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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
Displays a list of LAN devices and characteristics on the system. FormatSHOW CONFIGURATION ParametersNone. Qualifiers
Displays information in the volatile device database. If the LANACP process is not running, displays a list of current LAN devices. FormatSHOW DEVICE device-name Parameter
#1 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/COUNTERS EXA0 Device Counters EXA0: Value Counter ----- ------- 259225 Seconds since last zeroed 5890496 Data blocks received 4801439 Multicast blocks received 131074 Receive failure 764348985 Bytes received 543019961 Multicast bytes received 3 Data overrun 1533610 Data blocks sent 115568 Multicast packets transmitted 122578 Blocks sent, multiple collisions 86000 Blocks sent, single collision 189039 Blocks sent, initially deferred 198120720 Bytes sent 13232578 Multicast bytes transmitted 7274529 Send failure 0 Collision detect check failure 0 Unrecognized frame destination 0 System buffer unavailable 0 User buffer unavailable |
This command displays counters for Ethernet device EXA0.
#2 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/MAP ICA0 Multicast to Functional Address Mapping ICA0: Multicast address Functional Address Bit-Reversed ----------------- ------------------ ------------ 09-00-2B-00-00-04 03-00-00-00-02-00 C0:00:00:00:40:00 09-00-2B-00-00-05 03-00-00-00-01-00 C0:00:00:00:80:00 CF-00-00-00-00-00 03-00-00-08-00-00 C0:00:00:10:00:00 AB-00-00-01-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 C0:00:40:00:00:00 AB-00-00-02-00-00 03-00-04-00-00-00 C0:00:20:00:00:00 AB-00-00-03-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 C0:00:10:00:00:00 09-00-2B-02-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 C0:00:10:00:00:00 09-00-2B-02-01-0A 03-00-08-00-00-00 C0:00:10:00:00:00 AB-00-00-04-00-00 03-00-10-00-00-00 C0:00:08:00:00:00 09-00-2B-02-01-0B 03-00-10-00-00-00 C0:00:08:00:00:00 09-00-2B-00-00-07 03-00-20-00-00-00 C0:00:04:00:00:00 09-00-2B-00-00-0F 03-00-40-00-00-00 C0:00:02:00:00:00 09-00-2B-02-01-04 03-00-80-00-00-00 C0:00:01:00:00:00 09-00-2B-02-01-07 03-00-00-02-00-00 C0:00:00:40:00:00 09-00-2B-04-00-00 03-00-00-04-00-00 C0:00:00:20:00:00 09-00-2B-02-01-00 03-00-00-00-08-00 C0:00:00:00:10:00 09-00-2B-02-01-01 03-00-00-00-10-00 C0:00:00:00:08:00 09-00-2B-02-01-02 03-00-00-00-20-00 C0:00:00:00:04:00 03-00-00-00-00-01 03-00-00-00-00-01 C0:00:00:00:00:80 03-00-02-00-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 C0:00:40:00:00:00 |
This command displays mapping information for Token Ring device ICA0.
#3 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/MOPDLL Device Listing, volatile database: --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics --- Device State Access Mode Clients Data Size ------ ----- ----------- ------- --------- EXA0 Enabled Exclusive KnownClientsOnly 1400 bytes FXA0 Disabled NoExclusive NoKnownClientsOnly 246 bytes |
This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN volatile device database for all known devices.
#4 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/MOPDLL EXA0 Device Listing, volatile database: --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics --- Device State Access Mode Clients Data Size ------ ----- ----------- ------- --------- EXA0 Enabled Exclusive KnownClientsOnly 1400 bytes |
This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN volatile device database for device EXA0.
#5 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/PARAMETERS IRA0 Device Parameters IRA0: Value Parameter ----- --------- Normal Controller mode External Internal loopback mode 00-00-93-58-5D-32 Hardware LAN address Token Ring Communication medium Enabled Functional address mode No Full duplex enable No Full duplex operational 16 Line speed (megabits/second) 16 Mbps Ring speed STP Line media Enabled Early token release Disabled Monitor contender 200 SR cache entries 2 SR discovery timer 60 SR Aging Timer Enabled Source routing 3 Authorized access priority AA-00-04-00-92-FF Upstream neighbor 0 Ring number |
This command displays status and parameters information for Token ring device IRA0.
#6 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/REVISION FXA0 Device revision FXA0: 05140823 |
This command displays revision information for FDDI device FXA0.
#7 |
LANCP> SHOW DEVICE/SR_ENTRY ICA0 Source Routing Cache Table ICA0: LAN address State XmtTmo RcvTmo StaleTmo DiscvTmo ----------------- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- AA-00-04-00-92-FF LOCAL 00000028 00000028 00000245 00000000 |
This command displays source routing entry information for Token Ring device ICA0.
Displays the current state of MOP downline load services for the system, including devices for which MOP loading is enabled and counters information.
Creates the specified file and directs output to it.
LANCP>SHOW DLL LAN DLL Status: EXA enabled in exclusive mode for known nodes only, data size 1482 bytes FXA disabled #Loads Packets Bytes Last load time Last loaded ------ ------- ----- -------------------- ------------ EXA 5 1675 4400620 22-SEP-2002 10:27.51 GALAXY FXA 0 0 0 |
On this node, there are two LAN devices, EXA (DEMNA) and FXA (DEMFA). MOP downline load service is enabled on EXA in exclusive mode.
Requests are answered only for nodes that are defined in the LANACP node database. The image data size in the load messages is 1482 bytes. There have been five downline loads, the last one occurring on node GALAXY at 10:27. Finally, there are no recorded downline loads for FXA, which is currently disabled for downline load service.
Displays recent downline load activity (the last 2048 bytes of log data written to the log file SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG).
Creates the specified file and directs output to it.
LANCP> SHOW LOG SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG latest contents: 17-MAR-2001 07:29:51.71 Volunteered to load request on EXA0 from HELENA Requested file: LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS1A.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]NISCS_LOAD.EXE 17-MAR-2001 07:29:53.00 Load succeeded for HELENA on EXA0 MOP V3 format, System image, LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS1A.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]NISCS_LOAD.EXE Packets: 84 sent, 84 received Bytes: 121492 sent, 168 received, 120988 loaded Elapsed time: 00:00:01.09, 110998 bytes/second 17-MAR-2001 07:29:53.60 Could not respond to load request on EXA0 from AJAX, file not found Requested file: LAN$DLL:READ_ADDR.SYS 17-MAR-2001 07:29:54.46 Could not respond to load request on EXA0 from AJAX, file not found Requested file: LAN$DLL:READ_ADDR.SYS 17-MAR-2001 07:29:57.36 Volunteered to load request on EXA0 from HELENA Requested file: LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS1A.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]NISCS_LOAD.EXE 17-MAR-2001 07:29:58.49 Volunteered to load request on EXA0 from AJAX Requested file: LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS10.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]NISCS_LOAD.EXE 17-MAR-2001 07:29:59.49 Load succeeded for HELENA on EXA0 MOP V3 format, System image, LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS1A.>[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]NISCS_LOAD.EXE Packets: 84 sent, 84 received Bytes: 121492 sent, 168 received, 120988 loaded Elapsed time: 00:00:01.73, 69935 bytes/second 17-MAR-2001 07:30:03.66 Volunteered to load request on EXA0 from AJAX Requested file: LAN$DLL:ONE.SYS 17-MAR-2001 07:30:04.05 Load succeeded for AJAX on EXA0 MOP V3 format, System image, LAN$DLL:ONE.SYS Packets: 9 sent, 9 received Bytes: 11354 sent, 18 received, 11300 loaded Elapsed time: 00:00:00.04, 282500 bytes/second 17-MAR-2001 Requested file: LAN$DLL:ONE.SYS 17-MAR-2001 07:30:05.18 Load succeeded for AJAX on EXA0 MOP V3 format, System image, LAN$DLL:ONE.SYS Packets: 9 sent, 9 received Bytes: 11354 sent, 18 received, 11300 loaded Elapsed time: 00:00:00.04, 282500 bytes/second |
This command displays the last 2048 bytes of log data written to the log file SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG.
Displays information in the LAN volatile node database.
SHOW NODE node-name
Specifies the name of a node in the LAN volatile node database. The name can include up to 63 characters associated with the node address. If you do not specify a node name, all nodes are displayed.
Displays information for all nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A./OUTPUT=file-name
Creates the specified file and directs output to that file. If the file extension is .com, the output is in the form of a list of DEFINE NODE or SET NODE commands. The resulting command file can be used to create the LAN node databases./TOTAL
Display counter totals only, for the nodes selected.
#1 |
LANCP> SHOW NODE Node Listing: GALAXY (08-00-2B-2C-51-28): MOP DLL: Load file: APB.EXE Load root: $64$DIA24:<SYS11.> Boot type: Alpha satellite ZAPNOT (08-00-2B-18-7E-33): MOP DLL: Load file: NISCS_LOAD.EXE Load root: LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS10.> Boot type: VAX satellite CALPAL (08-00-2B-08-9F-4C): MOP DLL: Load file: READ_ADDR.SYS Last file: LAN$DLL:APB_X5WN.SYS Boot type: Other 2 loads requested, 1 volunteered 1 succeeded, 0 failed Last request was for a system image, in MOP V4 format Last load initiated 12-JUN-2002 09:11:17 on EXA0 for 00:00:06.65 527665 bytes, 4161 packets, 0 transmit failures Unnamed (00-00-00-00-00-00): Totals: Requests received 2 Requests volunteered 1 Successful loads 1 Failed loads 0 Packets sent 2080 Packets received 2081 Bytes sent 523481 Bytes received 4184 Last load CALPAL at 12-JUN-2002 09:11:17.29 |
This example shows output from a command issued on a local node on which there are three nodes defined (GALAXY, ZAPNOT, and CALPAL). CALPAL has issued two load requests:
- The first request is the multicast request from CALPAL that the local node volunteered to accept.
- The second request is the load request sent directly to the local node by CALPAL for the actual load data. The elapsed time from the second load request to completion of the load was 6.65 seconds.
#2 |
Displays node characteristics and counters information from the LAN volatile node database for node VAXSYS.
#3 |
Displays node characteristics and counters information from the LAN volatile node database for all nodes whose name begins with VAX.
#4 |
Displays node characteristics and counters information from the LAN volatile node database for all nodes.
#5 |
Writes a list of all nodes to the file TMP.INI.
Creates a subprocess of the current process. The SPAWN command copies the context of the subprocess from the current process.
SPAWN [command-string]
A string of commands to be executed in the context of the created subprocess. After the command string is executed, control returns to LANCP.
In this example, you enter the node information for a node, but are unsure of the root, so you spawn to search MODPARAMS.DAT for the node name and then correct the root.
Issues a request to reboot to a remote node.Rather than specify the format to send MOP Version 3 or 4, the LANCP utility sends one message in each format to the target node.
TRIGGER NODE node-specification
Supplies either the node name or the node address of the target node. If you supply the node name, the node address is obtained by looking up the node name in the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node address, the corresponding node need not be defined in the LAN volatile node database. The canonical form of the address consists of 6 hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens. Use a colon as the separator character to indicate the bit-reversed form of the address.
Specifies the LAN controller device name to be used for sending the trigger boot messages. For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0 or EXA0:./PASSWORD=16hexdigits
Supplies the password to be used when the connection is initiated, in hexadecimal (for example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF). The default password is zero. You can omit leading zeros.
#1 |
This command sends MOP trigger boot messages to node GALAXY using Ethernet device EWA0.
#2 |
LANCP> TRIGGER NODE 08-00-2B-11-22-33/DEVICE=EWA0/PASSWORD=0123456789AB |
This command sends MOP trigger boot messages to the given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0, with indicated password.
14.1 LATCP Description
The LAT Control Program (LATCP) utility is used to configure and
control the LAT software on OpenVMS systems. You can use LATCP to:
LATCP allows you to control the LAT software on a node and to obtain information from it. For example, you can use LATCP to create services on the local node, to associate a port on the local node with a service or device on a remote terminal server, and to display information about services offered on the local node or on other nodes in the network.
When you use LATCP commands to change LAT characteristics (such as creating a service and associating a port with a service), the changes take effect immediately. However, when the LAT port driver stops, these characteristics are lost. If you want these characteristics to be present the next time you start the LAT port driver, edit LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM by modifying or adding commands to set these characteristics. Then, invoke LAT$STARTUP.COM to start the LAT port driver. (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information.)
To invoke LATCP, enter RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LATCP at the DCL command prompt. At the LATCP> prompt, you can enter the LATCP commands described in the following section.To exit from LATCP, enter the EXIT command at the LATCP> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.
You can also execute a single LATCP command by using a DCL string assignment statement, as shown in the following example:
$ LCP :== $LATCP $ LCP SET NODE/STATE=ONLATCP executes the SET NODE command and returns control to DCL.
The following table summarizes the LATCP commands:
Command | Function |
ATTACH | Transfers control from your current process to the specified process. |
CREATE LINK | Creates LAT data links. |
CREATE PORT | Creates a logical port on the local node. |
CREATE SERVICE | Creates a service on a service node. |
DEFINE/KEY | Assigns a command string to a function key on your keypad. |
DELETE LINK | Deletes a LAT data link from a node. |
DELETE PORT | Deletes an application port or dedicated port. |
DELETE QUEUE_ENTRY | Deletes an incoming queued request from the local node. |
DELETE SERVICE | Deletes a service on a service node. |
EXIT | Returns the user to DCL command level. |
HELP | Displays help text for LATCP commands. |
RECALL | Recalls LATCP commands that you entered previously so that you can execute them again. |
REFRESH | Refreshes your display screen, for example, after your display has been overwritten by output from some other source. |
SCROLL | Allows you to retrieve information that has scrolled off the screen. |
SET LINK | Modifies characteristics of LAT data links. |
SET NODE | Specifies LAT characteristics for a node. |
SET PORT | Maps a logical port on a node to either a remote device on a terminal server or a special application service on a remote LAT service node. |
SET SERVICE | Changes service characteristics. |
SHOW LINK | Displays the characteristics of links on your node. |
SHOW NODE | Displays the characteristics of nodes. |
SHOW PORT | Displays port characteristics. |
SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY | Displays information about requests, or entries, queued on the local node. |
SHOW SERVICE | Displays characteristics of LAT services known to your node. |
SPAWN | Creates a subprocess. |
ZERO COUNTERS | Resets the node counters, service counters, and link counters maintained by your node. |
Transfers control from your current process to the specified process. The LATCP command ATTACH is similar to the DCL command ATTACH. For example, from the DCL command level you can enter the DCL command SPAWN to create a LATCP subprocess without ending your DCL session, execute several LATCP commands at the LATCP prompt, then use the ATTACH command to return to DCL.
ATTACH [process-name]
Specifies the name of a parent process or spawned subprocess to which control passes. The process must already exist, be part of your current job, and share the same input stream as your current process.Process names can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters. If a connection to the specified process cannot be made, LATCP displays an error message.
If you specify the /PID qualifier, do not use the process name parameter. If you omit the /PID qualifier, you must use the process name parameter.
To display processes, use the DCL command SHOW SYSTEM.
Specifies the process identifier (PID) of the process that will have terminal control. When you specify a PID, you can omit the leading zeros. If you specify a PID, do not use the process name parameter. If you omit the /PID qualifier, you must use the process-name parameter.
The ATTACH command allows you to connect your input stream to another process. You can use ATTACH to change control from one process to another. For example, you can use ATTACH to change control from LATCP to the DCL command level (see the following example). While you are at the DCL command level, LATCP remains in a hibernation state until you use ATTACH to return to it.You cannot use this command if you are logged in to a captive account. (A captive account is an account set up to restrict user access to the system. You cannot access the DCL command level from a captive account.) You cannot specify both a process name and the /PID qualifier.
In this example, the user enters the DCL command SPAWN to create a LATCP subprocess and uses LATCP to display the status of all nodes known to the local node. After using LATCP, the user enters the ATTACH command to return to the DCL command level.
Creates the LAT data links, which are connections to LAN devices, such as Ethernet or FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) controllers, that you want your node to use. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
CREATE LINK link-name
Specifies a name for a LAT data link. A link name can have up to 16 ASCII characters. The characters allowed are as follows:
- Alphanumeric characters: A--Z, a--z, 0--9
- A subset of the international character set: ASCII codes 192--253
- Punctuation characters: dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), period (.), and underscore (_)
You can create a maximum of eight links on your local node. Use the SHOW LINK command for a list of the link names that are defined for your node.
/DECNET (default)
Directs LAT protocol to use the DECnet data link address (/DECNET) or the hardware address (/NODECNET) when starting the LAN controller. If you do not specify the /DECNET or /NODECNET qualifier, the default is that the LAT protocol will use the DECnet data link address.Note that if you enter the CREATE LINK command with the /DECNET qualifier and receive an error message indicating a "bad parameter value," it means the SCSSYSTEMID system parameter is set to an illegal value. To change the value of this parameter, use the following formula:
(1024 * a) + nIn the formula, a is the DECnet area and n is the DECnet computer number. If the value is outside the range of 1025 to 65535, the LAT protocol cannot start.
When you use the /NODECNET qualifier, the LAN device driver code determines which address to use. For example:
- If SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0 but DECnet is already running on an Ethernet controller, the LAN device code allows LAT to use the same address as DECnet (AA-00-04-00-xx-xx).
- If SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0 and DECnet is not running, the 08-00-2B-xx-xx-xx address is used (a different address format is used if your LAN controller is supplied by a vendor other than HP).
- If the setting for SCSSYSTEMID is the same as the DECnet node number and DECnet is not running, the LAN device code forces LAT to use the AA-00-04-00-xx-xx address.
If DECnet is configured on the system (or if the system is part of a cluster), SCSSYSTEMID may contain a nonzero value. This is a problem only when the system has 2 or more LAN controllers connected to the same logical LAN.
For example, if your system has an FDDI controller and an Ethernet controller, your site may be configured so that the FDDI ring attached to the FDDI controller and the Ethernet segment attached to the Ethernet controller are bridged by a 10/100 LAN bridge (FDDI-to-Ethernet). In this configuration, it is impossible to run LAT over both controllers.
In such a configuration, you must run LAT and DECnet over the same controller if SCSSYSTEMID is not 0. If you fail to do so, DECnet starts first, which in turn causes the LAT startup on the other controller to fail. This failure occurs because LAT startup tries to use the AA-00-04-00-xx-xx address (the DECnet LAN address) but is prevented from doing so by the data link layer. The LAT startup fails because DECnet is already using this address on a different controller. (In a single logical LAN, all data link addresses must be unique. In this setup, both controllers try to use the same address, which is then not unique.)
The following command (which creates the LAT link) also fails because the LAN driver tries to use the address based on SCSSYSTEMID:
LATCP> CREATE LINK LAT$LINK_2 /NODECNETIf SCSSYSTEMID is set to 0, configuring LAT and DECnet on different controllers is possible. However, in a cluster environment, SCSSYSTEMID cannot be set to 0.
Specifies the LAN controller device name for a LAT data link (for example, XEB0:). Only one LAT data link can be associated with a LAN controller. If you enter the CREATE LINK command without the /DEVICE qualifier, LATCP attempts to find an available controller by using a list of possible LAT data link device names. HP recommends that you specify a default device name by defining the LAT$DEVICE logical name./LOG
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the link was created. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./STATE=option
Specifies whether the link will be available for use. STATE can have two options:
ON Specifies that the created link will be available for use with the LAT protocol running. OFF Specifies that the created link will not be available for use. If you do not specify the /STATE=option qualifier, the default is that the created link will be available for use (ON).
The CREATE LINK command creates a link, or connection, for an OpenVMS node and a local area network (LAN) device (for example, an Ethernet or FDDI controller) and assigns a name to that link. An OpenVMS node can have eight LAN links. Each link must operate on a separate LAN controller and have its own LAN hardware.If you do not explicitly create a link with this command before entering the SET NODE/STATE=ON command, LATCP automatically creates a link for you. LATCP names the link LAT$LINK and assigns it to the first available LAN controller or LAT$DEVICE, if defined. To establish additional links, use the CREATE LINK command.
Whenever you create a link, specify the LAN controller device name.
Use the SET LINK command to modify link characteristics.
This command creates an Ethernet link named NETWORK_A. It specifies the Ethernet controller device XEB0 for that link. The link will be available for use.
Creates a logical port on your local node that connects with a remote device on a terminal server. Alternatively, this command creates a logical port on your local node that connects with a specific service. The service can be offered by a terminal server or associated with one or more dedicated ports on a remote LAT service node.You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
CREATE PORT [port-name]
Specifies the port name in the form LTAn:, where n is a unique number from 1 to 9999. If the port you specify already exists, LATCP returns the following error message:
%LAT-W-CMDERROR, error reported by command executor -SYSTEM-F-DUPLNAM, duplicate nameIf you do not specify the port name, you must specify the /LOGICAL qualifier.
Specifies that a logical port on your node is an application port. It can be used to connect to a remote device (typically a printer) on a terminal server or to a dedicated port on another LAT service node.If you do not specify a port type, the default port type is APPLICATION.
Specifies that a logical port on your local node is dedicated to an application service. When users on a terminal server (or on another node that supports outgoing connections) request a connection to this service name, they are connected to the dedicated port. Refer to the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual for a description of programming an application service.After creating a dedicated port on a node, use the SET PORT /SERVICE command to map this port to a service.
Specifies that a logical port on your local node is limited to a service in the same way a port created using the /DEDICATED qualifier is dedicated to an application service. The difference is that ports created using the /LIMITED qualifier are under the control of the system login image (LOGINOUT.EXE) instead of an application program (a user who connects to a limited service and is assigned to a limited port receives the Username: prompt).Using the /LIMITED qualifier, you can create a limited number of ports and map them to a specific service offered by the host system. If users are logged in to all of the limited ports for the service, no more connections are allowed to that service (terminal server users receive a "service in use" message).
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the port was created. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./LOGICAL=(NAME=logical-name[,TABLE=table][,MODE=mode])
Specifies a logical name to be associated with the actual name of the created port. You must specify a logical name if you do not specify a port name.
If you have sufficient privileges to create a port, but lack the privilege to assign a logical name, the port will still be created.You can specify one of the following options for the TABLE keyword:
GROUP Places the logical name in the group logical name table. You must have GRPNAM or SYSPRV privilege to place the logical name in the group logical name table. JOB Places the logical name in the jobwide logical name table. PROCESS Places the logical name in the process logical name table. This is the default. SYSTEM Places the logical name in the system logical name table. You must have SYSNAM or SYSPRV privilege to place a name in the system logical name table. You can also specify the name of a specific table. For example, you could specify LNM$PROCESS, which would be the equivalent of specifying PROCESS.
Options for the MODE keyword are:
EXECUTIVE Creates an executive mode logical name. You must have SYSNAM privilege to create an executive mode logical name. SUPERVISOR Creates a supervisor mode logical name. USER Creates a user mode logical name. The access mode associated with the logical name is determined by maximizing the access mode of the caller with the access mode specified by the MODE keyword: the mode with the lower privilege is used.
You cannot specify an access mode with a privilege higher than that of the table containing the logical name. However, if your process has SYSNAM privilege, then the specified access mode is associated with the logical name regardless of the access mode of the caller.
If you omit the MODE keyword, the access mode of the caller is associated with the logical name.
The CREATE PORT command creates a logical LAT port for your local node. You can set up the port as an application port that is later mapped to a remote printer (or other device) on a server, or you can set up the port to be mapped to a dedicated port on a remote LAT service node. See Example 1.Alternatively, you can set up the port as a dedicated port for a special service on a LAT service node. See Example 2.
You can also create the port as a limited port, using the /LIMITED qualifier.
After creating a port, use the SET PORT command to associate (map) the port with a queue or a service. (See the discussion that follows Example 1.) Ordinarily, you create and set ports in the LAT site-specific startup procedure, LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more details.
When using the CREATE PORT command to create an application port (for example, CREATE PORT LTA5001: /APPLICATION), you might receive an error message similar to the following one:
%LAT-W-CMDERROR, error reported by command executor -SYSTEM-F-DUPLNAM, duplicate nameThis error occurs because the LAT application port that you are trying to create has already been created by some other application. That other application could be LATCP itself because LATCP's port, LATCP$MGMT_PORT, is used to communicate with LTDRIVER.
You can avoid creating duplicate ports in two ways:
- Use the SET NODE/DEVICE_SEED command to move the lower boundary of the device unit number range beyond the LTA devices that you are intending to use as application ports. (By default, LTA device units that originate from the $ASSIGN system service to LTA0: have unit numbers that fall within a range from 1 through 9999.) For example, if you know that all LTA devices from LTA7000: onward are not used as application ports, you could enter the following commands:
For more information, see the description of the /DEVICE_SEED qualifier in the SET NODE reference section.
LATCP> SET NODE/DEVICE_SEED=7000 LATCP> CREATE PORT LTA5001:/APPLICATION . . . LATCP> CREATE PORT LTA5010:/APPLICATION- Execute the LATCP command SET NODE/STATE=ON (either interactively or in a program) before any LTA application or dedicated ports are created. Because every LATCP management port (LATCP$MGMT_PORT) created by the previous LATCP invocation is deleted, no conflict exists with LAT application ports or newly created dedicated ports.
For more information, see the description of the /STATE qualifier in the SET NODE reference section.
#1 |
This command creates an application port named LTA22: on a service node. You can associate the port with a specific printer on a terminal server (use the SET PORT /NODE /PORT command) or with a set of printers on a terminal server (use the SET PORT /NODE /SERVICE command). Or, you can associate the port with a dedicated port on a remote service node. In this case, use the SET PORT /NODE /SERVICE command, where the /SERVICE qualifier specifies an application service associated with a dedicated port on the remote node. See the examples for the SET PORT command.
#2 |
This command creates the LTA21: port. It will be used as a dedicated port that offers a specific service rather than a general timesharing service.
#3 |
This command creates an application port. It assigns the name of the new port to the specified logical name (MAIL_PORT). The logical is created as a supervisor mode logical name in the LNM$PROCESS_TABLE logical name table. LATCP displays a confirmation message.
#4 |
This series of commands creates a limited service that allows only one user to log in to the system through that service. When a user connects to service ONLY_ONE by responding to the terminal server prompt (Local>), the user is assigned port LTA1234 and then prompted for the user name. Any user who attempts to connect to the same service while LTA1234 has a user logged in receives the "service in use" message.
Creates a service on a service node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
CREATE SERVICE [service-name]
Specifies a LAT service name. By default, a service name is the name of the local node you defined with the SET NODE command.The service name can be from 1 to 16 ASCII characters in length. The characters allowed are as follows:
- Alphanumeric characters: A--Z, a--z, 0--9
- A subset of the international character set: ASCII codes 192--253
- Punctuation characters: dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), period (.), and underscore (_)
Specifies that the created service is an application service. An application service offers a specific application on the service node rather than a general interactive service. You can define a dedicated port for the service by using the CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands./IDENTIFICATION[="identification-string"]
Describes and identifies a service. Service nodes include the identification string in service announcements. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command. Entering the LATCP SHOW NODE command or the DECserver SHOW NODE command generates a display that includes this identification string. By default, the identification string is a translation of SYS$ANNOUNCE.You cannot specify more than 64 ASCII characters in an identification string (a SYS$ANNOUNCE longer than that will be truncated to the first 64 characters). Enclose the string in quotation marks ("").
Specifies that the service is a limited service, using devices assigned the limited characteristic and associated with (mapped to) this limited service. This qualifier is used in conjunction with the SET PORT /LIMITED command./LOG
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the service was created. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./STATIC_RATING=rating
Enables or disables dynamic service ratings. A dynamic service rating means that a LAT algorithm calculates the availability of a service dynamically, based on the overall level of activity of the node that offers the service and the amount of memory. When a terminal server or node requests a connection to a service that is offered on two or more service nodes, the requesting node selects the service node with the highest (most favorable) service rating. This selection process is called load balancing.The dynamic service rating, which is the default, is usually adequate for efficient load balancing on the LAT network. However, when necessary, you can use the /STATIC_RATING qualifier to disable dynamic service ratings so that you can specify a static (fixed) rating. That static rating value does not change until the dynamic service rating is reenabled.
Use the static rating to direct users away from or toward your node temporarily. Static ratings range from 0 to 255. Specify a low value to make the local service node less likely to be used; specify a high value to make the local service node more likely to be used.
If you do not specify either the /STATIC_RATING or /NOSTATIC_RATING qualifier, the default is that the LAT software uses the dynamic service rating.
Limited and application services do not rely exclusively on the dynamically calculated service rating. Instead, they use a portion of the dynamic rating based on how many ports are available for the service. For example, if a limited service has 50 percent of its ports available, the dynamic service rating will be scaled, halved, and then added to 105. When ports are available, the rating will always be above the value 105.
When all ports for a limited or application service are in use, the rating will be based on the scaled dynamic rating and the number of free queue slots on the local node. The rating will always be less than 90.
This rating procedure for limited and application services follows the terminal server rating algorithm for services and available ports that the service offers, while at the same time taking into account the availability of the node (which is the factor used to calculate the dynamic rating).
If your system is licensed for a specific number of units (where only a fixed number of users can log in to the system regardless of how the login limit is set), then all dynamic ratings become 0 when all OpenVMS license units have been consumed. (This forces all node service ratings to the lowest possible value when logins are not possible because all OpenVMS license units have been consumed.)
Note as well that the LAT software transmits a service announcement message when a user logs in to or out of the system. This allows the system to more quickly provide information about service rating changes that result from a login or logout operation.
The CREATE SERVICE command creates a service that a service node offers to terminal servers (and nodes that support outgoing connections) on the LAT network. The service can be a general timesharing service that offers all the resources of the service node, or it can be an application service that offers a specific application on the service node. The number of services that you can create with the CREATE SERVICE command depends on the availability and capability of specific resources.The following table lists the maximum number of services your node can offer and still be recognized by the DECserver terminal server, depending on the model number:
DECserver Terminal Server Maximum Number of Services
Offered by NodeModel 100 8 Model 200 64 Model 300 64 Model 90TL 64 Model 700 64 Model 500 127
If you create more than the maximum number of services supported by a specific DECserver model, that server will not recognize your node.To create an application service, use the /APPLICATION qualifier. In addition, define a dedicated port by using the CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands. Most often, a system manager creates services in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM, the site-specific LAT configuration procedure. (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for further information about creating an application service. The HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual shows how to program an application service.)
Several service nodes can share one service name. A shared service name is especially useful in a cluster environment because it allows the cluster to be known by a single cluster name. When a user logs in, the terminal server connects to the least busy node offering that service.
You can modify the service characteristics with the SET SERVICE command.
#1 |
This command creates the service SALES on a service node. This command assigns a static rating of 195 so terminal servers (and nodes that support outgoing connections) can assess the availability of services on the node.
#2 |
This command creates the service GRAPHICS on the local node. Use the CREATE PORT/DEDICATED and SET PORT/SERVICE=GRAPHICS commands to create a port that is dedicated to this service.
#3 |
This series of commands creates a limited service that allows only one user to log in to the system through that service. When a user connects to service ONLY_ONE by responding to the terminal server prompt (Local>), the user is assigned port LTA1234 and then prompted for the user name. Any user who attempts to connect to the same service while LTA1234 has a user logged in receives the "service in use" message.
Assigns a command string to a function key. For example, you can assign the LATCP command SHOW NODE to a function key.
DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-string
Specifies the name of the function key that you want to define. Valid key names are as follows:
Key Name LK201/LK401 Keyboards VT100-Type VT52-Type PF1 PF1 PF1 Blue PF2 PF2 PF2 Red PF3 PF3 PF3 Black PF4 PF4 PF4 KP0-KP9 Keypad 0-9 Keypad 0-9 Keypad 0-9 PERIOD Keypad period (.) Keypad period (.) COMMA Keypad comma (,) Keypad comma (,) MINUS Keypad minus (-) Keypad minus (-) Enter Enter Enter Enter FIND Find -- -- INSERT_HERE Insert Here -- -- REMOVE Remove -- -- SELECT Select -- -- PREV_SCREEN Prev Screen (LK201)
Prev (LK401)-- -- NEXT_SCREEN Next Screen (LK201)
Next (LK401)-- -- HELP Help -- -- DO Do -- -- F6-F20 F6-F20 -- -- equivalence-string
Specifies the command string that you want assigned to the function key. To preserve spaces and lowercase characters, enclose the string in quotation marks (" ").
Specifies whether LATCP displays the command string on your screen when you press the key. If you do not specify the /ECHO or /NOECHO qualifier, the default is that the command string will be displayed. You cannot use /NOECHO with the /NOTERMINATE qualifier./IF_STATE=state-name
Specifies the state that must be set (for example, the GOLD state) for the key definition to work. Lets you assign alternative meanings to keys when the specified state is set. See the discussion of the /SET_STATE qualifier. If you omit the /IF_STATE qualifier, LATCP uses the current state. The state name is an alphanumeric string. States are established with the /SET_STATE qualifier./LOCK_STATE
Specifies that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier remain in effect until explicitly changed. If you use the /NOLOCK_STATE qualifier, the state set by /SET_STATE remains in effect only for the next definable key that you press or for the next read-terminating character (such as Return or Ctrl/Z) that you type.You can specify the /LOCK_STATE qualifier only with the /SET_STATE qualifier. If you do not specify the /LOCK_STATE or /NOLOCK_STATE qualifier, the default is that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier remains in effect until explicitly changed.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the command was executed. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./SET_STATE=state-name
Causes the specified state to be set when you press the defined key. The state name can be any alphanumeric string (for example, GOLD). Use the DEFINE/KEY/IF_STATE=state-name command to associate new meanings for keys when the specified state is set. See the example for the DEFINE/KEY command.If you omit the /SET_STATE qualifier, the current state that was locked remains in effect.
Specifies whether the command string will be terminated (processed) when you press the function key. The default is /NOTERMINATE, which allows you to press other keys before the command string is processed. Pressing Return has the same effect as using /TERMINATE.The /NOTERMINATE qualifier allows you to create key definitions that insert text into command lines, after prompts, or into other text that you are typing.
The DEFINE/KEY command assigns a command string to a function key so that when you press that key, the command is executed.
The first DEFINE/KEY command in this example assigns the SHOW NODE command to function key PF4. To process the SHOW NODE command, you must press Return after pressing PF4. Note the space after the word NODE in the first DEFINE/KEY command. This space allows you to enter a node name after pressing PF4. When you press Return, the SHOW NODE command is processed. If the space is omitted, LATCP does not recognize the command (SHOW NODE). The state is set to GOLD; that state will be in effect for the next key that you press.
The second DEFINE/KEY command defines the use of the PF4 key when the keypad is in the GOLD state. When you press PF4 twice, the SHOW NODE/ALL command is processed.
Deletes a logical link from a node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
DELETE LINK link-name
Specifies the name of the link that you want to delete.Use the SHOW LINK command for a list of the links that are defined for your node.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the link was deleted. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed.
The DELETE LINK command stops any active sessions on the link and then deletes the link from your node.
This command deletes the link NETWORK_A. The link was created with the CREATE LINK command.
Deletes a logical port from a node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
DELETE PORT port-name
Specifies the name of the application port or the dedicated port that you want to delete. An application port connects to a remote device on a terminal server, whereas a dedicated port connects to a special service.Use the SHOW PORT command for a list of the application ports and the dedicated ports that are defined for your service node. You cannot use the DELETE PORT command to delete an interactive or forward LAT port.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the port was deleted. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed.
The DELETE PORT command stops any active session on the port and then deletes the port from your service node.
This command deletes the LTA27: application port. The port was created with the CREATE PORT command.
Deletes an incoming queued request, or entry, from the local node.
DELETE QUEUE_ENTRY queue-entry-id
Specifies the identification number (ID) of the queued entry that you want to delete.
The DELETE QUEUE_ENTRY deletes an incoming queued request, or entry, from the local node. Use the SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY command to view the list of queued entries and their IDs.
This command deletes the queued request with an ID of 0056.
Deletes a service that your service node currently offers. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
DELETE SERVICE service-name
Specifies the name of the service, as displayed by the SHOW SERVICE command.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the service was deleted. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed.
The DELETE SERVICE command removes a service from a service node. The service is no longer available to terminal server users and is no longer multicast in the configuration messages sent by your service node. Existing connections to the service node are not affected.
This command removes the service SALES from your service node. The service is no longer available to server users.
Stops execution of LATCP and returns control to the DCL command level. You can also enter Ctrl/Z at any time to exit.
This command exits the LATCP program and returns control to the DCL command level.
Provides online help information for using the LATCP commands.
HELP [command-name...]
The name of a LATCP command or LATCP command and command keyword. If you enter the HELP command with a command name only, such as HELP SET, LATCP displays a list of all of the command keywords used with the SET command.
The HELP command is an online reference for LATCP commands. After you view an initial help display, press Return. The help display stops and the LATCP prompt is displayed. If you do not specify a command name, the HELP command displays general information about the commands for which help is available. Supplying a command name obtains syntax information for that command.
This command produces a description of the SET PORT command and shows the command format.
Displays previously entered LATCP commands on the screen so that you can execute them again.
RECALL [command-specifier]
Specifies the number or the first several characters of the LATCP command you want to recall. Command numbers can range from 1 to 20. The most recently entered command is number 1.Use the /ALL qualifier to display all the commands in the RECALL buffer, along with their command number so that you can determine the number of the command that you want to recall.
If you do not include the command specifier or the /ALL qualifier when entering the RECALL command, LATCP displays the last command.
Specifies that LATCP display all the commands in the RECALL buffer. LATCP displays the number of each command.
When you enter a LATCP command, LATCP stores it in a RECALL buffer for later use with the RECALL command. The RECALL command itself is never stored in the RECALL buffer.When you use the RECALL command, LATCP displays the recalled command but does not process it. If you want the command processed as it appears, press Return. You can use the command line editing facility to make minor changes in the command line and then press Return to process the revised version of the command.
#1 |
This command recalls the second-to-last command you entered.
#2 |
This command recalls the last SET command you entered.
Refreshes the display screen so that any output from some other source (such as a broadcast message) is erased from the screen.
Use the REFRESH command to refresh your display screen after output from other sources has overwritten the display screen. For example, if a broadcast message from a terminal server user is displayed on your screen, use the REFRESH screen to erase the broadcast message from the display. By default, you can refresh your screen by pressing Ctrl/W at the LATCP prompt.
This command refreshes the display on your screen.
Retrieves information that has scrolled off the screen, either up or down.
Scrolls the LATCP screen display down the number of lines indicated by the specified value. For convenience, you can also use the Next (or Next Screen) key on your keyboard to scroll down 15 lines (instead of entering the SCROLL/DOWN=15 command).If you do not specify a value, the default value is 1.
Scrolls the LATCP screen display up the number of lines indicated by the specified value. For convenience, you can also use the Prev (or Prev Screen) key on your keyboard to scroll up 15 lines (instead of entering the SCROLL/UP=15 command).If you do not specify a value, the default value is 1.
The SCROLL command allows you to retrieve information that has scrolled off the screen (either up or down). The command works only after a LATCP SHOW command has produced output that scrolled off the screen display area. Each subsequent SHOW command erases the previous output area such that the SCROLL command retrieves the screen display produced by the last executed SHOW command.
This command scrolls up to view five lines of screen display that has previously scrolled off the viewing area.
Changes the characteristics of LAT data links. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
SET LINK link-name
Specifies the name for a LAT data link. A link name can have up to 16 ASCII characters. The characters allowed are as follows:
- Alphanumeric characters: A--Z, a--z, 0--9
- A subset of the international character set: ASCII codes 192--253
- Punctuation characters: dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), period (.), and underscore (_)
The SHOW LINK command displays the names of the links defined for a node.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the link's characteristics were modified. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./STATE=option
Specifies availability of the link for use. The two options for STATE are:
ON Specifies that the link will be available for use with the LAT protocol running. OFF Specifies that the link will not be available for use. If you do not specify the /STATE=option qualifier, the default is that the link will be available (ON).
The SET LINK command changes the characteristics for a LAT data link, which must have been created previously in one of the following ways:
- Interactively entering the CREATE LINK command
- Using the SET NODE/STATE=ON command to create a default link named LAT$LINK (if no other links are created when that command executes)
- Running a program that creates links
This command directs LATCP to start the controller for link NETWORK_A and then to display a confirmation message.
Specifies the LAT characteristics of your local node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
SET NODE [node-name]
Specifies a node name for your local node. By default, the node name is the translation of SYS$NODE. A LAT node name should be the same as the DECnet node name. If the node is not running DECnet but will be in the future, HP recommends that you define SYS$NODE and use it for both DECnet and LAT node names.A LAT node name can be from 1 to 16 ASCII characters. The characters allowed are as follows:
- Alphanumeric characters: A--Z, a--z, 0--9
- A subset of the international character set: ASCII codes 192--253
- Punctuation characters: dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), period (.), and underscore (_)
Controls whether your OpenVMS system multicasts information to the network.If you specify /NOANNOUNCEMENTS, LAT service announcements are disabled on the local node. Remote nodes must rely on the LAT service responder feature in the LAT protocol Version 5.2 or higher to connect to the local node. Therefore, HP recommends that you use this qualifier only in a networking environment where newer model terminal servers and hosts are present (all LAT hosts, terminal servers, and PCs are running LAT protocol Version 5.2 or higher).
If you specify /NOANNOUNCEMENTS in an environment where LAT protocol Version 5.1 is present, those LAT protocol Version 5.1 systems (for example, DECserver 100, 200, and 500 systems) will be unable to connect to any of the systems that have LAT service announcements disabled.
Controls the interval in milliseconds (msecs) between messages sent from the local node to other service nodes or terminal servers while connections to those nodes are active. Use this qualifier only if your node allows outgoing connections (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).A low value for the interval decreases the response time for the port but increases the demand on service nodes. Set the circuit timer in the range of 10 to 1000 msecs.
The default value of 80 msecs gives a generally acceptable response time while creating a moderately low overhead on the service nodes. You cannot change this parameter when active or pending LAT connections exist.
Specifies the type of connections permissible on the local node. The four options for CONNECTIONS are:
INCOMING_ONLY Specifies that the local node permit incoming connections only. OUTGOING_ONLY Specifies that the local node permit outgoing connections only. Specify this on systems that can tolerate the overhead associated with outgoing connections, such as standalone systems. BOTH Specifies that the local node permit both incoming and outgoing connections. Specify this on systems that can tolerate the overhead associated with outgoing connections, such as standalone systems. NONE Specifies that the local node disallow both incoming and outgoing connections. If you do not specify the /CONNECTIONS=option qualifier, the default is that the node will permit incoming connections only.
The /CPU_RATING qualifier assigns your local node a rating that represents the power of your node's CPU (central processing unit) relative to other CPUs in the LAN. The value of cpu-power can range from 1 (for a CPU with the lowest power) to 100 (for a CPU with the highest power).When a terminal server or node requests a connection to a service that is offered on the local node and one or more other service nodes, the requesting node selects the service node with the highest (most favorable) service rating, based on the overall level of activity of the node that offers the service and the amount of memory. This selection process is called load balancing.
You can influence the rating for services on your node by specifying a value for the /CPU_RATING qualifier. If you specify a high value for cpu-power, the LAT driver will calculate a relatively high service rating for services on your node (service ratings as high as 255 are possible). If you specify a low value, the LAT driver will calculate relatively low service ratings; connections will most likely be made to the same service that is offered on other nodes. In either case, the LAT driver can calculate a greater range of values for dynamic service ratings (the entire range from 0 to 255). Consequently, the ratings will more accurately reflect the availability of the service node.
If you do not specify either the /CPU_RATING=cpu-power or /NOCPU_RATING qualifier, the default is that no CPU rating will be used A value of 0 indicates no CPU rating.
Sets the default starting number (within a range from 1 to 9999) for the unit numbers that will be assigned to new LTA devices. Note that when ports are created by assigning a channel to LTA0: with the $ASSIGN system service, the channel numbers fall in this same range.The default device seed value is approximately half of the maximum unit number (which you set by using the /UNIT_NUMBER_MAXIMUM qualifier). Interactive LAT ports, and those created with the CREATE PORT/LOGICAL command, are assigned unit numbers beginning with the specified device seed value and continuing up to the maximum unit number. When the maximum unit number is reached, the port is assigned the next available unit number beginning at the bottom of the range (LTA1:).
Note that each time you specify the /UNIT_NUMBER_MAXIMUM qualifier, the device seed value is reset to approximately half of the newly specified maximum unit number.
Controls the number of sessions (a value within a range from 16 to 255) allowed on each outgoing connection. By default, 16 sessions are allowed on an outgoing connection, which means that 16 individual processes can direct the DCL command SET HOST/LAT to the same remote node.You must increase the value for the /FORWARD_SESSION_LIMIT qualifier if a user on your system enters the command SET HOST/LAT and receives an error message indicating that the session limit for the LAT circuit has been reached (%LAT-F-VCSESLIM). Note, however, that you can change this value only when no connections exist.
Gives the listed groups access to services offered on your local node or prevents the listed groups from accessing services offered on your local node, depending on the options used.A network manager organizes terminal server nodes into groups based on the number of terminal server nodes in the LAT network. Groups subdivide the LAT network, limiting the number of terminal server nodes that can connect with a given service node.
As many as 256 groups, numbered 0 to 255, can be in the LAT network. By default, all terminal server nodes and nodes supporting outgoing connections belong to group 0. If you enter one group code, you can omit the parentheses. Use the SHOW NODE command for a list of the groups enabled for your service node.
The /GROUPS qualifier has several options. For each option described, you can specify more than one group by:
- Listing them separated by commas
- Specifying a range
The available options are:
ENABLE= group-code[,...] Gives the listed groups access to your service node. DISABLE= group-code[,...] Prevents the listed groups from accessing your service node. The listed groups had been enabled previously for access to your node. ENABLE= group-code[,...],
DISABLE= group-code[,...]This option lets you enable certain groups and disable other groups in one command line: gives access to the groups listed with the ENABLE option and removes access from the groups listed with the DISABLE option. Enclose both ENABLE and DISABLE in parentheses; for example, /GROUP=(ENABLE=(10,12),
DISABLE=(1-30)).Example 2 shows how to specify the /GROUPS qualifier with the SET NODE command.
Describes and identifies a node. Service nodes include the identification string in service announcements. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command. Entering the LATCP command SHOW NODE or the DECserver command SHOW NODE generates a display that includes this identification string. By default, the identification string is the translation of SYS$ANNOUNCE.You cannot specify more than 64 ASCII characters in an identification string (a SYS$ANNOUNCE longer than that will be truncated to the first 64 characters). Enclose the string in quotation marks (" ").
Controls the maximum interval, in seconds, between idle run messages sent by your local node to another service node to which it has a LAT connection. Your node sends these messages when no other traffic is being generated over the virtual circuit. If the service node acknowledges these messages, your node will continue to monitor the status of the circuit. If your node does not receive acknowledgment, it responds as if the circuit is down.Use this qualifier only if your node allows outgoing connections (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).
The default value is 20. HP recommends this value for normal LAN environments. For a heavily loaded LAN, consider using a higher value. Set the timer in the range of 10 to 255. For applications that require quick notification and possible failover of a service node failure, use a lower value. You cannot change this value if active or pending connections exist.
Controls whether the LAT software uses large buffers while managing communications between OpenVMS systems (the default).If you must use the /NOLARGE_BUFFER qualifier (for example, to limit packet sizes to be no larger than the Ethernet maximum), HP recommends that you specify this command after all logical LAT links have been created and before the LAT node has been turned on. For example, note the following commands in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM:
$! $! Create each logical LAT link with a unique name and $! unique LAN address (forced with /NODECNET). $! $ LCP CREATE LINK FDDI_1 /DEVICE=FCA0 /NODECNET $ LCP CREATE LINK FDDI_2 /DEVICE=FCB0 /NODECNET $! $! Don't use large buffer support (force packet $! sizes to be no larger than what Ethernet can $! support). $! $ LCP SET NODE /NOLARGE_BUFFER $! $! Turn on the LAT protocol. $! $ LCP SET NODE /STATE=ON/LOG
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the node's characteristics were modified. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./MULTICAST_TIMER[=secs]
Specifies the time, in seconds, between multicast messages sent by a service node. A multicast message announces the services offered by a service node. The minimum value is 10 seconds; the maximum is 180 seconds. The default value is 60./NODE_LIMIT=value
Specifies the maximum number of service nodes that your local node can store in its service and node database. Use this qualifier only if your node allows outgoing connections (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).When the database reaches the node limit, no more nodes are added to the database when your local node receives service announcement messages. You can ensure that the node limit is not reached by using the /USER_GROUPS qualifier to restrict access from the local node to other service nodes on the network.
If you do not specify either the /NODE_LIMIT=value or /NONODE_LIMIT qualifier, the default is no limit. A value of 0 indicates no limit.
Sets a limit on the number of entries (incoming LAT connections only, not outgoing printer connections) that are queued on the system. The queue limit value can range from 0 to 200, with a default of 24. A value of 0 indicates that no queuing is allowed./RETRANSMIT_LIMIT[=count]
Specifies the number of times your local node repeats transmission of a message to a service node after a transmission fails. If the transmission is still unsuccessful after these attempts, the virtual circuit between your local node and the service node terminates, along with all sessions associated with the virtual circuit.Use this qualifier only if your node allows outgoing connections (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).
Specify a value in the range of 4 to 120. The default is 8. The value you choose depends on the type of physical link used for your network, as well as the amount of traffic on the network. See your network manager for a suggested value. You cannot change this value if active or pending connections exist.
Specifies whether your system responds to special LAT multicast messages that request service information. Some terminal servers do not have their own service and node database. When a user on such a terminal server requests a connection to a service, the server sends a LAT multicast message requesting names of nodes that offer the requested service. Service responder nodes reply with the requested information.If you specify /SERVICE_RESPONDER, your system responds to the special LAT multicast messages. (If you specify /NOSERVICE_RESPONDER, your system does not respond to those messages.) HP recommends that you set up only one or two nodes in the LAN as service responder nodes. The nodes should have the largest databases in the LAN. Use this option only if your node allows outgoing connections (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).
If you do not specify either the /SERVICE_RESPONDER or /NOSERVICE_RESPONDER qualifier, the default is that your system will not respond to the special LAT multicast messages.
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous sessions across all local-access ports. This limit does not affect the use of dedicated and application ports. It affects interactive port creation only, limiting the amount of resources consumed by interactive users creating new sessions.The options for the /SESSION_LIMIT qualifier are:
INCOMING= value Sets the session limit for incoming connections only. The default is no limit (a value of 0). OUTGOING= value Sets the session limit for outgoing connections only. The default is no limit (a value of 0). INCOMING= value,OUTGOING= value Sets the limit for both outgoing and incoming connections. Enclose both options in parentheses; for example, /SESSION_LIMIT=(INCOMING=20, OUTGOING=25).
- A high limit allows users to have more sessions but increases memory utilization on your local node.
- A low limit decreases memory utilization on your local node but limits user access to services on the network.
If the limit is reached, interactive users cannot create new sessions. In this case, increase the session limit or disconnect any connections that are no longer being used.
Specify a value in the range of 0 to 255. Specifying 0 leaves no limit on the number of sessions that can be created. To prevent sessions from being created, use the /CONNECTIONS qualifier.
Not specify the /SESSION_LIMIT qualifier causes no limit on the number of incoming and outgoing sessions. This is the default.
Specifies whether LAT connections are allowed. The three options for STATE are:
ON Starts the LAT port driver (and LAT protocol software) on your node. HP strongly recommends that the LATCP command SET NODE/STATE=ON be executed before any LTA application or dedicated ports are created (use the format provided in SYS$MANAGER:LAT$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE) for two reasons:
- It ensures that LTDRIVER will delete any leftover LTA devices that have a reference count of 0 and are explicitly marked for deletion (using the $DASSGN system service or the LATCP command DELETE PORT, for example). Because every LATCP management port (LATCP$MGMT_PORT) that was created by the previous LATCP invocation is deleted, no conflicts result with the LAT application ports or newly created dedicated ports.
- The deletion of leftover LTA devices with a reference count of 0 minimizes the use of nonpaged pool memory.
OFF Stops the LAT port driver (and LAT protocol software) on your node. Any existing LAT connections are aborted. Any characteristics that you changed or set with LATCP are lost. To start the LAT protocol on your node again, invoke LAT$STARTUP.COM. (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information.) The LAT characteristics defined in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM will take effect.
SHUT Specifies that new LAT connections cannot be created on your local node, but existing connections may continue. The LAT protocol continues running only until the last active session disconnects, (after which LTDRIVER will stop). At that time, your node changes to the OFF state.
If you stop the LAT software by specifying either the SET NODE/STATE=OFF or SET NODE/STATE=SHUT command, the LAT print symbiont (LATSYM) will shut down all print queues that it is processing. The system will then generate an OPCOM message indicating that the print queues are stopped. You must manually restart those print queues.If you do not specify the /STATE=option qualifier, the default is that the LAT port driver and LAT protocol software on your node will be started (ON).
Specifies the maximum unit number for a LAT device. For example, if you specify 140, then LTA140: will be the device with the highest unit number. Specify a value that is high enough to accommodate all devices that may be in use simultaneously. When the number of devices in use exceeds the value you specify, the system gives certain LAT devices unit numbers that exceed your maximum.Also note the following points:
- When LATCP reaches the maximum unit number, it will continue to implicitly create LTA devices beginning with the lowest available unit number.
- You cannot use the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) to set the maximum unit number for a LAT device.
The range of maximum unit numbers is 99 to 9999. The default is 9999. Note that each time you specify the /UNIT_NUMBER_MAXIMUM qualifier, the LTA device seed value is reset to approximately half of the newly specified maximum unit number.
Restricts access (from the local node) to service nodes in the network that belong to the specified groups. Your local node can access only those service nodes associated with the user groups specified. The /USER_GROUPS qualifier also serves to limit the number of nodes stored in your node's node database. (The local node only stores information about the nodes and services that belong to at least one of the specified user groups.) By default, all LAT service nodes belong to group 0.This qualifier affects your local node when outgoing connections are enabled (/CONNECTIONS=OUTGOING_ONLY or /CONNECTIONS=BOTH).
Use the SHOW NODE command for a list of the user groups (service groups) enabled for your node.
The /USER_GROUPS qualifier has several options. For each option described here, you can use two ways to specify more than one group:
- List them separated by commas.
- Specify a range.
The available options are as follows:
ENABLE= group-code[,...] Gives your node access to the listed user groups. DISABLE= group-code[,...] Prevents your node from accessing the listed groups. The listed groups were enabled previously. ENABLE= group-code[,...],
DISABLE=group-code[,...]This option lets you enable certain groups and disable other groups in one command line: gives your node access to the groups listed with the ENABLE option and prevents your node from accessing the groups listed with the DISABLE option. Enclose both ENABLE and DISABLE in parentheses; for example, /GROUP=(ENABLE=(10,12),
The SET NODE command, which is typically executed in the site-specific LAT configuration command procedure, LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM, allows you to specify such characteristics as:
- Node name
- Node identification
- Service and user groups
- Timing of service announcements
- The maximum number of LAT sessions allowed simultaneously on the node
- The maximum number of outgoing sessions and incoming interactive sessions
Because LATCP commands change characteristics dynamically (that is, the commands take effect immediately), you can use the SET NODE command any time the LAT port driver is active. These changes remain in effect until the LAT port driver stops. To make sure the changes take effect when you start the LAT port driver again, edit LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM to include these changes. Start the LAT port driver by invoking LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM.
The HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual contains additional information about the LAT network in general and service nodes in particular.
The SET NODE command must be executed first (after LTDRIVER is loaded and the LATACP is started) to ensure that other management commands execute properly thereafter.
#1 |
This command specifies node name DUKE for your local node. The identification string "NODE DUKE, SALES VMSCLUSTER" is multicast from node DUKE.
#2 |
This command causes your local node to send multicast messages every 50 seconds to announce DUKE's services to terminal servers. The command also enables groups 1, 2, 3, 8, and 11 for access to the local node, and it disables group 5 from accessing the local node. Group 5 had been previously enabled.
#3 |
This command sets up your local node to allow both incoming and outgoing connections. Users on your local node can access those service nodes belonging to user groups 24 and 121 through 127. Users cannot access service nodes in user group 0.
#4 |
This command sets many characteristics at once for node DUKE.
Associates a logical port on the local node with a remote port on a terminal server that supports a device. Alternatively, it associates a logical port on the local node with a specific service. The service can be offered by a terminal server or associated with one or more dedicated ports on a remote LAT service node.You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
SET PORT port-name
Specifies the name of the port. A port name must be in the form LTAn:, where n is a unique number from 1 to 9999.
You cannot use the CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands, along with the DCL command SET TERMINAL, to change the characteristics of a DECserver port unless there is an existing LAT connection to that DECserver.
Specifies that a port on the local node is an application port, logically associated with a port on a terminal server or a dedicated port on another LAT service node. The terminal server port supports a device (for example, a printer). If the port is used to support a printer, the print queue is established in a startup command procedure. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for a description of configuring remote printers on a terminal server.If you do not specify a port type, the default port type is APPLICATION.
Specifies that a logical port on your local node is dedicated to an application service. The /DEDICATED qualifier requires the /SERVICE qualifier.To set up an application service for a logical port on a LAT service node:
- Create the service by specifying the CREATE SERVICE/APPLICATION command and then define the dedicated port by specifying the CREATE PORT/DEDICATED command. You can include these commands in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM.
- Associate the dedicated ports with the service by specifying the SET PORT/DEDICATED/SERVICE command.
- Start the application program. Within the program, allocate dedicated ports with the same name as those defined in LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM.
Specifies that a logical port on your local node is limited to a service in the same way a port created using the /DEDICATED qualifier is dedicated to an application service. The difference is that ports created using the /LIMITED qualifier are under the control of the system login image (LOGINOUT.EXE) instead of an application program (a user who connects to a limited service and is assigned to a limited port receives the Username: prompt).Using the /LIMITED qualifier, you can create a limited number of ports and map them to a specific service offered by the host system. If users are logged in to all of the limited ports for the service, no more connections are allowed to that service (terminal server users receive a "service in use" message).
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the port's characteristics were modified. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./NODE=remote-node-name
Specifies the name of a terminal server (or a remote node that supports outgoing connections) to be logically associated with the specified application port on your node. The server supports a remote device. Note that you can set up an application port on your local node and associate the port with a dedicated port on a remote LAT service node. The remote port is dedicated to an application service./PASSWORD=remote-password
Specifies the password required to access a remote service that is logically associated with the specified application port./PORT=remote-port-name
Specifies the name of the remote port on a terminal server that supports a remote device, or specifies the name of a remote port dedicated to an application service on a remote LAT service node. In either case, the remote port is logically associated with the specified application port on your local node./QUEUED
Specifies queued or nonqueued access to the server port. A queued or nonqueued request is accepted by a terminal server if a remote port is free. If the remote port is busy and queuing is enabled on the terminal server, then the server queues the remote request. If you do not want your remote requests to be queued on the server, specify /NOQUEUED.Not specifying either the /QUEUED or /NOQUEUED qualifier results in queued access to the server port. This is the default.
Specifies either of the following names:
- The name of the remote service offered at a terminal server port that will be associated with the specified application port (/APPLICATION) on the local node
- A service name for an application program being offered on a dedicated port (/DEDICATED) on a LAT service node
To specify the name of a remote service offered at a terminal server port, use the /NODE and /SERVICE qualifiers. To specify a particular port for a service, use the /NODE, /PORT, and /SERVICE qualifiers. Ask the terminal server manager for these names.
To name a service for a particular application program to be offered locally on a dedicated port, use the /DEDICATED and /SERVICE qualifiers. (The service must have been created with the CREATE SERVICE command.) Assign only one service to a dedicated port, but note that several ports can have the same service assigned.
The SET PORT command associates an application port on your local node with a port or service on a terminal server.To create a port, use one of the following methods:
- Interactively enter the CREATE PORT command.
- Run a program that creates ports.
When you associate an application port with a service on a terminal server, you allow access to any of the ports (printers) represented by that service (see Examples 1 and 2). Note that the application port must have been created with the CREATE PORT/APPLICATION command.
The SET PORT command can also associate a dedicated port on the local node with an application service offered locally. The service must already exist (see Example 3). Note that you must use the /DEDICATED and /SERVICE qualifiers.
The SET PORT command can also associate an application port on your local node with an application service associated with one or more dedicated ports on a remote LAT service node. This service is offered to users on terminal servers or on nodes that support outgoing connections (see Example 4). Note that the dedicated port must have been created with the CREATE PORT/DEDICATED command.
You can also set up the port as a limited port, using the /LIMITED qualifier.
See the examples for the SHOW PORT command for displays that reflect the changes made by the following SET PORT command examples.
#1 |
This command sets up port LTA22: as an application port to be associated with the port named LN02 on the terminal server named TS33EW. This command associates port LTA22: with a specific printer on the server. In the next example, the SET PORT command associates a port with a set of printers (designated by the service name PRINTER) on a terminal server.
#2 |
This command shows how to associate a local logical port with a service (several printers) on a terminal server. The command associates the application port LTA19: with the service PRINTER on terminal server TLAT1. The service PRINTER can be associated with one or more ports on TLAT1. The /QUEUED qualifier specifies that the server offering the service PRINTER can queue the remote connection request if all ports offering the service are in use. Refer to the description of print operations in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information about setting up print queues.
#3 |
This command specifies that the application port LTA21: on the local service node offers the service GRAPHICS to users on terminal servers or on nodes that support outgoing connections. GRAPHICS is a particular utility or application program.
#4 |
This command associates the port whose logical name is MAIL_PORT with the dedicated service MAIL on remote node RMNODE. The port logically named MAIL_PORT was created with the CREATE PORT command (see Example 3 in the discussion of the CREATE PORT command). The logical name could also have been created with the DCL command ASSIGN or DEFINE. On node RMNODE, a port must be dedicated to the service MAIL by using the SET PORT port-name /DEDICATED/SERVICE=MAIL command.
#5 |
This series of commands, which includes the SET PORT command, creates a limited service that allows only one user to log in to the system through that service. When a user connects to service ONLY_ONE by responding to the terminal server prompt (Local>), the user is assigned port LTA1234 and then prompted for the user name. Any user who attempts to connect to the same service while LTA1234 has a user logged in receives the "service in use" message.
Dynamically changes the characteristics of a locally offered service. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
SET SERVICE [service-name]
Specifies the service whose characteristics are to be modified. If a service name is omitted, the default service name is the name of the local node you defined by using the SET NODE command.
Sets up the service as an application service. An application service offers a specific application on the service node rather than all of the resources on the service node. Define a dedicated port for the service by using the CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands./CONNECTIONS
Specifies whether a service offered by an OpenVMS system accepts incoming connections. If you use the /NOCONNECTIONS qualifier to disable incoming connections, users cannot connect to that service and receive instead the error message "service is disabled."By default, a service accepts incoming connections (/CONNECTIONS).
Describes and identifies a service. Service nodes include the identification string in service announcements. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command. Entering the LATCP command SHOW NODE or the DECserver command SHOW NODE generates a display that includes this identification string.By default, the identification string is the translation of SYS$ANNOUNCE. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command.
You cannot specify more than 64 ASCII characters in an identification string (a SYS$ANNOUNCE longer than that will be truncated to the first 64 characters). Enclose the string in quotation marks (" ").
Specifies that the service is a limited service, using devices assigned the limited characteristic and associated with (mapped to) this limited service. This qualifier is used in conjunction with the SET PORT /LIMITED command (see Example 2)./LOG
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether or not LATCP displays a message confirming that the command was executed. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./QUEUED
Specifies whether a locally offered limited (/LIMITED) or application (/DEDICATED) service is allowed to have queued connections when all ports are busy (the default). If you specify /NOQUEUED, incoming connections will be rejected if all ports are busy./STATIC_RATING=rating
Enables or disables dynamic service ratings. A dynamic service rating means that a LAT algorithm calculates the availability of a service dynamically, based on the overall level of activity of the node that offers the service and the amount of memory. When a terminal server or node requests a connection to a service that is offered on two or more service nodes, the requesting node selects the service node with the highest (most favorable) service rating. This selection process is called load balancing.The dynamic service rating, which is the default, is usually adequate for efficient load balancing on the LAT network. However, when necessary, you can use the /STATIC_RATING qualifier to disable dynamic service ratings so that you can specify a static (fixed) rating. That static rating value does not change until the dynamic service rating is reenabled.
Use the static rating to direct users away from or toward your node temporarily. Static ratings range from 0 to 255. Specify a low value to make the local service node less likely to be used; specify a high value to make the local service node more likely to be used.
If you do not specify either the /STATIC_RATING or /NOSTATIC_RATING qualifier, the default is that the LAT software uses the dynamic service rating.
Limited and application services do not rely exclusively on the dynamically calculated service rating. Instead, they use a portion of the dynamic rating based on how many ports are available for the service. For example, if a limited service has 50 percent of its ports available, the dynamic service rating will be scaled, halved, and then added to 105. When ports are available, the rating will always be above the value 105.
When all ports for a limited or application service are in use, the rating will be based on the scaled dynamic rating and the number of free queue slots on the local node. The rating will always be less then 90.
This rating procedure for limited and application services follows the terminal server rating algorithm for services and available ports that the service offers, while at the same time taking into account the availability of the node (which is the factor used to calculate the dynamic rating).
If your system is licensed for a specific number of units (where only a fixed number of users can log in to the system regardless of how the login limit is set), then all dynamic ratings become 0 when all OpenVMS license units have been consumed. (This forces all node service ratings to the lowest possible value when logins are not possible because all OpenVMS license units have been consumed.)
Note that the LAT software transmits a service announcement message when a user logs in to or out of the system. This allows the system to more quickly provide information about service rating changes that result from a login or logout operation.
The SET SERVICE command dynamically changes the characteristics of a service that you created previously (by interactively entering the CREATE SERVICE command or by running a program that created services).
#1 |
This command specifies a new identification string, "SALES FORCE TIMESHARING SERVICES", for the service SALES. This string is announced with the service SALES in the multicast messages sent by a service node.
#2 |
This series of commands changes an existing service to a limited service that allows only one user to log in to the system through that service. When a user connects to service ONLY_ONE by responding to the terminal server prompt (Local>), the user is assigned port LTA1234 and then prompted for the user name. Any user who attempts to connect to the same service while LTA1234 has a user logged in receives the "service in use" message.
Displays the status and LAT characteristics of links on the local node.
SHOW LINK [link-name]
Specifies the name for a LAT data link. A link name can have up to 16 ASCII characters.If you do not specify a link name, LATCP displays information about all links currently defined for the node.
Displays the device name and state of the link. This is the default display./COUNTERS
Displays the device counters kept for the link. The numbers displayed represent the values recorded since the last time the counters were reset (when the node first started or when the ZERO COUNTERS command was used).Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier.
The following table lists and describes counters common to both CSMA/CD (carrier sense, multiple access with collision detect) and FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) links:
Counter Description Messages received The total number of messages received over the link. Multicast messages received The total number of multicast messages received over the link. Bytes received The total number of bytes of information received over the link. Multicast bytes received The total number of multicast bytes received over the link. System buffer unavailable The total number of times no system buffer was available for an incoming frame. Unrecognized destination The total number of times a frame was discarded because there was no portal with the protocol enabled. This count includes frames received for the physical address only. Messages sent The total number of messages sent over the link. Multicast messages sent The total number of multicast messages sent over the link. Bytes sent The total number of bytes of information sent over the link. Multicast bytes sent The total number of bytes of multicast messages sent over the link. User buffer unavailable The total number of times no user buffer was available for an incoming frame that passed all filtering. Data overrun The total number of bytes lost on the link's device because the local node's input buffers were full. A nonzero value can indicate noisy lines, a bad device, a busy or poorly tuned system (not enough resources allocated), or a hardware problem with another device on the LAN connection. The following table lists and describes receive errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links. These errors, which are included in the display generated by the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that indicate the error has occurred.
Flag Description Block check error CRC error in packets received. Framing error Received frames ended incorrectly. Frame too long Frames received longer than length limits. Frame status error CRC error on ring noticed by local FDDI station (FDDI only). Frame length error Frame length too short (FDDI only). The following table lists and describes transmit errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links. These errors, which are included in the display generated by the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that indicate the error has occurred.
Flag Description Excessive collisions Frames failed to transmit because the collision limit of 16 was reached (CSMA/CD only). Carrier check failures Indicates transceiver problem or short circuit in cable. Short circuit Short circuit in cable. Open circuit Open circuit in cable. Frame too long Frames too long. Indicates a transmission problem in one of the portals using the link. Remote failure to defer A remote station failed to defer frames transmission. Could indicate a misconfigured network. Transmit underrun Transmission of a frame was too slow. Indicates a hardware controller error. Transmit failure Frames failed to transmit. The following table lists and describes link counters specific to CSMA/CD only:
Counter Description Transmit CDC failure The total number of carrier detect check errors, that is, the number of times the local node failed to detect that another Ethernet station was already transmitting when the local node began transmitting. Messages transmitted: Single collision---The total number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the second attempt after a normal collision on the first attempt. Multiple collision---The total number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the third or later attempt after normal collisions on previous attempts.
Initially deferred---The total number of times a frame transmission was deferred on its first attempt. This counter is used to measure Ethernet contention with no collisions.
The following table lists and describes link counters specific to FDDI only:
Counter Description Ring initializations initiated The total number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by the link. Ring initializations received The total number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by some other link. Directed beacons received The number of times the link detected the directed beacon process. Each invocation of the directed beacon process is counted only once. Connections completed The number of times the station successfully connected to the concentrator. Duplicate tokens detected The number of times a duplicate token was detected on the link. Ring purge errors The number of times the ring purger received a token while still in the ring purge state. LCT rejects Link Confidence Test rejects. Indicates a problem with communication between station and concentrator. Elasticity buffer errors Elasticity buffer function errors. Indicates a station on the ring with a transmit clock out of tolerance. MAC error count The number of times the Media Access Control (MAC) changed the E indicator in a frame from R to S. Traces initiated The number of times the PC-trace process was initiated by the link. Traces received The number of times the link was requested to perform the PC-trace process. Ring beacons initiated The number of times the ring beacon process was initiated by the link. Link errors The number of times the Link Error Monitor (LEM) detected an error in a received message. Slow counts are normal. Duplicate address test failures The number of times the link address was a duplicate. FCI strip errors The number of times a Frame Content Independent Strip operation was terminated by receipt of a token. LEM rejects The number of times excessive LEM errors were encountered. MAC frame count The total number of frames (other than tokens) seen by the link. MAC lost count The total number of times a frame (other than a token) was improperly terminated. /FULL
Displays the device name, state, and datalink address of the link and indicates whether the DECnet address is enabled.
Displays information about the specified link or all links if you do not specify a link. Depending on the qualifier you use with the SHOW LINK command, you can display a link's device name, state, LAT datalink address, DECnet address, or counters.
#1 |
This command produces the following display of information about link NETWORK_A:
Link Name: NETWORK_A Datalink Address: 08-00-2B-10-12-E3 Device Name: _ESA7: DECnet Address: Disabled Link State: OnThe display in this example gives the device name of link NETWORK_A and the device's hardware address. The link is in the On state.
#2 |
This command produces the following display of counters for link LINK_A:
Link Name: LINK_A Device Name: _ETA6: Seconds Since Zeroed: 65535 Messages Received: 18582254 Messages Sent: 3550507 Multicast Msgs Received: 15096805 Multicast Msgs Sent: 413178 Bytes Received: 1994694325 Bytes Sent: 290838585 Multicast Bytes Received: 1528077909 Multicast Bytes Sent: 32637472 System Buffer Unavailable: 8724 User Buffer Unavailable: 6269 Unrecognized Destination: 0 Data Overrun: 0 Receive Errors - Transmit Errors - Block Check Error: No Excessive Collisions: No Framing Error: No Carrier Check Failure: No Frame Too Long: No Short Circuit: No Frame Status Error: No Open Circuit: No Frame Length Error: Yes Frame Too Long: No Remote Failure To Defer: No Transmit Underrun: No Transmit Failure: No CSMACD Specific Counters ------------------------ Transmit CDC Failure: 0 Messages Transmitted - Single Collision: 43731 Multiple Collisions: 73252 Initially Deferred: 164508
Displays the status and LAT characteristics of a node.
SHOW NODE [node-name]
Specifies the name of the node for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a node name, LATCP displays information about the local node.You can also specify any valid wildcard for this parameter. For example, the SHOW NODE A* command displays the status and characteristics of all nodes that begin with the letter A.
Displays information about all nodes known to your local node. When you use this qualifier, specify the /FULL or /BRIEF qualifier as well. If you do not specify either the /FULL or /BRIEF qualifier, the default display will contain the node status and identification string (the display generated by the /BRIEF qualifier)./BRIEF
Displays the node status and identification string. This is the default display if you specify the /ALL qualifier./COUNTERS
Displays the counters kept for the node. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier. The following table lists and describes the counters displayed with SHOW NODE/COUNTERS:
Counter Description Messages received The total number of LAT messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of LAT messages received from that remote node. Messages transmitted The total number of LAT messages transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of LAT messages transmitted to that remote node. Slots received The total number of LAT slots received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of slots received from that remote node. A slot is a message segment that contains information corresponding to a single session. Slots transmitted The total number of LAT slots transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of slots transmitted to that remote node. Bytes received The total number of bytes of LAT information received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of bytes received from that remote node. Bytes transmitted The total number of bytes of LAT information transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of bytes transmitted to that remote node. Multicast bytes received The total number of LAT multicast bytes received by the local node. Multicast bytes sent The total number of LAT multicast bytes sent by the local node. Multicast messages received The total number of LAT multicast messages received by the local node. Multicast messages sent The total number of LAT multicast messages sent by the local node. No transmit buffer The total number of times no buffer was available on the local node for transmission. Multicast messages lost The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to process an inbound multicast message because of failed communication with the LATACP. Multicast send failures The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to send a multicast message because of failed communication with the LATACP. Controller errors The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to communicate with the data link controller driver. Last controller error The most recent controller error. Multiple node addresses The total number of times that a node announced itself with a physical address different from that in a previous announcement. Duplicates received The total number of duplicate messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of duplicate messages received from that remote node. This counter can indicate a system slowdown. Messages retransmitted The total number of LAT messages that the local node retransmitted because they were not acknowledged by terminal servers (or nodes that support outgoing connections). If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of messages retransmitted to that remote node. Illegal messages received The total number of invalidly formatted LAT messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of invalidly formatted messages the local node received from that remote node. Illegal messages are grouped into several types of protocol errors, which are listed at the end of this table. Illegal slots received The total number of invalidly formatted LAT slots received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of invalidly formatted slots the local node received from that remote node. Solicitations accepted The total number of times a remote node accepted solicitations from the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of accepted solicitations by that remote node. Solicitations rejected The total number of times a remote node rejected solicitation from the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of rejected solicitations by that remote node. Solicitation failures The total number of times solicitations by the local node received no response. Transmit errors The total number of times the data link failed to transmit a LAT message. Last transmit error The most recent transmit error. Virtual circuit timeouts The total number of times a LAT circuit to another node timed out, indicating that the remote node failed to send a valid message in the required time span. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of times the local node timed out from a connection to that remote node. Discarded output bytes The total number of data bytes that were discarded because of an overflow of an internal buffer before the data could be output to an LTA device. User data lost The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to allocate resources to buffer session data. User data is lost and the session is stopped. Resource errors The number of times LTDRIVER was unable to allocate system resources. Incoming solicits accepted The total number of times the local node accepted solicitations from other nodes. Incoming solicits rejected The total number of times the local node rejected solicitations from other nodes. The protocol errors that are counted as illegal messages are as follows. These protocol error messages are displayed if their associated counter is greater than zero:
- Invalid message type received
- Invalid start message received
- Invalid sequence number received in start message
- Zero-node index received
- Node circuit index out of range
- Node circuit sequence invalid
- Node circuit index no longer valid
- Circuit was forced to halt
- Invalid server slot index
- Invalid node slot index
- Invalid credit field or too many credits used
- Repeat creation of slot by server
- Repeat disconnection of slot by master
Displays the node's status, identification string, LAT protocol version, and the values of the node's characteristics. This is the default except when you specify the /ALL qualifier./STATUS
Displays statistical information for parameters such as the number of active circuits, sessions, and incoming queue entries. For each parameter, the display shows the current value, the highest value recorded, and the maximum value allowed.Note that you can specify the /STATUS qualifier with the SHOW NODE command to display information about the local node only (for example, the command SHOW NODE /STATUS FOREIGN_NODE is not supported).
This command displays information about a specified node or, if you do not specify a node name, about your local node. With the /ALL qualifier, the SHOW NODE command displays information about all nodes known to your local node. Depending on the qualifiers you use, you can display node counters, node status, the node identification string, the LAT protocol version running on the node, and the values set for the node's characteristics.
#1 |
This command produces the following display of information about the local node:
Node Name: LTC LAT Protocol Version: 5.2 Node State: On Node Ident: LTC - Engineering Development Incoming Connections: Enabled Incoming Session Limit: None Outgoing Connections: Enabled Outgoing Session Limit: None Service Responder: Disabled Circuit Timer (msec): 80 Keepalive Timer (sec): 20 Retransmit Limit (msg): 20 Node Limit (nodes): None Multicast Timer (sec): 20 CPU Rating: 8 Maximum Unit Number: 9999 User Groups: 43, 73 Service Groups: 7-9, 13, 23, 40, 43, 45, 66, 72-73, 89, 120-127, 248-255 Service Name Status Rating Identification LTVMS Available 31 D .This display indicates that the local node LTC is in the On state, which means LAT connections can be created on the node. LTC is running Version 5.2. of the LAT protocol. The identification of the node is "LTC - Engineering Development". Because this is the local node, the display does not give the address of a LAN device. Use the SHOW LINK command to find addresses of devices on the local node. The display for the status of remote nodes, as shown in Example 2, gives the Ethernet address of that node.
Both incoming and outgoing connections can be made on node LTC, the number of sessions is unlimited. The display indicates the values of various timers and lists the groups that are enabled. Users on the local node can access service nodes belonging to user groups 43 and 73. Locally offered services can be accessed by nodes belonging to the service groups listed.
The display indicates that the CPU rating of the local node is 8. The display shows that the node offers a service named LTVMS. This service is available and its rating is 31 D (dynamic). (An S would indicate the rating is static.)
#2 |
This command displays the following information about the remote node RWWUP:
Node Name: RWWUP LAT Protocol Version: 5.2 Node State: Reachable Address: AA-00-04-00-11-10 Node Ident: . Incoming Connections: Enabled Circuit Timer (msec): 80 Multicast Timer (sec): 20 Service Groups: 7, 13, 42-43, 45, 66, 70-72, 75-82, 88-89 Service Name Status Rating Identification NAC Available 28 . SYSMGR Available 28 .This display indicates that remote node RWWUP is reachable and runs Version 5.2 of the LAT protocol. The display includes the Ethernet address of node RWWUP. Because incoming connections are enabled, you can connect to a service on node RWWUP, provided that your node belongs to one of the service groups listed in the display.
Node RWWUP offers two services: NAC and SYSMGR. Both are available.
#3 |
This command displays the following information about all nodes known to the local node:
Node Name Status Identification ---------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ABLAN Reachable Unauthorized access is prohibited. ASKWEN Reachable . CHUNK Reachable A member of the MAIN VMScluster . . . UTOO On Can be healthy at the Center VULCUN Reachable Beam me up ZENX Reachable ZENXThis command indicates the status (whether a node is reachable) and identification of all nodes known to the local node. The display includes the status of the local node UTOO. The status can be either On, Off, or Shut. Here it is On.
#4 |
The SHOW NODE /STATUS produces the following display:
Node Name: NODE1 LAT Protocol Version: 5.2 Node State: On Node Ident: Test system Current Highest Maximum ------- ------- ------- Active Circuits: 1 2 1023 Connected Sessions: 1 6 260865 Incoming Queue Entries: 0 0 24 Outgoing Queue Entries: 0 1 32767 Unprocessed Announcements: 0 7 500 Unprocessed Solicits: 0 2 250 Local Services: 1 2 255 Available Services: 188 194 N/A Reachable Nodes: 166 172 N/A Discarded Nodes: 0
Displays the status and LAT characteristics of ports on the local node.
SHOW PORT [port-name]
Specifies the name of the port for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a port name, the SHOW PORT command displays the characteristics for all LTAn: ports on a node.Do not use the /APPLICATION, /DEDICATED, /FORWARD, /INTERACTIVE, or /LIMITED qualifiers with a specific port name.
Generates a display of all application ports./BRIEF
Displays port type, port status, and the remote node name, port, and service associated with the port. This is the default if you do not specify a port name with the SHOW PORT command./COUNTERS
Displays the counters kept for the port. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifiers with this qualifier./DEDICATED
Generates a display of all dedicated ports./FORWARD
Generates a display of all LAT ports used for either outgoing LAT connections or local LAT management functions./FULL
Displays the following information:
- Port type
- Port status
- Target port name, node name, and service name associated with the port
- Remote node name, port, and service associated with the port if a connection is currently active
Generates a display of all LAT ports used for incoming interactive connections./LIMITED
Generates a display of all limited LTA devices on the system (previously established with the CREATE PORT /LIMITED or SET PORT /LIMITED command).
If a port is an application port, the display lists the remote node name, remote port name, and remote service name that you specified in the SET PORT command.If the port is a dedicated port, the display lists the service name that you specified in the SET PORT command.
If LATCP shows the port as Interactive in the display, a user on a terminal server or on a node that supports outgoing LAT connections is currently using the port.
For all ports with active sessions, the remote node sends its node name and port name to your local node. These names are listed in the display.
#1 |
This command produces the following type of display. The display reflects the characteristics set by the command examples given with the SET PORT command.
Local Port Name: _LTA16: Local Port Type: Forward Local Port State: Inactive Connected Link: Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: LATCP$MGMT_PORT Actual Node Name: Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA17: Local Port Type: Interactive Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: PORT_1 Target Node Name: Actual Node Name: MY_DS200_SERVER Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA19: Local Port Type: Application (Queued) Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: TLAT1 Actual Node Name: TLAT1 Target Service Name: PRINTER Actual Service Name: PRINTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA21: Local Port Type: Dedicated Local Port State: Inactive Connected Link: Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: Actual Node Name: Target Service Name: GRAPHICS Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA22: Local Port Type: Application (Queued) Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: LN02 Actual Port Name: LN02 Target Node Name: TS33EW Actual Node Name: TS33EW Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The display in this example shows information about all the ports on the local node. The display shows information for each of the four types of ports:
- Forward: a port used for outgoing LAT connections or for executing local management functions and LATCP commands. Port LTA16: is a forward port. The display shows that the port is currently inactive---no current LAT connection exists. The target node name of LATCP$MGMT_PORT indicates that LATCP is using this port to execute the LATCP commands entered by the user. If the display listed a node and service name, it would mean that the port is being used for an outgoing connection.
- Interactive: a port created as a result of an incoming LAT connection request from another node or terminal server. Port LTA17: is an interactive port connected with port PORT_1 on the terminal server MY_DS200_SERVER.
- Application: a port used for solicited connections to devices on terminal servers or to application services on remote LAT service nodes. Port LTA22: is an application port. The port maps to port LN02 (a printer) on a terminal server node TS33EW. The display indicates that server TS33EW queues connection requests from the local node. Port LTA19: is also an application port. The port maps to the service PRINTER on terminal server TLAT1.
- Dedicated: a port dedicated to a local application service. Port LTA21: is dedicated to the service GRAPHICS.
The target port name, target node name, and target service name are the names specified with the SET PORT command. They are passed to the remote node or terminal server when the connection request is made.
The actual port name, actual node name, and actual service name are the names returned by the remote node when it accepts the connection request. They may differ from the corresponding target names (specified with the SET PORT command) if the remote node translates the names. For example, terminal servers that accept connections to LAT service names usually return the name of the port to which the connection was actually directed.
#2 |
This command produces a display that lists counter information for the LTA1 device:
Port Name: _LTA1: Seconds Since Zeroed: 66 Remote Accesses: 0 Framing Errors: 0 Local Accesses: 0 Parity Errors: 0 Bytes Transmitted: 0 Data Overruns: 0 Bytes Received: 0 Password Failures: 0 Solicitations Accepted: 1 Solicitations Rejected: 1 Incoming Solicits Accepted: 0 Incoming Solicits Rejected: 0 Last disconnect reason code: 18 (%LAT-F-LRJDELETED, queue entry deleted by server)
Displays information about requests, or entries, queued on the local node.
SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY [queue-entry-id]
Specifies the identification number (ID) of the queued entry for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, information about all queued entries is displayed.
Displays the following information about the queued entries:
- Position
- Entry ID
- Source node
- Service
- Port name
This is the default display.
In addition to the information displayed by the /BRIEF qualifier, the /FULL qualifier provides the following information for each node:
- Node queue position
- Service queue position
- Node address
- Soliciting Link
The SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY command displays information about requests, or entries, queued on the local node. You can display information about a specific entry by including the queue entry ID on the command line or you can display information about all entries (the default). Use the DELETE QUEUE_ENTRY command to delete specific entries from the queue.
#1 |
This command produces the following type of display:
Position Entry ID Source Node Service Port Name -------- -------- ---------------- ---------------- --------- 1 79EC NODE1 LAT_LIMITED 2 7AEC NODE2 LAT_LIMITED 3 7CEC NODE3 LAT_LIMITED
#2 |
This command produces the following type of display:
Entry ID: 7AEC Remote Node: NODE1 Node Queue Position: 1 Address: 08-00-2B-0A-A0-A0 Service Queue Position: 1 Target Port: Target Service: LAT_LIMITED Soliciting Link: LAT$LINK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry ID: 7CEC Remote Node: NODE2 Node Queue Position: 2 Address: AA-00-04-00-37-DD Service Queue Position: 2 Target Port: Target Service: LAT_LIMITED Soliciting Link: LAT$LINK
Displays the status and LAT characteristics of LAT services known to the local node.
SHOW SERVICE [service-name]
Specifies the name of the service for which information will be displayed. If you do not specify a service name, LATCP displays information about all services known to the node.You can also specify any valid wildcard for this parameter. For example, the SHOW SERVICE LAT_* command displays the status and characteristics of all services that begin with the LAT_ prefix.
Displays the status and identification string of the service./COUNTERS
Displays the counters kept for the service. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier. The following table lists and describes the counters:
Counter Description Remote Counters Connections attempted The total number of times the local node attempted to connect to the service offered on a remote node. Connections completed The total number of times the local node successfully connected to the service offered on a remote node. Local Counters Connections accepted The total number of times the local node accepted a connection request from a remote node to a locally offered service. Connections rejected The total number of times the local node rejected a connection request from a remote node to a locally offered service. Password failures The total number of connect requests to the service which were rejected due to password violation errors. /FULL
Displays the status, identification string, and type of service, and the values set for service characteristics. This qualifier also displays the status of all service nodes offering the service./LOCAL
Displays information about services offered by the local node only. You can use this qualifier with the /BRIEF, /COUNTERS, or /FULL qualifier.
This command displays information about services. If you do not specify a service name, the command displays information about all services known to your local node. If you do not specify a service name but specify the /LOCAL qualifier, the command displays information about all services offered by your local node.Depending on whether you use the /BRIEF, /COUNTERS, or /FULL qualifier, you can display the status, identification string, and type of service, the status of all service nodes offering the service, the values set for service characteristics, and service counters.
#1 |
This command produces the following display of information about service NODE1. This service is offered by the local node.
Service Name: NODE1 Service Type: General Service Status: Available Connections: Enabled Service Password: Enabled Queueing: N/A Service Ident: NODE1 - Test system Node Name Status Rating Identification LAV On 31 D . LATP Reachable 48 . LITTN Reachable 37 . LTDRV Reachable 82 .The display in this example indicates that the locally offered service NODE1 is available and its service type is general, meaning that it is a general timesharing service (in contrast to a dedicated application service). The display also lists the status of all the nodes that offer the service. The local node is LAV. The status of the local node can be either On, Off, or Shut. Here node LAV's status is On. The status of the other nodes indicates whether they are reachable. The display lists the ratings of each service node, indicating their relative capacity to accept new connections. The D next to the locally offered service indicates that node LAV computes its rating dynamically. An S would indicate that the node's rating was set permanently by the node's system manager.
#2 |
This command produces the following display of information about the service OFFICE, which is offered by a remote node:
Service Name: OFFICE Service Status: Available Service Ident: . Node Name Status Rating Identification BURGIL Reachable 121 . DARWIN Reachable 43 .The display in this example indicates that the service is available. The display also indicates the status and other information about the nodes that offer the service, BURGIL and DARWIN.
Creates a subprocess, enabling you to execute DCL commands without terminating your LATCP session. The LATCP command SPAWN is similar to the DCL command SPAWN.To return to your LATCP session, either log out of the subprocess by entering the DCL command LOGOUT, or use the DCL command ATTACH to attach your terminal to the process running LATCP.
SPAWN [DCL-command]
Specifies a DCL command. If you specify a DCL command, LATCP executes the command in a subprocess. Control returns to LATCP when the DCL command terminates.If you do not specify a DCL command, LATCP creates a subprocess and you can then enter DCL commands. You can continue your LATCP session by logging out of the spawned subprocess or by attaching to the parent process with the DCL command ATTACH.
The SPAWN command acts exactly like the DCL command SPAWN. You can enter DCL commands (such as to create print queues, change the protection of a device, answer mail, and so forth) without ending your LATCP session.You cannot use this command to gain access to DCL if you are running LATCP from a captive account.
This command creates a subprocess at DCL level. You can now enter DCL commands. Log out or enter the DCL command ATTACH to return to the LATCP prompt.
Resets the link, node, and service counters maintained by the local node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the counters were reset. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./LINK[=link-name]
Specifies the link (on your local node) for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a link name, LATCP zeroes counters for the link LAT$LINK./NODE[=node-name]
Specifies the node for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a node name, LATCP zeroes the counters for your local node./PORT=port-name
Specifies the port (on your local node) for which you want counters reset./SERVICE=service-name
Specifies the service (on your local node) for which you want counters reset.
This command resets counters. You can specify whether you want to reset link, node, or service counters. You must specify either /LINK, /NODE, or /SERVICE.
LATCP> ZERO COUNTERS/SERVICE=LTVM LATCP> SHOW SERVICE LTVM /COUNTERS Service Name: LTVM Seconds Since Zeroed: 9 Connections Attempted: 0 Connections Accepted: 0 Connections Completed: 0 Connections Rejected: 0 Password Failures: 0 |
This command resets the counters kept for service LTVM. The display produced by the SHOW SERVICE command shows how the ZERO COUNTERS command reset the counters to zero.
15.1 LMCP Description
The Log Manager Control Program (LMCP) utility creates and manages the
transaction logs used by DECdtm services.
Some LMCP commands can corrupt data. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual to understand the reasons for using LMCP and how to use it safely. |
LMCP lets you create and manage the transaction logs used by DIGITAL's distributed transaction manager, DECdtm services.
To invoke LMCP, enter RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LMCP at the DCL command prompt. At the LMCP> prompt, you can enter any of the LMCP commands described in the following section.To exit from LMCP, enter the EXIT command at the LMCP> prompt, or press Ctrl/Z.
The following table summarizes the LMCP commands:
Command | Description |
CLOSE LOG | Closes the transaction log and stops the TP_SERVER process |
CONVERT LOG | Creates a new transaction log and copies records from an existing transaction log to the new transaction log |
CREATE LOG | Creates a new transaction log |
DUMP | Displays the contents of a transaction log |
EXIT | Exits LMCP |
HELP | Gives help on LMCP commands |
REPAIR | Changes the state of transactions |
SHOW LOG | Displays information about transaction logs |
Closes the transaction log and stops the TP_SERVER process.Requires the SYSNAM privilege.
Use the CLOSE LOG command to:
- Close the transaction log of the local node.
- Stop the TP_SERVER process on the local node.
The CLOSE LOG command fails if the node is currently executing transactions.
Creates a new transaction log and copies records from an existing transaction log to the new one.Use the CONVERT LOG command when you want to move a transaction log or change its size.
If a node already has a transaction log, using the CONVERT LOG command to create a new one can corrupt data. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information about how to use the CONVERT LOG command safely.The CONVERT LOG command requires:
- The CMKRNL privilege
- Read access to the existing transaction log and the directory it is in
- Read and write access to the directory in which the new transaction log is to be created
CONVERT LOG old-filespec new-filespec
The file specification of the transaction log whose records are to be copied.The CONVERT LOG command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the CONVERT LOG command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- If you omit the file type, the CONVERT LOG command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
The file specification of the new transaction log to be created.For DECdtm services to use the transaction log, the file must have a name of the form SYSTEM$node.LM$JOURNAL, where node is the name of the node.
The CONVERT LOG command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the CONVERT LOG command creates the new transaction log in the first accessible directory pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- If you omit the file type, the CONVERT LOG command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
Specifies the owner of the new transaction log.Specify the owner using the standard UIC format, as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.
Specifies the size of the new transaction log in blocks.The minimum size is 100 blocks. If you omit this qualifier, the new transaction log is created with the default size of 4000 blocks.
This example creates a 6000-block transaction log called SYSTEM$RED.LM$JOURNAL in directory DISK$LOG2:[LOGFILES]. It then copies records from the existing transaction log, SYSTEM$RED.LM$OLD in directory DISK$LOG2:[LOGFILES], into the new transaction log.
Creates a new transaction log.
If a node already has a transaction log, using the CREATE LOG command to create a new one can corrupt data.Requires read and write access to the directory in which the transaction log is to be created.
CREATE LOG filespec
The file specification of the transaction log to be created.For DECdtm services to use the transaction log, the file must have a name of the form SYSTEM$node.LM$JOURNAL, where node is the name of the node.
The CREATE LOG command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the CREATE LOG command creates the transaction log in the first accessible directory pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- If you omit the file type, the CREATE LOG command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
If you specify a disk and directory not pointed to by SYS$JOURNAL, a warning message is displayed. However, the transaction log is still created, but will not be used until either (a) SYS$JOURNAL is modified to point to the disk and directory where the log was created, or (b) you move the new transaction log to a directory pointed to by SYS$JOURNAL.
Forces the CREATE LOG command to create a new version of an existing transaction log.
Creating a new version of an existing transaction log can lead to data corruption.The data in the two transaction logs cannot be merged. Once it has started using the new transaction log, DECdtm services cannot access any transaction records in the old transaction log.
Specifies the owner of the transaction log.Specify the owner using the standard UIC format, as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.
Specifies the size of the transaction log in blocks.The minimum size is 100 blocks. If you omit this qualifier, the transaction log is created with the default size of 4000 blocks.
This example creates a 5000-block transaction log for node ORANGE in DISK$LOG1:[LOGFILES].
Displays the contents of a transaction log.Requires read access to the transaction log and the directory it is in.
DUMP filespec
The file specification of the transaction log whose contents you want to display.The DUMP command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the DUMP command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- If you omit the file type, the DUMP command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
Selects records only for transactions that have not yet been forgotten./FORMAT (default)
Determines whether the contents of the transaction log are displayed as formatted records. Specify both the /NOFORMAT and the /HEX qualifiers to display the contents of the transaction log in hexadecimal only.
/NOFORMATIf the /NOFORMAT qualifier is specified without the /HEX qualifier, only the transaction log header is displayed.
Specifies that the contents of the transaction log are displayed as both ASCII characters and hexadecimal longwords. Specify both the /NOFORMAT and /HEX qualifiers to display the contents of the transaction log in hexadecimal only.
/NOHEX (default)/LOGID=logid
Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose logid field matches the specified value.The logid is in the Log ID field, to the right of the Type field. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens.
Note that you can use this qualifier only with the /RM qualifier.
Requires read and write access to the directory in which the output file is to be created.Specifies where the output from the DUMP command is sent. If you omit this qualifier, output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you do not supply a file specification, the output is sent to the file LMCP_DUMP.LIS in your default directory.
Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose names begin with the specified value.The participant name is shown in the Name field, and is output in both ASCII and hexadecimal.
If the participant name includes undisplayable characters, you can select records for that participant by using the hexadecimal form of its name. When specifying the hexadecimal form of the name, you must convert it by reversing the pairs in the hexadecimal number. For example, the participant name is:
The value you specify for the /RM qualifier is:
Name (11): "SYSTEM$RED" (4445 52244D45 54535953)
Selects records only for transactions in either the Committed or Prepared states.
Selects records only for the specified transaction.The transaction_id is shown in the Transaction ID field. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens.
Use the DUMP command to display the contents of a transaction log. Example 15-1 is a sample of a transaction log, with the important fields identified.
Example 15-1 Sample Transaction Log
Log Manager Control Program V1.1 Dump of transaction log DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 647327A0-2674-11C9-8001-AA00040069F8 (1) Penultimate Checkpoint: 000000000239 0039 Last Checkpoint: 00000000042E 002E Dump of transaction log DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 Present Length: 134 (00000086) Last Length: 0 (00000000) VBN Offset: 0 (00000000) Virtual Block: 2 (00000002) (2) Section: 3 (00000003) Record number 1 (00000001),(3) 114 (0072) bytes (4) Transaction state (1): PREPARED (5) Transaction ID: 1D017140-2676-11C9-9F34-08002B174360 (6) (8-JUL-2002 14:08:29.14) DECdtm Services Log Format V1.1 (7) Type ( 2): CHILD (8) Log ID: F1469720-4A0C-11CC-8001-AA000400B7A5 (9) Name (13): "SYSTEM$WESTRN" (4E 52545345 57244D45 54535953) (10) Type ( 8): CHILD NODE (8) Log ID: F1469720-4A0C-11CC-8001-AA000400B7A5 (9) Name (6): "WESTRN" (4E52 54534557) (10) Type ( 3): LOCAL RM (8) Log ID: 037100C0-0019-0003-0100-000000000000 (9) Name (6): "ORANGE" (4547 4E41524F) (10)In this example, the significant fields are:
- Transaction log header --- information about the transaction log's attributes.
- Section header --- the section header of multiple transaction records.
- Record number --- the record number, in both decimal and hexadecimal.
- Record size --- the record size in both decimal and hexadecimal.
- Transaction state --- the type of the record. This can be:
- Prepared
This type of record is logged when the transaction enters the Prepared state. Note that this type of record is not logged at the node on which the transaction was started.- Committed
This type of record is logged when the transaction enters the Committed state.- Forgotten
This type of record is logged:
- When the transaction is aborted, if a record of type Prepared was logged for the transaction.
- For a transaction that commits, when no participants require the local DECdtm transaction manager to remember that the outcome of the transaction is commit.
Note that DECdtm uses the presumed abort logging protocol.- Checkpoint
Unlike the other types of record, this is not associated with a particular transaction. It is used internally by the DECdtm transaction manager to compress space in the transaction log.- Transaction ID --- the unique transaction identifier (TID) generated by the DECdtm transaction manager.
- DECdtm Services Log Format --- the version number of the transaction log format.
- Type --- information about the participant in the transaction. This can be:
- Child --- an immediate child transaction manager. This transaction manager may query the local DECdtm transaction manager to determine the outcome of the transaction.
- Child Node --- the name of the node that an immediate child transaction manager is on.
- Parent --- the immediate parent transaction manager. The local DECdtm transaction manager may query this transaction manager to determine the outcome of the transaction.
- Parent Node --- the name of the node that an immediate parent transaction manager is on.
- Local RM --- a resource manager on the local node.
- Log ID --- the identifier of the participant's log. For type Child, Child Node, Parent, or Parent Node, this is the identifier of the DECdtm transaction log. For a local resource manager, this is the identifier of its private log.
- Name --- the name of the participant in the transaction, in both ASCII and hexadecimal.
LMCP> DUMP/RM="RMS$" DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNALThis example displays the contents of the transaction log for node BLUE, selecting only transactions in which RMS Journaling for OpenVMS is participating.
Dump of transaction log DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 6A034B20-6FCC-0095-D7E4-EAA500000000 Penultimate Checkpoint: 00000000382E 002E Last Checkpoint: 000000003C2E 002E Dump of transaction log DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 Present Length: 46 (0000002E) Last Length: 512 (00000200) VBN Offset: 30 (0000001E) Virtual Block: 32 (00000020) Section: 1 (00000001) Record number 2 (00000002), 5 (0005) bytes Transaction state (3): CHECKPOINT Checkpoint record contains no active transactions. Record number 1 (00000001), 21 (0015) bytes Transaction state (0): FORGOTTEN Transaction ID: 271D9FC0-7082-0095-98E7-EAA500000000 Dump of transaction log DISK$LOGFILE:SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 Present Length: 113 (00000071) Last Length: 512 (00000200) VBN Offset: 29 (0000001D) Virtual Block: 31 (0000001F) Section: 2 (00000002) Record number 1 (00000001), 93 (005D) bytes Transaction state (2): COMMITTED Transaction ID: 271D9FC0-7082-0095-98E7-EAA500000000 (3-MAR-2002 13:53:03.42) DECdtm Services Log Format V1.1 Type ( 2): CHILD Log ID: EF006060-CF37-11C9-8001-AA000400DEFA Name (10): "SYSTEM$ORANGE" (45 474E4152 4F244D45 54535953) Type ( 8): CHILD NODE Log ID: EF006060-CF37-11C9-8001-AA000400DEFA Name ( 6): "ORANGE" (4547 4E41524F) Type ( 3): LOCAL RM Log ID: 28C5D180-7082-0095-0000-000000000000 Name (22): "RMS$USER1.......`....." (0000 00178B60 00000000 00000031 52455355 24534D52) . . . Total of 1 transactions active, 0 prepared and 1 committed
Exits LMCP.
Provides help on LMCP commands.
HELP [help-topic [help-subtopic]]
Specifies the command that you want help for.help-subtopic
Specifies the parameter or qualifier that you want help for.
Changes the state of transactions.
The REPAIR command can corrupt data. Use it only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing transaction states.The REPAIR command requires:
- The CMKRNL privilege
- Read and write access to the transaction log and the directory it is in
REPAIR filespec
The file specification of the transaction log containing the transactions whose states you want to change.The REPAIR command has the following requirements:
- The logical SYS$JOURNAL must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- The transaction log must be in a directory pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL.
- The file type of the transaction log must be .LM$JOURNAL.
The REPAIR command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the REPAIR command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL.
- If you omit the file type, the REPAIR command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose logid field matches the specified value.The logid is in the Log ID field, to the right of the Type field in the output from the DUMP command. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens.
Note that you can use this qualifier only with the /RM qualifier.
Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose names begin with the specified value.The participant name is shown in the Name field in the output from DUMP, and is output in both ASCII and hexadecimal.
If the participant name includes undisplayable characters, you can select records for that participant by using the hexadecimal form of its name. When specifying the hexadecimal form of the name, you must convert it by reversing the pairs in the hexadecimal number. For example, the participant name is:
The value you specify for the /RM qualifier is:
Name (11): "SYSTEM$RED" (4445 52244D45 54535953)
Selects records only for transactions in either the Committed or Prepared states.
Selects records only for the specified transaction.The transaction_id is shown in the Transaction ID field in the output from the DUMP command. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens.
Use the REPAIR command to change the state of transactions.
The REPAIR command can corrupt data. Use it only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing transaction states.Use this command only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing the transaction state.
Change the transaction state only when you already know the outcome of the transaction and need to manually update the transaction log immediately. You might want to do this because, for example, you have lost the network link to a remote node.
When you use the REPAIR command you use qualifiers to specify which transactions you want to change. By default, the REPAIR command selects all transactions.
Once you have selected the transactions to change, enter the REPAIR subcommand mode. Within this mode, the prompt changes to REPAIR>, and you have an additional set of subcommands. Use these subcommands either to manually change the state of the transaction or to select the next transaction that matches your selection criteria. The subcommands are as follows:
Subcommand Action ABORT Specifies that a Prepared transaction is to be aborted by removing its record from the transaction log. This writes a record of type Forgotten for the transaction.
Note that DECdtm services use the presumed abort logging protocol.COMMIT Specifies that a Prepared transaction is to be committed. This writes a record of type Committed for the transaction. EXIT Returns to the LMCP> prompt. FORGET Specifies that a Committed transaction can be removed from the transaction log. This writes a record of type Forgotten for the transaction. NEXT Displays the next transaction that matches your selection criteria. LMCP displays each of the selected transactions in turn, so that you can change them. For each selected transaction, you can either use the ABORT, COMMIT, and FORGET subcommands to change the state of the transaction, or use the NEXT subcommand to select the next transaction.
To exit from the REPAIR subcommand mode, enter the EXIT subcommand or press Ctrl/Z.
LMCP> REPAIR/STATE=PREPARED DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$ORANGEIn this example, transactions to be modified are selected from the transaction log for node ORANGE. The transactions selected are those in the Prepared state.
The first transaction is committed by manually changing its state from Prepared to Committed, then the NEXT subcommand is used to advance to the next selected transaction.
Dump of transaction log DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$ORANGE;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 98A43B80-81B7-11CC-A27A-08002B1744C3 Penultimate Checkpoint: 00000407B9AC 07AC Last Checkpoint: 00000407C3B7 07B7 Transaction state (1): PREPARED Transaction ID: 9F7DF804-CBC4-11CC-863D-08002B17450A (18-OCT-2002 16:11:03.67) DECdtm Services Log Format V1.1 Type ( 3): LOCAL RM Log ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Name (1): "B" (42) Type ( 4): PARENT Log ID: AEC2FB64-C617-11CC-B458-08002B17450A Name (13): "SYSTEM$BLUE" (45554C 42244D45 54535953) Type (16): PARENT NODE Log ID: AEC2FB64-C617-11CC-B458-08002B17450A Name (6): "BLUE" (45554C42)) REPAIR> COMMIT REPAIR> NEXT . . .
Displays information about transaction logs.Requires read access to the transaction logs and the directories they are in.
SHOW LOG [filespec]
The file specification of the transaction logs you want to display information about. This can include the percent (%) and asterisk (*) wildcard characters.The SHOW LOG command uses the following defaults:
- If you omit the disk and directory, the SHOW LOG command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
- If you omit the file type, the SHOW LOG command uses .LM$JOURNAL.
Displays information about the local node's transaction log. This includes the number of checkpoints and stalls that have occurred since DECdtm services started on this node.To use the /CURRENT qualifier:
- You must have the CMKRNL privilege.
- You must omit the parameter to the SHOW LOG command.
Lists all attributes of the transaction logs. For each transaction log, both the full file specification of the transaction log and its size are displayed.If you do not specify which transaction log you want to display, the SHOW LOG command lists all transaction logs of the form SYSTEM$*.LM$JOURNAL, in all directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
Requires read and write access to the directory in which the output file is to be created.Specifies where the output of the SHOW LOG command is sent. If you omit this qualifier, output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier. If you do not supply a file specification, the output is sent to the file LMCP_SHOW.LIS in your default directory.
LMCP> SHOW LOG/FULLThis example displays full details about the transaction logs in all directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL. This logical is defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.
Directory of DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES] DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$BLUE.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 647327A0-2674-11C9-8001-AA00040069F8 Penultimate Checkpoint: 000000001A39 0039 Last Checkpoint: 000000001C8A 008A Total of 1 file. Directory of DISK$RED:[LOGFILES] DISK$RED:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$RED.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 4002 / Allocated 4002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 17BB9140-2674-11C9-8001-AA0004006AF8 Penultimate Checkpoint: 000000ECADE5 41E5 Last Checkpoint: 000000F1O5FC 41FC Total of 1 file. Directory of DISK$LOGFILES:[LOGS] DISK$LOGFILES:[LOGS]SYSTEM$YELLOW.LM$JOURNAL;1 End of file block 1002 / Allocated 1002 Log Version 1.0 Transaction log UID: 590DAA40-2640-11C9-B77A-08002B14179F Penultimate Checkpoint: 00000C8B4819 2019 Last Checkpoint: 00000C8BC15B 335B Total of 1 file. Total of 3 files in 3 directories.
Chapter 16
Monitor Utility
16.1 MONITOR Description
The Monitor utility (MONITOR) is a system management tool used to obtain information about operating system performance. MONITOR allows you to monitor classes of systemwide performance data (such as system I/O statistics, page management statistics, and time spent in each of the processor modes) at specifiable intervals, and produce several types of output.To monitor a particular class of information, specify the class names corresponding to the information classes that you want to monitor. For example, to monitor page management statistics, specify the PAGE class name in the MONITOR command. MONITOR collects system performance data by class and produces the following three forms of optional output:
- A disk recording file in binary format
- Statistical terminal displays
- A disk file containing statistical summary information in ASCII format
The utility initiates a single MONITOR request for the classes of performance data specified each time you enter a command in the following form:
MONITOR [/qualifier[,...]] classname[,...] [/qualifier[,...]]
Regardless of the order in which you specify classname parameters, MONITOR always executes requests in the following sequence:
VBS (VAX Only)
RLOCKDepending on the command qualifiers specified, MONITOR collects system performance data from the running system or plays back data recorded previously in a recording file. When you play back data, you can display it, summarize it, and even rerecord it to reduce the amount of data in the recording file.
16.2 MONITOR Usage Summary
The Monitor utility (MONITOR) is a system management tool that enables you to obtain information about operating system performance.
Issuing the MONITOR command from the DCL prompt invokes the Monitor utility and allows you to use any of the Monitor utility commands as follows:
$ MONITOR MONITOR>To begin monitoring a system, issue the Monitor utility MONITOR command.
If you attempt to monitor a remote node that is incompatible, the system displays the following message:
%MONITOR-E-SRVMISMATCH, MONITOR server on remote node is an incompatible versionIf you receive this message, contact your HP support representative for a remedial kit that corrects this problem.
Before you install the remedial kit, you can still use MONITOR to obtain data about the remote node. To do this, record the data on the remote node, and then run the MONITOR playback feature to examine the data on the local node.
Generally, each MONITOR request runs until the time specified or implied by the /ENDING qualifier. To exit from MONITOR, enter the EXIT command at the MONITOR> prompt or press Ctrl/Z. To terminate a MONITOR request without exiting from the utility, press Ctrl/C.
Information collected by MONITOR is normally displayed as ASCII screen images. You can use the optional /DISPLAY qualifier to specify a disk file to contain the information. If you omit the file specification, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. See the Monitor utility MONITOR command for a discussion of the /DISPLAY qualifier.
You can also initiate MONITOR requests from command level by entering the DCL command MONITOR with the desired qualifiers and parameters. However, in terms of conserving system resources, it is preferable to initiate requests in response to the MONITOR> prompt.
16.3 MONITOR Commands
This section describes and provides examples of MONITOR commands. For commands that specify classname parameters (other than ALL_CLASSES), a sample display or summary of each class is provided, with a brief description of the items in the class.
MONITOR recognizes the exclamation point (!) as a comment character. Thus, full- or partial-line comments are acceptable in command files specified as input to MONITOR.
Note that in MONITOR, rate indicates the number of occurrences per second. For example, the Page Fault rate indicates the number of page faults per second.
The following table lists the commands described in this section:
Command Description CONVERT Converts a pre-Version 5.0 MONITOR recording file to the current format EXECUTE (@) Executes a series of MONITOR commands contained in a file EXIT Terminates MONITOR, returning control to command level HELP Displays information about MONITOR INITIALIZE Reestablishes initial default dettings for parameters and qualifiers altered by the SET DEFAULT command MONITOR Initiates monitoring of statistics for the classes of information you specify SET DEFAULT Sets command qualifier, classname parameter, and classname qualifier defaults for the MONITOR command SHOW DEFAULT Displays the defaults established by the SET DEFAULT command CONVERT
The CONVERT command converts a pre-Version 5.0 MONITOR recording file to the current format.
CONVERT file-spec
Specifies the file to be converted. The default file specification is MONITOR.DAT.
The file specification of the converted file. The default specification is MONITOR.DAT.
You must convert pre-Version 5.0 recording files to the current format before attempting to play them back with the current MONITOR version.
MONITOR> CONVERT 24MAY_MONITOR.DAT/OUTPUT=24MAY_NEWMON.DATThis command converts the file 24MAY_MONITOR.DAT to the current format and names the output file 24MAY_NEWMON.DAT.
The EXECUTE command or the at sign (@) executes a series of MONITOR commands contained in a file.
EXECUTE (@) file-spec
Specifies a command file to be executed by the EXECUTE (@) command.
With the EXECUTE command, you can direct MONITOR to obtain command input from a specified file rather than from the terminal. The file can contain any valid MONITOR command except an EXECUTE (@) command. Commands in the file are executed sequentially. If you omit the optional file specification, the default is MONITOR.MON.After the file has executed, subsequent commands are obtained from the terminal.
! This file sets defaults for a memory management inquiry using ! INTERVAL=5, PAGE, IO, and PROCESSES/TOPFAULT ! . . . SET DEFAULT /INTERVAL=5 PAGE, IO, PROCESSES/TOPFAULTIn this example, appropriate default values for a memory management investigation are established in the file INQMEM.MON, and the file is executed with the EXECUTE command. Then a subsequent MONITOR command uses those defaults, adding the /RECORD qualifier, to display and record the selected classes with a 5-second interval.
Note that the defaults established when the file INQMEM.MON is executed remain in effect until changed explicitly or until you exit from the utility.
The EXIT command terminates MONITOR, returning control to command level.
The HELP command displays information about MONITOR.
HELP [command]
Specifies the name of a MONITOR command for which HELP is desired.
MONITOR> HELP MONITOR INITIALIZE The INITIALIZE command reestablishes initial default settings for parameters and qualifiers previously altered by the SET DEFAULT command.The command in this example requests help information about the INITIALIZE command.
The INITIALIZE command reestablishes initial default settings for parameters and qualifiers altered by the SET DEFAULT command.
The MONITOR command initiates monitoring of statistics for the classes of information you specify.
MONITOR [/command qualifier[,...]] classname[,...] [/classname qualifier[,...]]
This section describes qualifiers for the MONITOR and SET DEFAULT commands. Note that these commands accept the same qualifiers. As these qualifiers follow the standard rules of DCL grammar as specified in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary, you can abbreviate any qualifier or keyword as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. Use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) as wildcard characters unless otherwise noted.classname[,...]
Specifies the class of performance data to be monitored. To monitor all classes, specify the ALL_CLASSES parameter. When you specify several classes, separate the classname parameters with commas or plus signs. You cannot specify the CLUSTER class name with any other class name. Cluster monitoring functions require that DECnet for OpenVMS be installed.You must specify one or more of the following parameters:
Parameter Description ALL_CLASSES Statistics for all classes CLUSTER Clusterwide performance statistics DECNET DECnet for OpenVMS statistics DISK Disk I/O statistics DLOCK Distributed lock management statistics FCP File control primitive statistics FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE File system cache statistics IO System I/O statistics LOCK Lock management statistics MODES Time spent in each of the processor modes MSCP_SERVER MSCP server statistics PAGE Page management statistics PROCESSES Statistics on all processes RLOCK Dynamic lock remastering statistics RMS Record Management Services statistics SCS System Communications Services statistics STATES Number of processes in each of the scheduler states SYSTEM Summary of statistics from other classes TIMER Timer Queue Entry (TQE) statistics TRANSACTION DECdtm services statistics VBS (VAX Only) Virtual balance slot statistics VECTOR Vector processor scheduled usage
Command Qualifier Descriptions
Specifies the time that monitoring begins, by using a combination of absolute and delta times. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).If you are monitoring a running system, and you omit the /BEGINNING qualifier, monitoring begins when you enter the MONITOR command. However, if you have specified the /INPUT qualifier to play back data from an input recording file, /BEGINNING defaults to the beginning time recorded in the input file. If you specify /BEGINNING with a time but are playing back a recording file, MONITOR selects either the beginning time of the file or the beginning time you specify, whichever is later. If you are monitoring a remote node, the local node time is used to determine beginning time.
If you specify a future time for a request to monitor a running system, MONITOR issues an informational message, and the process issuing the request hibernates until the specified time. This feature can be useful when you run MONITOR from a batch job.
Specifies that performance class data in a multifile summary be displayed as a single column of AVERAGE statistics for each node.The /BY_NODE qualifier displays data in a multifile summary. If you specify only one input file, MONITOR ignores the /BY_NODE qualifier because you are not performing a multifile summary.
You can specify the /BY_NODE qualifier only in combination with the /SUMMARY qualifier. One column of AVERAGE statistics per node appears for each class requested.
By default, multifile summaries include one column of AVERAGE statistics for each node requested in each input file.
/NOCOMMENT (default)
Specifies an ASCII string to be stored in the output recording file. The string can contain up to 60 characters.The /COMMENT qualifier is valid only when /RECORD is also specified. (MONITOR ignores the /COMMENT qualifier if you do not use the /RECORD qualifier in the command line.) If you omit the qualifier or specify /NOCOMMENT, a string consisting of 60 blanks is stored in the recording file by default.
When a recording file containing a comment is played back, the comment is included in the heading of the display or single-file summary. Note that comment text is not displayed on playback for the CLUSTER class unless either the /SUMMARY or the /ALL qualifier is also used.
/DISPLAY[=file-spec] (default)
Specifies whether information collected by MONITOR is to be displayed as ASCII screen images. Optionally names the disk file to contain the output.If you omit the optional file specification, output is written to SYS$OUTPUT.
Note that although display output is produced by default, display output is never produced when a multifile summary is requested.
Specifies the time that monitoring ends, by using a combination of absolute and delta times. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).If you are monitoring a running system and omit the /ENDING qualifier, monitoring continues until you terminate the request with Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z. If you have also specified the /INPUT qualifier to play back data from an input recording file, /ENDING defaults to the ending time recorded in the input file. If you specify /ENDING with a time, but are playing back a recording file, MONITOR selects the earlier of the ending time of the file and the ending time you specify. For live requests, the local node's time-stamp is used to determine ending time.
You can prematurely terminate a request, regardless of the value of the /ENDING qualifier, by pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z. To prematurely terminate a request running in a noninteractive process (that is, a batch job or a detached process or subprocess), enter the appropriate DCL command to terminate the process.
Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which data collected by MONITOR (contents of MONITOR buffers) is written to disk. Values must be in the range from 1 to 9,999. The default interval is 300 seconds.If you are writing data to a shared recording file currently in use, specify a short interval to ensure that others accessing the file receive data that is as current as possible. The smaller the interval, the less data is lost if a system failure occurs while recording.
/NOINPUT (default)
Controls whether performance data is played back from one or more input files or collected from the running system. If you specify more than one file, enclose the list in parentheses, and separate the file specifications with commas. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.
Data in all files in the list must have been collected by the same OpenVMS version.With multiple input files, you must use the /SUMMARY qualifier. The maximum number of files MONITOR accepts for a multifile summary is 5000. In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message.
In a list of input files, any omitted segment of the file specification (name or type) is defaulted to the corresponding segment of the previous file specification.
If you omit the file type, and you have not specified the file type previously in an input file list, the default file type .DAT is used. If you omit the file specification, MONITOR assigns the default file name MONITOR.DAT. The current device and directory defaults are applied.
If you omit the qualifier, performance data is collected from the running system.
Specifies the sampling interval between data collection events, recording events, and display events. Values can range from 1 to 9,999,999.Collection events, recording events, and display events occur within a MONITOR request. Use the /INTERVAL qualifier to control the frequency of these events. A collection event causes raw data for all requested classes to be collected from the operating system or from a previously recorded file. A recording event causes data for all requested classes to be written to a recording file. A display event causes a screen image to be composed, for a single class, from the accumulated data collected for that class since the beginning of the MONITOR request.
For live collection requests, a collection event is always followed immediately by a recording event (if requested). The frequency of collection/recording event pairs is controlled by the /INTERVAL qualifier, which specifies the number of seconds that must elapse between occurrences of the event pair. Display events occur asynchronously to collection/recording event pairs at a frequency governed by the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier.
For playback requests, a collection event occurs each time a new interval is encountered in the input file of previously recorded data. A recording event (if requested) does not necessarily follow immediately as it does in live collection. Its frequency is still governed by the /INTERVAL qualifier; the specified /INTERVAL value is interpreted in terms of the /INTERVAL value specified when the input file was created. The new value must be an integral multiple of the original value. A recording event is then triggered every time an interval is encountered in the input file that is the appropriate multiple of the original interval.
For playback requests, occurrences of display events (if requested) are indicated in exactly the same way as recording events (with the /INTERVAL qualifier) and immediately follow recording events (if both are specified). The actual length of time a displayed image remains on the screen is still specified with the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier, but, unlike the live collection case, this qualifier is not used to signal a display event.
The following table summarizes which qualifiers cause the various MONITOR events:
Event Live Collection Qualifier Playback Qualifier Collection /INTERVAL Original /INTERVAL value (from file) Recording /INTERVAL /INTERVAL Display /VIEWING_TIME /INTERVAL Note that, for live requests, the collection interval is defined as the number of seconds from the end of one collection event to the beginning of the next. A collection event includes collection for all requested classes on all nodes specified. (For multiple-node requests, a collection event must complete on all nodes before a new event is initiated.) Therefore, the elapsed time from the beginning of one collection event to the beginning of the next is the interval value plus the time it takes to do the collection. For some requests, notably those including many classes or the PROCESSES, RMS, CLUSTER, or SYSTEM classes, collection time can be significant.
For /INPUT requests, the interval value defaults to the value specified in the input recording file. The default for monitoring the running system is 3 seconds for all classes except ALL_CLASSES, CLUSTER, and SYSTEM, which have a default of 6 seconds.
Specifies the nodes (up to 48 in a cluster) for which data is to be collected. If you specify more than one name, separate the names with commas, and enclose the list in parentheses.Remote monitoring in an OpenVMS Cluster environment might not be compatible for nodes that are running different OpenVMS versions. The following table shows the compatibility of versions for remote monitoring:
OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Version 6.0 and later OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 and VAX Version 5.n OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Version 6.0 or later Yes No OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 and VAX Version 5. n No Yes To obtain data from an incompatible remote node, record the data on the remote node and then use the MONITOR playback feature to examine the data on the local node. The HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual describes remote monitoring. If you specify multiple node names with multiple system classes, MONITOR displays one class at a time for each node. For example, the command MONITOR/NODE=(NODE_A,NODE_B) STATES,MODES generates STATES data for NODE_A and NODE_B and then MODES data.
Used with the CONVERT command, this qualifier specifies the name of the converted recording file. The default specification is MONITOR.DAT. File lists are not permitted.Recording files produced using MONITOR prior to VMS Version 5.0 must be converted to the current format before they can be played back by the current MONITOR version.
/NORECORD (default)
Specifies that a binary disk file be created containing all collected data for the request. Note that recording is restricted to files on disks. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .DAT. If you omit the file specification, output is generated to a file named MONITOR.DAT in the current default device and directory. If you specify an existing file but omit the version number, a new version of the file is created.The output consists of all data for the requested classes, regardless of the classname qualifiers specified. Note that recording file output is not produced when a multifile summary is requested.
/NOSUMMARY (default)
Specifies that an ASCII disk file be created containing summary statistics on all data collected for this request. If the optional file specification is omitted, it defaults to MONITOR.SUM.The summary file, generated at the end of monitoring, contains one or more pages of output for each requested class. The format of each page is similar to that of display output and is determined by the classname qualifiers. The /ALL qualifier is applied to all class names for which no other qualifier is specified.
Specifies the duration for each screen image display for /DISPLAY requests. Values can range from 1 to 9,999,999.If you are monitoring the running system, /VIEWING_TIME defaults to the /INTERVAL value. If you specify /INPUT, and you are monitoring a recording file, /VIEWING_TIME defaults to 3 seconds.
Effective viewing time varies, however, depending on whether you are running MONITOR on your local system or on a remote node. (Remote in this context refers to the use of the SET HOST command to access another node.) For remote access, the time required to display the screen is included in the viewing time, while for local access, this time is not included. Therefore, use a larger viewing time than the 3-second default when running MONITOR on a remote system. The value appropriate for remote access depends on your terminal baud rate. For a 9600--baud terminal line, 6 seconds is a reasonable viewing time.
Note also that the time between full screens of data for the PROCESSES display is controlled by this qualifier.
The MONITOR ALL_CLASSES command initiates monitoring of statistics for all classes except the CLUSTER and RMS classes.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
If you do not specify any qualifiers with the ALL_CLASSES parameter, normal default output is produced for each class. The qualifiers have no effect on display of the PROCESSES class.Note that the default interval is 6 seconds.
The MONITOR ALL_CLASSES command is particularly useful for playback of recording files because it eliminates the need to specify the particular classes of performance data the recording file contains. To override any of the default qualifiers, specify the class name with the qualifier after specifying ALL_CLASSES.
MONITOR> MONITOR/INPUT=SYS$MANAGER:LOADBAL.DAT ALL_CLASSES,PROCESSES/TOPCPUThis command initiates playback of the recording file SYS$MANAGER:LOADBAL.DAT. All data contained in the file will be displayed.
The MONITOR CLUSTER command initiates monitoring of the CLUSTER statistics class, which shows clusterwide CPU, memory, disk, and locking activity.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
For the CLUSTER class, MONITOR collects data items for up to 48 nodes in a cluster. Because this class combines the most significant clusterwide performance statistics in a single display, it is particularly useful to cluster managers and other users seeking an overview of cluster activity.MONITOR does not recognize nodes that enter the cluster while a request is active. MONITOR, therefore, does not collect data for these nodes.
You cannot specify the CLUSTER class in the same request with any other class.
In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message. MONITOR does not recognize these classes if they are the only classes specified on the command line, and displays a "no classes specified" error message.
The CLUSTER class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description CPU Busy Percentage of CPU in use; includes activity in all processor modes (except Idle Time) for each node. Percent Memory In Use Memory in use on each node; calculated by dividing the Free List Size by total available memory and subtracting the result from 100%. I/O Operation Rate Total rate of disk I/O operations on each disk by all nodes currently active in the request. In cluster configurations, the MSCP server software makes locally attached and HSC disks available to other nodes. A node uses remote access to a disk when it accesses the disk through another VAX node (using the MSCP server). A node uses direct access to a disk when it directly accesses a locally attached or HSC disk.
An "R" following the device name indicates that the displayed statistics represent I/O operations requested by nodes using remote access.
If an "R" does not appear after the device name, the displayed statistics represent I/O operations issued by nodes with direct access. These I/O operations might include those issued by the MSCP server on behalf of remote requests.
Total ENQ/DEQ Rate Sum of all local, incoming, and outgoing ENQs, DEQs, and conversions. Two display formats are provided, depending on the classname qualifier specified:
- A tabular style format for the /ALL qualifier
- A bar graph style format for the /AVERAGE, /CURRENT, /MAXIMUM, and /MINIMUM qualifiers
Beginning in OpenVMS Version 7.3, the range of rate fields has been increased in the MONITOR CLUSTER screen display as follows:
Rate Name Old Rate New Rate I/O Operation 0 - 25 - 50 - 75 - 100 0 - 125 - 250 - 375 - 500 Lock Scale from 0 to 500 Scale from 0 to 1000 Note to Cluster Managers on MONITOR_SERVER Process
When users enter the MONITOR CLUSTER command, MONITOR activates the image SYS$SYSTEM:VPM.EXE, which creates a process called MONITOR_SERVER on each remote cluster node. (If users specify the /NODE qualifier with the MONITOR CLUSTER command or with any command of the form MONITOR class name, MONITOR creates the process only on the specified nodes.) The server process gathers data from remote nodes for live display or to record on the local node. To ensure accurate and timely data collection, the process is started at priority 15. Because server processes consume minimal resources, they have no significant effect on system performance.
By default, MONITOR_SERVER processes are started in the system DECnet account, which is created when the NETCONFIG.COM command procedure executes at bootstrap time. If this account is not present on your system, you must either create it by executing NETCONFIG.COM, or specify another account in which the server processes can be started.
If you want to start the processes in another account, use the following sequence of commands to define VPM as known object 51 in the DECnet database and associate the object with the desired account:
$ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP NCP> DEFINE OBJECT VPM NUMBER 51 - _ FILE SYS$SYSTEM:VPM.EXE - _ PROXY NONE - _ ACCOUNT account - _ USER user-id - _ PASSWORD password NCP> SET OBJECT VPM NUMBER 51 - _ FILE SYS$SYSTEM:VPM.EXE - _ PROXY NONE - _ ACCOUNT account - _ USERNAME user-id - _ PASSWORD password NCP> EXIT $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=NOSYSPRVFor each server process, MONITOR creates a log file on the local node to which information about server connection activity, including error messages, is written. Note that error messages are written to the file only when errors occur. A single version is maintained for the life of the system. The default file specification has the form SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]VPM$nodename.LOG. The node name portion of the specification identifies the node on which the MONITOR_SERVER process has been started.
If you want to change the default specification, you can redefine the executive-mode logical name VPM$LOG_FILE in the system logical name table on the appropriate nodes. For example, if you wanted to write server error logging data to the file WRKD:[MONSERVER]VPM_ERRORS.LOG, you would define VPM$LOG_FILE as follows:
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE VPM$LOG_FILE - _$ WRKD:[MONSERVER]VPM_ERRORS.LOGTo direct to a single file data for all MONITOR_SERVER processes on the cluster, you could assign the logical name the same value on each member system. Note that because the log files are created as shared sequential files, multiple server processes can access them simultaneously.
If you routinely monitor your cluster, you can reduce server startup time significantly by creating MONITOR_SERVER processes on each member node at bootstrap time and maintaining the processes for the life of the system. To do so, add the following lines to the appropriate site-independent startup command files:
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE VPM$SERVER_LIVE TRUE $ RUN/DETACH/PAGE_FILE=10000 SYS$SYSTEM:VPM.EXEYou can enter these commands interactively at any time if you have the following privileges: ALTPRI, NETMBX, PSWAPM, SYSNAM, SYSPRV, and TMPMBX.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility CLUSTER STATISTICS on node CURLEY 29-APR-2003 12:25:13 CPU Busy CUR AVE MIN MAX LARRY 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 CURLEY 100.00 99.83 100.00 100.00 MOE 8.52 8.50 8.52 8.52 OpenVMS Monitor Utility CLUSTER STATISTICS on node CURLEY 29-APR-2003 12:25:19 %Memory In Use CUR AVE MIN MAX MOE 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 LARRY 78.00 78.00 77.00 78.00 CURLEY 72.00 72.50 72.00 72.00 OpenVMS Monitor Utility CLUSTER STATISTICS on node CURLEY 29-APR-2003 12:25:25 I/O Operation Rate CUR AVE MIN MAX $111$DUA7: (DECEIT) SQMCLUSTERV4 0.48 6.53 0.48 10.41 $111$DUA6: (DECEIT) QUALD 1.93 1.07 0.00 1.93 $111$DUA4: (DECEIT) PAGESWAPDISK 1.44 0.96 0.00 1.44 $111$DUA2: (DECEIT) TSDPERF 0.32 0.53 0.16 1.12 LARRY$DRA3: QUALQUEST 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.64 MOE$DMA1: UVMSQAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOE$DRA5: USER01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LARRY$DRA4: TIMEDEV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LARRY$DBB3: REGLIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $111$DUA3: (DECEIT) DUMPDISK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $111$DUA5: (DECEIT) BPMDISK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $111$DJA8: (DECEIT) ORLEAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $111$DJA10: (DECEIT) QMISDATABASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $111$DJA9: (DECEIT) MPI$DATA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OpenVMS Monitor Utility CLUSTER STATISTICS on node CURLEY 29-APR-2003 12:25:56 Tot ENQ/DEQ Rate CUR AVE MIN MAX MOE 7.90 14.92 0.00 43.12 LARRY 20.48 14.64 0.00 46.92 CURLEY 1.93 13.29 0.00 57.30The preceding example shows the tabular style format for the CLUSTER display.
Statistic: CURRENT OpenVMS Monitor Utility 5-JUN-2003 10:46:53 CLUSTER STATISTICS CPU | MEMORY | CPU Busy 0 25 50 75 100|%Memory In Use 0 25 50 75 100 +----+----+----+----+| +----+----+----+----+ BRS004 100 |********************|BRS004 37 |******* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -----------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- DISK | LOCK | I/O Operation Rate 0 125 250 375 500|Tot ENQ/DEQ Rate 0 250 500 750 1000 +----+----+----+----+| +----+----+----+----+ $1$DIA1: 52 |** |BRS004 183 |*** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |The preceding example shows the bar graph style format for a CLUSTER/CURRENT display.
The MONITOR DECNET command initiates monitoring of the DECNET class, which includes information about DECnet for OpenVMS network activity.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The DECNET class consists of the following data items:
Data Item Description Arriving Local Packet Rate Rate at which local packets are being received. Departing Local Packet Rate Rate at which local packets are being sent. Arriving Transit Packet Rate Rate at which transit packets are arriving. Transit Congestion Loss Rate Rate of transit congestion loss. Receiver Buffer Failure Rate Rate of receiver buffer failures.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility DECNET STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 22:22:44 CUR AVE MIN MAX Arriving Local Packet Rate 9.54 5.08 0.00 11.25 Departing Local Packet Rate 9.22 4.66 0.00 10.92 Arriving Trans Packet Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Trans Congestion Loss Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Receiver Buff Failure Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example shows that arriving and departing network packet rates (including control packets) are roughly equivalent, and that network activity is currently at a level higher than the average since monitoring began, but not at its highest point.
The MONITOR DISK command initiates monitoring of the DISK statistics class. The maximum number of disks that can be monitored for record output is 909, and for display and summary output is 1817.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./ITEM=(keyword[,...])
Selects one or more data items for inclusion in display and summary outputs. If you specify two or more keywords, enclose them in parentheses, and separate them with commas. When the /ITEM qualifier is omitted, the default is /ITEM=OPERATION_RATE.The following table describes /ITEM qualifier keywords:
Keyword Description ALL Specifies that statistics on all data items collected for the disks are displayed on successive screens. OPERATION_RATE Specifies that I/O operation rate statistics are displayed for each disk. QUEUE_LENGTH Specifies that the number of I/O request packets being serviced (current or waiting) is displayed for each disk. /MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./PERCENT
/NOPERCENT (default)
Controls whether statistics are expressed as percent values in display and summary outputs. The /PERCENT qualifier is applicable only to the DISK, MODES, SCS, and STATES classes.
The DISK class is a component class. Data items for this class are collected for each mounted disk device in a single-node or cluster system. The DISK class consists of the following data items:
Data Item Description I/O Operation Rate Rate at which I/O operations occur on each disk. By comparing operation rates for all disks in the system, you can tell which disks are busy and which are idle. However, because this statistic does not provide information about the time required for individual operations, use discretion in interpreting it. I/O Request Queue Length Number of outstanding I/O request packets. Includes the request currently being serviced and those awaiting service. Note that, for greater precision, this item is always sampled at a 1-second interval, regardless of the value specified with the /INTERVAL command qualifier. The maximum number of disks that can be monitored is 909 for record output and 1817 for display or summary output. In previous versions, the limit was 799 disks for both types of output.
In the following example, typical of a cluster environment, note that each disk is identified by three elements:
- Disk name ending in a colon.
- Name of the cluster node through which the disk is accessed. This field appears only in the multiple-statistic display; it is not included in single-statistic displays or multifile summaries.
- Volume label.
In cluster configurations, the MSCP server software makes locally attached and HSC disks available to other nodes. A node uses remote access to a disk when it accesses the disk through another VAX node (using the MSCP server). A node uses direct access to a disk when it directly accesses a locally attached or HSC disk.
An "R" following the device name indicates that the displayed statistics represent I/O operations requested by nodes using remote access.
If an "R" does not appear after the device name, the displayed statistics represent I/O operations issued by nodes with direct access. These I/O operations might include those issued by the MSCP server on behalf of remote requests.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility DISK I/O STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 14:19:56 I/O Request Queue Length CUR AVE MIN MAX SAMPLE$DBA0: SAMPLE09APR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SAMPLE$DRA2: SAMPLEPAGE 2.00 1.43 0.00 4.00 SAMPLE$DRB1: ACCREG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1$DRA5: (MOE) MOE$$PAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1$DBA3: (CURLEY) UMASTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $1$DBA5: (CURLEY) MIDNITE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2$DRA7: (LARRY) RES26APR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $2$DRB6: (LARRY) CLUSTERDUMP1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $255$DUA4: (SHEMP) RES06AUG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $255$DUA5: (SHEMP) VMSDOCLIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example, typical of a cluster environment, shows the number of I/O packets awaiting service or in service for each disk. Note that the device SAMPLE$DRA2 is the only device with a nonzero queue length. Because MONITOR samples queue lengths every second, regardless of the collection interval value, the precision of the data does not depend on the collection interval.
The MONITOR DLOCK command initiates monitoring of the DLOCK (distributed lock management) statistics class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The DLOCK class is useful for monitoring the lock management subsystem in a cluster environment. The class consists of the following data items:
Data Item Description New ENQ Rate (Local) Rate of new lock (ENQ) requests that originate and are performed on this system New ENQ Rate (Incoming) Rate of new lock requests that originate on other systems and are performed on this system New ENQ Rate (Outgoing) Rate of new lock requests that originate on this system and are performed on another system Converted ENQ Rate (Local) Rate of lock (ENQ) conversion requests that originate and are performed on this system Converted ENQ Rate (Incoming) Rate of lock conversion requests that originate on other systems and are performed on this system Converted ENQ Rate (Outgoing) Rate of lock conversion requests that originate on this system and are performed on another system DEQ Rate (Local) Rate of unlock (DEQ) requests that originate and are performed on this system DEQ Rate (Incoming) Rate of unlock requests that originate on other systems and are performed on this system DEQ Rate (Outgoing) Rate of unlock requests that originate on this system and are performed on another system Blocking AST Rate (Local) Rate of lock manager blocking ASTs that originate and are performed on this system Blocking AST Rate (Incoming) Rate of lock manager blocking ASTs that originate on other systems and are performed on this system Blocking AST Rate (Outgoing) Rate of lock manager blocking ASTs that originate on this system and are performed on another system Directory Function Rate (Incoming) Rate of requests for locks being managed by this node Directory Function Rate (Outgoing) Rate of requests for locks being managed by other nodes Deadlock Message Rate Rate of incoming and outgoing messages required for deadlock detection
OpenVMS Monitor Utility DISTRIBUTED LOCK MANAGEMENT STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 11:02:20 CUR AVE MIN MAX New ENQ Rate (Local) 15.84 11.59 1.54 26.88 (Incoming) 1.67 2.62 0.11 25.05 (Outgoing) 0.05 0.63 0.00 5.99 Converted ENQ Rate (Local) 23.67 9.13 0.99 41.22 (Incoming) 4.48 5.71 0.00 70.19 (Outgoing) 0.00 1.43 0.00 15.90 DEQ Rate (Local) 15.86 11.58 1.64 26.68 (Incoming) 1.66 2.59 0.00 24.85 (Outgoing) 0.05 0.63 0.00 5.99 Blocking AST Rate (Local) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 (Incoming) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Outgoing) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dir Functn Rate (Incoming) 8.00 7.33 4.66 11.00 (Outgoing) 1.00 0.77 0.00 2.66 Deadlock Message Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example shows that most of the current lock management activity occurs locally, but that, at some point during the monitoring period, a significant amount of incoming activity occurred.
The MONITOR FCP command initiates monitoring of the File Control Primitive statistics class, which includes information about all Files-11 ancillary control processes (ACPs) and extended QIO processors (XQPs) on the local node.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The FCP class consists of the following data items, all of which are displayed as occurrences per second:
Data Item Description FCP Call Rate Rate of QIO requests received by the file system. Allocation Rate Rate of calls that caused allocation of disk space. Create Rate Rate at which new files were created. Disk Read Rate Rate of read I/O operations from disk by the file system. Disk Write Rate Rate of write I/O operations to disk by the file system. Volume Lock Wait Rate Rate of entry into a wait state due to contention for a volume synchronization lock. Volume synchronization locks are removed by the XQP during file creation, deletion, extension, and truncation operations. CPU Tick Rate Rate at which CPU time was used by the file system (in 10-millisecond ticks). File System Page Fault Rate Rate at which page faults occurred in the file system. Window Turn Rate Rate of file-map window misses. File Lookup Rate Rate of file name lookup operations in file directories. File Open Rate Rate at which files were opened. Erase Rate Rate of erase operations issued by the file system.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility FILE PRIMITIVE STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 16:13:38 CUR AVE MIN MAX FCP Call Rate 4.62 3.80 0.33 7.61 Allocation Rate 0.99 0.24 0.00 0.99 Create Rate 2.31 0.57 0.00 2.31 Disk Read Rate 1.98 2.48 0.33 6.95 Disk Write Rate 3.30 2.39 0.33 5.62 Volume Lock Wait Rate 4.62 3.06 0.00 6.95 CPU Tick Rate 3.63 3.88 0.33 10.26 File Sys Page Fault Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Window Turn Rate 1.98 0.99 0.00 1.98 File Lookup Rate 0.33 1.40 0.00 4.63 File Open Rate 2.00 3.54 2.00 5.10 Erase Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example shows that the rate of files opened during the last 10-second collection interval was 2.0 (for a total of 20). The average rate since the MONITOR command was entered is 3.54; the highest rate achieved during any 10-second interval is 5.10, and the lowest rate of 2.0 occurred during the last interval.
The MONITOR FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE command initiates monitoring of the FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE statistics class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description Directory FCB Hit% Percentage of directory file control block hits on the directory cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. Directory FCB Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find directory file control blocks in the directory cache. Directory Data Hit% Percentage of directory data hits on the directory cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. Directory Data Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find directory data in the directory cache. File Header Hit% Percentage of file header hits on the file header cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. File Header Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find file headers in the file header cache. File ID Hit% Percentage of file identifier hits on the file ID cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. File ID Cache Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find file identifiers in the file ID cache. Extent Cache Hit% Percentage of appropriate size extent hits on the extent cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. Extent Cache Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find appropriate size extents in the extent cache. Quota Cache Hit% Percentage of quota entry hits on the quota cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. Quota Cache Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find entries in the quota cache. Bitmap Cache Hit% Percentage of entry hits on the bitmap cache. The percentage value shown is the ratio of hits to the sum of hits plus misses. Bitmap Cache Attempt Rate Rate at which attempts were made to find entries in the bitmap cache. Note that all items shown in the FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE display except Dir FCB apply only to XQPs. The Dir FCB item applies to both XQPs and the ODS-1 ACP.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility FILE SYSTEM CACHING STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 13:08:53 CUR AVE MIN MAX Dir FCB (Hit %) 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 (Attempt Rate) 1.66 0.49 0.00 1.66 Dir Data (Hit %) 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 (Attempt Rate) 4.66 1.24 0.00 4.66 File Hdr (Hit %) 66.00 80.00 0.00 100.00 (Attempt Rate) 1.00 0.41 0.00 1.00 File ID (Hit %) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Attempt Rate) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Extent (Hit %) 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 (Attempt Rate) 0.00 0.24 0.00 1.00 Quota (Hit %) 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 (Attempt Rate) 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.66 Bitmap (Hit %) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Attempt Rate) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00The cache hits and misses reflect the effectiveness of file system caching. Generally, the size of the cache affects the hit rate. The Attempt Rate is the sum of hits plus misses; the Hit% is the percentage of attempts that were successful.
Unlike other MONITOR data items, the averages for the hit percentages are not calculated based on previous hit percentages. Instead, these values are calculated based on the total number of hits and the total number of attempts on a cache since the beginning of the Monitor request. This provides more accurate average values for the hit percentage items.
The directory FCB cache is checked whenever a directory lookup is performed. Directory lookups can be performed on file open, creation, deletion, extension, or truncation. If the file control block associated with the directory is found in the cache, a hit is recorded. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
The directory data cache is checked whenever a file lookup is performed. Directory lookups may be performed on file open, creation, deletion, extension, or truncation. If an entry for the file being accessed is found in the directory data cache, a hit is recorded. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
The file header cache is checked on file open, close, creation, deletion, extension, or truncation. If the file header for the file being accessed is found in the file header cache, a hit is recorded. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
The file identification cache is a list of file identifiers that are removed on file creation and returned on file deletion. The File ID hits indicate file numbers successfully removed or returned to the file ID cache. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
The extent cache is checked on file creation, deletion, extension, and truncation. An attempt is made to allocate space from the extent cache during file creation or extension. During file creation, if sufficient size is found, a hit is recorded. If the desired size is not found, or an entry is forced to be split, an attempt is recorded. During file deletion, if the blocks were returned to the cache without the extent cache becoming too large, a hit is recorded. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
If quota checking is enabled, the quota cache is checked on file creation, deletion, extension, and truncation. If the desired entry (the identifier matching that of the requester) is found in the quota cache, a hit is recorded. Otherwise, a miss is recorded. Both hits and misses are counted as attempts.
The bitmap cache contains blocks from the storage bitmap file. This cache is accessed when the extent cache cannot satisfy requests for disk space. High rates indicate fragmented volumes.
Data items in the FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE display correspond to SYSGEN ACP/XQP parameters, as follows:
FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE Item ACP/XQP Parameters Dir FCB ACP_SYSACC ACP_DINDXCACHE Dir Data ACP_DIRCACHE File Hdr ACP_HDRCACHE File ID ACP_FIDCACHE Extent ACP_EXTCACHE ACP_EXTLIMIT Quota ACP_QUOCACHE Bitmap ACP_MAPCACHE When you change the ACP/XQP cache parameters, remember to reboot the system to make the changes effective. For more information about these parameters, refer to Appendix J.
The MONITOR IO command initiates monitoring of the I/O class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The IO class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description Direct I/O Rate Rate of direct I/O (for example, disk and tape) operations Buffered I/O Rate Rate of buffered I/O (for example, terminal and line printer) operations Mailbox Write Rate Rate of write-to-mailbox requests received by the system Split Transfer Rate Rate at which transfers were split into multiple I/Os Log Name Translation Rate Rate of logical name translations File Open Rate Rate at which files were opened Page Fault Rate Rate of occurrence of page faults for all working sets Page Read Rate Rate of pages read from disk as a result of page faults Page Read I/O Rate Rate of read I/O operations from disk as a result of page faults Page Write Rate Rate of pages written to the page file Page Write I/O Rate Rate of write I/O operations to the page file Inswap Rate Rate at which working sets were read into memory from the swap file Free List Size Number of pages on the free page list Modified List Size Number of pages on the modified page list
OpenVMS Monitor Utility I/O SYSTEM STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 22:22:44 CUR AVE MIN MAX Direct I/O Rate 15.33 4.46 0.33 15.33 Buffered I/O Rate 24.91 47.47 24.91 69.00 Mailbox Write Rate 0.00 0.45 0.00 2.95 Split Transfer Rate 1.66 1.56 0.33 3.97 Log Name Translation Rate 13.28 10.75 3.66 27.66 File Open Rate 1.66 1.26 0.33 2.98 Page Fault Rate 24.58 52.31 17.33 178.00 Page Read Rate 12.29 9.00 0.00 26.88 Page Read I/O Rate 2.65 2.43 0.00 6.22 Page Write Rate 0.00 6.69 0.00 58.66 Page Write I/O Rate 0.00 0.27 0.00 1.66 Inswap Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Free List Size 3621.00 3604.09 3392.00 3771.00 Modified List Size 49.00 73.36 4.00 181.00 RECORDINGThis example shows that the direct I/O rate is currently at its highest level since the MONITOR command was entered and is significantly higher than the average rate. Termination of this command by Ctrl/C and entry of a MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPDIO command would show the top users of direct I/Os. Note that if I/O monitoring is begun at a later time, a new MONITOR request is defined. That is, it is not a continuation of the original request; the average, minimum, and maximum statistics are reinitialized. However, because the original request specified recording, that data can be played back for redisplay or summarization.
The MONITOR LOCK command initiates monitoring of the LOCK class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The LOCK class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description New ENQ Rate Rate of new lock (ENQ) requests (as opposed to conversions) Converted ENQ Rate Rate of lock (ENQ) conversion requests DEQ Rate Rate of unlock (DEQ) requests Blocking AST Rate Rate of lock manager blocking ASTs delivered ENQs Forced To Wait Rate Rate of occurrence of locks that could not be granted immediately, thus causing a wait ENQs Not Queued Rate Rate of occurrence of locks that could not be granted immediately but requested not to be queued, and thus received an error status instead Deadlock Search Rate Rate at which a deadlock search was performed Deadlock Find Rate Rate at which deadlocks were found Total Locks Total number of locks in the system Total Resources Total number of resources in the system
OpenVMS Monitor Utility +-----+ LOCK MANAGEMENT STATISTICS | AVE | on node SAMPLE From: 29-APR-2003 08:00:00 +-----+ SUMMARY To: 29-APR-2003 17:00:00 0 5 10 15 20 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ New ENQ Rate 2 |**** Converted ENQ Rate 1 |** | | | | | DEQ Rate 3 |****** Blocking AST Rate | | | | | | ENQs Forced To Wait Rate | ENQs Not Queued Rate | | | | | | Deadlock Search Rate | Deadlock Find Rate | | | | | | Total Locks 3 |****** Total Resources 3 |****** | | | | | + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ PLAYBACK SUMMARIZINGThis example shows the average use of the lock management subsystem during a typical workday, based on data that was previously recorded.
The MONITOR MODES command initiates monitoring of the MODES class, which includes a data item for each mode of processor operation.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CPU
/NOCPU [=(x[,...])] (default)
In multiprocessor configurations, selects the CPU-specific form of output, where x specifies the CPU identification. If you specify /CPU without specifying a CPU identification, MONITOR displays MODES class statistics for each successive CPU until information for all active CPUs has been displayed. MONITOR then repeats the cycle beginning with the first CPU. If you specify one CPU identification, MONITOR displays statistics for that CPU only. If you specify multiple CPU identifications, MONITOR displays statistics for each successive CPU specified, then repeats the cycle beginning with the first specified CPU.Note that if you specify multiple CPU identifications, MONITOR does not notify you if one or more of the specified CPUs is unavailable. If all of the CPU identifications that you specify do not exist, then MONITOR will behave as if /CPU were specified without any arguments.
For multiprocessor systems, /NOCPU produces a single modes screen that reflects the combined time that all CPUs spent in each mode.
For nonmultiprocessor systems, the /CPU qualifier displays the CPU ID; /NOCPU does not display the CPU ID.
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./PERCENT
/NOPERCENT (default)
Controls whether statistics are expressed as percent values in display and summary outputs. The [NO]PERCENT qualifier is applicable only to the DISK, MODES, SCS, and STATES classes.
The following data items, included in the MODES class, can be displayed as percentages of all processor (CPU) time or as rates of clock ticks (10 millisecond units) per second:
Data Item Description Interrupt Stack (Interrupt State on Alpha systems) Time spent on the interrupt stack (on VAX systems) or in an interrupt state on a kernel stack (on Alpha systems). MP Synchronization Time spent synchronizing multiple CPUs (applicable to multiprocessor systems only). Kernel Mode Time spent in kernel mode, but not in an interrupt state. Executive Mode Time spent in executive mode. Supervisor Mode Time spent in supervisor mode. User Mode Time spent in user mode executing instructions. Compatibility Mode Time spent executing compatibility mode instructions. (This data item is meaningful only for VAX systems.) Idle Time Time not spent in any of the other modes. For multiprocessor systems, when you enter the MONITOR MODES command without using the /CPU qualifier to select specific CPUs, MONITOR produces a single modes screen similar to those produced for nonmultiprocessor systems. However, the statistics produced for multiprocessor systems reflect the combined time that all CPUs spent in each mode.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility TIME IN PROCESSOR MODES (%) +-----+ on node SAMPLE | CUR | 29-APR-2003 22:52:42 +-----+ 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ Interrupt Stack 4 |* | | | | | MP Synchronization | | | | | | Kernel Mode 6 |** | | | | | Executive Mode 2 | | | | | | Supervisor Mode | | | | | | User Mode 72 |*************************** | | | | | Compatibility Mode | | | | | | Idle Time 16 |****** | | | | | + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+This display shows that, over the last collection interval, the processor spent 72 percent of its time executing user code, 8 percent executing system code to service user requests in executive and kernel modes, and 4 percent processing interrupts on the interrupt stack. It was idle 16 percent of the time. Time spent executing OpenVMS RMS code is included in executive-mode time. Time spent executing DCL code is included in supervisor-mode time.
If you omit the /PERCENT qualifier or specify /NOPERCENT, MONITOR displays mode times as rates of clock ticks per second, where a clock tick is 10 milliseconds. On a uniprocessor, the rate value is equivalent to the percent value.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility +-----+ TIME IN PROCESSOR MODES | CUR | on node SAMPLE +-----+ 29-APR-2003 15:02:36 Combined for 2 (of 4) CPUs 0 50 100 150 200 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ Interrupt Stack | | | | | | MP Synchronization | | | | | | Kernel Mode 2 |* | | | | | Executive Mode 1 |* | | | | | Supervisor Mode | | | | | | User Mode 101 |******************** | | | | | Compatibility Mode | | | | | | Idle Time 96 |****************** + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+This example demonstrates output of the MONITOR MODES command for a multiprocessor system. Displayed statistics represent rates of clock ticks per second. Information in the upper left corner of the screen indicates that node SAMPLE has four CPUs, two of which are active. Because the command line does not include the /CPU qualifier, statistics reflect the combined time that all CPUs spent in each mode.
The MONITOR MSCP_SERVER command initiates monitoring of the mass storage control protocol (MSCP) server class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The MSCP server class consists of the following data items that can be useful in tuning the MSCP server:
Data Item Description Server I/O Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request I/O transfers. Read Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request Read I/O transfers. Write Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request Write I/O transfers. Extra Fragment Rate The rate at which the server issues extra fragments. One or more extra fragments are created when, due to buffering constraints, the MSCP server issues multiple I/Os in order to fulfill a single I/O request. For example, if the MSCP server breaks up a 64-block request into 4 fragments of 16 blocks, 3 extra fragments are created. Fragmented Request Rate The rate at which fragmented requests occur. A fragmented request is a transfer request that the server fragments due to buffering constraints. For example, one fragmented request occurs when the server splits a 36-block request into 3 fragments of 16 blocks, 16 blocks, and 4 blocks. In this example, the server creates two extra fragments. Buffer Wait Rate The rate at which "buffer waits" occur in the server. A buffer wait occurs when a request must wait for MSCP buffer memory. Request Size Rates A histogram that displays the rate of requests for various block sizes.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility MSCP SERVER STATISTICS on node GLOBBO 29-APR-2003 09:51:43 CUR AVE MIN MAX Server I/O Request Rate 0.00 0.71 0.00 6.22 Read Request Rate 0.00 0.54 0.00 6.22 Write Request Rate 0.00 0.16 0.00 6.16 Extra Fragment Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fragmented Request Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Buffer Wait Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Request Size Rates 1 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.98 (Blocks) 2-3 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.65 4-7 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.65 8-15 0.00 0.10 0.00 1.63 16-31 0.00 0.46 0.00 5.51 32-63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64+ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example demonstrates use of the MONITOR MSCP_SERVER command to generate MSCP statistics on node GLOBBO.
The MONITOR PAGE command initiates monitoring of the PAGE class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
The PAGE class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description Page Fault Rate Rate of page faults for all working sets Page Read Rate Rate of pages read from disk as a result of page faults Page Read I/O Rate Rate of read I/O operations from disk as a result of page faults Page Write Rate Rate at which pages were written to the page file Page Write I/O Rate Rate of write I/O operations to the page file Free List Fault Rate Rate at which pages were read from the free-page list as a result of page faults Modified List Fault Rate Rate of pages read from the modified-page list as a result of page faults Demand Zero Fault Rate Rate at which zero-filled pages were allocated as a result of page faults Global Valid Fault Rate Rate of page faults for pages that are not in the process's working set, but are in physical memory and are indicated as valid pages in the systemwide global page tables Writes In Progress Fault Rate Rate of pages read that were in the process of being written back to disk when faulted System Fault Rate Rate of page faults for pages in system space Free List Size Number of pages on the free-page list Modified List Size Number of pages on the modified-page list
OpenVMS Monitor Utility PAGE MANAGEMENT STATISTICS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 22:22:44 CUR AVE MIN MAX Page Fault Rate 26.82 18.27 9.66 26.82 Page Read Rate 3.97 2.65 1.33 3.97 Page Read I/O Rate 1.32 0.99 0.66 1.32 Page Write Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page Write I/O Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Free List Fault Rate 13.90 10.96 8.00 13.90 Modified List Fault Rate 5.62 2.99 0.33 5.62 Demand Zero Fault Rate 4.63 2.65 0.66 4.63 Global Valid Fault Rate 1.32 0.66 0.00 1.32 Wrt In Progress Fault Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 System Fault Rate 2.31 1.99 1.66 2.31 Free List Size 3164.00 3176.00 3164.00 3188.00 Modified List Size 155.00 131.00 107.00 155.00This example shows that the current rate of pages read per read I/O operation is approximately 3 per second (Page Read Rate divided by Page Read I/O Rate). Note that while the page fault rate is currently at the highest point of the monitoring session, the majority of the pages are faulted from memory, not from disk.
The MONITOR PROCESSES command initiates monitoring of the PROCESSES class, which displays information about all processes in the system.In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a bar graph listing the top buffered I/O users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of buffered I/Os per second./TOPCPU
Specifies that a bar graph listing the top CPU time users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds) per second.Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3, the MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU display showed only a maximum of 8 processes on one screen. In OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later versions, the choice of which one of three screens is displayed is determined by the number of CPUs on the system. (See the examples in this section.)
Specifies that a bar graph listing the top direct I/O users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of direct I/Os per second./TOPFAULT
Specifies that a bar graph listing the top page faulting processes be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of page faults per second./TOPRBS (VAX Only)
On OpenVMS VAX systems, specifies that a bar graph listing the top balance slot faulting processes be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of balance slot faults per second.
As illustrated in the examples, the PROCESSES display (and summary) formats are different from those of all other classes. The PROCESSES display provides the following information:
Data Item Description PID Process identifier as assigned by the system, in hexadecimal STATE Process's scheduler state (see the description of the MONITOR STATES command for an explanation and a tabular summary of the STATES codes) PRI Current (as opposed to base) priority of the process NAME Process name PAGES Number of shareable pages and total number of pages currently in use by the process DIOCNT Cumulative direct I/O operations performed by the process since its creation; not displayed if the process is swapped out FAULTS Cumulative page faults since the process was created; not displayed if the process is swapped out CPU TIME Cumulative CPU time used by the process since its creation, in the format hours:minutes:seconds ; not displayed if the process is swapped out The top corners of the display contain the number of processes in the system and the time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the system was last booted. Processes that are swapped out are so noted.
If more processes are in the system than can be displayed on the terminal screen at once, the display consists of multiple screens. Screens are presented one at a time at intervals specified with the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier. The five /TOP bar graph displays provide the PID and process name of each of the top eight users.
As with the other bar graph displays, examples in the displays of top users are rounded to the nearest whole number. Up to eight processes with nonzero values are displayed. To be eligible for inclusion in the list of top users, a process must be present and swapped in at the beginning and end of the display interval. This eligibility requirement also applies to the beginning and ending of the entire period covered by a summary.
Note that only one of the displays of top users or the regular PROCESSES display can be selected in a single MONITOR request.
Process Count: 20 OpenVMS Monitor Utility Uptime: 1 23:26:10 PROCESSES on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 12:39:09 PID STATE PRI NAME PAGES DIOCNT FAULTS CPU TIME 00000081 HIB 16 SWAPPER 0/0 0 0 00:00:15.8 00000102 LEFO 4 SAMPLE1001 87/232 SWAPPED OUT 00000103 COM 4 SAMPLE1101 16/100 7127 51298 00:05:11.0 00000084 HIB 8 ERRFMT 64/174 2750 125 00:00:43.9 00000086 LEF 8 OPCOM 73/272 283 178 00:00:07.7 00000087 HIB 9 JOB_CONTROL 57/293 707 167 00:00:10.5 00000088 HIB 8 CONFIGURE 43/205 22 123 00:00:00.6 0000008A HIB 6 SYMBIONT_0001 5/56 50 617 00:03:15.1 0000008B HIB 8 JNLACP 75/580 15149 4922 00:21:51.1 0000008C HIB 8 NETACP 5/954 11 1057 00:25:06.8 0000008D HIB 5 EVL 7/56 44 34384 00:00:20.5 0000008E HIB 9 REMACP 5/54 13 107 00:00:01.3 00000112 COM 4 SAMPLE1601 45/111 13131 39992 00:06:39.1 0000011E CUR 9 SMITH 89/298 138 830 00:00:07.1This example illustrates a PROCESSES display generated from the input file PROCS.DAT. One line is displayed for each process in the system. This display shows current values only---average, minimum, and maximum statistics are not available. Also for swapped-out processes, the words SWAPPED OUT replace the three rightmost items, because those items are not available for swapped-out processes. Because this example is a playback request, the system uptime displayed is that of the system at the time the MONITOR data was recorded.
Nondisplayable characters in process names are represented by periods.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility TOP DIRECT I/O RATE PROCESSES on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 16:13:38 0 25 50 75 100 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ 000000C7 SAMPLE0901 25 |********** | | | | | 00000112 SAMPLE1601 17 |****** | | | | | 00000102 SAMPLE1001 14 |***** | | | | | 00000103 SAMPLE1101 12 |**** | | | | | 00000080 NULL 12 |**** | | | | | 0000011E SMITH 4 |* | | | | | 0000008C NETACP 1 | | | | | | | + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+This example shows that the process SAMPLE0901, with a rate of 25 per second, was the top consumer of direct I/Os during the most recent interval between displays.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES on node BRS004 5-JUN-2003 10:47:49.21 0 25 50 75 100 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ 00000121 BATCH_36 6 ** | | | | | 0000012A BATCH_45 6 ** | | | | | 00000117 BATCH_26 6 ** | | | | | 0000011D BATCH_32 5 ** | | | | | 0000011A BATCH_29 5 ** | | | | | 0000012B BATCH_46 5 ** | | | | | 00000125 BATCH_40 5 ** | | | | | 0000011F BATCH_34 5 ** + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+This example shows a MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a single CPU system.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES on node BRS012 5-JUN-2003 10:48:39.38 0 25 50 75 100 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ 0000012B BATCH_46 7 ** 00000128 BATCH_43 6 ** 0000012A BATCH_45 5 ** 00000125 BATCH_40 5 ** 00000123 BATCH_38 5 ** 00000121 BATCH_36 5 ** 00000129 BATCH_44 5 ** 0000011F BATCH_34 5 ** 0000011E BATCH_33 5 ** 0000011D BATCH_32 5 ** 00000117 BATCH_26 5 ** 00000127 BATCH_42 5 ** 00000120 BATCH_35 5 ** 0000011B BATCH_30 5 ** 00000119 BATCH_28 5 **This example shows s MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a 12-CPU system.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES on node BRS016 5-JUN-2003 10:51:10.89 0 25 50 75 100 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+ 00000127 BATCH_42 6 ** 00000125 BATCH_40 6 ** 00000124 BATCH_39 5 ** 00000118 BATCH_27 5 ** 00000129 BATCH_44 5 ** 00000122 BATCH_37 5 ** 00000120 BATCH_35 5 ** 0000011F BATCH_34 5 ** 0000011D BATCH_32 5 ** 0000011C BATCH_31 5 ** 00000119 BATCH_28 5 ** 00000128 BATCH_43 5 ** 00000123 BATCH_38 5 ** 0000011B BATCH_30 4 * 0000012B BATCH_46 4 * 00000126 BATCH_41 4 *This example shows s MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a 16-CPU system.
The MONITOR RLOCK command initiates monitoring of the RLOCK (dynamic lock remastering) statistics class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary outputs. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
You can use the RLOCK class to monitor the dynamic lock remastering statistics of a node. Because local locking operations are less costly than remote operations, lock trees are moved from node to node to improve performance. A lock tree might be moved for any of the following reasons:
- Another node in the cluster is much more active on the tree than the current master.
- A node with a higher LOCKDIRWT enqueues a lock to a resource that a node with a lower LOCKDIRWT masters.
- Only one node in the cluster has locks on this resource and should, therefore, become the master.
The class RLOCK consists of the following data items, which are displayed as the rate of occurrences per second:
Data Item Description Lock Tree Outbound Rate Rate at which lock trees are moved from this node. Higher Activity Rate for trees moved due to higher locking activity on another node in the cluster. Higher LOCKDIRWT Rate at which trees are moved to a node with a higher value of the SYSGEN parameter LOCKDIRWT. Sole Interest Rate at which trees are moved to another node because that node is the only one with locks remaining on the tree. Remaster Msg Send Rate Rate at which remaster messages are sent from this node. Lock Tree Inbound Rate Rate at which trees are moved to this node. Remaster Msg Receive Rate Rate at which remaster messages are received on this node.
DYNAMIC LOCK REMASTERING STATISTICS on node JYGAL2 30-OCT-2003 12:19:55.27 CUR AVE MIN MAX Lock Tree Outbound Rate 0.33 0.02 0.00 0.33 (Higher Activity) 0.33 0.02 0.00 0.33 (Higher LCKDIRWT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Sole Interest) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Remaster Msg Send Rate 2.66 0.25 0.00 2.66 Lock Tree Inbound Rate 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.33 Remaster Msg Receive Rate 0.00 0.09 0.00 1.66In this example, the outbound numbers are quite low; in most cases, these numbers are never very large. Remastering is attempted only once every 8 seconds; then a maximum of 5 trees are processed at once. The exception is during orderly shutdown, when the system attempts to force all trees off the node shutting down.
The MONITOR RMS command initiates monitoring of the OpenVMS Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) statistics class for a specific file.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./FILE=(file-name[,...])
Specifies a list of one or more files to which the MONITOR RMS command applies. If you include a node name as part of the file specification, MONITOR ignores the node name. Use the /NODE command qualifier to select specific nodes for MONITOR RMS requests. If you use the /NODE command qualifier to specify multiple nodes, the file must exist on all specified nodes. You can list up to 5,000 files. Do not specify wildcard characters./ITEM=(keyword[,...])
Selects one or more data items for inclusion in display and summary outputs. If you specify two or more keywords, enclose them in parentheses, and separate them with commas. When the /ITEM qualifier is omitted, the default is /ITEM=OPERATIONS.The following table describes /ITEM qualifier keywords:
Keyword Description OPERATIONS Specifies that RMS basic operations statistics are displayed for the selected file. DATA_RATES Specifies that RMS data rate statistics are displayed for the selected file. LOCKING Specifies that RMS locking statistics are displayed for the selected file. CACHING Specifies that RMS caching statistics are displayed for the selected file. /MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.
When you enter the MONITOR RMS command, you must use the /FILE qualifier to specify an input file. MONITOR displays RMS statistics for the input file that you specify. MONITOR displays statistics only for the input file if statistics are enabled for the file, and the file is open. For information about enabling statistics for a file, refer to the SET FILE command in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary and the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.The MONITOR RMS command generates RMS statistics of the following types:
Basic operations (produced by specifying the OPERATIONS item)
Data rates per operation (produced by specifying the DATA_RATES item)
File locking (produced by specifying the LOCKING item)
Caching (produced by specifying the CACHING item)Basic operations statistics consist of the following data items:
Sequential $Get Call Rate
Keyed $Get Call Rate
RFA $Get Call Rate
Sequential $Find Call Rate
Keyed $Find Call Rate
RFA $Find Call Rate
Sequential $Put Call Rate
Keyed $Put Call Rate
$Read Call Rate
$Write Call Rate
$Update Call Rate
$Delete Call Rate
$Truncate Call Rate
$Extend Call Rate
$Flush Call RateData rate statistics consist of the following data items:
Total $GET Call Rate
Bytes per $GET
Total $PUT Call Rate
Bytes Per $PUT
Total $UPDATE Call Rate
Bytes per $UPDATE
$READ Call Rate
Bytes per $READ
$WRITE Call Rate
Bytes per $WRITE
Blocks per $TRUNCATE
$EXTEND Call Rate
Blocks per $EXTENDFile locking statistics consist of the following data items:
New ENQ Rate
DEQ Rate
Converted ENQ Rate
Blocking AST Rate
Bucket Split Rate
Multi-Bucket Split RateCaching statistics consist of the following data items:
Local Cache Hit Percent
Local Cache Attempt Rate
Global Cache Hit Percent
Global Cache Attempt Rate
Global Buffer Read I/O Rate
Global Buffer Write I/O Rate
Local Buffer Read I/O Rate
Local Buffer Write I/O Rate
Values produced by the MONITOR RMS command do not include I/Os generated by the recovery mechanisms of RMS Journaling.For more information about OpenVMS RMS, OpenVMS RMS services, and file applications, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual, HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual, and the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility RMS FILE OPERATIONS on node SAMPLE 29-APR-2003 11:03:06 (Index) _$254$DUA213:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSUAF.DAT;2 Active Streams: 17 CUR AVE MIN MAX $GET Call Rate (Seq) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Key) 4.30 2.15 0.00 6.76 (RFA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $FIND Call Rate (Seq) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Key) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (RFA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $PUT Call Rate (Seq) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Key) 0.20 0.14 0.00 0.30 $READ Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $WRITE Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $UPDATE Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $DELETE Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $TRUNCATE Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $EXTEND Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $FLUSH Call Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00This example demonstrates the use of the MONITOR RMS command to generate basic operations statistics for the file SYSUAF.DAT.
The MONITOR SCS command initiates monitoring of the System Communications Services (SCS) class.
Command Qualifiers
One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.
Classname Qualifiers
Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR./AVERAGE
Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./CURRENT
Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes./ITEM=(keyword[,...])
Selects one or more data items for inclusion in display and summary outputs. If you specify two or more keywords, enclose them in parentheses, and separate them with commas. When the /ITEM qualifier is omitted, the default is /ITEM=KB_MAP.The following table describes /ITEM qualifier keywords:
Keyword Description ALL Specifies that statistics on all data items collected for the disks are displayed on successive screens. BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR Specifies that statistics on the queued-for-buffer-descriptor (on the local node) rate are displayed for each node. D_DISCARD Specifies that datagram discard rate statistics are displayed for each node. D_RECEIVE Specifies that datagram receive rate statistics are displayed for each node. D_SEND Specifies that datagram send rate statistics are displayed for each node. KB_MAP Specifies that kilobyte map rate statistics are displayed for each node. KB_REQUEST Specifies that kilobyte request (via request datas) rate statistics are displayed for each node. KB_SEND Specifies that kilobyte send (via send datas) rate statistics are displayed for each node. M_RECEIVE Specifies that message receive rate statistics are displayed for each node. M_SEND Specifies that message send rate statistics are displayed for each node. REQUEST_DATA Specifies that request data (initiated on the local node) rate statistics are displayed for each node. SEND_CREDIT Specifies that queued-for-send-credit (on the local node) rate statistics are displayed for each node. SEND_DATA Specifies that send data (initiated on the local node) rate statistics are displayed for each node. /MAXIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./MINIMUM
Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs./PERCENT
/NOPERCENT (default)
Controls whether statistics are expressed as percent values in display and summary outputs. The /PERCENT qualifier is applicable only to the DISK, MODES, SCS, and STATES classes.
The SCS class is a component class. Data items for this class are collected for each node in the cluster. The SCS class consists of the following data items:
Data Item Description Datagram Send Rate Rate at which datagrams are sent to another node. Datagram Receive Rate Rate at which datagrams are received from another node. Datagram Discard Rate Rate at which datagrams are discarded. Message Send Rate Rate at which sequenced messages are sent to another node. Sequenced messages are exchanged between nodes to communicate with mass storage control protocol (MSCP) disks and the lock manager. Message Receive Rate Rate at which sequenced messages are received from another node. Sequenced messages are exchanged between nodes to communicate with MSCP disks and the lock manager. Send Data Rate Rate at which block send datas are initiated on the local node. Kbytes Send Rate Rate at which kilobytes are sent, as a result of send datas initiated on the local node. Request Data Rate Rate at which request datas are initiated on the local node. Kbytes Request Rate Rate at which kilobytes are received, as a result of request datas initiated on the local node. Kbytes Map Rate Rate at which kilobytes are mapped for block transfers. This is a rough measure of the data transfer rate between the local node and a remote node. Before any transfer can take place, a buffer must be mapped. The size of the accumulated buffers that were mapped is displayed by the Kbytes Map Rate. If request datas or send datas are initiated on the local or a remote node, then the Kbytes Map Rate reflects the number of kilobytes actually transferred between the two nodes. Send Credit Queued Rate Rate at which connections are queued for a send credit. A connection is queued for a send credit whenever all of the buffers that were allocated by the remote node have been used. Buffer Descriptor Queued Rate Rate at which connections are queued for a buffer descriptor. A connection is queued for a buffer descriptor whenever all of the buffer descriptors have been allocated by the local node. You can increase the number of buffer descriptors allocated on the local system by adjusting the system parameter SCSBUFFCNT.
OpenVMS Monitor Utility SCS STATISTICS on node CURLEY 29-APR-2003 10:21:46 Kbytes Map Rate CUR AVE MIN MAX CURLEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LARRY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SHEMP 5.64 3.81 1.98 5.64The command in this example requests that kilobyte map rate statistics collected for SCS be displayed for each node in the cluster. The display shows block transfer map activity between the node CURLEY and the hierarchical storage controller (HSC) SHEMP. Note that each node in the cluster is identified by its SCS node name.
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