is active. If you specify the /NOOPERATOR qualifier, the /PROCESS qualifier disables your terminal as an ACMS operator terminal.

You must specify either the /OPERATOR or /NOOPERATOR qualifier when you use the /PROCESS qualifier. If you do not specify this qualifier, ACMS terminals are not affected.


If you specify the /OPERATOR qualifier, the /TERMINAL qualifier identifies one or more terminals as an ACMS operator terminal (for as long as ACMS is active). If you specify the /NOOPERATOR qualifier, the /TERMINAL qualifier disables one or more terminals as an ACMS terminal. If you specify more than one device name, separate the device names with commas and enclose them in parentheses. A colon (:) in the device name is not required.

You must specify either the /OPERATOR or /NOOPERATOR qualifier with the /TERMINAL qualifier. If you do not specify this qualifier, ACMS terminals are not affected.


If an application fails, or if the Audit Trail Logger or TSC stops abnormally, ACMS sends a message to ACMS operator terminals to inform you.

You cannot use the /[NO]PROCESS qualifier for a batch job.




This command enables your terminal as an ACMS operator terminal for the duration of your process or until ACMS stops.



This command enables terminals TTE2 and TTE3 as ACMS operator terminals for as long as ACMS is active.



This command disables terminal TTE2 as an ACMS operator terminal.



This command enables the Audit Trail Logger. Use this command to reenable the Audit Trail Logger after you have disabled it.


Displays information about one or more active ACMS applications in static mode. See the ACMS/SHOW APPLICATION/CONTINUOUS command if you want to display an application in continuous mode.


ACMS/SHOW APPLICATION [ application-name[,...]]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/CONNECTIONS No connection information displayed
/DETACHED_TASKS No detached task information displayed
/POOL No pool information displayed
/SERVER_ATTRIBUTES[=(server-name[,...])] No server attributes displayed
/TASK_ATTRIBUTES[=(task-name[,...])] No task attributes displayed

Privileges Required




The file name of the application you want to display information about. Specify only the file name of the application; do not include device, directory, or file type. If you do not include an application name, ACMS displays information about all active applications. Specify more than one application name by separating the application names with a comma (,).



Displays the local and remote users who are connected to the application.


Displays information about all detached tasks that are started and have not completed.


Displays information on pool size and available pool space for an application. If you do not specify the /POOL qualifier, no pool information is displayed. If you specify the /POOL qualifier but do not supply an application name, pool information is displayed for all active applications.


Displays the current settings of modifiable server attributes for the specified application. If you specify a server name, ACMS displays the current values of server attributes for the specified server only. Specify more than one server name by separating the server names with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses. If you do not specify a server name, ACMS displays the server attributes for all servers in the specified application.

You can display the settings of the following server attributes:

  • Whether server audit logging is enabled or disabled
  • The delay time for server creation and deletion
  • The interval time for server creation and deletion
  • The maximum number of server processes allowed
  • The minimum number of server processes allowed
  • Whether server process dumps are enabled or disabled

Modify server attributes with the ACMS/MODIFY APPLICATION/SERVER_ATTRIBUTES command.


Displays the current settings of modifiable task attributes for the specified application. If you specify a task name, ACMS displays the task attributes for the specified task only. Specify more than one task name by separating the task names with a comma (,) and enclosing them in parentheses. If you do not specify a task name, ACMS displays task attributes for all tasks in the specified application.

You can display the settings of the following task attributes:

  • Whether task-level audit logging is enabled or disabled
  • Whether a task is designated as enabled or disabled
  • Whether or not DECdtm transaction timeout is set for a task, and at what interval if set

Modify task attributes with the ACMS/MODIFY APPLICATION/TASK_ATTRIBUTES command.


If you specify an application that is not active, ACMS returns an error.

The ACMS/SHOW APPLICATION command with no qualifiers displays information that is useful in determining the optimal values for maximum server processes and minimal server processes.

You can use the pool information displayed when you use the /POOL qualifier to set the ACMSGEN workspace and control pool sizes. See Chapter 11 for more information on adjusting the pool size for your system.



ACMS V4.0     CURRENT APPLICATIONS        Time:  5-MAY-1994 13:34:56.41
Application Name: TIME_TEST                          State:  STARTED
    Object Name:       ACMS01EXC001000
    User Name:         NOMIS                PID:               22000123
    Max Task Count:    120                  Max SP Count:      150
    Cur Task Count:    2                    Cur SP Count:      1
    Auditing:          OFF                  SP Mon. Interval:  5
Server Name                  max SPs  min SPs  active   free    waiting
                                                SPs      SPs     tasks
LAS_SRVR                      1        0        1        0       1
Application Name: SANDAPPL                             State:  STARTED
    Object Name:       ACMS01EXC003000
    User Name:         EDLOD                PID:               2200047C
    Max Task Count:    65535                Max SP Count:      150
    Cur Task Count:    0                    Cur SP Count:      0
    Auditing:          OFF                  SP Mon Interval:   20
Server Name                  max SPs  min SPs  active   free    waiting
                                                SPs      SPs     tasks
SANDSRV                       5        0        0        0       0


This example displays server and task information for all applications started on the local node.


ACMS V4.0       CURRENT APPLICATIONS        Time:  5-MAY-1994 13:34:56.41
Application Name: QUALITY                               State:  STARTED
    Object Name:        ACMS01EXC001000
    User Name:          NOMIS              PID:                22000123
    Max Task Count:     123                Max SP Count:       150
    Cur Task Count:     1                  Cur SP Count:       1
    Auditing:           OFF                SP Mon. Interval:   10
---------------------- SERVER ATTRIBUTES ----------------------------
Server Name: LAS_SRVR
    Max. SPs:           1                  Min SPs:            0
    Creation Delay:     5                  Creation Interval:  2
    Deletion Delay:     15                 Deletion Interval:  5
    Auditing:           ON                 Process Dumps:      OFF
------------------------ TASK ATTRIBUTES ----------------------------
Task Name: LAS_TASK1
    Status:              ENABLED            Auditing:           ON
    Transaction Timeout: NO TIME LIMIT
Task Name: LAS_TASK2
    Status:              DISABLED           Auditing:           OFF
    Transaction Timeout: 30


This example displays the modifiable server attributes for server LAS_SRVR in the application QUALITY. See Chapter 9 for a description of the fields in this display.


ACMS V4.0       CURRENT APPLICATIONS      Time: 20-MAY-1994 11:21:04.50
Application Name: TEST                                   State:  STARTED
    Object Name:        ACMS01EXC008000
    User Name:          WAYNE              PID:                25C01337
    Max Task Count:     65535              Max SP Count:       5
    Cur Task Count:     0                  Cur SP Count:       2
    Auditing:           ON                 SP Mon. Interval:   5
Application Workspace and Control Pools
      Pool          Pool      Free  (pct.) Largest  Allocation  Garbage
      type          size      bytes         block   failures  collections
Group/User workspace pools
  Control pool      65536     64848 (98%)    32768       0            0
  Workspace pool   131072    130560 (99%)    65536       0            0
  Control pool      25600     25088 (98%)    16384       0            0
  Workspace pool   179200    178688 (99%)    65536       0            0
  Control pool      25600     25088 (98%)    16384       0            0
  Workspace pool   179200    178688 (99%)    65536       0            0
  Control pool      25600     25088 (98%)    16384       0            0
  Workspace pool   179200    178688 (99%)    65536       0            0
  Control pool      25600     25088 (98%)    16384       0            0
  Workspace pool   179200    178688 (99%)    65536       0            0
  Control pool      25600     25088 (98%)    16384       0            0
  Workspace pool   179200    178688 (99%)    65536       0            0


This example displays poolsize information for the application TEST. See Chapter 9 for a description of the fields in this display.


ACMS V4.0    CURRENT APPLICATIONS       Time: 23-APR-1994 10:50:42.95

Application Name: PACCARE_APPL                         State: STARTED

   User Name      Submitter ID        Agent PID      Device
   SMITH          MYNODE::00030035    22400104       TWA3:
   ACMS_TEST      YRNODE::023B0004    (YRNODE::)     LTA5006:
   ACMS_TEST      YRNODE::00B60013    (YRNODE::)     LTA5014:

Application Name: EMPLOYEE_INFO_APPLICATION            State: STARTED

   User Name      Submitter ID        Agent PID      Device
   ACMS_TEST      YRNODE::00B60013    (YRNODE::)     LTA5014:
   ACMS_TEST      YRNODE::023B0004    (YRNODE::)     LTA5006:
   SMITH          MYNODE::00030035    22400104       TWA3:

Application Name: EMPLOYEE_INFO_APPL_RTS               State: STARTED

   There are no users connected to this application


This command displays information about all users connected to applications PACCARE_APPL and EMPLOYEE_INFO_APPLICATION. There are no users connected to the application EMPLOYEE_INFO_APPL_RTS.



ACMS V4.0       CURRENT APPLICATIONS   Time: 23-APR-1994 09:58:20.65

Application Name: DIST_APPL                   State:  STARTED

  Task Name:  DEQUEUE_TASK
    Task State:       Active
    Submitter ID:     YRNODE::00020016        Username:    JONES
    Retry Limit:      10                      Retry Count: 2
    Retry Wait Timer: 60

    Task State:       Waiting to Retry
    Submitter ID:     YRNODE::00020017        Username:    SMITH
    Retry Limit:      10                      Retry Count: 0
    Retry Wait Timer: 60

This example shows that the detached tasks DEQUEUE_TASK and UPDATE_CENTRAL_TASK in the application DIST_APPL are started. The task DEQUEUE_TASK is currently active and has retried two times. The task UPDATE_CENTRAL_TASK is waiting to retry. Both tasks wait 60 seconds before retrying, and both tasks have a retry limit of 10.


Displays information about an active ACMS application in continuous refresh mode.



Command Qualifiers Defaults
/[NO]OUTPUT[=file-spec] /NOOUTPUT

Required Privileges




The file name of an application that you want to display information about. Specify only the file name of an application database file; do not include a device, directory, or file type. You can specify only one application name with each command.



Controls when the command starts displaying information on your terminal screen or when it begins to copy screen information to an output file (if you use /OUTPUT). The /BEGINNING_TIME qualifier is most useful in a command file. You can specify absolute time or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information about specifying time. The /NOBEGINNING_TIME qualifier is the default.


Controls when the command stops displaying information on your terminal screen or when it stops copying screen information to an output file (if you use /OUTPUT). The /ENDING_TIME qualifier is most useful when used in a command file. You can specify absolute time or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information about specifying absolute and delta time. The /NOENDING_TIME qualifier is the default.


Controls how often a terminal screen is refreshed or how often new information is copied to an output file (if you use /OUTPUT). The default is /INTERVAL=30.

/[NO]OUTPUT [=file-spec]

Controls whether or not display output is sent to a file. If you enter /OUTPUT with a partial file specification, ACMSSHOW is the default file name, .LIS is the default file type, and your current default directory is the directory. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier is the default; output is sent to your terminal.


The ACMS/SHOW APPLICATION /CONTINUOUS command provides information you can use to evaluate values in the application definition clause MAXIMUM SERVER PROCESSES, and in the MAXIMUM SERVER PROCESSES and MINIMUM SERVER PROCESSES subclauses.

Control the video display by using the control and arrow keys. Press [Ctrl/C], [Ctrl/Y], or [Ctrl/Z] to terminate the display. Press [Ctrl/W] to refresh the screen. Use the up arrow and down arrow keys to scroll the screen forward and backward.

There are cases when the values for average number of active servers, average number of free servers and average number of waiting tasks for a given server are displayed as 0. This can occur even when the displayed maximum values of these quantities are quite large.

The averages that are displayed with the ACMS/SHOW APPLICATION /CONTINUOUS command are calculated as follows. Every time that the screen display needs to be refreshed, EXC is polled for data about the servers and a refresh counter is incremented by 1. The average is determined by dividing the running total of the particular data point (i.e. Waiting Tasks) by the number of times that the display has been refreshed. In the case of a data point that has had a noticable maximum peak over a short amount of time, the average can be very close to zero as the number of refreshes gets very large. The decimal value of the average is rounded down in all cases. So an average of 0.499(9) or less, is rounded down to zero.


                        28-MAY-1994 13:48:36.10
Name:    SANDAPPL                                State:  STARTED
Process: ACMS01EXC003000
User: EDLOD                                      PID:  2200047C
Max Tasks: 65535                                 Max SPs:   5
Cur Tasks: 0                                     Cur SPs:   0

SERVER NAME                Min SP/Max SP  Current  Average  Minimum  Maximum

SANDSRV                         0/5
    Active Servers                              0        0        0        0
    Free Servers                                0        1        1        1
    Waiting Tasks                               0        0        0        0

This command shows the SANDAPPL application in continuous refresh mode. Because you did not name an interval, ACMS changes the screen every 30 seconds. See Chapter 9 for a description of each field in this display.

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