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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Managing Applications

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Chapter 7
7 Using Data Compression
     7.1     Overview of Data Compression
         7.1.1         Purpose of Data Compression
         7.1.2         How ACMS Uses Data Compression
         7.1.3         How Data Compression Works
     7.2     How to Use Data Compression
         7.2.1         Rules for Defining Logical Names
         7.2.2         Using Restricted and Unrestricted Modes
                Enabling Data Compression in Unrestricted Mode
                Enabling Data Compression in Restricted Mode
         7.2.3         Disabling Data Compression
         7.2.4         Enabling Logging of Data Compression
                Entries Written to the Audit Log When a New Process Is Started
                Entries Written to the Audit Log When Network Connection Is Established
         7.2.5         Disabling Logging of Network Connections
     7.3     Monitoring Data Compression
Chapter 8
8 Controlling the ACMS System
     8.1     Starting the ACMS System
         8.1.1         Starting ACMS Automatically
         8.1.2         Starting ACMS Interactively
     8.2     Stopping the ACMS System
         8.2.1         Stopping ACMS Automatically
         8.2.2         Stopping ACMS Interactively
     8.3     Displaying System Information
     8.4     Terminal Subsystem Controller
         8.4.1         Starting the TSC
         8.4.2         Stopping the TSC
     8.5     Operator Terminals
         8.5.1         Enabling Operator Terminals
         8.5.2         Disabling Operator Terminals
     8.6     Queued Task Initiator
         8.6.1         Starting the QTI
         8.6.2         Stopping the QTI
         8.6.3         Displaying QTI Information
     8.7     Task Queues
         8.7.1         Starting Task Queues
         8.7.2         Stopping Task Queues
         8.7.3         Displaying Task Queue Information
     8.8     Canceling ACMS Users
         8.8.1         Canceling Users with the ACMS/CANCEL USER Command
         8.8.2         Canceling Users with ACMSCANCEL.COM
         8.8.3         Displaying User Information
     8.9     Summary of Operator Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 9
9 Installing and Managing Applications
     9.1     Installing Applications
     9.2     Removing Applications
     9.3     Starting Applications
     9.4     Stopping Applications
     9.5     Displaying Application Information
         9.5.1         Displaying Static Information
         9.5.2         Displaying Dynamic Information
     9.6     Modifying Active Applications
         9.6.1         Modifying Application Attributes
         9.6.2         Modifying Server Attributes
         9.6.3         Modifying Task Attributes
     9.7     Replacing a Server Image
     9.8     Maintaining Application Availability
     9.9     Canceling Tasks
     9.10     Displaying Task Information
     9.11     Directing TDMS Hardcopy
Chapter 10
10 Setting ACMS Quotas, Parameters, and Privileges
     10.1     Introduction
     10.2     Calculating Parameters and Quotas with ACMSPARAM.COM
         10.2.1         Running ACMSPARAM.COM
                GENVAR Phase of ACMSPARAM.COM
                GENPAR Phase of ACMSPARAM.COM
                WRITEPAR Phase of ACMSPARAM.COM
         10.2.2         Supplying Variable Values for ACMSPARAM.COM
                Supplying Variables with ACMS$MONITOR.COM
                Editing ACMVARINI.DAT to Supply Variables to ACMSPARAM.COM
     10.3     Calculating EXC Process Quotas with ACMEXCPAR.COM
         10.3.1         Running ACMEXCPAR.COM
         10.3.2         Supplying Variable Values for ACMEXCPAR.COM
         10.3.3         Modifying Variable Values for Use by ACMEXCPAR.COM
Chapter 11
11 Changing ACMS Parameter Values with the ACMSGEN Utility
     11.1     How ACMSGEN Works
     11.2     How to Run the ACMSGEN Utility
     11.3     Types of Parameter Values
     11.4     Changing Parameter Values
         11.4.1         Changing Current Values
         11.4.2         Changing Active Values
     11.5     Using a Parameter Work File
     11.6     Displaying Parameter Values
     11.7     ACMS Parameters
         11.7.1         Types of ACMS Parameters
         11.7.2         Parameter Descriptions
         11.7.3         Parameter Values
     11.8     Summary of ACMSGEN Commands and Qualifiers
Chapter 12
12 Auditing Applications with the Audit Trail Logger
     12.1     Understanding the Audit Trail Logger
     12.2     Using the Audit Trail Log File
     12.3     Events Recorded by the Audit Trail Logger
     12.4     Running the ATR Utility
     12.5     Creating Log Reports
         12.5.1         Creating Full Log Reports
         12.5.2         Creating Brief Log Reports
     12.6     Selecting Audit Trail Records
         12.6.1         Selecting Records by Submitter and Task Identification Code
         12.6.2         Selecting Application Information
         12.6.3         Selecting Task Information
         12.6.4         Selecting User Information
         12.6.5         Creating an Audit Trail Record for the QTI Process
         12.6.6         Creating an Audit Trail Record for Application Modification
         12.6.7         Creating an Audit Trail Record for Server Process Dump
         12.6.8         Audit Trail Record for Server Replacement
         12.6.9         Creating an Audit Trail Record for Insufficient Workspace Pool
     12.7     Auditing the System
         12.7.1         Auditing on the Submitter Node
         12.7.2         Auditing on the Application Node
         12.7.3         Auditing on Remote Nodes
     12.8     System Messages from Other Products
     12.9     Summary of the ATR Commands and Qualifiers

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