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go up to top of book: HP OpenVMS Guide to System SecurityHP OpenVMS Guide to System Security
go to beginning of part: Security for the System AdministratorSecurity for the System Administrator
go to beginning of appendix: Assigning PrivilegesAssigning Privileges
go to previous page: LOG_IO Privilege (All)LOG_IO Privilege (All)
go to next page: NETMBX Privilege (Normal)NETMBX Privilege (Normal)
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MOUNT Privilege (Normal)  

The MOUNT privilege lets the user's process execute the mountvolume QIO function. The use of this function should be restrictedto system software supplied by HP.
go to previous page: LOG_IO Privilege (All)LOG_IO Privilege (All)
go to next page: NETMBX Privilege (Normal)NETMBX Privilege (Normal)