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PSWAPM Privilege (System)  

The PSWAPM privilege lets the user's process control whetherit can be swapped out of the balance set by executing the Set ProcessSwap Mode ($SETSWM) system service. A process must have this privilegeto lock itself in the balance set (to disable swapping) or to unlockitself from the balance set (to enable swapping).

With this privilege, a process can create a process that islocked in the balance set (swap mode is disabled) by using an optionalargument to the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or, whenthe DCL command RUN is used to create a process, by using the /NOSWAPPINGqualifier of the RUN command. Furthermore, a process can lock apage or range of pages in physical memory using the Lock Pages inMemory ($LCKPAG) system service.

Grant this privilege only to users who need to lock a processin memory for performance reasons. Typically, this will be a real-timeprocess. If unqualified processes have the unrestricted abilityto lock processes in the balance set, physical memory can be heldunnecessarily and thereby degrade system performance.

go to previous page: PRMMBX Privilege (Devour)PRMMBX Privilege (Devour)
go to next page: READALL Privilege (Objects)READALL Privilege (Objects)