Can I integrate Office Server with the World Wide Web?
Yes. You need the Compaq Office Server Web Interface (COSWI). COSWI gives
you a window on your personal file cabinet, and any cabinets you share, from
any Internet-enabled web browser.
What about my existing investments in ALL-IN-1?
They are protected. Office Server can interact fully with all documents
created under earlier versions of ALL-IN-1, and all housekeeping and
maintenance jobs created under earlier versions of ALL-IN-1 will still operate
What about my existing investments in MailWorks?
You can easily migrate from DEC MailWorks to Compaq Office Server, using
the automatic server-based migration tool provided in the kit.
What is the File Cabinet Only option?
The File Cabinet Only (FCO) option lets you integrate Office Server with an
existing messaging system such as Microsoft Exchange or Outlook. When
installing Office Server you have the option of installing with only the File
Cabinet and AIDA Servers, and with no provision for local and remote mail (the
automatic mail messages sent periodically to system managers and administrators
are unaffected). This allows you to remain with an existing messaging solution,
but to use Office Server's File Cabinet as a hugely scalable information
Is there an IMAP4 Server for Office Server?
Yes. You must use one of the widely-used IMAP4 Clients (for example,
Outlook Express) to access documents stored on your IMAP4 Server.
How long does it take to install Office Server ?
Installing the Office Server has been simplified and (depending on
hardware, network configuration, and options chosen) can take less than an
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