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       05  ITEMC OCCURS 10 TIMES.
           07  ITEMD PIC X.
           07  ITEME PIC XXX.

ITEMB (1) refers to a 40-character data item, the first 10 occurrences of ITEMC. Similarly, ITEMB (5) refers to the fifth group of 10 occurrences of ITEMC.
ITEME (3,4) refers to ITEME in the fourth occurrence of ITEMC in the third occurrence of ITEMB:
  • Variable occurrence data item:
    When ITEMA is a receiving item, its size is 2128 characters. When it is a sending item, its size can vary from 70 to 2128 characters, depending on the value in ITEMC.
    Each ITEME is 42 characters long. Its size cannot change. The only effect of the value of ITEMC is to determine the number of ITEME occurrences.
    There are 10 occurrences of ITEMH and ITEMI in each occurrence of ITEME.

    01  ITEMA.
        03  ITEMB  PIC X(6).
        03  ITEMC  PIC 99.
        03  ITEMD  PIC X(20).
            05 ITEMF PIC XX.
            05 ITEMG OCCURS 10 TIMES.
               07  ITEMH PIC X.
               07  ITEMI PIC XXX.

    5.3.36 PAGE


    The PAGE clause defines the length of a logical page and the vertical subdivisions within which report groups are presented.


    is a 1- to 3-digit integer. It defines the number of lines available on a logical page.


    is a 1- to 3-digit integer. It defines the first line number for a REPORT HEADING or PAGE HEADING report group on the logical page.


    is a 1- to 3-digit integer. It defines the first line number for a CONTROL HEADING, DETAIL, and CONTROL FOOTING report group on the logical page.


    is a 1- to 3-digit integer. It defines the last line number for a CONTROL HEADING or DETAIL report group on the logical page.


    is a 1- to 3-digit integer. It defines the last line number for a CONTROL FOOTING report group and the first line number for the PAGE FOOTING report group on the logical page.

    Syntax Rules

    1. The HEADING, FIRST DETAIL, LAST DETAIL, and FOOTING phrases may be written in any order.
    2. page-size must not exceed three significant digits and must be greater than or equal to footing-line.
    3. heading-line must be greater than or equal to one.
    4. first-detail-line must be greater than or equal to heading-line.
    5. last-detail-line must be greater than or equal to first-detail-line.
    6. footing-line must be greater than or equal to last-detail-line.
    7. The rules in Table 5-6 summarize the rules presented in Appendix D, Report Writer Presentation Rules and Tables. They indicate the vertical subdivision of the page in which each type of report group may appear when the PAGE clause is specified.
      1. To present a REPORT HEADING report group on a page by itself (NEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE), define the REPORT HEADING clause to be in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from heading-line to page-size, inclusive.
        To present a REPORT HEADING report group on a page with other report groups, define the REPORT HEADING clause to be in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from heading-line to first-detail-line minus one, inclusive.
      2. A PAGE HEADING clause must be defined in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from heading-line to first-detail-line minus one, inclusive.
      3. A CONTROL HEADING or DETAIL clause must be defined in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from first-detail-line to last-detail-line, inclusive.
      4. A CONTROL FOOTING clause must be defined in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from first-detail-line to footing-line, inclusive.
      5. A PAGE FOOTING clause must be defined in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from footing-line plus one to page-size, inclusive.
      6. To present a REPORT FOOTING report group on a page by itself, define the REPORT FOOTING clause in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from heading-line to page-size, inclusive.
        To present a REPORT FOOTING report group on a page with other report groups, define the REPORT FOOTING clause in the vertical subdivision of the page extending from footing-line plus one to page-size.
    8. All report groups must be defined such that they can be presented on one logical page. The Report Writer Control System (RWCS) never splits a multiline report group across logical page boundaries.

    General Rules

    1. REPORT HEADING and PAGE HEADING report groups may not be presented on or beyond the first-detail-line.
    2. PAGE FOOTING and REPORT FOOTING report groups must follow the footing-line.
    3. If the PAGE clause is specified, the following implicit default values are assumed for any omitted phrases:
      1. If the HEADING phrase is omitted, heading-line equals one.
      2. If the FIRST DETAIL phrase is omitted, first-detail-line equals heading-line.
      3. If the LAST DETAIL and FOOTING phrases are both omitted, last-detail-line and footing-line equal page-size.
      4. If the FOOTING phrase is specified and the LAST DETAIL phrase is omitted, last-detail-line equals footing-line.
      5. If the LAST DETAIL phrase is specified and the FOOTING phrase is omitted, footing-line equals last-detail-line.
    4. If the PAGE clause is omitted, the report consists of a single page of infinite length with relative line numbering.
    5. If a REPORT HEADER report group is to appear on a page with other report groups, the first line following the heading report groups (REPORT HEADER and PAGE HEADER) must be blank.
    6. If a REPORT FOOTING report group is to appear on a page with other report groups, the first line preceding the footing report groups (PAGE FOOTING and REPORT FOOTING) must be blank.

    Additional References

    Table 5-6 shows the page regions established by the PAGE clause.

    Table 5-6 Page Regions Established by the PAGE Clause
      Region Boundaries
    Report Groups that Can Be Presented in a Region First Line Number of the Region Last Line Number of the Region Line Positioning for the First Report Group Within the Region

    Report Heading Described with NEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE

    Report Footing Described with LINE line-num NEXT PAGE



    heading-line minus 1
    Page Heading      

    Report Heading Not Described with NEXT GROUP NEXT PAGE


    minus 1

    heading-line minus 1
    Control Heading first-detail-line last-detail-line If LINE-COUNTER is greater than or equal to first-detail-line, position on LINE-COUNTER plus 1
    Detail     If LINE-COUNTER is less than first-detail-line, position on first-detail-line
    Control Footing first-detail-line footing-line Same as preceding
    Page Footing footing line page-size
    Report Footing Not Described with LINE line-num NEXT PAGE plus 1   LINE-NUMBER
    plus footing-line

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