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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
Displays the name of the current site-independent startup command procedure. FormatSHOW/STARTUP ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. Example
Modifies the Ctrl/C, Ctrl/O, Ctrl/Y, and Ctrl/Z echo strings on a systemwide basis. FormatTERMINAL/ECHO ParametersNone. QualifiersNone. DescriptionBefore entering the TERMINAL command, edit the file SYSGTTSTR.MSG in SYS$EXAMPLES. The file contains detailed instructions for the editing procedure. USE
Initializes the SYSGEN work area with system parameter values and the name of the site-independent startup command procedure, overwriting existing values. The initial values of the SYSGEN work area when the utility is invoked are the active values. FormatUSE file-spec Parameters
#1 |
This command uses the existing parameter file SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL.PAR.
#2 |
The first command initializes the SYSGEN work area with default parameter values. The second command sets the STARTUP_P1 system parameter to "minimum."
Writes the system parameter values and the name of the site-independent startup command procedure from the SYSGEN work area to a parameter file, the current system parameter file on disk, or the active system in memory.
WRITE file-spec
The file specification of a new parameter file to be created. The default file type is .PAR.In place of a file specification, you can specify one of the following keywords:
Specifies that source information is to be written to the current system parameter file on disk.On Alpha systems, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR.
On Integrity servers, the system parameter file is SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.PAR.
Use of the WRITE CURRENT command requires the SYSPRV privilege.
Specifies that source information is to be written to the active system in memory. (Only the dynamic parameter values are written to the active system.)Use of the WRITE ACTIVE command requires the CMKRNL privilege.
On VAX systems, the implementation of security auditing within SYSGEN has altered the reporting of modifications to the system parameter file VAXVMSSYS.PAR. System managers can receive notification of a change to the file by setting up an access control list (ACL) on the file to signal such an event, as in the following example:
$ SET SECURITY/ACL=(ALARM=SECURITY,ACCESS=WRITE+FAILURE+SUCCESS)- _$ SYS$SYSTEM:VAXVMSSYS.PARFor more information about setting ACLs, see the OpenVMS User's Manual and the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
On Alpha and Integrity servers, both the WRITE ACTIVE and WRITE CURRENT commands send a message to OPCOM and log the event.
Prior to Version 7.3-2, enabling SYSGEN audits or alarms did not provided audits or alarms with information about the parameters being modified. Beginning with Version 7.3-2, audits or alarms provide a list of the changed parameters along with their old and new values.
#1 |
This command creates a new parameter specification file, SYS$SYSTEM:SPECIAL.PAR.
#2 |
On Alpha systems, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR.
On Integrity servers, this command modifies the current system parameter file on disk, IA64VMSSYS.PAR.
The System Management utility (SYSMAN) centralizes the management of nodes and cluster environments. Rather than logging in to individual nodes and repeating a set of management tasks, SYSMAN enables you to define your management environment to be a particular node, a group of nodes, or a cluster environment. With a management environment defined, you can perform system management tasks from your local node. SYSMAN executes these tasks on all nodes in the target environment.
Managing a system with SYSMAN is similar to the traditional management of an individual system because SYSMAN uses many of the same software tools. It can process most DCL commands, such as MOUNT, DEFINE, INITIALIZE, SET, and SHOW. It can also execute many OpenVMS system management utilities and command procedures, such as AUTHORIZE, AUTOGEN, and INSTALL.
SYSMAN also contains system management tools that let you perform the following tasks:
Instead of having to type lengthy command lines, SYSMAN enables you to define keys to execute SYSMAN commands. For example, you can define a key to execute a SET ENVIRONMENT command as follows:
Once the key is defined, you can press keypad 0, and SYSMAN executes
the SET ENVIRONMENT command. Note that key definitions are lost each
time that you exit from SYSMAN, unless you define them in the SYSMAN
initialization file. (See Section 24.1.2 for more information about
executing commands from an initialization file.)
24.1.2 Executing Commands from an Initialization File
You can create an initialization file that SYSMAN will use each time you invoke the utility. In the SYSMAN initialization file, you can perform tasks such as defining keys and setting the SYSMAN environment.
The default file specification for the SYSMAN initialization file is SYS$LOGIN:SYSMANINI.INI. If you want your SYSMAN initialization file to have a different file specification, you must define the logical name SYSMANINI to point to the location of the file.
The following example is a sample initialization file in which several keys are defined:
The System Management utility (SYSMAN) centralizes system management, enabling you to manage nodes or clusters from one location.
To invoke SYSMAN, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMANSYSMAN displays the following prompt at which you can enter SYSMAN commands using the standard rules of DCL syntax:
SYSMAN>To exit from SYSMAN and return to the DCL command level, enter the EXIT command at the SYSMAN> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.
This section describes the SYSMAN commands and demonstrates their use. Table 24-1 summarizes each command.
Command | Function |
@ (Execute Procedure) | Requests that SYSMAN read subsequent command input from the specified file or device. |
ALF ADD | Adds a record to the automatic login facility (ALF) database. |
ALF REMOVE | Deletes one or more records from the automatic login facility (ALF) database. |
ALF SHOW | Displays one or more records from the automatic login facility (ALF) database. |
ATTACH | Transfers control from your current process to the specified process in your job. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE ADD | Creates a new scheduling class. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE DELETE | Deletes a scheduling class. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE MODIFY | Modifies the characteristics of a scheduling class. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE RESUME | Resumes a scheduling class that has been suspended. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE SHOW | Displays the characteristics of a scheduling class. |
CLASS_SCHEDULE SUSPEND | Temporarily suspends a scheduling class. |
Updates security data in a local area cluster. |
CONFIGURATION SET TIME | Updates system time. |
CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION | Displays cluster security data. |
CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME | Displays current system time. |
DEFINE/KEY | Defines a key to execute a SYSMAN command |
DISKQUOTA ADD | Adds an entry to a disk quota file. |
DISKQUOTA CREATE | Creates and enables a disk quota file for a volume that does not contain one. |
DISKQUOTA DELETE | Removes an entry from a quota file. |
DISKQUOTA DISABLE | Suspends disk quota operations on a volume. |
DISKQUOTA ENABLE | Resumes disk quota operations on a volume. |
DISKQUOTA MODIFY | Changes an entry in the quota file or adjusts the default quota and overdraft values. |
DISKQUOTA REBUILD | Reconstructs the disk usage counts for all entries. |
DISKQUOTA REMOVE | Removes an entry from a disk quota file. |
DISKQUOTA SHOW | Displays disk quotas and usage counts. |
DO | Executes a DCL command or DCL command procedure. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY ADD | Adds an entry to the System Dump Priority registry file. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY LIST | Lists the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY LOAD | Loads the contents of the System Dump Priority registry file into memory for BUGCHECK to use. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY MODIFY | Modifies an entry in the System Dump Priority registry file. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY REMOVE | Removes a record from the System Dump Priority registry file. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY SHOW | Lists the contents of the in-memory copy of the System Dump Priority registry file. |
++ DUMP_PRIORITY UNLOAD | Clears the in-memory copy of the System Dump Priority registry file. |
EXIT | Terminates the SYSMAN session and returns control to the DCL command level. |
HELP | Provides information about SYSMAN commands. |
++ IO AUTOCONFIGURE | Automatically identifies and configures all hardware devices attached to a system. |
++ IO CONNECT | Connects devices and loads device drivers. |
++ IO CREATE_WWID | Assigns a new device name to a new worldwide identifier (WWID). |
++ IO FIND_WWID | Detects all previously undiscovered tapes and medium changers. |
++ IO LIST_WWID | Lists all tape device worldwide identifiers (WWIDs) that are not yet configured on Fibre Channel. |
++ IO LOAD | Loads an I/O driver. |
++ IO REBUILD | Rebuilds all device configuration tables. |
++ IO REPLACE_WWID | Replaces one worldwide identifier (WWID) with another. |
++ IO SCSI_PATH_VERIFY | Checks each SCSI and FC path in the system to determine whether the attached device has been changed; if it has, the SCSI or FC path in the IO database is disconnected. |
++ IO SET EXCLUDE | Sets the permanent exclusion list to be used when configuring devices automatically. |
++ IO SET PREFIX | Sets the prefix used to build the IOGEN Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names. |
++ IO SHOW BUS | Lists the system's buses, node numbers, bus names, TR numbers, and base CSR addresses on the system. |
++ IO SHOW DEVICE | Displays information about devices, their drivers, and their I/O databases. |
++ IO SHOW EXCLUDE | Displays the permanent exclusion list used in the autoconfiguration of devices. |
++ IO SHOW PREFIX | Displays the current prefix list used to produce the IOGEN Configuration Building Module (ICBM) names. |
LICENSE LOAD | Activates a license that is registered in the LICENSE database. |
LICENSE UNLOAD | Deactivates a license that is registered in the LICENSE database. |
PARAMETERS DISABLE CHECKS | Inhibits range checks on system parameter values specified in subsequent PARAMETERS SET commands. |
PARAMETERS ENABLE CHECKS | Ensures that range checks are in effect. Enables range checks after a PARAMETERS DISABLE CHECKS command. |
PARAMETERS SET | Modifies the value of a system parameter in the work area. |
PARAMETERS SHOW | Displays the values of system parameters in the work area, plus the default, minimum, and maximum values of the parameters and their units of measure. |
PARAMETERS USE | Initializes the current work area with system parameter values and the name of the site-independent command procedure. |
PARAMETERS WRITE | Writes the system parameter values and the name of the site-independent command procedure from the work area to a parameter file, the current system parameter file, or the active system in memory. |
RESERVED_MEMORY ADD | On Alpha and Integrity servers, reserves an amount of physical memory, referred to as a memory reservation, in the Reserved Memory Registry data file. |
RESERVED_MEMORY EXTEND | On Alpha and Integrity servers, adds memory sections if you want to accommodate more than one Resource Affinity Domain (RAD) for a single memory reservation. |
RESERVED_MEMORY FREE | On running Alpha and Integrity servers, frees reserved memory. |
RESERVED_MEMORY LIST | On Alpha and Integrity servers, provides a preview of this reservation as it is currently stored in the Reserved Memory Registry data file. |
RESERVED_MEMORY MODIFY | On Alpha and Integrity servers, allows you to modify an existing entry in the Reserved Memory Registry data file. |
RESERVED_MEMORY REMOVE | On Alpha and Integrity servers, removes a reserved memory entry from the Reserved Memory Registry data file. |
RESERVED_MEMORY SHOW | On Alpha and Integrity servers, displays the memory reservations on the running system. |
SET ENVIRONMENT | Establishes a management context for subsequent SYSMAN commands. |
SET PROFILE | Modifies the default device and directory and the current privileges for the current management environment, and allows you to set DCL verification for future DO commands. |
SET TIMEOUT | Establishes the amount of time that SYSMAN waits for a node to respond. |
SHOW ENVIRONMENT | Displays the current command context. |
SHOW KEY | Displays key definitions. |
SHOW PROFILE | Displays the default device and directory and the current privileges. |
SHOW TIMEOUT | Displays the current timeout period. |
SHUTDOWN NODE | Shuts down one or more nodes simultaneously with a single command line. |
SPAWN | Creates a subprocess of the current process, where the context of the subprocess is copied from the current process. |
STARTUP ADD | Adds an executable file or command procedure to the startup database. |
STARTUP DISABLE | Prevents a component of the startup database from executing on one or more nodes in the environment. |
STARTUP ENABLE | Allows a component of the startup database to execute. |
STARTUP MODIFY | Edits a record in the startup database describing how a startup component executes. |
STARTUP REMOVE | Removes one or more components from the startup database. |
STARTUP SET DATABASE | Determines the default database. |
STARTUP SET OPTIONS | Controls logging and display of information for one or more nodes in a cluster during startup. |
STARTUP SHOW | Displays the name of the current startup database or its contents. |
SYS_LOADABLE ADD | Adds an executive loaded image to the set of images loaded at boot time. |
SYS_LOADABLE REMOVE | Removes an executive loaded image from the set of images loaded at boot time. |
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