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Production software

» BASEstar
» DECforms
» ACMSxp
» TP Web Connector


Real-time factory floor integration middleware. BASEstar integrates manufacturing applications and plant equipment by providing a core platform of services, device connect capabilities, and a robust user environment on a distributed, plant-wide network. BASEstar is available on HP Integrity servers for OpenVMS I64 and HP-UX operating systems, on AlphaServer systems for OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX operating systems, and on Microsoft Windows platforms.
» BASEstar product web site


General purpose forms-based user interface management system for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX supporting character cell terminals and MOTIF workstations. Integration with ACMS is now complete. This allows users to complete the migration from VAX to Alpha or mixed VAX and Alpha configurations.
» DECforms product web site


General purpose client/server transaction processing system for OpenVMS and Alpha environments. ACMS provides the performance, scalability, security, and data integrity required for implementing medium to large production systems applications. ACMS (via the ACMS Desktop product) supports broadest range of client platforms and network transports in the industry.
» ACMS product web site


ACMSxp for OpenVMS, Tru64 UNIX or Windows NT is standards based middleware to help high volume, mission-critical client/server business applications run more reliably, efficiently and securely. ACMSxp provides the capabilities needed to develop, deploy and manage these applications productively. ACMSxp incorporates the latest industry standards, including DCE, SPIRIT and STDL, for data communications and distributed computing-specifications that ensure portability and interoperability of applications across multivendor systems, while insuring transaction and data integrity, accuracy and completeness.
» ACMSxp product web site


DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, and now Integrity systems is a query, report, and data management tool for the OpenVMS Operating System. It provides a uniform access method for data stored by RMS, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle CODASYL DBMS files on OpenVMS and data residing in other databases accessible by the Oracle Rdb Transparent Gateway products. Using DATATRIEVE, a novice or experienced user can retrieve or modify data without considering the underlying storage method or physical location. With DATATRIEVE, achieve fast, user-transparent access to heterogeneous databases with minimal drain on computing resources.
» DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS SPDs (pdf file)


Older generation character cell terminal forms package. Available on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX thus allowing easy migration to Alpha.
» FMS for OpenVMS software produce description (pdf file)


Client/server middleware for widely distributed, applications that require continuous availability and data as well as transaction integrity across multiple platforms including HP, Intel, Sun, and IBM.
» RTR product web site


The TP Web Connector is a layered software product that enables seamless web access to business applications running on either ACMS or ACMSxp Transaction Processing (TP) systems. The TP Web Connector utilizes the Microsoft[R] Internet Information Server (IIS) and Active Server Platform. Both the ISAPI interface and Active Server Pages interface are supported.
» TPwebconnector product web site


TDMS is an older-generation character cell terminal forms package for transaction processing environments. DECforms migration tools are available via a third party.

HP TDMS Version 2.0 for OpenVMS is now available on both Integrity and Alpha. For Integrity, the TDMS V2.0 kit is included on the I64 Layered Products Library. For Alpha, the TDMS V2.0 kit is included on the Alpha Software Products Library.

» TDMS for OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers software product description (pdf file)

TDMS V1.9B is available on VAX.

» TDMS for OpenVMS VAX software product description (pdf file)