HP Pay per use (PPU) User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 3 Installing
and Configuring PPU Software
Getting Started
Factory Integrated Systems (HP-UX only)You do not need to install the PPU 8.x software on your PPU
HP-UX system if it was ordered in (or after) January 2004. The PPU
software was already installed by HP prior to delivery. However,
initially you need to configure the PPU software to communicate
with the utility meter.  |  |  |  |  | NOTE: The PPU 8.x software must be installed and configured
on every partition in the complex, including virtual partitions
on HP-UX systems. |  |  |  |  |
The PPU software bundle T2351AA is a selectable
product when installing the HP-UX operating environment (OE). With
Windows, it is in the SmartComponent, hp CPU PayPerUse
Agent for Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition. (If extracted,
the installer file is CPUPayPerUseAgent64.msi.) In an HPVM environment, PPU is installed and configured
only on the VM Host, not on the guest virtual machines. The PPU software (BA485AA) is an optional
installation product accessible from the OpenVMS I64 8.3 OE DVD. Verifying
PPU Functionality on HP-UX Systems |  |
Perform the following steps to verify your partition has the
PPU 8.x software installed and configured for communication with
the utility meter: Verify the PPU software
is installed by executing the following command: /usr/sbin/swlist | grep T2351AA You should see output similar to: T2351AA B. HP Pay per use (PPU) If you do not receive the correct result for Step 1, see “Installing
PPU Software” for
PPU software installation details. Configure the PPU software to
communicate with the utility meter, and test its proper function,
by executing the following command: /usr/sbin/ppuconfig -m meter Where meter is the hostname or IP address of a valid utility meter. You should see output similar to: The utility meter IP/hostname is set to ‘meter.corp.com’. Pay per use daemon (ppud) started. The ppuconfig -m command/option also starts the ppud daemon
if it is not running. If you do not receive the correct result for Step 2, see “Configuring
PPU Software ” for
PPU software configuration details.  |  |  |  |  | IMPORTANT: You need to configure the PPU software so your
partition communicates with the utility meter. PPU systems do not
have the PPU software configured at the HP factory. See “Configuring
PPU Software ” for details on configuring
the utility meter settings. |  |  |  |  |
Verify that communication can
be established between the Pay per use software and the configured
utility meter by executing the command: /usr/sbin/ppuconfig -t You should see output similar to: Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.
If Steps 1 through Step 3 provide the correct results, your PPU system is compliant
and no action is necessary for PPU software installation or configuration. Verifying
PPU Installation and Functionality on Windows Systems |  |
Perform the following steps on each of your Windows partitions
to verify they have the PPU software installed and configured for
communications with the utility meter. Note that the PPU software
is not factory-installed on Windows systems,
and therefore this verification generally cannot be completed until
you have first followed the steps outlined in the sections “Installing
on Windows
Server 2003 Systems” and “Configuring
PPU Software ”. Open Services.msc,
also known as the Services applet. Look for “HP Pay Per
Use”, or open a command window, type sc query ppuservice, and press Enter. If the service
is not listed, then PPU is not installed. Therefore, proceed to
the next section “Installing
on Windows
Server 2003 Systems”.
If the service is listed, then PPU is installed. Proceed to the
next step to verify that the service is started and operating correctly. To verify that the PPU service
is running, perform one of the following: Open
the services.msc applet (Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Services), find “HP Pay Per Use” and ensure the
status shows as “started”. If not, right click
to start. Or, From a cmd.exe shell, type “
sc query ppuservice”. If it is not running,
you should see output similar to this:
Type “sc start ppuservice” to
start this service. If the service is already started, you should
Configure the PPU software to
communicate with the utility meter, and test its proper function,
by executing the following command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu> ppuconfig -m meter (where meter is the hostname or IP address of a valid utility
meter), and press Enter. If the PPU Service
is running and the Utility Meter is valid and reachable, you should
see no response. The ppuconfig -m meter command/option also starts the Windows Pay per
use service if it is not running. Verify that communication can
be established between the Pay per use software and the configured
utility meter, by executing the command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu> ppuconfig -t You should see output similar to:
Testing the connection to a utility meter. This operation can take 2-3 minutes to complete... Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.
If the meter is incorrect, or otherwise not reachable,
you might see something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu> ppuconfig -t Testing the connection to a utility meter. This operation can take 2-3 minutes to complete... ERROR: Unable to send Pay Per Use report to utility meter. Received the following error: Invalid locator: meter.hp.com:5989 ERROR: Test of connection to specified utility meter failed. Verify that the configuration parameters are correctly specified, that the utility meter and network are working properly, and that compatible versions of the utility meter and PPU agent software are installed.
If Steps 1 through Step 4 provide the expected results (as described above), your
PPU system is operational, and the PPU software is installed and
configured correctly. If there are unexpected results, you may need
to redo either the installation or configuration steps. See the sections “Installing
PPU Software” or “Configuring
PPU Software ” for details. Errors
During VerificationUse the following error descriptions to determine the nature
of problems encountered during PPU verification. Then refer to “Configuring
PPU Software ” for instructions on
how to fix the problem. PPU
service is not installed If you receive the following output from the command sc
query ppuservice, PPU is not installed and you should
proceed to the next section, “Installing
PPU Software”:
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service. PPU
service is running, but utility meter is invalid or unreachable After issuing the ppuconfig -m meter command, an
error of this type is indicated by either of the following error
Unable to send Pay per use report to utility meter. Received the following error: Invalid locator: <utility meter hostname or IP address> or, Test of connection to specified utility meter failed. Verify that the configuration parameters are correctly specified, that the utility meter and network are working properly, and that compatible versions of the utility meter and PPU agent software are installed. Verifying
PPU Functionality on OpenVMS Systems |  |
Perform the following steps on each of your OpenVMS partitions
to verify the PPU software is installed and configured to communicate
with the utility meter: Verify the PPU software
is installed by executing the following DCL command: $ product show product PPU You should see output similar to: ------------------- -------- --------- PRODUCT KIT TYPE STATE ------------------- -------- --------- HP I64VMS PPU V8.0 Full LP Installed
Configure the PPU software to
communicate with the utility meter by executing the following DCL
command: $ ppu config/meter_address=meter Where meter is the hostname or IP address of a valid utility meter.
 |  |  |  |  | IMPORTANT: You need to configure the PPU software so your
partition communicates with the utility meter. PPU systems do not
have the PPU software configured at the HP factory. See “Configuring
PPU Software ” for details on configuring
the utility meter settings. |  |  |  |  |
Verify that communication can
be established between the Pay per use software and the configured
utility meter by executing the DCL command:
$ ppu config/test_connection You should see output similar to: Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.