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HP Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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6.3.17 Server Crashes in Module LIB$CONVFPATH, Routine MetaToRMSPath


The server might crash in module LIB$CONVFPATH, routine MetaToRMSPath, leaving a traceback similar to the following in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000180, PC=FFFFFFFF80654E84, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
image       module   routine      line      rel PC           abs PC
                                15851 0000000000001D90 000000000040C9C0
                                14607 0000000000000270 000000000040AEA0
PWRK$LMSRV  QINFO  t2_qfileinfo 66785 0000000000000510 0000000000138B20
PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  dotransapi  53573 00000000000014C8 00000000001357D8
PWRK$LMSRV  TRANS2  smbtrans2   53209 00000000000006D8 00000000001349E8
PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork    71950 0000000000001794 000000000010E084


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.3.18 Incorrect Free and Total Disk Space Returned to Clients


The values for the free and total disk space seen by a client when viewing the properties of the shared disk might be incorrect. This occurs when the OpenVMS disk device cluster size is greater than 127.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.4 File/Printer Share Problems

This section describes file access and printing problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.4.1 Attempts to Share an ISO-9660 CD-ROM Fail


Attempts to share an ISO-9660 CD-ROM might fail with an error message as in the following example:

%PWRK-E-ERRADDSHARE, error adding share "RAINBOW"
-LM-E-NERR_UNKNOWNDEV, the device or directory does not exist


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.4.2 Shares on an NFS Disk Are Inaccessible


Attempts to access a share on an NFS-mounted disk fail. An error message might indicate the folder or file has been moved or removed. The ADMIN/ANALYZE command reveals the following error:

Event Time:   6-FEB-2002 05:33:23.12       Node:  GRIN
Process Id:   00000350
Event:        File system error
Event Source: ODS2 File System Library
Event Class:  Error

      Status:     %SYSTEM-F-BADATTRIB, bad attribute control list
      Function:   ODS2_STREAM_open
      Operation:  Open File
      Username:   SYSTEM
      UIC:        [001,004]
      Path:       DNFS1:\TEST\


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. Note that alias file names are not supported on NFS shares.

6.4.3 Unable to View or Change Properties of a Windows-Managed Printer


The following problems have been observed involving Windows NT style printer management:

  • The Spool folder field under the Advanced tab in a printer's printer server properties window contains inappropriate data and the field cannot be changed. (Server properties are accessed under the file menu for the printers folder.) An error message such as the following might be seen:

    "unable to save server settings"
  • Attempts to display a printer's properties fail, causing the following error message to be displayed:

    It is not possible to view properties for this printer
  • Attempts to display a printer's printer server properties fail, causing the following error message to be displayed:

    Unable to save server settings


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. In earlier versions of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, the following key was not defined in the OpenVMS Registry, and this caused some of the problems mentioned in this note. With Version 7.3-ECO2, this key is defined.


6.5 ADMINISTER Command Problems

This section describes ADMINISTER command problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.5.1 Problems Modifying Permissions on Member Server Objects


Users might be unable to change permissions on member server objects such as shares. For example, an attempt to use the MODIFY SHARE command to remove permissions for Server Operators appears to succeed, but the permissions remain unchanged. In addition, attempts to change permissions for a group adds new permissions to the list instead of replacing the old permissions.


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.5.2 ADMINISTER Utility Crashes with ACCVIO When SHOW EVENT/TYPE=SECURITY/FULL Is Attempted


When issuing the ADMINISTER SHOW EVENT/TYPE=SECURITY/FULL, the ADMINISTER utility might crash with an access violation in the module xvsprintf in routine image PWRK$MGTLIBSHR.EXE.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.6 Windows 2000 Related Problems

This section describes problems related to the interaction with Windows 2000, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.6.1 The xcopy/d Command Does Not Work Properly with the Advanced Server


When using the xcopy /d command from a Windows 2000 client, the command might always attempt to copy certain files even if they have already been copied and the source files have not been modified.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. This problem arose because of changes made in Windows 2000.

6.6.2 SAM Database Corrupted After Server Joins Windows 2000 Domain


After joining a Windows 2000 domain as a backup domain controller and the SAM (security accounts management) domain databases are synchronized, the server's SAM database could get corrupted. The following is seen when using the SAMCHECK command (an unsupported command):

    A Account object had an invalid LUID.
    An invalid hash entry was found with ID 544.
    An invalid hash entry was found with ID 544.
    The Administrators account object is missing.

    1 objects had invalid LUID's.
    1 built-in objects were missing.
    2 hash table entries were invalid.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.7 Transport Problems

This section describes problems related to the use of transport protocols with the Advanced Server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.7.1 OpenVMS System Crashes in TCPIP$BGDRIVER, While in Process PWRK$LMBROWSER


The system might crash in TCPIP$BGDRIVER (TCP/IP inconsistent state bugcheck --- double deallocation bugcheck), while in process PWRK$LMBROWSER, with the following bugcheck:

Bugcheck Type:     INCONSTATE, Inconsistent I/O data base
CPU Type:          Compaq AlphaServer ES40
VMS Version:       V7.2-2
Current Process:   PWRK$LMBROWSER
Failing PC:        FFFFFFFF.C0BC9538    PANIC_C+00110
Failing PS:        1C000000.00000800
Module:            TCPIP$BGDRIVER  (Link Date/Time:
21-DEC-2001 13:51:51.80)
Offset:            00025538


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.7.2 OpenVMS System Hangs After Non-Paged Pool Is Used Up


The system non-paged pool gets used up by packets generated by the Advanced Server, causing the OpenVMS system to hang.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.7.3 Clients Cannot Access Advanced Server on Multihomed TCP/IP Host: Wrong IP Address Is Registered in the WINS Database


On TCP/IP hosts with multiple network interfaces, the Advanced Server might start up using an IP address of a different network interface than that which was defined for the PWRK$KNBDAEMON_DEVICE logical name. (The PWRK$KNBDAEMON_nodename.LOG file indicates that the server is using an IP address different from the intended one.) As a result, the server uses the wrong IP address to register all names (such as the node name, domain name, and so forth) in the WINS database, and clients in other subnets attempt to access the server using that wrong IP address.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. To ensure that the correct IP address is used on multihomed hosts, you must define the IP address in the logical PWRK$KNBDAEMON_IPADDR. You must define both the PWRK$KNBDAEMON_DEVICE logical (associating the network interface to be used) and the PWRK$KNBDAEMON_IPADDR logical (associating the correct IP address of that interface). For example:


If only one of the logical names is defined on a multihomed system, then PWRK$KNBDAEMON will fail to start and an appropriate error message is recorded in the PWRK$KNBDAEMON_nodename.LOG file. You must ensure that the device name associated with logical PWRK$KNBDAEMON_DEVICE is indeed bound to the IP address associated with the logical PWRK$KNBDAEMON_IPADDR.

For more information about these logicals and multihomed hosts, see Section 2.5, New Features Provided by Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

6.8 Event Logging Problems

This section describes problems related to event logging functions of the server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.8.1 Security Events Are Logged Unnecessarily for Printer Operations


With Windows NT-style printing enabled, multiple security event messages such as in the example provided below are logged whenever printers shared on the server are being accessed, although the events are not being audited for those printers.

1/5/2002,2:16:22 PM,Security,Success Audit,(3),560,ECNET\McCR,EGN01,
"Object Open:
        Object Server:  Spooler
        Object Type:    Printer
        Object Name:    \print\EGACT04
        New Handle ID:  -
        Operation ID:
        Process ID:     37100088
        Primary User Name:      SYSTEM
        Primary Domain: NT AUTHORITY
        Primary Logon ID:       (0x0, 0x3e7)
        Client User Name:       MCCR
        Client Domain:  ECNET
        Client Logon ID:        (0x0, 0x18d1)
        Accesses                Print

        Privileges              -


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.9 Cluster-Related Problems with Advanced Servers

This section describes problems relating to servers participating in OpenVMS Clusters. These problems have been corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.9.1 Lock Release Failure


In an OpenVMS Cluster, the server might fail to release a lock, and logs an error message such as the following in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

ReleaseLockThread - Failed to release lock


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.10 Browser Problems

This section describes problems with the Browser service corrected in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS.

6.10.1 Browser Service Hangs in PENDING State


In an OpenVMS Cluster, when the Advanced Server is the primary domain controller, the status of the Browser Service on one or more nodes might stay in PENDING. (It starts on one node but stays in PENDING on the others.) This happens when two or more nodes in the cluster start the Advanced Server at nearly the same time (within about a minute of each other).


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3-ECO2 for OpenVMS. Although the Browser starts correctly on all the cluster nodes, the ADMINISTER SHOW COMPUTER command might still take some time to display all the servers. This is normal and intended behaviour.

Chapter 7
Problems Corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS

This chapter describes problems resolved by software changes made in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS. These software changes will also be included in future ECOs. The problems are described in the sections indicated in the following table:

Problem Type Section Number
Installation and Configuration Problems 7.1
Server Problems 7.2
File/Printer Share Problems 7.3
Remote Management Problems 7.4
Transport Problems 7.5
Event Logging Problems 7.6
Browser Problems 7.7

7.1 Installation and Configuration Problems

This section describes installation problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.1.1 Cannot Join a Domain if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) Has Restricted Anonymous Access


The Advanced Server could not be configured as a BDC or a member server if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) restricts anonymous access. Anonymous access is restricted if the registry on the PDC has the following value:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA
Value Name: RestrictAnonymous
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

In this case, when you attempted to configure the Advanced Server to join the domain, you would see this error message:

PWRK-F-COMERR, error communicating with the primary domain controller
Error getting domain name


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.1.2 Cluster Consistency Checking Erroneously Reports Inconsistencies


When starting up, the Advanced Server V7.3-ECO1 and V7.3-ECO2 products enforce certain consistency requirements in an OpenVMS Cluster. If the startup software detects these inconsistencies, it reports them and then aborts. By defining the logical PWRK$IGNORE_INCONSISTENCY, a system manager can choose to ignore the detected inconsistencies, allowing the server to start successfully.

However, in some cases the software might report inconsistencies that do not actually exist.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS. Although the cluster consistency requirements remain the same (see Section 3.18.1, Installation and Configuration Considerations for Clusters, the consistency-checking code has been removed. Customers who have defined the PWRK$IGNORE_INCONSISTENCY logical can now undefine it.

7.2 Server Problems

This section describes the file server problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.2.1 Using OpenVMS Security Mode, READALL Privilege Is Ignored


When the PATHWORKS server is configured to use the Advanced Server and OpenVMS security model, a server user who has the OpenVMS READALL privilege should be able to access a server file, even if the the user is not the owner of the file and is not granted access to the file. However, the server ignores the READALL privilege and prevents this user from accessing the file.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.2.2 PWRK$LMSRV Log File Records "ODS2ReleaseFIDCache: no FCE!" Messages


Occasionally, the PWRK$LMSRV log file might include several instances of the following message:

ODS2ReleaseFIDCache: no FCE!


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS. ODS-2 Encoded File Names Must Be Converted Before Configuring a New Server Language


If your disk volume includes ODS-2 file names with escape-encoded characters (characters that are in the format __XX), and you configure a new server language (that is, other than the default (English (USA)), the escape-encoded characters will not be interpreted as expected.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS. Note that before configuring a language other than the default (English (USA)), you must first convert the volume to ODS-5, and then convert all the file names, using the PWCONVERT command (which invokes the file name conversion utility). Refer to the HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide for more instructions.

7.2.3 PWRK$LMSRV Process Might Crash in Module PTRMAP, Routine IdToSlotPtr


The server might crash (rarely), leaving a traceback similar to the following in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

image       module   routine      line      rel PC           abs PC
PWRK$LMSRV  PTRMAP   IdToSlotPtr  56560 00000000000000D4 00000000001B...
PWRK$LMSRV  PTRMAP   getptr       56801 00000000000007EC 00000000001B...
PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork      76942 0000000000001390 000000000011...


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.3 File/Printer Share Problems

This section describes file access and printing problems corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.3.1 Server Operations on Files Greater Than 2 GBs Fail


With earlier versions of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, attempts to create, copy, read, or write a file that is greater than 2 GBs in size would fail.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS. The server now supports files that are larger than 2 GBs in size. The maximum size supported is 4 GBs.

7.4 Remote Management Problems

This section describes problems related to remote management, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.4.1 "Add Workstations to Domain" Right Does Not Appear in List of Rights Available to Windows NT Clients Using User Manager


When a Windows NT client using User Manager selects Policies -> User Rights, the list of rights fails to include the "Add Workstations to Domain" right. (This occurs only when the Advanced Server is a primary domain controller.)


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.5 Transport Problems

This section describes problems related to the use of transport protocols with the Advanced Server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.5.1 A 15-Character Alias Name Causes NETLOGON Not to Start


When a user specifies a cluster alias name 15 characters in length, NETLOGON does not start. No error message is recorded in the event log. Attempts to start NETLOGON manually with the ADMINISTER START SERVICE NETLOGON command also fail (the service startup times out).


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.6 Event Logging Problems

This section describes problems related to event logging functions of the server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.6.1 Event in Browser Function Not Reported Properly


When the Browser stops, the ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS command does not display the event. The Windows NT Event Viewer reports the event but does not identify the Browser. Instead, it reports the node name. For example:

 6108  The BAGELS service has stopped.

BAGELS is the node name. Instead, the event source (Browser) should be identified.

The event source improperly identified by the 6108 event message should be the Browser.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.6.2 Certain Event Code Descriptions Do Not Appear in ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS Display


After the Advanced Server Browser MORELOG parameter is set to YES, descriptions are not provided for several event types in the ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS display. Instead, the following message is displayed:

 I xxxx - The description for Event ID (xxxx)
 in Source (BROWSER) could not be found

The message displays the Event ID number for the event (xxxx).


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.7 Browser Problems

This section describes problems with the Browser service corrected in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

7.7.1 Browser Problems When LAN Broadcasts Domain or Server Names That Contain Certain Non-ASCII Characters


If the Advanced Server for OpenVMS is the master browser of a domain and receives an announcement of a domain or a server whose name contains certain non-ASCII characters, the browser cannot supply information about servers or domains on the LAN. In addition, the Browser service of any backup browser in the domain will not start (it will hang in the "Start Pending" state). The event log on the backup browser will contain many failure messages stating that it could not retrieve the list of domains from the master browser, and one message stating that the failure has happened too many times. The following is an example of the error messages logged:

W 03/06/01 10:11:00 AM BROWSER   None        8022   N/A   SNOW
The browser was unable to retrieve a list of domains from the browser
\\NEASTR on the network \Device\NetBT_DC21X41.The data is the error
    0000: 59 04 00 00 00 00 00 00    Y.......

E 03/06/01 10:11:01 AM BROWSER   None        8032   N/A  SNOW
The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too
many times on transport
\Device\NetBT_DC21X41.The backup browser is stopping.
   0000: 59 04 00 00 00 00 00 00    Y.......


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A for OpenVMS.

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