These are mandatory requirements; Compaq Office Server will not run if
the prerequisite software for your system is not installed:
- operating system:
- on an OpenVMS VAX system
OpenVMS VAX V6.2 or higher
- on an OpenVMS Alpha system
OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 or
- networking software:
- for remote messaging using Message Router on an OpenVMS VAX
DECnet VAX end-node V5.5
- for remote messaging using Message Router on an OpenVMS Alpha
DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V1.5
- for systems using Compaq X.500 V4.0 or earlier (DIGITAL)
versions, or a Compaq (DIGITAL) directory with the MAILbus 400 MTA
DECnetPlus for OpenVMS . Note that DECnetPlus for
OpenVMS is also optional software for Message Router systems.
For optional requirements, which you need for Office Server to run in
particular ways in particular circumstances, see the Office Server Installation
Guide. Examples include:
- messaging software
- mail gateways
- directory software
- DEC Notes
- the CDA Converter Library (on OpenVMS VAX systems)
or DECwindows
(on OpenVMS Alpha systems)
- TCP/IP Services or software that emulates this, where Office Server
is to run in an environment that has client applications using the TCP/IP
network protocol