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READALL Privilege (Objects)  

The READALL privilege lets the process bypass existing restrictionsthat would otherwise prevent the process from reading an object.However, unlike the BYPASS privilege, which permits writing anddeleting, READALL permits only the reading of objects and allowsupdating of such backup-related file characteristics as the backupdate. See the HP OpenVMS System Management UtilitiesReference Manual and the HP OpenVMS SystemManager's Manual for a discussion of backup operations.

READALL is intended to be an adequate privilege for backingup volumes, so grant this privilege to operators so they can performsystem backups.

The READALL privilege lets a process perform the followingtasks:

Task Interface
Read a userauthorization record
Display permanent networkdatabase records

go to previous page: PSWAPM Privilege (System)PSWAPM Privilege (System)
go to next page: SECURITY Privilege (System)SECURITY Privilege (System)