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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture > Chapter 4 CDSA Utility Programs


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The CDSA implementation on OpenVMS supplies a special program that can be used to translate numeric CDSA error codes to text messages. This program resides in the SYS$SYSTEM directory and is called CDSA$OUTPUT_ERROR.EXE. It uses the routines described in this section to convert a numeric error code to its associated text label and error string. A foreign command, cdsa_error, has been defined in SYS$MANAGER:CDSA$SYMBOLS.COM to invoke this program. For details about using cdsa_error and its options, see Chapter 4 “CDSA Utility Programs”.

Note that this utility is defined as cdsa_error by CDSA$SYMBOLS.COM. The cdsa_error utility converts a CDSA numeric error code into its corresponding text strings. The text is output to SYS$OUTPUT.


cdsa_error base_flag error_code



The mathematical base in which the error code is represented:


Specifies that the numeric value of error_code is decimal (base 10).


Specifies that the numeric value of error_code is octal (base 8).


Specifies that the numeric value of error_code is hexadecimal (base 16).

If you specify something other than these options, you will get an error message that lists the correct options. (See Example 2.)


The error code stated in the numerical base specified by the base-flag parameter.


  1. $ cdsa_error -h 3135
    The record returned has been changed by someone and is stale
  2. $ cdsa_error -?
    illegal option -- ?
    cdsa$output_error -d|o|h <Error Code>
    -d : Error code is a decimal number
    -o : Error code is an octal number
    -h : Error code is a hexadecimal number