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Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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Manages the subsystem configuration database.


sysconfigdb {-a | -u} [-t target] -f file subsystem-name

sysconfigdb {-m | -r} [-t target] -f file [subsystem-name]

sysconfigdb -d [-t target] subsystem-name

sysconfigdb -l [-t target] [subsystem-name,...]


The sysconfigdb utility is used to manage the subsystem configuration table (TCPIP$ETC:SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT). However, it can also be used to maintain any text file that has the same format as the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file. The file being managed by the sysconfigdb utility is called the target file. By default, the target file is the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file. To specify another file as a target file, use the -t flag.

To modify a target file, create a stanza file. This stanza file contains the name of one or more subsystems, each with a list of attributes and their values, as described in Section

When the target file is the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file, modifications you make to it are synchronized into the subsystem configuration table, but the subsystems are unchanged until the next time they are loaded.

When the target file is another file, there is no synchronization with the subsystem configuration database.


You must have system management privileges to run the sysconfigdb utility to modify the system configuration table.



Specifies a subsystem that contains the attributes you want to modify. The subsystem name and attributes are in a stanza input file.

You must specify the subsystem name when deleting ( -d ), adding ( -a ), or replacing ( -u ) a subsystem.

In other cases, when you do not specify a subsystem name, the operation is attempted for all the subsystems and attributes specified in the input file.



Adds the specified subsystem entry to the target file.


Deletes the specified subsystem entry from the target file.

-f file

Specifies the input file, a stanza file that contains entries for one or more subsystems. The default target file is the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file. Specify another target file by using the -t target flag.


Lists the specified subsystem entries in the target file. If you do not specify a subsystem name, all subsystem entries in the target file are listed. The SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file is the default target file.


Merges subsystem attributes specified in the input file with the subsystem attributes in the target file. If you do not specify a subsystem name, all subsystem entries in the input file are merged. The SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file is the default target file.


Removes the subsystem entries specified in the input file from the target file. The only entries removed are those that have attribute names and values that exactly match those in the input file. If you do not specify the subsystem name, all subsystem entries in the input file with attributes that match are removed from the target file. The SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file is the default target database file.

-t file

Specifies the target file for the operation. If you do not specify this flag, the default target file is the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file.


Replaces a subsystem entry in the target file with the subsystem entry specified in the input file.


The following examples show how use the sysconfigdb utility.

TCPIP> sysconfigdb -u -f table_mgr.stanza table_mgr_1 

This command replaces the table_mgr_1 entry in the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file with the information in the TABLE_MGR.STANZA file for the table_mgr_1 subsystem. The command updates the in-memory copy of the subsystem configuration database to match the modified SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file.


TCPIP> sysconfigdb -m -f table_mgr.stanza tbl_mgr_2 

This command merges the tbl_mgr_2 information from the table_mgr.stanza file with the information already in the tbl_mgr_2 entry in the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file. The command updates the in-memory copy of the subsystem configuration database to match the modified SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file.


TCPIP> sysconfigdb -l table_mgr_1 
              size = 10 
              name = Ten-Element-Table 

This command lists the entry for the subsystem table_mgr_1 . This command does not update the in-memory copy of the subsystem configuration database.


TCPIP> sysconfigdb -d table_mgr_1 

This command deletes the table_mgr_1 entry from the SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file and updates the in-memory copy of the subsystem configuration database to match the modified SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file.

1.7 Online Help for Error Messages

This release of TCP/IP Services provides additional online Help for error messages. You can now access Help for messages issued during product and service operations, such as component startup and shutdown.

For information about setting up and using the TCP/IP Services HELP message database, see Section 2.8.

1.8 LPD Server Cluster Support

This release of TCP/IP Services features enhancements to the LPD server to improve network printing in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. This section describes the appropriate changes to management procedures.

1.8.1 Implementing Clusterwide Print Queues

To implement clusterwide print queues, set up the following generic print queues and execution queues:

  • Incoming print queues
    The TCPIP$LPD_QUEUE execution queue is replaced by the new TCPIP$LPD_IN generic queue and one or more execution queues for each node in the cluster. You can specify the number of execution queues per node using the Inbound-Queues-Per-Node configuration option, as described in Section 1.8.4. By default, on execution queue is automatically created for each node in the cluster.
    When the LPD server starts, the appropriate number of execution queues are automatically created and named TCPIP$LPD_IN_nodename_nn, where nodename is the cluster node's SCS name, and nn is the number of the execution queue within the set of execution queues on that node. The TCPIP$LPD_IN generic queue refers to the execution queues by number (that is, all the first execution queues on all the nodes, followed the second, and so forth), thus achieving load balancing across all the nodes in the cluster.
  • Utility print queues
    LPD utility queues are outbound execution queues for printers on remote LPD hosts. The generic queue TCPIP$LPD_OUT can point to one or more outbound execution queues for each node in the OpenVMS Cluster, named TCPIP$LPD_OUT_nodename_nn, where nodename is the SCS node name of the cluster node, and nn is the number of the queue on that node.
    By default, outbound execution queues are not created automatically when TCP/IP Services starts up. You must specify the creation of outbound execution queues, using the Utility-Queues-Per-Node configuration option, as described in Table 1-2.
    As with the inbound execution queues, the TCPIP$LPD_OUT generic queue points to the execution queues by number, thus achieving load balancing.
    The printcap attributes of the utility queues are defined by default as follows:


    Entries in the printcap file are required only if you want to change one of these default settings.

1.8.2 Using Clusterwide Print Queues

Print jobs are queued to the TCPIP$LPD_OUT print queue. To specify the printer on the PRINT command line, include the following qualifiers.

  • /PARAMETER=(HOST=hostname), where hostname is the name of the remote LPD host
  • /PARAMETER=(PRINTER=printername), where printername is the name of the printer on the remote LPD host.

For example, to print your LOGIN.COM file on the printer named XYZPRINT on the host LPDSVR.XYZ.ORG, enter the following command:


You might want to associate DCL symbols with the destination printers, creating command names that are easy to remember. The new command names can be made available systemwide by including them in the system SYLOGIN.COM file.

The printer specified in the preceding example can be defined with the following command:


If the logical name is defined systemwide, the XYZPRINT command always prints to the specified printer on the specified host.

1.8.3 Defining the LPD Spooler Directory

The TCPIP$LPD_SPOOL logical name is replaced by the TCPIP$LPD_ROOT logical name. The new logical name defines the LPD root directory; if not specified, the logical name points by default to the same directory as the old TCPIP$LPD_SPOOL logical name, SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$LPD]. You can redefine the LPD root directory by defining TCPIP$LPD_ROOT, as follows:


The printcap file need not be changed when you define the LPD root directory. The root directory is defined in the printcap file using the following entry:


Inbound execution queues do not have printcap entries; rather, they take on the characteristics of the local queues to which they submit print jobs.

1.8.4 Configuring the LPD Server

The logical names used to modify LPD configuration information are generally replaced by entries in the TCPIP$LPD.CONF file, a text file that you can modify with any text editor.

Table 1-2 describes the TCPIP$LPD.CONF options.

Table 1-2 LPD Configuration Options and Descriptions
Configuration Option Description
1st-VFC-Prefix-Special Specifies not to insert an extra line feed character at the beginning of print files.
Droptime Indicates how long after repeated timeouts a connection should be maintained before closing the connection. The value is specified in seconds.

The Drop timer is in effect only after the link has been established, and it takes effect only if the Keepalive configuration option is set. The default value for the Drop timer is 300 seconds.

Idle-Timeout Specifies the length of time for the LPD server to wait for an incoming LPD connection, in OpenVMS delta time format. The default is 5 minutes. This behavior requires that the Persistent-Server option be specified.
Inbound-Queues-Per-Node Specifies the number of inbound execution queues to create for each cluster node when the LPD server starts. The default is 1.
Keepalive Specifies the number of seconds to wait before checking the other end of a link that appears to be idle. The Keepalive timer detects when a remote host has failed or has been brought down, or when the logical connection has been broken.
Loop-Max Specifies the maximum number of times the LPD server should retry a connection. The default is no maximum (the same as setting this option to 0). This behavior requires that the Persistent-Server option be specified.
Persistent-Server Enables the persistence of the LPD server. This behavior is disabled by default.
Probetime Specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out the connection.

The value of the Probetime option must always be less than or equal to the value of the Droptime option. The default value for the Probetime option is 75 seconds.

The Probe timer controls:

  • When establishing an initial connection, the number of seconds TCP/IP Services will wait for a response before a timeout occurs. The time is active regardless of whether the Keepalive configuration option is set.
  • The length of time (in seconds) allowed to pass before TCP/IP Services che