HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual
Displays those portions of the port descriptor table (PDT) that are
port independent.
SHOW PORTS [/qualifier[,...]]
Displays the specified port descriptor table (PDT). You can find the
pdt-address for any active connection on the system in the
PDT summary page display of the SHOW PORTS command.
This command also defines the symbol PE_PDT. The connection descriptor
table (CDT) addresses are also stored in many individual data
structures related to System Communications Services (SCS) connections,
for instance, in the path block displays of the SHOW CLUSTER/SCS
Displays bus (LAN device) structure data.
Displays channel (CH) data.
Displays the network path description for a channel.
Displays the message data associated with a virtual circuit (VC).
Shows only the virtual circuit block associated with the specific node.
When you use the /NODE qualifier, you must also specify the address of
the PDT using the /ADDRESS qualifier.
Displays the virtual circuit data.
The SHOW PORTS command provides port-independent information from the
port descriptor table (PDT) for those CI ports with full System
Communications Services (SCS) connections. This information is used by
all SCS port drivers.
The SHOW PORTS command also defines symbols for PEDRIVER based on the
cluster configuration. These symbols include the following information:
- Virtual circuit (VC) control blocks for each of the remote systems
- Bus data structure for each of the local LAN adapters
- Some of the data structures used by both PEDRIVER and the LAN
The following symbols are defined automatically:
- VC_nodename---Example: VC_NODE1, address of the local node's
virtual circuit to node NODE1.
- CH_nodename---The preferred channel for the virtual circuit. For
example, CH_NODE1, address of the local node's preferred channel to
node NODE1.
- BUS_busname---Example: BUS_ETA, address of the local node's bus
structure associated with LAN adapter ETA0.
- PE_PDT---Address of PEDRIVER's port descriptor table.
- MGMT_VCRP_busname---Example: MGMT_VCRP_ETA, address of the
management VCRP for bus ETA.
- HELLO_VCRP_busname---Example: HELLO_VCRP_ETA, address of the HELLO
message VCRP for bus ETA.
- VCIB_busname---Example: VCIB_ETA, address of the VCIB for bus ETA.
- UCB_LAVC_busname---Example: UCB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN
device's UCB used for the local-area OpenVMS Cluster protocol.
- UCB0_LAVC_busname---Example: UCB0_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN
device's template UCB.
- LDC_LAVC_busname---Example: LDC_LAVC_ETA, address of the LDC
structure associated with LAN device ETA.
- LSB_LAVC_busname---Example: LSB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LSB
structure associated with LAN device ETA.
These symbols equate to system addresses for the corresponding data
structures. You can use these symbols, or an address, in SHOW PORTS
qualifers that require an address, as in the following:
The SHOW PORTS command produces several displays. The initial display,
the PDT summary page, lists the PDT address, port
type, device name, and driver name for each PDT. Subsequent displays
provide information taken from each PDT listed on the summary page.
You can use the /ADDRESS qualifier to the SHOW PORTS command to produce
more detailed information about a specific port. The first display of
the SHOW PORTS/ADDRESS command duplicates the last display of the SHOW
PORTS command, listing information stored in the port's PDT. Subsequent
displays list information about the port blocks and virtual circuits
associated with the port.
#1 |
OpenVMS Cluster data structures
--- PDT Summary Page ---
PDT Address Type Device Driver Name
----------- ---- ------- -----------
--- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80E2A180 ---
Type: 09 pn
Characteristics: 0000
Msg Header Size 104 Flags 0000 Message Sends 3648575
Max Xfer Bcnt 00100000 Counter CDRP 00000000 Message Recvs 4026887
Poller Sweep 21 Load Vector 80E2DFCC Mess Sends NoFP 3020422
Fork Block W.Q. 80E2A270 Load Class 60 Mess Recvs NoFP 3398732
UCB Address 80E23380 Connection W.Q. 80E4BF94 Datagram Sends 0
ADP Address 80E1BF00 Yellow Q. 80E2A2E0 Datagram Recvs 0
Max VC timeout 16 Red Q. 80E2A2E8 Portlock 80E1ED80
SCS Version 2 Disabled Q. 80FABB74 Res Bundle Size 208
Port Map 00000001
--- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80EC3C70 ---
Type: 03 pe
Characteristics: 0000
Msg Header Size 32 Flags 0000 Message Sends 863497
Max Xfer Bcnt FFFFFFFF Counter CDRP 00000000 Message Recvs 886284
Poller Sweep 30 Load Vector 80EDBF8C Mess Sends NoFP 863497
Fork Block W.Q. 80EC3D60 Load Class 10 Mess Recvs NoFP 886284
UCB Address 80EC33C0 Connection W.Q. 80EFF5D4 Datagram Sends 0
ADP Address 00000000 Yellow Q. 80EC3DD0 Datagram Recvs 0
Max VC timeout 16 Red Q. 80EC3DD8 Portlock 00000000
SCS Version 2 Disabled Q. 812E72B4 Res Bundle Size 0
Port Map 00000000
This example illustrates the default output of the SHOW PORTS command.
#2 |
OpenVMS Cluster data structures
--- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80EC3C70 ---
Type: 03 pe
Characteristics: 0000
Msg Header Size 32 Flags 0000 Message Sends 864796
Max Xfer Bcnt FFFFFFFF Counter CDRP 00000000 Message Recvs 887086
Poller Sweep 30 Load Vector 80EDBF8C Mess Sends NoFP 864796
Fork Block W.Q. 80EC3D60 Load Class 10 Mess Recvs NoFP 887086
UCB Address 80EC33C0 Connection W.Q. 80EFF5D4 Datagram Sends 0
ADP Address 00000000 Yellow Q. 80EC3DD0 Datagram Recvs 0
Max VC timeout 16 Red Q. 80EC3DD8 Portlock 00000000
SCS Version 2 Disabled Q. 812E72B4 Res Bundle Size 0
Port Map 00000000
Port Map 00000000
--- Port Block 80EC4540 ---
Status: 0001 authorize
VC Count: 20
Secs Since Last Zeroed: 77020
SBUF Size 824 LBUF Size 5042 Fork Count 1943885
SBUF Count 28 LBUF Count 1 Refork Count 0
SBUF Max 768 LBUF Max 384 Last Refork 00000000
SBUF Quo 28 LBUF Quo 1 SCS Messages 1154378
SBUF Miss 1871 LBUF Miss 3408 VC Queue Cnt 361349
SBUF Allocs 1676801 LBUF Allocs 28596 TQE Received 770201
SBUFs In Use 2 LBUFs In Use 0 Timer Done 770201
Peak SBUF In Use 101 Peak LBUF In Use 10 RWAITQ Count 30288
SBUF Queue Empty 0 LBUF Queue Empty 0 LDL Buf/Msg 32868
TR SBUF Queue Empty 0 Ticks/Second 10 ACK Delay 1000000
No SBUF for ACK 0 Listen Timeout 8 Hello Interval 30
Bus Addr Bus LAN Address Error Count Last Error Time of Last Error
-------- --- ----------------- ----------- ---------- -----------------------
80EC4C00 LCL 00-00-00-00-00-00 0
80EC5400 EXA 08-00-2B-17-CF-92 0
80EC5F40 FXA 08-00-2B-29-E1-40 0
--- Virtual Circuit (VC) Summary ---
VC Addr Node SCS ID Lcl ID Status Summary Last Event Time
-------- -------- ------ ------ ----------------- -----------------------
80E566C0 ARUSHA 19617 223/DF open,path 8-FEB-2001 16:01:57.58
80E98840 ETOSHA 19699 222/DE open,path 8-FEB-2001 16:01:58.41
80E98A80 VMS 19578 221/DD open,path 8-FEB-2001 16:01:58.11
This example illustrates the output produced by the SHOW PORTS command
for the PDT at address 80EC3C70.
Displays the software and hardware context of any process in the
system. If the process is suspended (ANALYZE/SYSTEM), then some
displays may be incomplete or unavailable. If the process was
outswapped at the time of the system crash, or not included in a
selective dump (ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP), then some displays may be
incomplete or unavailable.
Please see descriptions of the individual qualifiers for details not
included in the syntax definition.
Select which process to show:
[process-name |ALL |/ADDRESS=pcb_address
|/ID=nn |/INDEX=nn |/NEXT |/SYSTEM]
Select what to show about a process :
|[/FANDLES] |[/IMAGES [={name|ALL}]] |[/LOCKS
[/BRIEF]] |[{/PAGE_TABLES |/PPT}...[synonyms] [=ALL
|range [/PTE_ADDRESS] |[[/P0 (D)]|[/P1]|[/P2]|[/PT]]
|/GSTX=index |/SECTION_INDEX=n |[/INVALID_PFN [=option]]
|[/NONMEMORY_PFN [=option]] |{/RDE [=id] |/REGIONS
[=id]} ...[synonyms] |[/L1|/L2|/L3 (D)] ] |[/PERSONA
[=address ][/RIGHTS [/AUTHORIZED]]] |[/PHD]
|[{/PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE|/PST} ...[synonyms] [/FID_ONLY]] |[/PCB]
|[/POOL[[{=P0|=P1|=ALL}]|[range]] [[/BRIEF]
|[/RING_BUFFER[=ALL]] |[/STATISTICS] |[{/SUBTYPE=packet-type
|/TYPE=packet-type } ] |[/SUMMARY]] ] |[{/RDE
[=id] |/REGIONS [=id ]}]...[synonyms] |[/REGISTERS]
|[/RMS [=option [,...]]] |[/SEMAPHORE] |[/THREADS]
|[{/WORKING_SET_LIST|/WSL}] ...[synonyms] ]
Information about all processes that exist in the system.
Name of the process for which information is to be displayed. Use of
the process-name parameter or one of the /ADDRESS,
/ID, /INDEX, /NEXT, or /SYSTEM qualifiers causes the SHOW PROCESS
command to perform an implicit SET PROCESS command, making the
indicated process the current process for subsequent SDA commands.
When you analyze a crash dump from a multiprocessing system, changing
process context may require a switch of CPU context as well. When you
issue a SET PROCESS command, SDA automatically changes its CPU context
to that of the CPU on which that process is, or was most recently,
current. You can determine the names of the processes in the system by
issuing a SHOW SUMMARY command.
The process-name can contain up to 15 uppercase
letters, numerals, the underscore (_), dollar sign, colon (:), and some
other printable characters. If it contains any other characters
(including lowercase letters), you may need to enclose the
process-name in quotation marks (" ").
Specifies the process control block (PCB) address of a process in order
to display information about the process.
Displays all information shown by the following qualifiers:
/UNWIND_TABLE (I64 only.)
Used with the /PERSONA/RIGHTS qualifiers. See the
/PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED description for the use of the /AUTHORIZED
When used with the /LOCKS qualifier, causes SDA to display each lock
owned by the current process in brief format, that is, one line for
each lock. When used with the /POOL qualifier, causes SDA to display
only general information about process pool and its addresses.
Displays all the buffer objects that a process has created.
Displays information about the I/O channels assigned to the process.
Displays the data on the process's fast I/O handles.
When used with /CHANNEL or /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE (/PST), causes SDA to
not attempt to translate the FID (File ID) to a file name when invoked
When used with /POOL, displays the entire contents, both allocated and
free, of the specified region or regions of pool. Use the /FREE
qualifier with a range to show all of the used and
free pool in the given range.
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays only page table
entries for the specific global section.
When used with /POOL, displays only the first 16 bytes of each data
packet found within the specified region or regions of pool.
/IMAGES [={name| ALL}]
For all images in use by this process, displays the address of the
image control block, the start and end addresses of the image, the
activation code, the protected and shareable flags, the image name, and
the major and minor IDs of the image. The /IMAGES = ALL qualifier also
displays the base, end, image offset, section type, and global pointer
for all (I64) or all installed resident (Alpha) images in use by this
process. The /IMAGE=name qualifier displays this information
for just the specified images; name may contain wildcards.
See the HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual and the Install utility chapter in the
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information on images installed using the
/RESIDENT qualifier.
Specifies the process for which information is to be displayed by its
index into the system's list of software process control blocks (PCBs),
or by its process identification (ID). You can supply the following
values for
- The process index itself.
- The process identification (PID) or extended PID longword, from
which SDA extracts the correct index. You can specify the PID or
extended PID of any thread of a process with multiple kernel threads.
Any thread-specific data displayed by SHOW PROCESS will be for the
given thread.
To obtain these values for any given process, issue the SDA command
SHOW SUMMARY/THREADS. You can use the /ID=nn and
/INDEX=nn qualifiers interchangeably.
/INVALID_PFN [=option]
The /INVALID_PFN qualifier, which is valid only on platforms that
supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries
that map to PFNs that are in neither the system's private memory, nor
Galaxy-shared memory, nor are I/O access pages. Use of /INVALID_PFN
implies /PAGE_TABLES.
The /INVALID_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords, READONLY and
WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are
displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked for no write
access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only pages that allow
write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS
ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all process pages
(for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map to
PFNs that do not belong to this system.
/L3 (D)
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /L1, /L2, /L3 displays the
page table entries at the level specified. /L3 is the default.
Displays the lock management locks owned by the current process.
The /LOCKS [/BRIEF] qualifier produces a display similar in format to
that produced by the SHOW LOCKS command. See also the /BRIEF qualifier
description. Table 4-6 contains additional information.
When used with /POOL, displays only the first n bytes of a
pool packet; if you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the default
is 64 bytes.
Locates the next valid process in the system's process list and selects
that process. If there are no further valid processes in the system's
process list, SDA returns an error.
/NONMEMORY_PFN [=option]
The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier causes SDA to display only page table
entries that are in neither the system's private memory nor in
Galaxy-shared memory. Use of /NONMEMORY_PFN implies /PAGE_TABLES.
The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords, READONLY and
WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are
displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked for no write
access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only pages that allow
write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS
pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map
to PFNs that are in neither the system's private memory nor
Galaxy-shared memory.
/P0 (D)
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P0, /P1, /P2 displays only
page table entries for the specified region. The default is /P0.
Displays the page tables of the process P0 (process), P1 (control), P2,
or PT (page table) region, or, optionally, page table entries for a
range of addresses. You can use /PAGE_TABLES=ALL to
display page tables of all four regions. With /Ln, the page
table entries at the level specified by /L1, /L2, or /L3 (the default)
are displayed.
With /RDE=id or /REGIONS=id, SDA displays the page
tables for the address range of the specified address region. When you
do not specify an ID, the page tables are displayed for all the
process-permanent and user-defined regions.
You can express a range using the following syntax:
Displays the single page table entry that corresponds to virtual address
Displays the page table entries that correspond to the range of virtual
addresses from
m to
Displays the page table entries that correspond to a range of
n bytes, starting at virtual address
Page Protections and
See Section 2.8 for information on page protections and access.
With the /GSTX=index qualifier, SDA displays only the page
table entries for the pages in the specified global section.
With the /PTE_ADDRESS qualifier, SDA treats the specified range as PTE
addresses instead of virtual addresses.
With the /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier, SDA displays only the
page table entries for the pages in the specified process section.
Displays the information contained in the process control block (PCB).
This is the default behavior of the SHOW PROCESS command.
/PERSONA [=address]
Displays all persona security blocks (PSBs) held in the PERSONA ARRAY
of the process, and then lists selected information contained in each
initially listed PSB. The selected information includes the contents of
the following cells inside the PSB:
Reference count
Execution mode
Audit status
Account name
Rights enabled mask
If you specify a PSB address, the above information is provided for
that specific PSB only.
Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] information and additional
selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes
currently held and active for each persona security block (PSB).
Displays all the /PERSONA [=address] information and additional
selected information, including all the Rights and their attributes
authorized for each persona security block (PSB).
Lists the information included in the process header (PHD).
Displays the dynamic storage pool of the process P0 (process) and/or P1
(control) region, or, optionally a range of addresses.
You can express a range using the following syntax:
Displays the process pool in the range of virtual addresses from
m to
Displays process pool in a range of
n bytes, starting at virtual address
Is a synonym for /PAGE_TABLES.
Lists the information contained in the process section table (PST). The
displays the process section table entry for the specified section.
Is a synonym for /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE.
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page table
entries for the page table space of the process.
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that the range is
of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped by the PTE.
/RDE [=id]
/REGIONS [=id]
Lists the information contained in the process region table for the
specified region. If you do not specify a region, the entire table is
displayed, including the process-permanent regions. You can use the
qualifiers /RDE [=id] and /REGIONS [=id]
interchangeably. When used with the /PAGE_TABLES, causes SDA to display
only the page tables for the region given or all regions.
Lists the hardware context of the process, as reflected in the process
registers stored in the hardware privileged context block (HWPCB), in
its kernel stack, and possibly, in its PHD.
Used with the /PERSONA qualifier. See the /PERSONA/RIGHTS description
for use of the /RIGHTS qualifier.
Displays the contents of the process-pool history ring buffer. Entries
are displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent to least
recent). If you specify /RING_BUFFER without the ALL keyword, displays
only unmatched current allocations and deallocations. Use
/RING_BUFFER=ALL to display matched allocations and deallocations and
any non-current entries not yet overwritten.
/RMS [=option[,...]]
Displays certain specified RMS data structures for each image I/O or
process-permanent I/O file the process has open. To display RMS data
structures for process-permanent files, specify the PIO option to this
SDA determines the structures to be displayed according to either of
the following methods:
- If you provide the name of a structure or structures in the
option parameter, SHOW PROCESS/RMS displays
information from only the specified structures. (See Table 4-2 in
the SET RMS command description for a list of keywords that you can
supply as options.)
- If you do not specify an option, SHOW PROCESS/RMS
displays the current list of options as shown by the SHOW RMS command
and set by the SET RMS command.
When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page table for
the range of pages in the specified process section. You can also
specify one of the qualifiers /L1, /L2, or /L3.
When used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier, displays the PST
for the specified process section.
The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier is ignored if you do not
specify either the /PAGE_TABLES or the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier.
Displays the Inner Mode Semaphore for a multithreaded process.
When used with /POOL, displays statistics on the free list(s) in
process pool.
When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified subtype.
This qualifier is interchangeable with the /TYPE qualifier. See the
/TYPE qualifier for information on packet types.
When used with /POOL, displays only an allocation summary for each
packet type.
Displays the system's process control block. The system PCB and process
header (PHD) parallel the data structures that describe processes. They
contain the system working set, global section table, global page
table, and other systemwide data.
Displays the software and hardware context of all the threads
associated with the current process.
Displays all timer queue entries associated with the current process.
If specified as /TQE, a one-line summary is output for each TQE. If
specified as /TQE=ALL, a detailed display of each TQE is output. See
Table 4-31 for an explanation of TQE types in the one-line summary.
When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified type. This
qualifier is interchangeable with the /SUBTYPE qualifier. Pool packet
types found in the process pool may include logical names (LOG) and
image control blocks (IMCB).
When used with /POOL, displays only free packets.
If specified without the ALL keyword, displays the master unwind table
for the process. SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND=ALL displays the details of every
process unwind descriptor. To look at unwind data for a specific PC in
process space, use SHOW UNWIND address.
Displays the contents of the requested entries of the working set list
for the process. If you do not specify an option, then all working set
list entries are displayed. Table 4-19 shows the options available
Table 4-19 Options for the /WORKING_SET_LIST Qualifier
Options |
Results |
Displays process page table pages
Displays process-private pages
Displays pages locked into the process's working set
Displays global pages currently in the working set of the process
Displays working set list entries marked modified
Displays a specific working set list entry, where
n is the working set list index (WSLX) of the entry of interest
The SHOW PROCESS command displays information about the process
specified by process-name, the process specified in
the /ID or /INDEX qualifier, the next process in the system's process
list, the system process, or all processes. The SHOW PROCESS command
performs an implicit SET PROCESS command under certain uses of its
qualifiers and parameters, as noted previously. By default, the SHOW
PROCESS command produces information about the SDA current process, as
defined in Section 2.5.