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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture

Chapter 4 CDSA Utility Programs

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This chapter describes a number of administrative and development utilities that are provided with CDSA. Note that some of these programs are typically called only from the CDSA initialization command file unless new add-in modules are being provided.

The CDSA utility programs comprise the following:

  • CDSA$CERTGEN.EXE - Generates digital certificates.

  • CDSA$ISSUER.EXE - Generates the issuer key functions.

  • CDSA$MDS_INSTALL.EXE - Creates the MDS database.

  • CDSA$MOD_INSTALL.EXE - Adds entries to the MDS database.

  • CDSA$OUTPUT_ERROR.EXE - Translates numeric CDSA error codes into text.

  • CDSA$SIGN.EXE - Creates manifests.

  • CDSA$VALIDATE.EXE - Validates Secure Delivery manifests.

  • CDSA$REVOKE.EXE - Packages certificates to be revoked for shipment back to the Certificate Authority (HP OpenVMS).

  • CDSA$X5092XML.EXE - Extracts the subject name from an X509 certificate.

The shortened program names listed in this chapter's Synopsis sections are defined in the file SYS$MANAGER:CDSA$SYMBOLS.COM. The following command should be added to the SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM file on the system where CDSA development work is being done:


If this command is not defined at the system level, individual CDSA developers should add it to their personal LOGIN.COM file so that they can use the shortened program names.