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HP OpenVMS Systems

C Programming Language

HP OpenVMS Systems

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C Alpha Documentation

» Software Product Description
» Release Notes
» User's Guide [html]
» User's Guide [pdf]
» Language Reference [html]
» Language Reference [pdf]
» C RTL Reference [html]
» C RTL Reference [pdf]
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» RBI Letter
» Install Guide [html]
» Install Guide [pdf]
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HP C Version 7.3 for OpenVMS Alpha

This release includes comprehensive documentation for HP C Version 7.3 on OpenVMS Alpha systems.

For a full description of the C Version 7.3 product, see the HP C Software Product Description.

The Release Notes [pdf] provide important information about new features, compatibility with previous versions, and known restrictions.

The User's Guide [pdf] explains how to develop and debug C programs on OpenVMS systems, and provides information about OpenVMS features and tools that work with the compiler.

For reference information about the C language, read the Language Reference Manual [pdf].

For information about the functions and macros in the C Run-Time Library, read the C Run-Time Library Reference Manual [pdf].

For online help, use the $ HELP CC command.

If you have any questions about your installation, please review the
» RBI Letter and the
» Installation Guide [pdf].

HP C for OpenVMS Alpha is available on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Layered Products Library Package, which includes media and documentation on CD-ROM. Documentation in hardcopy format can be ordered separately.

To order the hardcopy documentation kit, request item QA-MU7AA-GZ.7.1.