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HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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Chapter 6
Problems Corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS

This chapter describes problems resolved by software changes made in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. These software changes will also be included in future ECOs. The problems are described in the sections indicated in the following table:

Problem Type Section Number
Installation and Configuration Problems 6.1
Upgrade Problems 6.2
Server Problems 6.3
File/Printer Share Problems 6.4
ADMINISTER Command Problems 6.5
Windows 2000 Related Problems 6.6
Transport Problems 6.7
Event Logging Problems 6.8
Cluster-Related Problems with Advanced Servers 6.9
Browser Problems 6.10

6.1 Installation and Configuration Problems

This section describes installation problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.1.1 Server Might Not Allow Extremely Large WSMAX Values on Large Systems


On systems with very large amounts of memory, the server's MAX_WSMAX entry in MODPARAMS.DAT forces the WSMAX SYSGEN parameter to have an unnecessarily low value. This restricts the system manager's ability to provide extremely large working sets to other applications that execute on the same system. If the system is sufficiently large, the server's MAX_WSMAX entry is not necessary. When the entry is necessary, it might be smaller than it should be.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.1.2 Server Does Not Recognize EIA0: Adapter (for example, DE600/DE602)


Previous versions of the Advanced Server did not recognize the EIA0: adapter (for Ethernet adapter DE600 or DE602, for example). Administrators were required to define a system logical name for EIA0: for each enabled transport (TCP/IP - PWRK$KNBDAEMON_DEVICE; DECnet - NETBIOS$DEVICE; NetBEUI - PWRK$NETBEUI_DEVICE).


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. The network interface device EIA0: is now included in the Advanced Server's list of known devices for all transport layers (TCP/IP, DECnet and NetBEUI).

6.2 Upgrade Problems

This section describes problems involving attempts to upgrade the Advanced Server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.2.1 Attempt to Upgrade Fails When Domain Name is LANGROUP


Attempts to upgrade an earlier version of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS failed with the following error when the server's domain name is LANGROUP:

PWRK-F-CONFIGERR, severe error during configuration.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3 Server Problems

This section describes the file server problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.1 "release_secure_channel_lock failed" Error in Server Log and 5716 Event in Event Log


Multiple users of the secure communication channel that is formed between a BDC and its PDC arbitrate for the channel using an OpenVMS lock. In previous versions of the Advanced Server, the arbitration did not always work successfully, and the channel would break temporarily.

Two side effects of this include:

  1. The following message recorded in the server log:

    "release_secure_channel_lock failed, R0 status = 00002124"
  2. The following events recorded in the event log:

    I 11/21/00 02:32:14 PM NETLOGON  None   5717   N/A  TINMAN
    I 11/21/00 02:32:12 PM NETLOGON  None   5715   N/A  TINMAN
    W 11/21/00 02:31:09 PM NETLOGON  None   5716   N/A  TINMAN
    I 11/21/00 02:31:08 PM NETLOGON  None   5715   N/A  TINMAN


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.2 Configuration Manager Modifies Obsolete SYSGEN Parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT


The Configuration Manager adds a MIN_VIRTUALPAGECNT entry in MODPARAMS.DAT although the SYSGEN parameter to which it refers (VIRTUALPAGECNT) is obsolete on all supported versions of OpenVMS for Alpha. Note that AUTOGEN ignores entries that refer to an obsolete parameter.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.3 Limitations When Joining a Domain as a Member Server Without Specifying Domain Administrator Information


When you configure the Advanced Server as a member server (using PWRK$CONFIG.COM), you are given the option of supplying a user name and password of an existing domain administrator account to join the domain. If you choose not to supply this information, the configuration procedure succeeds, but you will not be able to manage your member server while logged into accounts in the domain. For example, if from the member server's domain (DOMAIN.DOM), you attempted to add a share using the ADMINISTER utility, you would receive the error message shown below:

%PWRK-E-ERRADDSHARE, error adding share "TOOLS"
-LM-E-ERROR_NETWORK_A, network access is denied


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. If you do not supply the domain administrator user name and password, and you add the member server to the domain manually, you will be able to manage your member server while logged into accounts in the domain.

6.3.4 Advanced Server Crashes in Routine gcfree


The server might crash in routine gcfree of module GC. In some cases, the PWRK$LMSRV process might crash with an access violation. In this case, error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000004449FFC, PC=0000000000200790, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMSRV   GC     gcfree         0000000000000320 0000000000200790
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  transcleanup    000000000000020C 000000000013D46C
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  smbtrans        0000000000001014 000000000013E274
 PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK smbwork        00000000000015FC 000000000011F50C

In other cases, the server might crash in routine gcfree with a GC sanity check failure. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

12-FEB-2002 18:47:30.52 2021899E:037FAE08 GC sanity check failure
12-FEB-2002 18:47:30.52 2021899E:037FAE08 PANIC: aborting from module A
T:[AS.UTIL.SRC]GC.C;1 at line 339!
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMSRV   GC     gcfree         0000000000000430 00000000002008A0
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  transcleanup   00000000000001A0 0000000000140390
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  smbtrans2      0000000000000764 0000000000140954


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.5 Advanced Server Crashes in Routine transcopydata


The PWRK$LMSRV process might crash with an access violation in the module TRANS2, in routine transcopydata. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
 address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF808C027C, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  transcopydata  0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF808C027C
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  transcopydata  0000000000000370 0000000000132300
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  init_trans     00000000000012A4 0000000000133234
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  smbtrans2      0000000000000870 0000000000132800


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.6 Advanced Server Crashes in Routine outparse


The PWRK$LMSRV process might crash with an access violation in the module TRANSPARSE, in routine outparse. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=00000000001AD8DC, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANSPARSE  outparse   0000000000002CDC 00000000001AD8DC
                                    0000000000002AD0 0000000000155EB0
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  dotransapi      000000000000264C 00000000001317FC
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  smbtrans        0000000000000E64 0000000000130014
 PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork       000000000000179C 000000000010CF4C
                                    0000000000000104 00000000003DA074
 ?                ?
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  main         00000000000000BC 0000000000081B7C
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  __main       0000000000000058 0000000000081B18


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.7 Server Crashes in Module PWRK$LMMCP at Startup on SMP Systems With Greater than 16 CPUs


On symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) systems with greater than 16 CPUs, the Advanced Server PWRK$LMMCP module crashes at startup.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.8 The Advanced Server Errantly Removes Data from Terminal Server User Profiles


When a terminal server is participating in the domain with the Advanced Server (either PDC or BDC), the Advanced Server handles some of the terminal server user profile information incorrectly and removes fields that should be included in the profile for the terminal server user.

Some ADMINISTER commands change data that resides in the terminal server fields. For example, if the MODIFY USER command is used to change the password (/PASSWORD), the description (/DESCRIPTION=), or the user's account password properties (such as /FLAGS=NODISPWDEXPIRATION), the Advanced Server removes the information in the terminal server user profile path and terminal server home directory.


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.9 Advanced Server Crashes at Login in Routine SampMatchworkstation


If you add a user account to the security account database, specifying a particular workstation from which the user can log on to the domain (using the command ADMINISTER ADD USER /WORKSTATION=, for example), when that user attempts to log in using external authentication, the server crashes in module USER, routine SampMatchworkstation. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=000000000020798, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMSRV  USER  SampMatchworkstation
                                    0000000000006588 0000000000200798
 PWRK$LMSRV  USER  SamIAccountRestrictions
                                    0000000000004570 00000000001FE780
 PWRK$LMSRV  MSVSAM  MsvpSamValidate
                                    0000000000001150 00000000001DDA20
 PWRK$LMSRV  MSVSAM  MsvSamValidate 00000000000000C0 00000000001DC990
 PWRK$LMSRV  SAMLOGON SampUserCheck 00000000000000CC 0000000000229A1C
 PWRK$LMSRV  SSIGNON_PROC  ssignon_validateuser
                                    000000000000100C 00000000001A530C
 PWRK$LMSRV  SSIGNON_PROC  process_acme_message
                                    00000000000016EC 00000000001A59EC


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.10 Advanced Server Crashes in PLM Modules


The server crashes in any of several PLM modules. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
 address=00000000388C, PC=0000000000430760, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
PWRK$CSSHR_V7  PLM  PLM_passthru       0000000000002E30 0000000000430760
                                       FFFFFFFF80128790 FFFFFFFF80128790
                                       FFFFFFFF80001934 FFFFFFFF80001934
                                       0000000000001248 00000000003FB308
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  main            00000000000000BC 0000000000091C4C
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  __main          0000000000000058 0000000000091BE8
                                       FFFFFFFF802593D4 FFFFFFFF802593D4


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.11 Server Hangs Then Crashes When COM for OpenVMS In Use


When a user who is a member of 25 or more groups attempts to use COM for OpenVMS to connect to the Advanced Server, the server might hang for a time, and then several processes will crash with the following error message in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

Error (AddMsgEncryptedString): MsgPtr size exceeded!


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.12 Advanced Server Crashes in Module SERVERAPI


The Advanced Server might crash when a client sends a Server Message Block (SMB) with ASCII data that cannot be converted to the server's character set. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=000000000020798, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   . . .   rel PC          abs PC
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=
FFFFFFFF88C002E1, PC=FFFFFFFF8095C960, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   ...     rel PC           abs PC
                                    FFFFFFFF8095C960 FFFFFFFF8095C960
                                    FFFFFFFF80A56360 FFFFFFFF80A56360
 PWRK$LMSRV  SERVERAPI  ask_mcp     0000000000002164 0000000000169794
                                    0000000000002958 0000000000169F88
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  dotransapi      00000000000026BC 0000000000133B3C
 PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS  smbtrans        0000000000000EAC 000000000013232C
 PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork       0000000000001794 000000000010E084
                                    0000000000000104 0000000000419AA4
                                                   ?                ?
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  main         00000000000000BC 0000000000081DEC
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  __main       0000000000000058 0000000000081D88
                                    FFFFFFFF8955D3D4 FFFFFFFF8955D3D4


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.13 Server Stops Responding to Requests


An Advanced Server configured as a member server might fail to respond to client attempts to access a share or service. For example, although the client might be able to map to a share, attempts to open files in the share hang. In addition, ADMINISTER commands might fail with an error such as the following:

%PWRK-E-ERRGETSRV, error getting server information for
-LM-E-ERROR_BAD_NETPA, the network path cannot be located

The maximum session limit is not a factor in this problem: often the number of sessions established is well below the limit.

Restarting the server removes the problem temporarily.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.14 Member Server Crashes with an ACCVIO in Module SIDCACHE, Routine PutSidInCac


In operations involving multiple trusts, the PWRK$LMSRV process of a member server might crash with an access violation in module SIDCACHE routine PutSidInCache. Error messages and a traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
 image    module    routine    ...     rel PC          abs PC
                                    00000000000003D0 0000000000252C40
PWRK$LMSRV  LOOKUP  LsapDbLookupSidsInPrimaryDomain
                                    0000000000002D78 000000000024B5A8
                                    00000000000003BC 0000000000248BEC
PWRK$LMSRV  LSARPC  LsarLookupSids  0000000000000B4C 00000000000E8E4C
PWRK$LMSRV  LSARPC_S  lsarpc_LsarLookupSids
                                    0000000000003928 00000000000DE068
PWRK$LMRPCSHR  CNSRV  rpc__ncacn_process_request
                                    0000000000001EF0 0000000000692810
PWRK$LMRPCSHR  CNSRV  rpc__ncacn_datawork
                                    0000000000002760 0000000000693080
PWRK$LMRPCSHR  RPCCALL  callwork    0000000000000500 0000000000687210
                                    0000000000000104 0000000000481044
                                                   ?                ?
PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  main          00000000000000D8 0000000000091E78


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.15 Server Crashes in Module ODS2DIRCACHE


The Advanced Server might crash in module ODS2DIRCACHE. A log entry such as the following is recorded:

9-JAN-2002 04:26:15.32 6C80063E:02D3C410 PANIC: aborting
at line 1100!

The dump file might contain information such as the following:

%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   ...     rel PC          abs PC
                                    0000000000001488 0000000000BA9DF8
                                    0000000000007214 0000000000B9F8E4
                                    0000000000005FF0 0000000000B73FF0
                                    0000000000007CB0 00000000004965F0
 PWRK$LMSRV  DIR  nextfile          0000000000002098 000000000018D6E8
 PWRK$LMSRV  DIR  dir_read          0000000000001270 000000000018C8C0
                                    0000000000000104 00000000004812C4
                                                   ?                ?
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  main         00000000000000D8 0000000000091F28
 PWRK$LMSRV  MTS$MAIN  __main       0000000000000070 0000000000091EC0
                                    FFFFFFFFA7F9D474 FFFFFFFFA7F9D474
9-JAN-2002 04:26:36.85 6C80063E:02D3C410 PLM_exit_handler: releasing
lock database resources...
9-JAN-2002 04:26:36.86 6C80063E:02D3C410       released 0 hash slots,
5 open modes, 0 range locks
9-JAN-2002 04:26:36.86 6C80063E:02D3C410       remaining lock database
resources in use:
9-JAN-2002 04:26:36.86 6C80063E:02D3C410       0 streams, 0 open modes,
0 range locks
  SYSTEM       job terminated at  9-JAN-2002 04:26:38.31


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.16 A "Big Endian" Server in Same Domain Might Cause the Advanced Server for OpenVMS to Crash


When a "Big Endian" server joins the domain of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS as a backup domain controller or attempts to establish a trust with the Advanced Server for OpenVMS domain, replication or establishment of the trust fail. The Advanced Server for OpenVMS might crash with error messages and a traceback similar to the following recorded in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000006536000, PC=0000000000572758, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine   ...     rel PC          abs PC
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  NDRINT  short_array_from_ndr
                                    0000000000000238 0000000000572758
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  NDRDATA  data_from_ndr
                                    0000000000000EC0 00000000005703D0
 PWRK$LMSRV  LOGON_S  logon_NetrServerReqChallenge
                                    00000000000017A8 00000000000F1818
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  RPCCALL  rpc__call_put
                                    0000000000000238 0000000000574948
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  CNSRV  rpc__ncacn_process_request
                                    0000000000001FF4 0000000000580264
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  CNSRV  rpc__ncacn_datawork
                                    00000000000028CC 0000000000580B3C
 PWRK$LMRPCSHR  RPCCALL  callwork   00000000000004FC 0000000000574C0C


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

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